A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education





  “There is no elevator to success.

  You have to take the stairs.”  I dedicate this thesis to my family, my friends, and myself.



Putri, Christiana Anindya. (2015). The Causes of Loneliness as Experienced by

Toru Watanabe in Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood. Yogyakarta: English

Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

  This study discusses the causes of loneliness which is depicted in

Norwegian Wood , a novel written by a Japanese author named Haruki Murakami.

The novel tells about Toru Watanabe who encounters loneliness during his college time and it worsens after the death of his best friend. The loss of his beloved one disconnects him from those around him and it leads him into loneliness.

  The aim of this study is to discover the causes of loneliness as experienced by Toru Watanabe as the major character of the novel. Two research problems are formulated in this study, i. e.

  1) How is Toru Watanabe’s character described in the novel? and 2) What are the causes of loneliness as experienced by Toru Watanabe?

  To answer both research questions, the writer used library research as the method of this study. Psychological approach was applied in this study because it focuses on the psychological side of human being. The primary source of the study was a novel entitled Norwegian Wood. Meanwhile, the secondary sources of this study were books, journals, and articles that contained the related theories or reviews about psychological approach, loneliness, theory of character and characterization, and theory of human needs.

  From the analyses, the study reveals that Toru Watanabe is described as a loner, caring, ordinary, unconfident, and self-doubted person. In addition, there are three causes of loneliness as experienced by Toru Watanabe, namely Toru lacks of companionship, Toru is unable to attain his desired relationship with Naoko, and Toru lacks of belongingness and love needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.

  The suggestions for the future researchers who are interested in analyzing


Norwegian Wood are to discover the causes of loneliness as experienced by other

  characters, such as Naoko. In addition, the future researchers may also explore about Naoko and her schizophrenia. Besides, since there are some characters who commit suicide in the young age, the future researchers may also analyze the meaning of death as seen by Toru Watanabe.

  Keywords: Norwegian Wood, loneliness, causes



Putri, Christiana Anindya. (2015). The Causes of Loneliness as Experienced by

Toru Watanabe in Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan

  Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Penelitian ini membahas tentang kesepian yang diceritakan dalam

Norwegian Wood, sebuah novel karya penulis Jepang bernama Haruki

Murakami. Novel ini menceritakan tentang Toru Watanabe, tokoh yang

mengalami kesepian yang terjadi setelah kematian sahabatnya. Rasa kehilangan

yang dialami oleh Toru Watanabe membuatnya menjauh dari orang-orang di

sekitarnya dan mengakibatkan rasa kesepian.

  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan penyebab kesepian

yang dialami oleh Toru Watanabe sebagai tokoh utama dalam novel. Dua

masalah telah dirumuskan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu 1) Bagaimana tokoh Toru

Watanabe digambarkan dalam novel? dan 2) Apakah penyebab kesepian yang

dialami oleh Toru Watanabe? Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut, penulis menggunakan studi

pustaka sebagai metode penelitian. Pendekatan psikologi juga diterapkan karena

pendekatan tersebut membahas tentang sisi psikologis manusia. Sumber primer

dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah novel yang berjudul Norwegian Wood. Sumber

sekunder dari penelitian ini adalah buku, jurnal, dan artikel yang terdiri dari

teori atau ulasan yang berkaitan dengan pendekatan psikologi, kesepian, teori

karakter dan karakterisasi, serta teori kebutuhan manusia.

  Berdasarkan analisa data, hasil temuan dapat disimpulkan sebagai

berikut. Pertama, Toru Watanabe digambarkan sebagai tokoh yang penyendiri,

perhatian, sederhana, tidak percaya diri dan meragukan diri sendiri. Kedua,

penyebab kesepian yang dialami oleh Toru Watanabe adalah Toru tidak

mempunyai banyak teman, Toru tidak dapat mencapai hubungan yang

dikehendakinya dengan Naoko dan Toru kekurangan kebutuhan akan rasa cinta

dan rasa memiliki, kebutuhan akan harga diri, dan kebutuhan akan aktualisasi


  Saran untuk penelitian lebih lanjut yang tertarik untuk menganalisa

Norwegian Wood yaitu menemukan penyebab kesepian yang dialami oleh

karakter lain, yaitu Naoko. Terlebih lagi, peneliti berikutnya dapat meneliti

tentang Naoko dan penyakit schizophrenia yang dideritanya. Selain itu, karena

banyaknya karakter yang bunuh diri di usia muda, para peneliti berikutnya dapat

menganalisa makna dari kematian dilihat oleh Toru Watanabe.

  Keywords: Norwegian Wood, loneliness, causes



  First of all, I would like to send my greatest gratitude and praise to Jesus


Christ. I truly thank Him for His endless blessing and love upon the process of

  writing this thesis. I believe that without His guidance I would not have been able to finish this thesis and give my best and my very best.

  The greatest gratitude and deep appreciation of mine go to my thesis advisor Ibu Veronica Triprihatmini, S.Pd., M.Hum., M.A. who has patiently guided and encouraged me during this challenging process of writing my thesis. I thank her for the valuable advices, correction, suggestions, and motivation given to me sincerely. Her dedication has surely led me to finish the thesis successfully. I also owe a great debt to all lecturers of English Language Education Study


Program for their assistance during my study in Sanata Dharma University. I

  would peculiarly thank Drs. Barli Bram M.Ed., Ph.D. for being a supportive academic advisor of my class. Besides, I also thank all staff of English Language

  Education Study Program for all the help during my study.

  My deep gratitude also goes to my beloved family: Bapak Antonius


Purwono Budi Santoso, Ibu Laurentia Sri Waluyajati and Mas Ignatius

Aditya Pratama for their sincere and unconditional love, and support in many

  aspects. My gratitude also goes to my big families, House of Maridi and House


of Darmopuspito for all support and prayers given to me. May God always grant

them joys and peace.

  My sincerest thanks also go to my beloved best friends

  • Dhea, Siwi,

  Mbak Nay , Ratih, Gistha, Ajeng, Yeskha, and Tika

  • – for helping, reminding, and supporting me in writing my thesis and for all the ups and downs that we have been through together. I also would like to thank my best friends who have been great companions since six years ago and still counting: Bernadetta Prawesti,


Eska Nugrahaeningtyas and Fransiska Novieta. For every companion, support

  and togetherness, I thank my Global Leadership Program buddies (Billy,


Detha, Lili, Nino, Nafta), all best friends in Galaxy, all best friends in Adele, all

  best friends in Kelompok 39 KKN XLVII USD, and all good friends in ELESP


Sanata Dharma University batch 2010. I also would like to express my

  appreciation to my friends in OMK Santo Laurensius for spending time together and forgetting thesis for a while. I also want to address my gratitude to


Mas Paskalis Damar Aji Kurnia, S.Pd, and Mbak Musrifatun Nangimah,

S.Pd. for proofreading my thesis and giving valuable suggestions.

  Last but not least, I want to address my gratitude to those people who sincerely motivate, inspire, and help me in many ways. I apologize for not being able to mention the names one by one. May God grant them His sincere love and blessing.

  Christiana Anindya Putri




  TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................. i APPROVAL PAGES ................................................................................. ii DEDICATION PAGE ................................................................................ iv v STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ...........................................


PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI ........................................... vi

  ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... vii


ABSTRAK ................................................................................................... viii

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................... xi LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................ xiii


  1 Background of the Study ....................................................


  4 Problem Formulation ..........................................................


  5 Objectives of the Study ......................................................


  5 Benefits of the Study ..........................................................


  6 Definition of Terms ............................................................


  8 Review of Related Study ....................................................


  9 Review of Related Theories ...............................................


  9 Psychological Approach to Literature ...........................


  10 Theory of Character .......................................................


  11 Theory of Characterization ............................................


  12 Theory of Human Needs .................................................


  15 Review about Loneliness ...............................................


  20 Theoretical Framework ......................................................


  22 Object of the Study .............................................................


  23 Approach of the Study ........................................................


  23 Method of the Study ...........................................................


  25 The Description of Toru Watanabe ....................................


  27 A Loner ..........................................................................


  33 An Ordinary Person .......................................................


  35 A Caring Person .............................................................


  40 A Self-Doubted Person ..................................................


  The Causes of Loneliness as Experienced by Toru Watanabe ...................................................................

  43 1.

  43 Lack of Companionship ..................................................


  48 Unable to Attain His Desired Relationship ...................

  3. Lack of Belongingness and Love Needs, Esteem Needs, and Self-Actualization Needs ........................................


  60 Conclusions ........................................................................


  62 Implications ........................................................................


  66 Suggestions ......................................................................... REFERENCES ...........................................................................................




Page APPENDIX I Summary of Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood .......

  70 APPENDIX II Biography of Haruki Murakami .....................................


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter is divided into five parts. The first part is background of the

  study which explains the description of the topic and also the reasons why the topic is chosen. The second is the objectives of the study that describes the aim of conducting the research. The third is problem formulation which consists of two questions that describe the problems which will be answered. The next part is the benefits of the study that identifies the benefits for the writer, the reader in general, and the next researchers. The last is definition of terms which presents some terms related to the study and its explanation.

A. Background of the Study Humans are not just biological creatures; they are social creatures as well.

  Living in this world insist s human to be social creatures because human’s life depends on other humans. All human beings are unable to live without others. Thus, they have to build relationship in order to fulfill their needs. Besides, all of us need other people in order to be well and thrive. It also means that their survival also depends on another human’s effort and help. The relationship and connections among humans are the key of survival even happiness. For instance, people need others to talk to and to have fun in order to be happy.

  As social creatures, all human beings need to interact with others. However, there are some people who choose to withdraw themselves from society and tend to be alone. Those who withdraw themselves from society might have difficulties in establishing relationship with others. People who have difficulty in establishing relationships will have negative effect, for instance: loneliness. Loneliness is an unpleasant psychological experience which occurs in human being’s life. According to Perlman and Peplau (1984), a person’s characteristics such as shyness, low self-esteem, introversion, and lack of social skill are able to trigger loneliness. Dissatisfaction with the quality of actual relationship and the loss of an important relationship through death or breaking up can also cause loneliness.

  People can be lonely or feel the loneliness while they are in the middle of a crowd. Baron and Byrne (1987) state that loneliness can be a situation when a person feels isolated and friendless although he or she is in the midst of crowd (p. 521). People can feel lonely while being surrounded by others because there is no desire for social interaction or they are unsatisfied with the relationship that is currently available. Losing the beloved one by death can also make a person feel lonely. It is supported by Perlman and Peplau (1984) who say that the loss of an important relationship through death, divorce, or breaking up is a factor of loneliness (p. 23). When a person suffers from broken heart or losing the beloved one, psychologically, he or she will feel the sadness. When someone feels sad, physically, he or she probably will express the sad feelings with negative behaviors. One of the examples is the person will close himself or herself from others, which can lead into loneliness.

  Losing beloved one because of death is one example of the events which happens in our real life. Normally, the sad feelings will slowly disappear and new hopes to start a new life will come as well. However, if the sad feelings stay in one’s heart for a long time, it will influence his or her life. The condition of losing a beloved one happens in Toru Watanabe, the major character of Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood. Toru Watanabe has lost his best friend and he experiences loneliness during his adolescent.

  Set in Tokyo in the 1960s, the story focuses on Toru Watanabe, a university student who is haunted by the suicide of his best friend named Kizuki, which brings him into his loneliness and withdrawal toward society. Toru falls in love with Naoko, Kizuki’s girlfriend who is isolated in her own mind. The death of Kizuki affects Toru and Naoko deeply and it also brings Naoko into depression. Both decide to attend college in Tokyo where they can get away from their past memories. After a chance encounter on a train, Toru reignites his friendship with Naoko and recalls his love to Naoko. As their relationship deepens, it becomes apparent that Naoko is encountering depression. When they are separated, Toru hopes that Naoko will recover, but his life becomes more complicated when he meets an outgoing girl named Midori.

  In this study, the writer uses a novel as the subject of the study. According to Holman and Harmon (1986), novels are representations in fictional narrative of life or experience (p. 336). Novel, as one example of literary works, presents the reflection of human life which involves various characters and conversations in happens in the novel also happens in the reality. Novel also brings out many things in life which the readers have not experienced before. When reading a novel, the readers are invited to visualize what they are reading with their own imagination and, if possible, act as if they were one of the characters in the novel.

  In addition, by reading the novel, the readers are able to get and learn some life values provided in the story.

  The writer chooses Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami because this novel presents the real life events, i.e. losing beloved one and how to cope with the grief. Besides, the sense of loneliness happens in the life of most characters, including Toru Watanabe as the major character. Toru withdraws himself from society and he feels lonely although he is in a crowded place. The suicide of his best friend makes Toru deal with the grief and the loss of his beloved one.

  From all those statements, the writer finds that the sorrow of loss is unavoidable. When a person unable to deals with the grief of losing and step forward, he or she will stick to the past and it might cause loneliness. Therefore, the writer wants to see the causes of loneliness as experienced by Toru Watanabe in Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood.

B. Problem Formulation

  Based on previous explanation, the problems of this study can be formulated as follows:

1. How is Toru Watanabe’s character described in the novel? 2.

  C. Objectives of the Study

  The objective of the study is to discover the causes of loneliness as experienced by Toru Watanabe, the major character of Haruki Murakami’s


Norwegian Wood . In order to discover the causes of loneliness, this study will

  focus on analyzing the characteristic of Toru Watanabe. The characteristics of Toru Watanabe and the causes of loneliness will be presented in chapter IV of this study.

  D. Benefits of the Study

  The study hopefully brings some benefits in many ways for the writer and the reader as well. First, it is expected that this study will become one of the information sources and enrich the knowledge for those who read Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood. Second, the readers and the writer are able to study the deeper message from the novel. Hopefully, the readers can get a better understanding about the novel since this study tries to explore the characteristic of Toru Watanabe as the major character and the causes of loneliness which is experienced by Toru. Third, the writer hopes this study can be beneficial for Sanata Dharma University students, especially for English Language Education Study Program, by providing learning materials. For the next researchers which related to the subject of this study, hopefully this study can give a contribution to the deeper comprehensive study concerned in literary works, especially in the interpretation of Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood.

E. Definition of Terms

  The following is the important terms used in this study. In order to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, the important terms used in this study are clarified, namely loneliness and character.

  1. Loneliness

  Loneliness is a psychological experience which occurs in human being’s life and it is typically an unpleasant experience. According to Peplau and Perlman (1982), loneliness is a feeling which appears whenever a person is unable to attain his or her desired relationship (as cited in Baron, 1974, p. 521). Loneliness is different from solitude, as Tillich (1985) already states that solitude expresses the joy of being alone, while loneliness expresses the pain of feeling alone (as cited in Vanhalst, 2012, p. 4). This study will discover the causes of loneliness as experienced by the major character of Murakami’s Norwegian Wood. Besides, the phrase “the causes of loneliness” means to explain the nature of loneliness as experienced by Toru Watanabe in the novel.

  2. Character

  Characters are the important element in literary works because characters inhabit the story and build the readers’ interest. Abrams (2012) defines characters as the persons which are introduced in a narrative or dramatic work and interpreted by the readers through the dialogues and the actions (p. 46). The a story and described by the readers through his or her action, appearance, and speech to find the personality. In this study, the character which will be observed is Toru Watanabe, the major character in Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood.

CHAPTER II REVIEWS OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter presents the theories which are used to analyze the topic of

  the study. It is divided into three parts, namely review of related study, review of related theories and theoretical framework. Review of related study reviews other related study on the same work which has been done previously. Review of related theory presents several theories which will be applied for conducting the study. Meanwhile, theoretical framework explains the contribution of the theories to solve the problem and the reason why this study applies such theories.

A. Review of Related Study

  Norwegian Wood is a novel written by a Japanese author named Haruki

  Murakami. Since this novel is interesting to discuss, there are many studies and articles discussed this novel. One of them is an article written by Christopher Mihalo which is entitled

  “The Triviality of a Pop Song: How Murakami’s

Character’s Overcome Detachedness”. This study analyzed the detachedness of

  Toru Watanabe, the major character in Murakami’s Norwegian Wood, and discussed the details of the events that lead Toru to his ultimate reentry into society. In his study, Mihalo discovered seve ral leading factors of Toru’s detachment with society, one of them is Toru recalls his love for Naoko. Because of his detachment from society, Toru shows a failure to communicate with others.

  However, Toru is preferred to live in a comfortable solitude which means that his solitude and detachment are a conscious choice.

  In his study, Mihalo stated that being detached from society means a person cares only on himself or herself. Thus, he concluded that overcoming detachment can be done by conveying feeling towards others. It can be seen on the novel when Toru is finally able to portray any internal feeling besides loneliness and this feeling is directed towards another person.

  This study is also going to analyze the same character on the previous study. However, the goal of this study is different from the goal of previous study.

  The previous study analyzed how Toru Watanabe overcomes his detachment. Meanwhile, this study will analyze the character of Toru Watanabe and discover the causes of loneliness as experienced by Toru Watanabe.

B. Review of Related Theories

  There are numbers of theories related to this study. This part includes those theories used in conducting this study. They are theory of character, theory of characterization, theory of human needs, and review of loneliness.

1. Psychological Approach to Literature

  Rohberger and Woods (1971) note that there are five critical approaches used to analyze a work of literature, one of them is a psychological approach.

  Psychological approach is an approach which focuses on the character’s feeling, psychological approach analyzes a novel from psychological side of human beings. It intends to understand the pattern of human personality and behavior.

  Thus, the characters’ behavior and thought can be appropriately understood by using a psychological approach (pp. 6-15). In this study, a psychological approach is used to explore the information related to the personality of a character from the psychological point of view.

2. Theory of Character

  Character is one element in a novel despite setting, plot, theme, symbolism, point of view, etc. In the novel, characters have important roles since they enliven the story and build the readers’ interest. The creations of character make the readers understand and experience what the author wants to convey through the works since characters are the representation of human being. Abrams (2012) defines characters as the persons introduced in a dramatic or narrative work that show moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities which are revealed through the action and the dialogue (p. 46). In this point, character is understood as the qualities that describes a particular figure in the story.

  Characters in fiction drama have many categories, depending on the context. Henkle (1977) divides characters into two categories, namely major character and secondary character or minor character (p. 88). Henkle defines major character as a character which is presented with fullness of detail and he or she usually becomes the central or the focus of the story. The importance of major beginning until the end of the story. On the other hand, minor character or secondary character is a character which appears just in certain event and performs limited function in the story. However, minor characters are important to strengthen the development of major character since they become the background of the major character.

  In addition, Foster (1927) distinguishes the characters into two kinds, namely flat and round character (as cited in Barnet, 2011, p. 358-359). A flat character is relatively simple and static. It usually has only one trait or feature and does not change as the story progresses. Compared to flat character, a round character is presented with several traits. It is likely to be complex and dynamic, in which the character changes at the end of the story.

3. Theory of Characterization

  Characterization has an important role in a novel. Kennedy and Gioia (2011) define characterization as a technique used by the author to create, reveal, or develop the characters (p. 106). This is supported by Rohrberger and Woods (1971) who declare that characterization is a process in which the author creates a character. It means that the author can create the living characters which will influence the reader’s perspective on a literary work through characterization.

  In characterizing an individual in literary works, the author may use some methods. Murphy (1972) proposes nine ways in which an author conveys the personalities of the characters in order to be understandable for the readers. It can attribute which may refer to the way character’s dresses. The authors also can give the readers direct knowledge about the character from what he or she is saying and thinking about. Past life of the character also gives some hints of events that contribute in shaping the character. Besides, the author can describe the character indirectly through the eyes and opinions of other characters. It can be seen through conversation of others and things they say about him or her. Moreover, the author can present his or her comment on the character directly in order to make the character is easy to be understood. Also, the author can give clues of one’s character by presenting how a person reacts to various situation and conflict and describing that person’s mannerism, habits, or unusual features (pp. 161-173).

  It means that the author can show the character directly and indirectly. Both of them are used to make the readers understand the character of the story. By understanding the character, the readers are able to imagine what kind of person he or she is.

4. Theory of Human Needs

  Maslow (1954) develops hierarchy of needs which becomes the most popular theory of human needs. The basis of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is that human beings are motivated by unsatisfied needs, and that the needs on the lowest stage should be satisfied first before the higher needs can be fulfilled. According to Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs” (1954), there are five stages in hierarchy of needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is presented in the shape of a pyramid that bottom and the highest of need is placed at the top of the pyramid. According to Maslow (as cited in Feist, 2011, p.280-284), those five basic needs are:

  a. Physiological Needs Physiological needs are the basic, lowest and strongest one in the hierarchy of needs. This need covers the basic life needs such as water, food, oxygen, and so on. These needs must be fulfilled at some minimal level by each human in his or her life before someone is able to move to the higher level. If these needs are not fulfilled yet, the person will be not motivated to fulfill the higher level of needs. Physiological needs differ from other needs because it is the only needs which can be satisfied or even overly satisfied. Besides, physiological needs are able to reappear because of its recurring nature.

  b. Safety Needs After the physiological needs are fulfilled, human will start to pursue the higher level of needs which is safety or security needs. This includes physical security, stability, dependency, protection, and freedom from threatening forces i.e. war, terrorism, illness, fear, anxiety, danger, chaos and natural disaster.

  c. Love and Belongingness Needs Once the safety needs are fulfilled, people become motivated by love and belongingness needs. Humans need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance, which is expected to be found both in one’s society and family. Besides, they need to love and be loved by others. Love and belongingness needs cover the desire for friendship, the wish for a mate and children, the need to belong to family, a club, a neighborhood, or a nation. Deprivation to this need will lead to loneliness, social anxiety and clinical depression.

  d. Esteem Needs To the extent that people satisfy their love and belongingness needs, they start to pursue esteem needs, which include self-respect, confidence, competence, and knowledge. Maslow divides two level of esteem needs namely reputation and self-esteem. Reputation is the perception of prestige or recognition achieved by a person which is seen by the eyes of others. Meanwhile, self- esteem is a person’s own feeling of worth and confidence. When this need is met, people will be confident and valuable. On the other hand, people with low self-esteem will show lack of confidence in themselves and often believe that they are unworthy of the attention or regard of other people. This can lead to isolation and loneliness.

  e. Self-actualization Needs The last and the highest needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are the self- actualization needs. This includes self- fulfillment, the realization of all one’s potential, and a desire to become creative in the full sense of the word. These needs are psychological needs which develop and exploit all of his or her capabilities, potentialities, and talents to be everything he or she wants. It will enable a person to improve him or herself thoroughly and reach a healthy mental condition.

5. Review about Loneliness

  There are many reviews about loneliness proposed by experts which is related to the topic of this study. This part presents a review about loneliness used in conducting and supporting this study. They are definitions of loneliness, types of loneliness, causes of loneliness, and the effects of loneliness.

a. Definitions of Loneliness Human being needs to interact with others by establishing relationships.

  Establishing relationships with others is a universal and fundamental human need. People who have difficulty in establishing relationships will have negative effects, which is likely to be loneliness. Loneliness is a psychological experience which occurs in human being’s life and it is typically an unpleasant experience. Many different definitions of loneliness have been offered by researchers. Peplau and Perlman (1982) define loneliness as a feeling which appears whenever a person is unable to attain his or her desired relationship (as cited in Baron, 1974, p. 521).

  This is supported by Kimnel and Weiner (1985), who define loneliness as an unpleasant experience because of a discrepancy between one’s actual relationship and desired companionship (p. 330). In addition, Baron and Byrne (1987) state that loneliness can be a situation when a person feels isolated and friendless although he or she is in the midst of crowd (p. 521). In conclusion, loneliness is a situation when a person is friendless or a situation in which a person has inability to fulfill his or her desired relationship.

  People can be alone without being lonely. According to Baron and Byrne (1987), being alone is different from feeling lonely (p. 523). It is supported by Tillich (1959), who also distinguishes solitude and loneliness (as cited in Vanhalst, 2012, p.4). He explains that solitude expresses the joy of being alone while loneliness expresses the pain of feeling alone. Many people prefer solitude; it is when they choose to be alone but they do not feel lonely. For instance, a person is able to make friends and interact with them well and yet prefer to spend some times alone. It is usually done in order to spend leisure time in solitary activities such as pursuing a hobby, reading a book, listening to music, or having a self-reflection.

b. Types of Loneliness

  Many social scientists have identified various forms of loneliness. In Perlman and Peplau (1984), there are three dimensions which divide loneliness into different types (as cited in Peplau and Goldston, 1984, p. 16). These dimensions have to do with the positive or negative nature, the source, and the duration of loneliness.

  The first dimension was suggested by Moustakas (1961), namely positive or negative nature (as cited in Peplau and Goldston, 1984, p. 16). He divides loneliness into existential loneliness and loneliness anxiety. According to Moustakas (1961), existential loneliness is a part of human condition which is inevitable and able to lead to positive experiences, for instance: periods of self- confrontation. In contrast, loneliness anxiety is a negative experience as the result of alienation.

  The second way of categorizing forms of loneliness can be seen from its source. Weiss (1973) distinguishes loneliness into emotional loneliness and social loneliness (as cited in Peplau and Goldston, 1984, p. 17). Emotional loneliness is a subjective feeling manifested by the absence of a personal or close relationship.

  The antecedents of this kind of loneliness are divorce, bereavement, etc. Meanwhile, social loneliness is a subjective feeling caused by the lack of a sufficient number of friends or an adequate network of social relationship. The antecedents of this form of loneliness are losing of a job, being rejected by peers, feeling unacceptable and not belonging to a community.

  The third dimension is duration of loneliness. Young (1982) divides loneliness into three types (as cited in Peplau and Goldston, 1984, p. 17).

  Transient loneliness or everyday loneliness is the shortest duration of loneliness which includes brief and occasional lonely moods. Situational or transitional loneliness occurs when people who have satisfying relationships have to undergo a specific change, such as divorce, bereavement or moving to a new town. The last is chronic loneliness which occurs when a person lacks of satisfactory social relations for a period of two or more years.

c. The Causes of Loneliness

  Many factors can contribute to the experience of loneliness. Perlman and precipitating factors (p. 23). Predisposing factors are factors that make people vulnerable to loneliness while precipitating factors are factors that trigger loneliness.

  The first predisposing factor is a person’s characteristics which are associated with loneliness such as shyness, low self-esteem, self-consciousness, introversion, and lack of social skill. Situational factors are able to predispose people to loneliness. Some basic situational factors are time, distance and money.

  For instance, a student who takes a lot of courses and gets tight schedule may have little time to make friends and interact well with his or her friends.

  Cultural differences in values also considered as predisposing factors. Perlman and Peplau (1998) consider that cultural differences in value seem likely to affect the experience of loneliness (p. 573). One example of culture differences that can lead to loneliness is individualistic values. American culture has been characterized as being individualistic and it influences their values. American values encourage personal independence and the attainment of individual ’s goals. In contrast, other cultures in Asia are more collectivistic where the values encourage loyalty to family and harmony in social relations. The individualistic in American culture and the collectivistic in Asian Culture are the examples of predisposing factors towards loneliness.

  According to Perlman and Peplau (1984), precipitating factor is an event which usually changes a person’s actual or desired/needed relationship (p. 23).

  The examples of precipitating factors are the loss of an important relationship has found that leaving family and friends to begin college, breaking up of romantic relationship, and having problems with friends or relative are the three most frequent events that precipitate loneliness among college students (as cited in Peplau and Goldston, 1984, p. 26). Indirectly, it can be said that precipitating factors mostly come from a troubled relationship with others.

  Perlman and Peplau (1998) say that loneliness can also arise from the nature of a person’s actual relationship and dissatisfaction with the quality of existing relationship. In addition, Perlman and Peplau (1984) also state that loneliness results from a mismatch between a person’s actual relationship and a person’s needed or desired relationship. In short, a failure to establish desired relationship and dissatisfaction with an actual relationship can lead to loneliness.

d. The Effects of Loneliness

  Loneliness is an unpleasant experience and it is usually seen as a negative experience with negative effects as well. Russel (1982) mentions that people with loneliness usually feel depressed, anxious, unhappy, and shy. In addition, Jones, Freeman, and Goswick (1981) also mention that those who are lonely express low self-esteem (as cited in Baron and Byrne, 1974, p. 522). Those negative feelings of lonely people will make them have difficulty to communicate and incapable of making and keeping friends, which may lead to antisocial behavior.

  A lonely individual is likely to feel left out and spend time without companionship each day because loneliness may cause the inability of are lonely would have fewer friends and engage in fewer social activities (as cited in Baron and Byrne, 1994, p. 522). Having no one to talk to and no one to share with are painful since the lonely people distance themselves from others. Herbert (1995) also adds that social phobia is mostly likely to develop when lonely young people begin to distance themselves from others in adolescent stage (as cited in Baron and Byrne, 1994, p. 284). People with social phobia will avoid others as a way to protect themselves from embarrassments and humiliation.

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