Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga




(A Descriptive Qualitative Study of the 4 th Semester Students of English


Education Department of IAIN Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2015/2016)



Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga













Bismillahirrahmanirrahim In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Merciful.

  Hereby the researcher fully declares that this graduating paper is written by the researcher herself. This paper does not contain any materials which have been published by other people; and it does not cite any other people ideas except the information from the references.

  This declaration is written by the researcher to be understood.

  Salatiga, 2 September 2016 The researcher Wahyu Dyah Nur Anis W.

  NIM. 113 12 169

  Salatiga, 2 September 2016 Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd.

  The Lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


  Case: Wahyu Dyah Nur Anis Wachidah Graduating Paper Dear, Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

  After reading and corr ecting Wahyu Dyah Nur Anis Wachidah‟s graduating paper entitled AN ANALYSIS OF COHESION AND COHERENCE IN THE


STUDENTS’ WRITING TEXT, I have decided and would like to propose that

  this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education Faculty. I hope this paper will be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.

  Counselor, Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd.

  NIP. 19790821 201101 2 007








NIM: 11312169

  Has been brought to the board of examiners of English and Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies


  (IAIN) Salatiga on September 21 2016, and hereby considered to complete the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English and Education.

  Board of Examiners, Head : Sari Famularsih, M.A.

  Secretary : Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd. First examiner : Dr. H. Sa‟adi, M.Ag. Second examiner : Ruwandi, M.A.


  Salatiga, September 21 2016 Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Suwardi, M.Pd.

  NIP. 19670121 199903 1 002



Even the best can be improved

(Researcher’s Documentation)



Effort without pray is arrogant, pray without effort is lie

(Researcher’s Documentation)



ْ نم ْ ا ْ دا ر ْ دلا ا ي ن ْ ه ي ل ع ف ْ م ل ع لا ب ْ و ْ ن م ْ ا ْ دا ر ْ لا ْ ة خِر ْ ه ي ل ع ف ْ م ل ع لا ب ْ ن م و ْ دا ر ا ا مُه ْ ه ي ل ع ف

ْ م ل ع لا ب (ثيدحلا)

Those who want the (prosperous) life of the world, then obligatory for

him to master science, and those who want the (prosperous) life of the

hereafter, then obligatory for him to master science, and those who want

both (the world and hereafter), then obligatory for him to master science

as well.




This graduating paper is sincerely dedicated to:

My beloved superheroes, Mr. H. M. Shodikin, S.Pd.I and Mrs. Hj.


Sulastri, thank you for the support, prayer, and everything you give to

me. The words could not explain how important you are in my life.


My beloved two brothers M. Fahmi Ilham Akbar Mahendra and M.

Mukhtar Luthfi Anshori Majid who always support me to be better.


The best partner I have ever had, Ahmad Baihaqi. Thanks for all the aids,

motivation, and invocation during this time.

  My best friends of ICP 2012, who cannot mentioned one by one.




  The deepest thanks into Allah SWT, the most gracious and merciful, so that the researcher is able to finish this graduating paper. This graduating paper entitled “An Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence in the Students‟ Writing Text” is presented to the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga as one of the requirements for Sarjana of English Education Department of Teacher Training and

  Pendidikan (S.Pd) Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  However, this success would not be achieved without those support, guidance, advice, help, and encouragement from individual and institution. It is an appropriate moment for the researcher to deepest gratitude for:

  1. Dr. Rahmat Haryadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. as the Head of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  4. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd. as the Secretary of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for

  Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga and as the counselor of this graduating paper. Thanks for all your support, advise, suggestion, and recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the end. Thanks for your patience and care.

  5. Sari Famularsih, M.A. as the Head of International Class Program (ICP) of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  6. All lecturers in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  7. All lecturers of International Class Program (ICP) of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  Eventually, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. The researcher is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution for the improvement of this graduating paper.

  Salatiga, 2 September 2016 Researcher Wahyu Dyah Nur Anis. W.

  NIM. 113 12 169



Wachidah, Anis Nur Dyah Wahyu. 2016. “AN ANALYSIS OF COHESION

AND COHERENCE IN THE STUDENTS’ WRITING TEXT”. Graduating Paper. English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga. Advisor: Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd.

  Keywords: cohesion, coherence, explanation text.

  The objective of this study is to identify the types of cohesion and coherence made by the students at their writing texts. This study applied descriptive qualitative method. The object of the study were 30 explanation texts


  which written by the 4 semester students of English Education Department of

  IAIN Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/2016, who were taking Writing 3 subject. The data were collected through documentation. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis proposed by Mayring (2014:82). The technique of analysis involved categorization, abstraction, coding the text, and in addition, the reduction of the grammatical error of the texts except for logical order. To find the results the researcher used tabulation in counting the data, then the results showed that there are 1316 instances of cohesion from the total of occurrences and 940 instances of coherence from the total of occurrences in 30 of the students‟ explanation texts. It can be concluded that the students to be competent well in producing cohesion and coherence at their writing texts. They utilized all the types of cohesion at their writing texts except ellipsis, and they applied all the types of coherence at their writing texts.



TITLE ............................................................................................................ i

DECLARATION ........................................................................................... ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ........................................................



PAGE OF CERTIFICATION ...................................................................... iv

MOTTOS ....................................................................................................... v

DEDICATIONS ............................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURE ............................................................... xv

LIST OF CHARTS ........................................................................................ xvii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ......................................................................

  1 B. Problems of the Study ..........................................................................

  6 C. Objectives of the Study ........................................................................

  6 D. Limitation of the Study ........................................................................

  6 E. Significance of the Study .....................................................................

  7 F. Definition of the Key Terms ................................................................

  8 G. Organization of Graduating Paper .......................................................

  9 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Previous Studies ...................................................................................

  11 B. Cohesion ..............................................................................................


  1. Grammatical Cohesion ...................................................................

  15 a. Reference..................................................................................

  15 1) Personal Reference ............................................................

  17 2) Demonstrative Reference ...................................................

  18 3) Comparative Reference ......................................................

  20 b. Substitution ..............................................................................

  21 1) Nominal Substitution .........................................................

  22 2) Verbal Substitution ............................................................

  22 3) Clausal Substitution ...........................................................

  23 c. Ellipsis ......................................................................................

  24 1) Nominal Ellipsis .................................................................

  24 2) Verbal Ellipsis ....................................................................

  25 3) Clausal Ellipsis ...................................................................

  25 d. Conjunction ..............................................................................

  26 1) Additive ..............................................................................

  27 2) Adversative ........................................................................

  28 3) Causal .................................................................................

  30 4) Temporal ............................................................................

  32 2. Lexical Cohesion ............................................................................

  34 a. Reiteration ................................................................................

  34 b. Collocation ..............................................................................

  35 C. Coherence .............................................................................................

  37 1. Repeat key nouns ...........................................................................


  2. Use consistent pronouns .................................................................

  38 3. Use transition signals to link ideas .................................................

  39 a. Transition words, phrases and conjunctive adverbs .................

  41 b. Coordinators .............................................................................

  42 c. Subordinators ...........................................................................

  43 d. Others ......................................................................................

  43 4. Logical Order ................................................................................

  43 a. Chronological order .................................................................

  44 b. Logical division of ideas ..........................................................

  45 c. Comparison/ contrast paragraph ..............................................

  46 D. Explanation Text ..................................................................................

  46 1. Definition and Purpose ...................................................................

  46 2. Types of Explanation Text .............................................................

  47 3. Structure of Explanation Text ........................................................

  48 4. Language Feature of Explanation Text ..........................................

  48 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Design ...................................................................................

  50 B. Object of the Study...............................................................................

  51 C. Data Source ..........................................................................................

  51 D. Technique of Data Collection ..............................................................

  52 E. Technique of Data Analysis .................................................................

  52 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Cohesion ...............................................................................................


  1. Findings ..........................................................................................

  57 a. Grammatical Cohesion .............................................................

  60 1) Reference............................................................................

  60 2) Substitution ........................................................................

  61 3) Ellipsis ................................................................................

  61 4) Conjunction ........................................................................

  62 b. Lexical Cohesion ......................................................................

  63 2. Discussions .....................................................................................

  64 a. Grammatical Cohesion .............................................................

  65 1) Reference............................................................................

  65 a) Personal reference ........................................................

  66 b) Demonstrative Reference .............................................

  69 c) Comparative Reference ................................................

  71 2) Substitution ........................................................................

  73 3) Ellipsis ................................................................................

  73 4) Conjunction ........................................................................

  74 b. Lexical Cohesion ......................................................................

  75 1) Reiteration .........................................................................

  76 2) Collocation .........................................................................

  77 B. Coherence .............................................................................................

  78 1. Findings ..........................................................................................

  78 2. Discussion ......................................................................................

  80 a. Repeating key nouns ................................................................


  b. Using consistent pronouns .......................................................

  82 c. Using transition signals ............................................................

  82 d. Logical order ...........................................................................

  83 CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion ...........................................................................................

  86 B. Suggestions ..........................................................................................





Figure 2.1 Reference Items ..............................................................................

  16 Table 2.1 Personal Reference ..........................................................................

  18 Table 2.2 Demonstrative Reference ................................................................

  19 Table 2.3 Comparative Reference ...................................................................

  21 Table 2.4 Summary of Conjunctive Relations of the Additive Type ...............

  28 Table 2.5 Summary of Conjunctive Relations of the Adversative Type .........

  29 Table 2.6 Summary of Conjunctive Relations of the Causal Type ..................

  31 Table 2.7 Summary of Conjunctive Relation of the Temporal Type ...............

  32 Table 2.8 Transition Signals ............................................................................

  40 Table 3.1 Data Abstraction ..............................................................................

  53 Table 3.2 Data Codes .......................................................................................

  55 Table 4.1 Number of Occurrences and Percentages of Types of Cohesion in the Students‟ Explanation Texts ...................................................... 57

Table 4.2 Number of Occurrences and Percentages of Types of Reference in the Students‟ Explanation Texts .................................................. 60Table 4.3 Number of Occurrences and Percentages of Types of Substitution in the Students‟ Explanation Texts .................................................. 61Table 4.4 Number of Occurrences and Percentages of Types of Ellipsis in the Students‟ Explanation Texts ...................................................... 62Table 4.5 Number of Occurrences and Percentages of Types of

  Conjunction in the Students‟ Explanation Texts ............................. 62

Table 4.6 Number of Occurrences and Percentages of Types of Lexical

  Cohesion in the Students‟ Explanation Texts .................................. 63

Table 4.7 Number of Occurrences and Percentages of Types of Reiteration in the Stu

  dents‟ Explanation Texts .................................................. 64

Table 4.8 Number of Occurrences and Percentages of Types of Coherence in the Students‟ Explanation Texts .................................................. 78



  Chart 4.1 Number of Percentages of Types of Cohesion in the Students‟ Explanation Texts ............................................................................ 59

  Chart 4.2 Number of Percentages of Types of Coherence in the Students‟ Explanation Texts ............................................................................ 80

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study

  “English is now become a global language and an international language for human com munication” (Crystal, 2003:2). This is meant that

  English is the language communication used by all humans in the world. It can be seen especially in the context of English language teaching as a foreign language taught in Indonesia, started from elementary school up to university, they study English. Listening, reading, writing, and speaking are the four importance skills in English teaching and learning. From the fourth language skills, writing is one of the language skills which is important in our life. Through writing, the writers can inform others, carry out transactions, persuade, infuriate, and tell what we feel. However, the writers know that writing or learning to write especially in a second language is not simply a matter of “writing things down”. It is one of the four basic skills that are very complex and difficult to learn.

  For the students of universities at English Department, writing has significant purpose as the main tool for learning and it is generally assumed to be the most essential for a successful study. This is because the university students are expected to be able to express their ideas both in non-academic and academic writing such as writing a text, an article, and a thesis as their final project. It is explained by Artkinson and Curtis (1998:17) as cited in Paltridge and Starfield (2007:46) that “Academic writing in this progression degree students are not only write their ideas down on paper, but also they have to understand the writing patterned well”. It can be assumed that while the students writing, they have to comprehend the pattern, that there is a reciprocal connection between thinking and writing. It is a fundamental ways of getting across their thoughts to develop their understanding.

  Writing at first comes from an idea in the head, then the person who has the idea reveals and expresses it in the form of written language. However, writing is not simply a matter of expressing the ideas in good language and using a good grammar on a piece of paper. Writing will not be easy to understand if the relation among parts is not tightly related. Therefore, writing is not just a matter of using good language, but also a matter of using ability to create unity in a text. It can be concluded that to create a good writing, students have to combine their skill of using a well-patterned language and their ability to relate sentences and paragraphs to become a united text.

  Writing a text as a kind of discourse, should have a good construction and need the cohesion and coherence to be unified. As Halliday and Hasan (1989:2) explain that “a text or a paragraph which use cohesion and coherence it must be a good writing”. This can be meant that to build a good writing, the writers have to use cohesion and coherence at their writing paragraph or text. Cohesion and coherence are important properties in the writing text because it will complete the sentences among the paragraph. According to them, cohesion is internal property, while coherence is contextual properties of paragraph. Furthermore, Halliday (1994:309) notes that “in writing a text, it is required to use a connection that involve the elements both within clause and beyond it which can make the text flow smoothly. The connection which used within the text are cohesion and coherence. It can be meant that cohesion and coherence are the tools which used in the writing text, and those function as the connection among the sentences to make the text stream smoothly. Concerning that thing, Tanskanen (2006:19) states that “cohesion and coherence are one of the ways to attain the unity of the text within its sentences and paragraph”. This statement is exactly true because the cohesive devices in a text can be only fit together through coherence devices that will link them to be one unity.

  Cohesion and coherence mean that all of the parts of the sentences are connected logically and linguistically to form a whole. It is an important factor which is necessary to convey the exact information that the author wishes. In coherent writing the writers make connection between sentences, paragraphs, and texts, so that it will be clear to the reader. The writers are not only making connection for themselves but also to their reader. Also in cohesion the property of flow and connection in a written text that stems from the linguistics links among its surface elements. Thus the reader will understand the plot of the text.

  Let us start with Halliday and Hasan, who in 1976 introduced the concept of cohesion in his book Cohesion in English, which the main explanation is to examine carefully how sentences are related in a text. Cohesion is the use of cohesive ties to sequence and connect sentences together, and facilitate text to be understood as connected discourse. As Halliday & Hasan (1976:4) sensibly point out:

  The concept of cohesion is a semantic one; it refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text and that define it as a text. It happens where the interpretation of some element in the discourse is dependent on that of another. Cohesion is expressed partly through grammar and vocabulary. Halliday and Hasan (1976:6) divide cohesion into grammatical and lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion includes devices such as reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction, while lexical cohesion is divided into reiteration (repetition, synonymy, etc.) and collocation (co-occurrence of lexical items). Furthermore, Halliday and Hasan (1976:31

  • –33) emphasize that “grammatical and lexical elements are interpreted through their relation to other elements in the text, a cohesive tie is formed. There is no single element can be cohesive by itself except if it is related to another”. It can be informed that the text will form cohesive if the unit of the sentences are related each other.

  Besides cohesion, there is another important element that writers need in order to make their texts united, that is coherence. The Latin verb cohere means “hold together”. Lepionka (2008:118) proposes that “coherence is the quality of sequentially and integrity, or togetherness. Sentences and paragraphs progress in a logical or natural order, flowing smoothly from one to the next while sticking together in meaning”. It can be concluded that coherence is used to make the ideas in the text relate each other. The movement from one sentence to the next should flow smoothly and logically. Then, the context in the text will make sense. Moreover, de Beaugrande & Dressler (1981) as quoted by Tanawong (2014:2), argues that “coherence refers to the quality of text when it make sense among the part of idea in the text. It occurs through the expression of the text which makes sense to the reader”. Coherence can be reached by four ways, they are; the use of a repeating key nouns, the use of consistent pronoun, the use of transition signals to link ideas, and through logical order (Oshima and Hogue, 2006:22). Therefore, the writers should use the four ways above in writing the text to make the text coherent.

  Based on the explanation above, it can realize that it is not an easy step to make a good writing. To be a good writer, the writers must apply the theory of writing they have learned at class into an actual and continuous practice. One of the ways to do it is by practicing the cohesion and coherence principle appropriately in writing. Conscious of its function, the researcher observes that writing has become one of the basic English language subjects at schools beside the other language skills. It is proven by the fact that at the State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga, for instance, Writing subject is one of the basic compulsory subjects besides Listening, Reading, and Speaking. Basically, what is taught in Writing classes is how to get the skill of Writing, both practically and theoretically. By doing so, it is hoped that the students are not only able to understand the theory, but also able to apply it in a good writing.

  However, not all texts written by students of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga have fulfilled the requirements of a good writing which applies cohesive and coherent such those proposed by Halliday and Hassan (1976) and Oshima and Hogue (2006). That conclusion is drawn from the pre-survey in International Class Program of State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga in the academic year 2014/2015. The researcher used observation and interview one of Writing lecturer when the researcher studied Writing in fourth semester. The result showed that the students were actually able to write with good idea and good grammar, but unfortunately, they were lack of paying attention to the cohesion and coherence that construct unity of the complete writing. For this reason, the researcher desires to analyze the cohesion and coherence in students‟ writing texts of fourth semester students of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga.

B. Problems of the Study

  This study particularly aimed at finding the answers to the following research questions:

  1. How are the students‟ competence in producing cohesion at their writing texts?

  2. How are the students‟ competence in producing coherence at their writing texts?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  From this study the researcher wants to achieve some objectives:

  1. To describe the students‟ competence in producing cohesion at their writing texts.

  2. To describe the students‟ competence in producing coherence at their writing texts.

  D. Limitation of the Study

  In line with the topic, this study focuses on analyzing cohesion and coherence in the students‟ writing explanation texts and this study is not discuss about the grammatical error of the text. Furthermore, the researcher is only adopt the correct sentences and reduce the wrong sentences which involve the grammatical error. Nevertheless, there is no reduction of grammatical error in logical order, because to interpret logical order in the text, it should be from the whole text. The reduction of the wrong sentences are decrease the comprehension of the text.

  E. Significance of the Study

  The result of the research is expected to give some useful benefits as follows:

  1. Theoretical benefit

  The result of this study is expected to be encouragement in teaching learning process especially for teaching cohesion and coherence in writing subject.

  2. Practical benefits

  a. The result of this study is intended to be one consideration for English lecturers in applying any strategy or increasing any technique of teaching English, especially cohesion and coherence in writing subject.

  b. The result of this study can help writers understanding about cohesion and coherence so that they are able to compose a good writing.

  c. The result of this study can be used as a reference, and give additional information for other researchers who want to conduct research about cohesion and coherence.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

  1. Explanation text Explanation text is a non-fiction text which describes a process.

  Based on Barwick (1999:50) “explanation text is written to explain how and why something in the world happens. It is about actions rather than about things. Explanation plays a valuable role in building and storing our knowledge. Technical and scientific writing are often expressed in this form”. This is meant that explanation text is a text which contains the processes associated with natural phenomena, social, science, culture, and more.

  2. Cohesion “Cohesion is a surface phenomenon, it concerns the grammatical and lexical features that create ties between sentences, most importantly lexical repetition, use of pronouns and link words. A lack of cohesion results in a choppy and unconnected style” (Blanpain, 2006:25). It can be informed that cohesion is used to connect the sentences together, so that the text should not in a wavy and it can be understood for the readers.

  3. Coherence According to Blanpain (2006:25), “coherence refers to the underlying logical relations which make the text unified whole rather than a sequence of unconnected sentences. To a large extent, coherence depends on readers‟ familiarity with text schemata, their expectation of how the text will develop are shaped by their knowledge of typical discourse patterns (e.g. problem/ sol ution)”. It clearly states that coherence is achieved when sentences and ideas are connected and flow together smoothly. So that it allow the readers to move easily from one idea to the next.

G. Organization of Graduating Paper

  In writing this research, the researcher divided into five chapters. The systematic organized as follows: Chapter 1 is introduction that consists of the background of the study, which mentions the researcher‟ reasons why the researcher chooses the topic as a research topic, then problems of the study that explain the problems of the study that is observed by the researcher, next is limitation of the study, which mentions the specific problems that the researcher explains. Besides that it includes the objectives of the study that consist of the aims of the study, significances of the study that describe the advantages of the study, and then the definition of the key terms, and the last is an organization of the paper.

  Chapter II is the theoretical framework. It presents the review of related literature of the research such as theoretical foundation which includes theoretical reviews of cohesion, coherence and explanation text.

  Chapter III is the research methodology. It tells about why and how this study uses qualitative research as the type of study. It elaborates the methodology of the research including research design, object of the study, data sources, technique of data collection, and technique of data analysis.

  Chapter IV is the findings and discussion of the research. It consists of data findings, data analysis, and discussion.

  Chapter V is closure. It is the last chapter of the research. It ends of the research and the researcher stated the conclusions and suggestions. For the attachment there are references and appendices.

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. Previous Studies The analysis of cohesion and coherence has been conducted previously

  by some researchers. The related researchers are the following:

  1. The first previous research was taken from research report of Bae in the year of 2001 from University of California. The research title was about Cohesion and Coherence in Children‟s Written English: Immersion and English-only Classes. This research investigated the nature of cohesion, coherence, content and gr ammar emergent in children‟s essays, with a greater emphasis given to understanding of cohesion and coherence. In this research he asked 192 first or second graders from an immersion program and English-only classes to compose the cohesion, coherence, content, and grammar in English writing samples which operationalized into a picture-based narrative writing task. The method of this research is described in terms of study participants, study variables, writing task, administrative, and scoring procedures. Furthermore, the techniques of data analysis in this research were percentages, correlations, multiple regression, and qualitative analysis. The results showed that: (a) the measurement of cohesion and coherence can be operationalized; (b) referential and lexical cohesion correlate highly with the overall writing quality defined as the sum of the ratings of coherence, content, and grammar; (c) ellipses and substitution show a weak correlation with the overall writing quality; (d) lexical and referential cohesion are significant predictors of coherence while other types of cohesion are not; (e) dominant reference types are pronominal forms and proper nouns, and prominent types of conjunctive relation are temporal and additive; and (f) the most common error in cohesion is inaccurate reference.

  2. The second related research was written by Astuti, Suryani, and Kurniati in the year of 2010 from Muria Kudus University. The research title was The Analysis of Coherence in the Background of Graduating Paper. The data source of this research is the seven backgrounds of study of graduating paper written by the students in 2009. They used descriptive qualitative research that is discourse analysis as the research design, while to analyzed the data they used thematic analysis and thematic progression suggested by Eggins (1994). There are three points to be discussed in this research; they are: the types of theme, the thematic progression, and the coherence in the background of graduating paper.

  The results informed that (1) the types of theme mostly used is unmarked-topical theme, (2) only 8 paragraphs from 55 paragraphs in seven backgrounds have one constant type of thematic progression, (3) from all seven backgrounds of graduating paper, it is concluded that it has lack of coherence.

  3. The last is a research report from Kuncahya in the year of 2015 from State University of Yogyakarta. The research title was Cohesion in

  Narrative Texts Presented in the Electronic Textbook of Senior High School Grade X Entitled “Developing English Competence”. She analyzed 16 narrative texts presented in electronic textbook of senior high school grade x entitled “Developing English Competence”. This research applied qualitative method, and the data were in the form of sentences and were collected by note taking. In addition, trustworthiness was achieved by employing investigator triangulation. The objects of this research were to identify the types of cohesion and to interpret the occurring types of cohesion in terms of compatibility as language inputs in the narrative text. Finally, she found that reiteration appeared to be the most frequent types of all subcategories of cohesion, and the narrative texts analyzed in this research contain dense lexical cohesion and thus are compatible as language inputs.

  The three previous researches above were analyze about cohesion and coherence in writing text. On the contrary, the results of the research are different each other. In this study, I investigate cohesion and coherence in the students‟ explanation text in different framework. First, I use documentation for collecting the data. Then, the source of data for my study is from the students‟ writing task in form of explanation text. Thus, it is clear that this study is different from Bae (2001), Astuti, Suryani, and Kurniati (2010), and Kuncahya (2015) work. In this study, I identify the students‟ competence in producing cohesion and coherence at their writing texts.

B. Cohesion

  The connection between sentences may play a role in connected discourse. To connect the sentences together, a writers need cohesion.

  “Cohesion is all about the relation of meaning in a text. It defines something as a text because a text is a unit of meaning, not a form. It is the source of the text that has a range of meanings related to what is being spoken and written to its semantic environment”. (Jabeen, et al. (2013:139) cited in Kuncahya (2015:16). It is meant that cohesion is clarified through ties in which every one of the text refers to a single instance of cohesion and expressed partly through grammar and partly through vocabulary. That is why there are grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion.

  According to Halliday & Hasan (1976:5) as defined earlier, “cohesion is a set of linguistics devices which connect ideas making explicit the semantic relations underlying them”. It means that the tool for relating the ideas in the text explicitly through cohesive elements. Moreover, “cohesion refers to the range of grammatical and lexical possibilities that exist for linking an element of language with what has gone before or what follows in a text. This linking is achieved through relations in meaning that exist within and across the sentences” (Halliday & Hasan, 1976:10). Therefore, cohesion utilizes cohesive ties to sequence and connect sentences together causing a text to be in one piece, not a group of unrelated sentences.

  Halliday & Hasan (1976:6) in the book of Cohesion in English, classify cohesion into grammatical and lexical cohesion. The grammatical cohesion includes reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction. Meanwhile, lexical cohesion includes reiteration and collocation. This is because both of them are determined by two different elements. They are grammar and words. In the lexico-grammatical level, the distinction can absolutely be drawn. The concept of each types of cohesion and its subtypes are as follows: 1.

   Grammatical Cohesion

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