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  Every now and then a book comes along that is so powerful that words cannot describe the experience people start having when they read it. These rare, life-changing books always seem to show up at the perfect moment in time, exactly when we all need it the most. Oneness is such a book--one that will change your life.

  In February 1998, Rasha began a profound dialogue with the universal Presence, "Oneness"--the Divinity we all share. Word for word, she transcribed the principles for a new understanding of the mystery we call "life." These teachings empower us to take a quantum leap into our own inner depths and totally transform our lives--and our world.

  Oneness gives humanity an astounding new vision of who we really are--and where we're headed. Here, we discover clues that inspire us to create the kinds of lives we long for and help us release the energies that prevent us from realizing our dreams. We learn to recognize the emotional patterns that undermine our best intensions. And we start to harmonize with the powerful energies building all around us--and with the power of Creation that s driving it. Oneness speaks in a voice that reaches out to the heart of each of us. The words are personal--and the experience of embracing the understandings they hold is transformational. We come away from the simple act of reading feeling like we've been touched by something indescribable--and holy. Filled with astounding metaphysical concepts and catalysts for change, Oneness takes us to the outer reaches of our own humanness and to the depths of the Divinity within. Reading it becomes a sacred, experiential journey that leaves the reader empowered with timeless tools for real transformation and a clear roadmap of the inner path to enlightenment. Sales Rank: #58669 in Books Brand: Rasha/ Oneness Published on: 2006-02-15 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 8.94" h x 1.18" w x 6.04" l, 1.33 pounds Binding: Paperback 408 pages Features

  Used Book in Good Condition Review "There is a higher Source behind this wisdom and it is in every person's best interest to get to know it . . . to Field and The Chaos Point About the Author Author of Oneness and The Calling, Rasha awakened to her inner-calling as a messenger of Divine guidance in 1987. She has dedicated her life to addressing the profound spiritual awakening that's the hallmark of these times. Her teachings are universal and do not represent the beliefs of any religion, spiritual movement or guru. An incurable world traveler with an affinity for India and Northern New Mexico, Rasha actively continues to document the teachings of Oneness for future volumes. Most helpful customer reviews 139 of 142 people found the following review helpful.

  WOW! I'm Blown Away! By S Sargent When I spotted this book at Barnes & Noble and took a glance through it out of curiosity, I didn't expect THAT to be a life changing moment! But it was. The book looked interesting, and having read the Seth books and the Hicks books as well as the Sanaya Romane books, I decided to order this on Amazon, though I thought it would be more information about the same as the other books (all of which are very good, by the way!).

  When I started reading this book, I was struck by the personal way in which it was written. It spoke directly to me, it described stages of my life I had been through and am going through. I almost expected to see my name inserted among the pages, it spoke so directly to me! But as I was reading this book, everything in life began to make sense to me. It was like I was standing above myself and looking down at my life with detachment and objectivity. I could start to see how all of life fits together. It's all energy. Something started to click for me. I had wondered how shamans claim that they go to underworlds and experience levels of reality the rest of us cannot fathom, and yet others are reiki Masters and move energy through them for healing purposes, and yet others still practice wicca and with ritual bring about the changes in their lives that they desire, etc. How could all these people be right about what they do? How could all these things exist at once and each of these methods work to bring about change? Well, it's because it's all movement of energy and desire. With driven intent anything can be brought about into manifestation. Ahhh ha! Now I get it! If you liked "The Secret", well then this is the next level. It's about more than the Law of Attraction. It's about changing the world by changing the way you think, the way you feel, and the way you react to situations as they pop up in your life. My highest recommendation to you is to read this book. It speaks with clarity and a deep rooted truth you can feel in your entire being as you read the words written. It will change the way you see your life and the world around you. It's simply the most amazing book I have ever had the honor to read. 59 of 60 people found the following review helpful. "Oneness" is truly a gift to savor ... for a lifetime. By J. Kluver "Oneness" is one of the most astounding books we've ever read. It presents a rich and multi-dimensional perspective of our journey through this world that encourages us to live life fully and embrace our lessons. This book pulls no punches regarding the adventures that one encounters on this journey from the prison house of reactive ignorance to the palace of eternal light. "Oneness" also reveals the nature and impact of the accelerating energetic environment on our physical, emotional and subtle bodies. It provides the insight necessary to traverse these times when many of our habits and cultural structures tend to keep us in patterns

  "Oneness" is full of third eye-openers that encourage us to observe Life from many different perspectives. A few of our favorite tasty morsels that exemplify themes many of us have struggled with are as follows:

  • The role of adversarial relationships in our journey.
  • How our reactions to expectations (theirs and ours), impact us.
  • The underlying causes of our circumstances, including health issues from an energetic perspective.
  • Why it is increasingly difficult to remain in relationships where harmony seems to be on permanent vacation.
  • Why it is essential for each of us to "find our own way." (Hint: No one else can! Would you really want it any other way?) The possibilities for all of us are wide open at this point and "Oneness" suggests that each person's journey is custom designed and delivered by none other than the said person. I love this, not only because it is completely "empowering", but also because it levels the playing field. In short, no one else can determine the right path for you, but you... be they teachers, preachers, experts or gurus. "Oneness" is chock full of juicy tidbits that you can choose to enjoy now, or tuck away for a while, like a fine wine. Key lessons that encourage us to actualize the world of our dreams are laid out as if tools in a toolkit. The choice to apply them, as always is up to yours truly. My partner, George and I have been integrating and applying insights from "Oneness" for over two years. The application brings greater understanding and joy every day, not to mention less melodrama. I've never experienced a book that feels "new" every time you re-visit a chapter until I read "Oneness". We hope that you enjoy this delicious book as much as we have. By the way, our experience has been that

  each page has so much to offer that the integration process takes time. "Oneness" is truly a gift to savor ... for a lifetime. 47 of 48 people found the following review helpful. Overcoming my Grief By Arlene Gunter Oneness speaks in a voice that reaches out to the heart of each of us. The words are personal - and the experience of embracing the understandings they hold is transformational. We come away from the simple act of reading feeling like we've been touched by something indescribable - and holy. I am a little over halfway in my reading of "Oneness". I am so overwhelmed by what it is teaching me, that I can scarcely put it into words. In reading through some of the comments on your website, I can see that other readers also feel as if the book was directly written for and speaking to them on a personal, individual basis. This is how I feel. Immediately upon beginning the book, I knew I had found something very meaningful. I am blown away, and will never be the same person I was prior to reading. My story began 3 years ago on January 25, 2008 when my Beloved husband suddenly died of a heart attack. I felt so wounded in my Soul and Spirit that I just didn't see how I could possibly go on. It could have gone either way, but for me - I began searching for nor spiritual person. I was like a crazy woman going here, going there, searching, reading hundreds of books. That's really all I did is read, attend workshops, attend anything that spoke about the hereafter, etc. But I did find what I was looking for in terms of my spiritual path. I know without a doubt because it resonates truth to me.

  At any rate, even though I was now on the right path, my heart was still hurting beyond any hope I could see for healing. I cried less, but still whenever I would think about my husband being gone, and me alone for who knows how many more years. I felt desolated and deserted and hopeless and more... I say all that to get to my point. Today is Sunday. Last Tuesday night I was reading "Oneness" in bed. Suddenly, every sentence, every paragraph I read, felt like the Holy Spirit was sitting by my side providing the answers that I had searched for for the past 3 years! I cried and couldn't stop crying with happiness. I know in my heart that I was led to this book to help me get to the other side of my grief. I felt a tremendous Grace fall over me and I just kept saying, Thank you, Thank you.

  The part that struck home to me the most was when I read that I need to honor his passing through death's portal because I must understand it is not the end, it truly is a portal into another existence; that he and I had an old agreement that we would be a part of this life together for our soul's growth. I then realized that I was so grateful that he had been such a wonderful part of my life, and I could do no less than honor his choice to go through the portal when he did. It's amazing what a difference this realization made to me. I am at peace.

  I understand, support, and honor his choice now. I do not feel deserted, and without hope. I feel that I can move forwards rather than being stuck in 2008. I want to say that this book has been a life saver for me and I am filled with gratitude and love that it was available. See all 162 customer reviews...


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  Review "There is a higher Source behind this wisdom and it is in every person's best interest to get to know it . . . to pick up this book and read it, word by precious word." —Ervin Laszlo, author of Science and the Akashic Field and The Chaos Point About the Author Author of Oneness and The Calling, Rasha awakened to her inner-calling as a messenger of Divine guidance in 1987. She has dedicated her life to addressing the profound spiritual awakening that's the hallmark of these times. Her teachings are universal and do not represent the beliefs of any religion, spiritual movement or guru. An incurable world traveler with an affinity for India and Northern New Mexico, Rasha actively continues to document the teachings of Oneness for future volumes.

  After downloading and install the soft file of this Oneness By Rasha, you could begin to read it. Yeah, this is so satisfying while somebody ought to review by taking their big publications; you remain in your new way by just handle your gizmo. Or even you are working in the workplace; you can still use the computer system to check out Oneness By Rasha completely. Obviously, it will certainly not obligate you to take many pages. Merely web page by page relying on the moment that you need to review Oneness By Rasha