






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education



Stephanie Purwanti

Student Number: 051214141









  This study is dedicated to my parents, Bapak Lukas Tukiman and Ibu Christina Semiyem, and to my Senior High School, SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta



My deepest gratitude I devoted to My Father who always supports me

when I start to be downhearted. I also express my gratitude to Ag. Hardi Prasetyo,


S.Pd., M.A., my thesis sponsor, for his patience, guidance, and support so that I

finally can finish this thesis.

  I thank Sr. Cornelia, the headmistress of SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta for

allowing me to conduct this research. My great appreciation also goes to my

research participants: Bapak Sabas, Ibu Astuti, Antonius Jody, S.Pd., and Chosa

Kastuhandani, S.Pd. for the valuable inputs, comments, and suggestions for my


  I would like to appreciate all the lecturers and secretariat staff of PBI for

their assistance during my study. I thank my fellows: Andre, Dion, Verdi,

Bocong, Esti, Jule, Wewin, Gendis and all my classmates in PBI for wonderful

time we spent and forever friendship. I never forget AKL 1 (Anak Kost Legi 1) for

the support and craziness time.

  My indebtedness goes to my beloved parents and sisters who never let me

down in difficult situation. I dedicate my great appreciation to Yohanes

Pramudiko Setiaji for his affection and concern. His critical thinking sends me

back to reality that I thank him so much.

  At last, I thank everyone who help and support me for this thesis that I cannot mention their name one by one.

  Stephanie Purwanti



  TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………. i

APPROVAL PAGES…………………………………………………… ii

DEDICATION PAGE…………………………………………………... iv


ACKNOWLDEGEMENTS……………………………………………... vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………... vii

LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………. xi

LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………... xii

ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………….. xiii

ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………………... xiv

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Research Background………………………………………………..

  1 B. Problem Formulation…………………………………………………

  4 C. Problem Limitation…………………………………………………..

  4 D. Research Objectives………………………………………………….

  4 E. Research Benefits……………………………………………………

  5 F. Definition of Terms…………………………………………………..



1. Integrated Material……………………………………………….. 5

2. Instructional ………..…………………………………………….

  6 3. Multiple Intelligence Theory…………………………………….

  6 4. School Based Curriculum (KTSP)……………………………….


  5. Language Major of SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta……………….


  A. Theoretical Description………………………………………………

  9 1. Kemp’s Instructional Design Model.…………………………….

  9 2. Integrated Materials……………………………………………...

  13 3. The Description of Language Major……………………………..

  14 4. Multiple Intelligence Theory…………………………………….

  15 a. Definition of Human Intelligence……………………………..


  b. Description of the Eight Intelligences………………………… 16

  c. Implementing MI Theory in the Classroom…………………... 19 1) Recognizing Students’ Intelligences……………………….

  19 2) MI Activities Used in the Classroom………………………. 20 3) Deliberately Plan Lesson…………………………………...

  22 4) Teachers and Students’ Role……………………………….

  23 B. Theoretical Framework………………………………………………. 23

  CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Research Method…………………………………………………….


1. Research and Information Collecting……………………………..


2. Planning…………………………………………………………...


3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product………………………...



4. Preliminary Field Testing…………………………………………



5. Final Product Revision……………………………………………

  31 B. Research Participants………………………………………………...


1. Group of Research and Information Collecting…………………..



2. Group of Field Testing……………………………………………

  32 C. Research Instruments………………………………………………..


1. Observation Checklist…………………………………………….



2. MI Test……………………………………………………………




3. Interview………………………………………………………….


4. Questionnaires…………………………………………………….

  34 D. Data Gathering ………………………………………………………

  35 E. Data Analysis………………………………………………………...



1. Observation Checklist……………………………………………



2. Interview…………………………………………………………



3. Questionnaire.……………………………………………………

  36 F. Research Procedure…………………………………………………..

  40 CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. The Material Development…………………………………………..


1. Research and Information Collecting…………………………….


  a. Learners’ Characteristics……………………………………… 43

  b. Available Support Service…………………………………….. 45 c. Pre-Assessment………………………………………………..


2. Planning…………………………………………………………..


  a. Listing Basic Competencies, Competency Standards and Topics 48

b. Determining Learning Indicators……………………………..


  c. Listing Subject Contents………………………………………


3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product………………………..


  4. Field Testing Result……………………………………………… 58

  5. Main Product Revision……………………………………………. 61

B. The Designed Materials……………………………………………… 62

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions…………………………………………………………..

  64 B. Suggestions…………………………………………………………..


  ix REFERENCES………………………………………………………….

  68 APPENDICES Appendix A: Surat Ijin Penelitian………………………………………..

  70 Appendix B: List of Interview Questions……………………………….

  73 Appendix C: Observation Checklist and Result…………………………

  78 Appendix D: Research and Information Collecting Questionnaire……...

  80 Appendix E: Result of Research and Information Collecting Questionnaire 84 Appendix F: MI Test …………………………………………………….

  88 Appendix G: Result of MI Test………………………………………….

  91 Appendix H: Blue Print of Intelligences………………………………...

  94 Appendix I: Field Testing Questionnaire………………………………..

  96 Appendix J: Teacher’s Manual…………………………………………..

  99 Appendix K: The Final Version of the Designed Material…………….... 182



  Page 3.1 Observation List ……….…………………………………………….

  36 3.2 The Description of Field testing Respondents……………………….

  38 3.3 The Result of Field Testing Questionnaire…………………………..


  4.1 The Goals and General Purposes of the Designed Material…………


  4.2 The Goals and General Purposes of the Supplementary Material…… 49

  4.3 The Learning Topic of Materials…………………………………….. 50 4.4 The Learning Indicators ……………………………………………..

  51 4.5 The Learning Indicators for Supplementary Material ……………….


  4.6 The Learning Topics Organization ………………………………….. 55 4.7 The MI Test Result …………………………………………………..

  56 4. 8 The Background of the Respondents ……………………………….

  59 4. 9 The Result of Field Testing Questionnaire …………………………. 60




  2.1 Kemp’s Instructional Design Model…………………………… 13

  2.2 Steps of Developing Instructional Material……………………. 27

  3.1 The comparison of designed material steps with R&D cycle…. 31




Purwanti, Stephanie. 2010. Integrated English Instructional Materials Based on

Multiple Intelligence Theory for Language Major Grade Eleven of SMA Santa

Maria Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program,

Sanata Dharma University.

  Commonly schools only emphasize linguistic and logical-mathematical

intelligences. It minimizes the importance of other forms of knowing. Thus, many

students who fail traditional academic intelligences are held in low esteem and

their strengths may remain unrealized and lost both the school and society at large

(Gardner, 1993: xv). This study attempted to develop integrated materials based

on the multiple intelligence (MI) theory for language major grade eleven of SMA

  The areas of multiple intelligences to be elaborated in Santa Maria Yogyakarta.

this study are Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Bodily-

Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalist Intelligences

with four intelligences served as the entry point of lesson. By implementing MI

theory, students are able to recognize their own intelligence and employ it to learn

English better. Not only that the students feel better about themselves and more

competent, but also they can utilize the intelligence to solve problem in life.

  This study was aimed at answering two research problems: (a) how a set

of integrated English instructional materials based on multiple intelligence theory

for language major grade eleven of SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta is designed, and

(b) what a set of integrated English materials based on multiple intelligence theory

for language major grade eleven of SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta looks like.

  In order to answer the first problem, the writer employed Kemp’s

instructional design model (1977) and Borg & Gall’s (1986) Research and

Development (R&D) method. Due to time and resource limitation, only five steps

of R&D method were utilized, which were: (1) research and information

collecting, (2) planning, (3) developing preliminary form of product, (4) field

testing, and (5) final product revision.

  To obtain necessary data, research and information collecting was done by

conducting MI test and distributing questionnaire to 25 language major grade

eleven students, teachers and students interview, and school observation. Then,

the designed materials were evaluated by distributing field testing questionnaire to

two teachers and two lecturers. The result was analyzed using central tendency

and the mean of degree of agreement of the statements range 4-5, indicating that

the designed materials were well-designed and applicable. After the writer did

some revision based on the feedback and suggestions on field testing, the final

product was ready to use.

  The final product was served to answer the second problem, which consist

of eight units. Each unit consists of two meetings, each of which contains 4 parts:

‘Snapshot’, ‘Be Ready to Roll’, ‘Walk Ahead’, and ‘Watch My Progress’.

  Finally, the writer hopes the result of this study can be useful for students

to learn English best using their intelligence, as well as can serve as a model for

teachers who want to develop their own multiple intelligence based materials.




Purwanti, Stephanie. 2010. Integrated English Instructional Materials Based on

Multiple Intelligence Theory for Language Major Grade Eleven of SMA Santa

Maria Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata


  Pada umumnya sekolah hanya menerapkan kecerdasan linguistik dan

matematika. Hal ini meminimalkan pentingnya bentuk pembelajaran yang lain.

Karenanya, banyak siswa yang gagal menunjukkan kecerdasan akademik

tradisional merasa rendah diri and tidak sadar akan kekuatan mereka yang akan

merugikan baik di sekolah maupun di masyrakat pada umumnya. Penelitian ini

bertujuan untuk mengembangkan materi pembelajaran yang terintegrasi

berdasarkan teori kecerdasan majemuk untuk siswi kelas sebelas bahasa SMA

Santa Maria Yogyakarta. Area kecerdasan majemuk yang digunakan dalam

penelitian ini adalah Kecerdasan Berbahasa, Kecerdasan Logis Matematis,

Kecerdasan Spasial, Kecerdasan Kinestetik, Kecerdasan Musikal, Kecerdasan

Interpersonal, Kecerdasan Intrapersonal, dan Kecerdasan Natural dengan empat

kecerdasan sebagai entry point dalam pelajaran.

  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan yaitu: (a)

bagaimanakah cara merancang materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris berdasarkan

teori kecerdasan majemuk untuk siswi kelas sebelas bahasa SMA Santa Maria

Yogyakarta, dan (b) seperti apakah pembelajaran yang dimaksud.

  Guna menjawab pertanyaan pertama, peneliti menggunakan model

rancangan pembelajaran Kemp (1977) dan metode penelitian dan pengembangan

(R&D) Borg & Gall (1986). Karena keterbatasan waktu dan sumber daya, hanya

lima langkah dari metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) yang diterapkan,

yaitu: (1) pengumpulan hasil-hasil penelitian dan informasi, (2) perencanaan, (3)

pengembangan bentuk awal produk, (4) uji lapangan, dan (5) revisi akhir produk.

  Untuk memperoleh data-data yang diperlukan, pengumpulan hasil-hasil

penelitian dan informasi dilakukan dengan melakukan tes kecerdasan majemuk

dan menyebarkan kuesioner pada 25 siswi kelas sebelas bahasa, mewawancarai

guru-guru dan siswi, dan melakukan pengamatan sekolah. Materi yang telah

dirancang kemudian dievaluasi dengan menyebarkan kuesioner pada dua guru dan

dua dosen. Hasil kuesioner dianalisa mengggunakan kecenderungan memusat

(central tendency) dan nilai rata-rata tingkat kesetujuan dari pernyataan-

pernyataan yang diberikan adalah 4-5, yang menunjukkan bahwa materi

pembelajaran telah dirancang dengan baik dan dapat diterapkan. Setelah peneliti

melakukan beberapa revisi berdasarkan saran-saran pada uji lapangan, produk

akhir siap untuk digunakan.

  Produk akhir merupakan jawaban pertanyaan kedua, yang terdiri dari

delapan unit. Masing-masing unit terdiri dari materi untuk dua kali pertemuan,

yang masing-masing terdiri dari empat bagian yaitu ‘Snapshot’, ‘Be Ready to

Roll’, ‘Walk Ahead’, dan ‘Watch My Progress’.

  xiv Akhirnya, penulis berharap hasil penelitian dapat berguna bagi siswa siswi

untuk dapat belajar Bahasa Inggris sebaik mungkin dengan menggunakan

kecerdasan majemuk dan juga bagi para guru yang secara mandiri

mengembangkan materi bedasarkan teori kecerdasan majemuk.



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the basis of the study; research background, problem


formulation, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and

definition of terms related to the study.

A. Research Background

  The rapid growth development in educational world expects greater effort

for teachers to enhance students’ quality. The curriculum has been changed not

only once or twice but many to find out the best suitable pillar for education in

Indonesia. KTSP (Kompetensi Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan), which is also known

as School Based Curriculum (SBC), is now carried out in Indonesia. It gives

authority to every school in curriculum development. Schools are free to develop

and select the learning objectives, learning materials, and learning methodologies

that best suit their learners’ potentials, stage of development, needs, as well as the

community’s demands (Act no. 20/2003 about the National Educational System).

It is hoped that teachers become more creative whereby many options can be

taken to decide the objectives, the most appropriate materials and strategies which

enable students to perform the best.

  Deciding the suitable strategies for students is not an easy work since each

student covers different cognitive strength and contrasting style (Gardner,

1993:6). The way they learn is diverse in each individual. This human cognitive




competence described in terms of a set of abilities, talents or mental skills which

is commonly known in terms of intelligences. In the past, people measure whether

they are smart or not by taking a test. In fact, the test only measures two kinds of

intelligences namely linguistic intelligence and logical-mathematical intelligence.

  Then, schools emphasize these two kinds of intelligences.

  The restriction to focusing on certain intelligences minimizes the

importance of other form of knowing. Thus, many students who fail to

demonstrate the traditional academic intelligences are held in low esteem and

their strength may remain unrealized and lost to both the school and society at

large. Students cannot fully develop because the strategies and evaluation in

learning process only covers two kinds of intelligences; linguistics intelligence

and logical-mathematical intelligence.

  Then, Gardner broke down people’s belief about two intelligences.

Gardner conceived Multiple Intelligences Theory (MI Theory) that individual

actually has at least eight distinct intelligences that can be developed over time

(Gardner, 1993 as cited by Campbell, Campbell, and Dickinson, 2004: xx).

Intelligences should not be limited to those two intelligences that have been

identified. He considers potential new intelligences including existential, moral

and spiritual intelligences (Gardner, 1993: 47).

  Using MI theory, teachers are able to develop strategies they consider

suitable for each students. Students have opportunities to learn through their

strength and their life will be enriched through developing many kinds of

intelligence to the greater extent possible. In this study, MI theory is chosen as the



basis for the designed material because of some reasons. Firstly, MI theory can be

adapted to education system. Secondly, education has utilized MI theory as the

way students learn. Thirdly, MI theory is learner centered which concerns with

students and their intelligences. It encourages students to be actively involved in

learning activity as well as real activity. Fourthly, the practice of MI theory is not

limited by the age and environment.

  Seeing the reasons above, it is possible to employ MI theory as a

framework in developing materials for language major grade eleven of SMA Santa

Maria Yogyakarta . There are not many schools that provided with language major

for students. SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta considering students’ different talents

and interest provides language major for their students. It is expected that students

are able to develop their language ability more than science and social majors.

This is the reason why language needs to be more explored in the language major.

Using MI theory, teacher can maximize students’ English proficiency by

providing materials and situations which encompass students’ intelligences. By

doing so, students will learn language easily and comfortably, which encourage

students to improve their English proficiency.

  Based on Standard Operational Procedures (Depdiknas, 2006: 92),

language skill includes listening, speaking, reading and writing which can be used

for social life. Each skill is related and cannot be separated. Those four skills are

incorporated in integrated English material as School Based Curriculum

emphasizes. Thus, this study attempts to develop integrated English instructional



materials based on Multiple Intelligence theory for language major of SMA Santa

Maria Yogyakarta.

  B. Problem Formulation In this study, the writer formulates two problems:

  1. How is the integrated English instructional material based on Multiple Intelligence theory for language major grade eleven of SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta designed?

  2. What does the integrated English instructional material based on Multiple Intelligence theory for language major grade eleven of SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta look like?

  C. Problem Limitation This study was limited to design the integrated English instructional

materials based on Multiple Intelligence theory for language major grade eleven

of SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta. The designed material was based on SBC

(School Based Curriculum). The designed material is not implemented. However,

the designed material is assessed in the end by distributing questionnaire to

English teachers and lecturers.

  D. Research Objectives Two objectives of this study are stated as follows:


  1. to design the integrated English instructional material based on Multiple Intelligence theory for language major grade eleven of SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta.

  2. to present the integrated English instructional material based on Multiple Intelligence theory for language major grade eleven of SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta.

  E. Research Benefits The result of this study is expected to be beneficial for English teachers in

particular, especially for teachers and students of language major grade eleven of


SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta. The designed material can be referential in

teaching and learning English. Additionally, the result of this study is expected to

serve as a model and guideline for teachers to develop their own materials based

on multiple intelligence theory.

  The writer hopes that teachers are now more concerned with students’

intelligences and are able to employ the intelligences to support teaching-learning

process. By doing so, it will produce the best result of learning process.

Furthermore, it is expected that students are not only able to solve problem in

learning process but also in further situation in the real-world.

  F. Definition of Terms The terms that would be defined in this part are Integrated Material,

Instructional, Multiple Intelligences Theory, School Based Curriculum and

  Language Major of SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta.


  1. Integrated Material Richards and Rodgers (2001:64) defines integrated material as learning material which focuses on the mastery of the integrated communicative skills rather than a mere mastery of the rules of the target language. Integrated material in this study refers to learning material that combines the exploration of two or more language skills in one lesson, rather than teaches each skill in isolation.

  2. Instructional The instructional process is complex. It is composed of many interrelated

parts and functions that must operate in a coherent manner in order to achieve

success (Kemp, 1977: 6). Banathy also defines instruction as any interaction

between learners and environment through which they are making progress

toward the attainment of specific purpose, knowledge, skill, and attitude (1997:

3). In this study, instructional is defined as the whole process of designing

integrated English materials and all activities presented in the designed material to

achieve learning objectives.

  3. Multiple Intelligences Theory Multiple intelligence theory is introduced by Howard Gardner. He believes

that there is a pluralistic view of mind and recognizes people who have different

cognitive strengths and contrasting cognitive style, which is viewed as

intelligence (Gardner, 1993: 6). MI theory has profound impact on thinking and

practice in education.


  The multiple intelligences are perceived as instructional process capable of

enhancing students learning in any discipline (Gardner, 1993: 231). By exploring

and using intelligences in each individual, students can learn in their best way to

gain the best result. MI theory emphasizes the importance of students

understanding and not repetition of memorizing. In this study, MI theory is used

to be the basis of design development.

  4. School Based Curriculum ( KTSP) SBC is the recent curriculum promoted in 2006 in Indonesia. SBC is

applied in order for educational institution to be independent and initiative

through the given of autonomy and supported participative taking decision in

developing curriculum (Mulyasa, 2007: 22). This means school may also design a

type of syllabus which is suitable for the school condition and needs. Not only

that, teacher may design a lesson unit plan which is suitable for the classroom

characteristics and condition. The 2006 edition of School Based Curriculum is to

provide students with the communicative ability to speak English which are

needed for their life. It is clear that SBC is ‘assisting learners to gain the

communicative and linguistic skills they need to carry out real-world tasks’

(Nunan, 1988: 22).

  5. Language Major of SMA Santa Maria Yogyakarta SMA Santa Maria is located in JL. Bridgen Katamso Yogyakarta. The

students are female only. In grade eleven, students are divided into three types of

class. One of them is language major. The number of students in language major



is about twenty five students who come from different academic backgrounds.

Grade eleven of language major is the subject of the study.


CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter presents some theories which support this study to answer the


problem stated in the previous chapter. There are two major points to be discussed

in this chapter. The first one is theoretical description which discusses the relevant

theories underlying the study and second is theoretical framework which focuses

on the steps in developing designed material.

A. Theoretical Description

  In this section, some theories related to the study will be elaborated. There

are theories of instructional design model, integrated materials, the description of

language major, and multiple intelligences.

1. Kemp’s Instructional Design Model The model of instructional design presented in this study is Kemp’s model.


Kemp’s instructional design is more flexible than other instructional design

because the designer does not need to follow the steps in sequence. The designer

can start from any step as long as the whole step is complete.

  Kemp (1977:8-9) states that this model is able to answer three problems in

instructional design. Those three problems are considered as the essential element

of instructional design. They are objectives, activities and resources and the last is




evaluation. Kemp’s instructional design (Kemp, 1997: 8-91) consists of eight

parts, as follows: a. Determine goals, topics, and the purposes for teaching each topic

  In determining instructional design, the designer should consider goals,

list the topics, and state the general purposes for teaching each topic. The goals

relate to broad competencies that will help learners to participate satisfactory in

society (Kemp, 1997: 14). Topics are listed in sequence from simple to complex

level which also considers learner’s prior knowledge and its correlation with

another course. General purpose does not state precise learning objective. It

expresses students’ expectation and teachers’ accomplishment.

  b. Enumerate characteristics of the learners The designer has to obtain all information about learners’ characteristics

that will affect the emphases in instructional planning. The learners’

characteristics are identified as the learners’ capabilities, needs and interests

(Kemp, 1997: 18). The information influences the topic selection, level, objectives

choices and sequences, and learning activities variety. Other factors such as

learning conditions and learning styles should be taken when planning as well. All

of the information can be obtain from students’ history, teachers and counselor’s

consultation, questionnaires and pre-assessment test (Kemp, 1997: 19).


Enumerating characteristics of the learners to discover how the learners prefer to

learn brings the pleasant and effective learning process.


  c. Identifying the learning objectives Specifying the objectives is the essential part as it is the outcome of the

instruction. The objectives must be maintained in activities that best promote

learning. That is why the designer has to beware in indicating objectives before

selecting learning activities. The objectives should be measurable, and stated

clearly and specifically in order to students are able to achieve it. Yet, identifying

objectives requires refinements, changes, and additions as developing subsequent

planning steps (Kemp, 1997: 24).

  d. List the subject content Subject content is closely related to the objectives and students’ needs. It

contains content organization and task analysis. Content organization is to prepare

an outline of what will be taught, while task analysis is a process to identify and

specify subject content.

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