
Statement of Authenticity

I am a student with the following identity:

: Agus Ratnawati

Student Number

: 20130810103

Program Study

: English Education Department


: Faculty of Language Education


: Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Certify that the skripsi entitled “Error Analysis on The Use of Noun Phrase in
Students‟ Writing at SMA Muhammadiyah 7 Yogyakarta” is definitely my own
work. I am completely responsible for the content of this skripsi. Others‟ opinion
or findings included in this skripsi are quoted in accordance with ethical standard.

Yogyakarta, May 18th 2017
The researcher,

Agus Ratnawati



Believe in God’s plans, God knows what the best
plan for us

Just believe and worship Him



I would like to dedicate my praise, love, and gratitude to Allah SWT who
has been blessing and guiding me in every step of my life, so I could finish
writing my skripsi well.
I would like to express my gratitude to Ms. Noor Qomaria A, M.Hum
who had sincerely helped and guided me on making my skripsi better. I do not
know how should I express my gratitude to you. You are the best supervisor that I
ever had. You have spent your busy time to help me in finishing my skripsi. Your
kindness is unforgettable. Thank you so much Ms. Ari.
I would like to express my gratitude to Ms. Maryam Sorohiti,M.H.Sc
who had been my examiner. You are the most patient examiner that I ever had.
You always corrected every small grammatical mistake in my skripsi, I did
appreciate your work. I also thanked for spending your time to correct the errors
in my skripsi.
I would like to say thank you to Ms. Puput Afriandhani, MA who also

had been my examiner. I was impressed on your work in giving suggestions on
my skripsi. You were very detailed in correcting the mistakes even just a mistake
on one letter. You also gave me some suggestions to make my skripsi better.
Thank you Ms. Puput for spending your time to read and correct my skripsi.
I gratefully thank to Bu Nanik, the English teacher at SMA
Muhammadiyah 7 Yogyakarta who have helped me in collecting the data of this


skripsi. I do appreciate your time and your kindness to help me in doing my
I also want to say a bunch of thank you for my family who always loves
and support me. Thank you my mom, pah, and my beloved sister, Devi. I also say
thank you for always pray for me. Now, your prayer has been heard by God, and
your little daughter has been successful passing many obstacles during her study
in the university.
I am very grateful to have some close friends who always support me. The
first appreciation goes to Titik. Your support has motivated me to finish my
skripsi as soon as possible. I want to express my appreciation to Rahayu who also

have inspired me to finish my skripsi immediately. I also want to send my big
thanks to my best friend Any, Titik N, and Imah who always support me in
finishing my study.
The other thanks go to all of my friends. I want to say thank you to my
twin Zahro, my close friends in the university and in real life Rahmi, Nurul, and
Dini. Thank you for your prayer and support. I also want to express my heartfelt
thanks to my classmates in PBI C 2013, Izza, Royan, Dea, Akbar, Arifin, George,
Dina, Ita, Triana, Sasi, Melani, Billy, Ayu, Moli, Adil, Neti, El, Yasmine, Cici,
Ai, Arif, Rekas, Erinda, Eka, Ida, Najmul, Gesta, Isna, Vita, Daisy, Dewi, and
Hilmi who have been the most special friends during my study at EED UMY.
Lastly, I expect that this skripsi can be useful for all of us. Ameen.
The author
Agus Ratnawati


Table of Contents
Title Page ................................................................................................................. i
Approval Sheet ........................................................................................................ ii
Statement of Authenticity ...................................................................................... iii

Motto ...................................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgement................................................................................................... v
Table of Contents .................................................................................................. vii
List of Appendices .................................................................................................. x
Abstract .................................................................................................................. xi
Chapter One ............................................................................................................ 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1
Background of The Study ........................................................................... 1
Identification of The Problem ..................................................................... 3
Limitation of The Problem .......................................................................... 4
Research Question ....................................................................................... 4
Objective of The Study ............................................................................... 5
Significances of The Study ......................................................................... 5
Chapter Two ............................................................................................................ 7
Literature Review .................................................................................................... 7
Parts of Speech ............................................................................................ 7
Noun and Noun Phrase ................................................................................ 8


Modifiers ................................................................................................... 11
Post-Modifiers ........................................................................................... 12
Pre-Modifiers ............................................................................................ 13
Errors and Mistakes ................................................................................... 18
Error Analysis ........................................................................................... 19
Review of Previous Studies....................................................................... 20
Conceptual Framework ............................................................................. 23
Chapter Three ........................................................................................................ 25
Methodology ......................................................................................................... 25
Research Design ........................................................................................ 25
Setting and Participants ............................................................................. 25
Data Collection Method ............................................................................ 26
Data Analysis ............................................................................................ 27
Chapter Four ......................................................................................................... 29
Findings and Discussion ....................................................................................... 29
Findings ..................................................................................................... 29
Discussion ................................................................................................. 38
Chapter Five .......................................................................................................... 41
Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 41
Conclusion ................................................................................................. 41

Recommendations ..................................................................................... 44


References ............................................................................................................. 46
Appendices ............................................................................................................ 49


List of Appendices

Appendix 1. List of Errors .................................................................................... 49
Appendix 2. Total on The Use of Noun Phrases ................................................... 54
Appendix 3. Percentage of Errors on The Use of Noun Phrase ............................ 55