Handling A Seventeen-Year-Old-Male Student Who Has Problematic Behavior in Class At Aces.



Maranatha Christian University


Tugas Akhir ini adalah tentang masalah yang saya temui dalam menjalani masa magang di ACES. ACES (Active Communicative English Study) adalah tempat kursus Bahasa Inggris. Terdapat empat sampai enam murid dalam setiap pertemuan. Pada tugas akhir ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang adanya murid laki-laki berusia 17 tahun yang memiliki perilaku bermasalah di kelas di ACES. Dalam tugas akhir ini dijelaskan juga sebab dan akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh murid bermasalah tersebut serta solusi terbaik dalam menangani perilaku murid bermasalah di kelas.

Ada tiga sebab dan akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh murid bermasalah tersebut di ACES. Penyebab pertama adalah murid bermasalah tersebut memiliki kesulitan dalam membangun hubungan dengan

teman-temannya. Penyebab kedua adalah kurangnya kemampuan guru dalam menangani murid bermasalah di kelas. Penyebab lain adalah murid

bermasalah tersebut berasumsi bahwa dia lebih pintar daripada guru atau teman-temannya. Hal ini mengakibatkan murid-murid lain tidak

menyukainya karena dia suka menggangu dan mengalihkan perhatian mereka. Guru pun merasa tidak dihargai dan diabaikan olehnya. Bahkan, proses mengajar pun menjadi tidak efektif. Berdasarkan analisis dan observasi yang saya lakukan, terdapat tiga pilihan solusi untuk menangani dan menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Solusi-solusi tersebut adalah guru harus membuat aturan di kelas beserta konsekuensi atas

pelanggarannya. Kemudian guru harus mendiskusikan masalah yang terjadi dengan murid bersangkutan. Bila masalah tidak bisa diselesaikan oleh guru di kelas, pimpinan ACES akan menjadi mediator untuk

menemukan solusi terbaik dalam menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.

Saya memilih untuk menggabungkan tiga pilihan solusi tersebut dalam menangani murid bermasalah di ACES. Saya berharap solusi-solusi yang saya berikan dapat membantu guru-guru di ACES dalam menangani murid bermasalah di kelas.



Maranatha Christian University







A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study G. Organization of the Term Paper CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS...8










1. He had a problem in building relationship with other students. 2. His teacher at ACES was lack of

ability to manage student behavior in class, especially in being assertive.

3. He assumed that he was smarter than his teacher and other learners at group class.

There is a 17-Year-Old Male Student who Has Problematic Behavior in

Class at Aces


1. He distracted other students from learning and made them dislike him.

2. His teacher felt disrespected and ignored by the student. 3. The process of teachingand

learning was not effective.

Potential Negative Effect 1. The rules might create an

atmosphere that is not conducive when the main consequences are negative

Potential Solution I In the first meeting the teacher has to set the rules and the consequences, and then enforce them consistently

Potential Positive Effect 1. The teacher will inform her

students regarding acceptable behavior.

Potential Negative Effect 1. The teacher has to spend more

time after teaching to have a discussion with the student.

Potential Solution II The teacher will discuss the problem privately with the student after study time.

Potential Positive Effects 1. The teacher will find the

causes of the student’s problematic behavior and solve the problem.

Potential Negative Effect 1. The parents might be defensive,

angry or avoid discussing the problem that occurred.

Potential Solution III The principal will be the mediator by discussing the problem with the student, his parents and his teacher.

Potential Positive Effect 1. The principal will show some

openness by listening to student’s prespective and processing the problem to find solutions.

2. The parents can be team members in solving the problems.

Chosen Solution: Potential Solutian I, II, and




15 February 2012 (Ms. Rhimelda)

1. Apa visi dan misi Ms. dalam bidang pengajaran?

2. Apa moto ACES?

3. Bagaimana awal mulanya berdiri ACES?

15 September 2012 (Ms. Cherry)

1. Bagaimana cara belajar Reinaldy?

2. Bagaimana tingkah laku Reinaldy di kelas?

3. Apa yang Ms. Cherry lakukan berkaitan dengan tingkah lakunya? 4. Pernahkah Ms. Cherry marah atau emosi terhadap Reinaldy? 5. Bagaimana perasaan Ms. Cherry?

22 September 2012 (Ms. Rhimelda)

1. Berapa usia Reinaldy saat diajar Ms Rhimelda?


3. Menurut Ms. mengapa tingkah lakunya seperti itu?

4. Bagaimana cara mengatasi tingkah laku Reinaldy agar menjadi disiplin?

5. Apa yang dilakukan oleh Ms. Rhimelda jika tingkah lakunya sudah tidak bisa diatasi oleh gurunya di kelas?

10 November (Ms. Cherry)

1. Bagaimana cara mengatasi tingkah laku Reinaldy jika dia tidak mematuhi peraturan di kelas?

2. Adakah murid lain yang bermasalah juga di kelas? 3. Apa kekurangan dan kelebihan cara tersebut?




Name of Interviewer : Stevani Tania

Name of Respondent : Rhimelda Marcella Yulita, S.S Day & date of interview : Wednesday, 15 February 2012 Place of interview : ACES

Stevani : Apa visi dan misi Ms. dalam bidang pengajaran?

Ms. Rimelda : Visi saya adalah saya ingin memiliki sekolah sendiri yang berbasis Bahasa inggris. Misi saya adalah membuat pendidikan Indonesia menjadi lebih baik.

Stevani : Apa moto ACES KIDS?

Ms. Rimelda : Start WithThe End in Mind dan diharapkan dengan adanya moto ini murid-murid sudah dapat berkembang menjadi lebih baik dalam berbahasa Inggris.


Ms. Rimelda : Pada mulainya bibi saya yang bernama Dra. Leonny Siswanti Tanama mendirikan ACE KIDS di Jakarta pada tahun 1998. Kemudian ACE KIDS membuka cabang di Bandung. Pertama kali ACE KIDS di buka di Jalan Padjajaran no. 87 Bandung pada tanggal 1 April 2002 hingga 2005 karena harus pindah ke Jln Astina no 86D pada tanggal 1 Jan 2006 hingga sekarang. Kemudian ACE KIDS buka cabang di Kopo Permai, karena 2 cabang tidak efektif, akhirnya hanya menjadi 1 cabang di sini saja. Pada tahun 2010 ACE KIDS berubah menjadi ACES KIDS (Active Communicative English Study) karena murid yang belajar tidak hanya anak-anak saja tetapi juga orang dewasa. Jumlah pengajarnya ada tiga, satu office boy, dan satu receptionist.


Stevani : “Bagaimana cara belajar Reinaldy?”

Ms. Cherry : “Reinaldy lebih suka mengerjakan latihan sendiri. Hanya kadang-kadang dia bertanya, soalnya dia ga mau dianggap ga bisa sama saya. Dia suka ga mau ngerjain apa-apa di kelas, terus jalan-jalan. Kalau lagi BT dia dia Cuma diem aja, ga belajar apa-apa.”

Stevani : “Bagaimana tingkah laku Reinaldy di kelas?”

Ms. Cherry : “Wah, gandeng banget. Kalo ada anak yang pendiem suka dia jailin. Kalo ada yang kurang kemampuannya dalam Bahasa Inggris, diledek terus sama dia. Kadang-kadang bisa menyinggung perasaan. Dia juga sering teriak-teriak sampe kelas lain keganggu. Dia suka

mengalihkan perhatiian saya atau murid lain juga supaya ngobrol dengan


Stevani : ”Apa yang Ms. Cherry lakukan berkaitan dengan tingkah lakunya?”

Ms. Cherry : “Saya sering tegur dia atau bilang jangan begini, jangan

begitu. Tapi dia biasa menganggap saya bercanda kalau menegur dia. Mungkin karena saya mengajar dengan cara santai, jadi terlihat ga tegas.”

Stevani : “Pernahkah Ms. Cherry marah atau emosi terhadap Reinaldy?”

Name of Interviewer : Stevani Tania

Name of Respondent : Cherry Herlianty,S.S

Day & date of interview : Wednesday, 15 September 2012 Place of interview : Istana Plaza Food Court


Ms Cherry : ”Yang pasti saya sering merasa kesel atau ingin marah, Cuma karena di kelas kita kelas gabungan, ada anak kecil dan saya harus bisa menjaga emosi di depan mereka, saya jarang untuk bisa marah atau

lebih tegas.”

Stevani : “Bagaimana perasaan Ms. Cherry sebenarnya?”

Ms. Cherry : “Sebenarnya saya merasa tidak dihargai sama Reinaldy. Dia sering menyingung masalah penampilan saya, ekonomi saya.

Bercandaanya sering ga sopan. Kadang saya merasa dipermalukan juga sama dia. Cuma saya berusaha menjaga emosi dan menganggap sebagai candaan.

Stevani :”Wah, parah juga iya Ms, ada baiknya Ms lebih tegas dengan

dia. Makasih ya Ms buat infonya.” Ms. Cherry : “Sama-sama Stev.”


Stevani : “Berapa usia Reinaldy saat diajar Ms Rhimelda?” Ms. Rhimelda : “ Semenjak umur 4 tahun hingga sekarang. Jadi

misalnya guru Reinaldy ga masuk atau berhalangan, saya yang

menggantikan mereka mengajar Reinaldy.”

Stevani : “Bagaimana tingkah laku Renaildy saat diajar Ms. Rhimelda?”

Ms Rhimelda : “ Di depan saya dia fine-fine aja. Tapi kadang ga sopan, terus langsung saya marahin. Kalau dia keterlaluan, saya langsung pulangkan dia.

Stevani : “Menurut Ms. mengapa tingkah lakunya seperti itu?” Ms. Rhimelda : “Dia suka mencari perhatian orang lain.”

Stevani : “Bagaimana cara mengatasi tingkah laku Reinaldy agar menjadi disiplin?”

Ms. Rhimelda : “Tentu saja gurunya harus tegas dalam menyikapi tingkah laku dia. Harus bisa konsisten ke murid bersangkutan. Setiap guru juga mempunyai aturannya masing-masing.

Stevani : “Apa yang dilakukan oleh Ms. Rhimelda jika tingkah

lakunya sudah tidak bisa diatasi oleh gurunya di kelas?”

Ms. Rhimelda: “Ehm, biasanya kalau guru tidak bisa mengatasi masalah

yang terjadi di kelas, guru akan meminta pendapat atau cara penyelesaian Name of Interviewer : Stevani Tania

Name of Respondent : Rhimelda Marcella Yulita,S.S Day & date of interview : Wednesday, 22 September 2012 Place of interview : ACES


ke saya. Tapi misalnya tingkah lakunya keterlaluan, kita bisa melibatkan orang tua dan mendiskusikannya. Saya yakin dengan melibatkan orang tua bisa lebih memotivasi si anak dalam bersikap. Si anak juga tidak hanya dididik di ACES, tapi juga di rumah oleh orang tuanya.

Stevani : “Ok Ms. makasih untuk infonya iya.


Name of Interviewer : Stevani Tania

Name of Respondent : Cherry Herlianty,S.S

Day & date of interview : Wednesday, 10 November 2012 Place of interview : ACES

Stevani : “Ms, saya mau interview masih seputar masalah Reinaldy.” Ms Cherry : “Boleh Stev, butuh informasi tenang apa?”

Stevani : “Menurut Ms, bagaimana cara mengatasi tingkah laku Reinaldy jika dia tidak mematuhi peraturan di kelas?”

Ms. Cherry :”Kekurangan peraturan saya mungkin karena hanya general rules, jadi mungkin kurang tegas. Seperti boleh main games klo udah selesai latihan di sisa waktu les. Kalau untuk anak-anak lain mungkin ga perlu peraturan tegas yang konsekuensinya berat karena mereka tau cara menghargai orang lain. Saya juga masih mencari cara untuk mengatasi masalah perilaku Reinaldy. Kalau diajak berkomunikasi, seperti diskusi-diskusi juga pernah. Cuma kadang dia menaggapi bercanda atau


Stevani : “Adakah murid lain yang bermasalah juga di kelas?”

Ms. Cherry : “Ada, tapi mereka mau diajak berbicara dan diskusi. Mau dibilangin kalo salah. Seringnya saya dengan anak bersangkutan ngobrol

setelah jam les.”

Stevani : “Apa kekurangan dan kelebihan cara tersebut?”

Ms. Cherry : “Kelebihanya tentu saya bisa memberikan pandangan tentang perilaku yang baik dan tepat kepada si murid bermasalah. Saya juga sering menasehati Reinaldy pas ada waktu jeda, tapi mungkin


Reinaldy belum menaggap serius. Kalau anak-anak lain jauh lebih terbuka. Kekurangannya tentu saya harus menghabiskan waktu lebih banyak setelah saya selesai mengajar. mereka lebih sering saya ajak bicara setelah kursus karena supaya bisa bicara lebih pribadi. Kadang-kadang waktu senggangnya tidak sama kalau mau membicarakn sesuatu karena mereka punya kegiatan lain setelah les.


Jurnal Ke 13

Hari/Tgl: Thursday, January 26, 2012

1. Hari ini saya bekerja sama dengan: Ms Cherry, Teacher .

2. Hari ini topic pembahasan di kelas adalah: membahas beberapa tenses menurut kebutuhan murid (ada 6 murid yang hadir)

Reinaldy : Membahas Future Perfect Tense. Latihan dari buku. Reinaldy lebih banyak bicara daripada mengerjakan soal latihan. Sulit untuk menegurnya dan terkadang dia menggangu kelas dan anak-anak lain.

3. Tugas yang saya lalukan hari ini: Membantu Kurnia dalam pronounce kata-kata karena kekurangan Kurnia di Reading dan pronouncethe words. Dia latihan dlam beberapa reading text, kurang lebih 4-5 text. Saya juga membantu Sisil mengerjakan tugasnya. Reinaldy mengerjakan sendiri latihan-latihannya.

4. Pelajaran (hard skill/soft skill) yang saya dapatkan dari pengalam kerja saya hari ini:

Saya harus pintar-pintar mengatur murid-murid di kelas. Apalagi Reinaldy sering ribut di kelas, biasanya Ms. Cherry yang selalu menegur karena saya merasa tidak enak menegur Reinaldy. Kalau menegur anak lain saya masih bisa, tapi kalau Reinaldy saya harus siap mental

mendengar balasan/jawabannya dia dari teguran saya karena cukup bisa untuk membuat orang tersinggung. Sehingga saya harus mengontrol emosi saya juga. Reinaldy bisa bilang dengan

udah ya kalau seseora g bodoh, tolol, goblok, da lai -lai . Ha ya kare a ke a pua Bahasa Inggris mereka kurang baik, tidak sebaik dia. Bahkan dia berani untuk bilang/mengejek Ms. Cherry.



Maranatha Christian University



A. Background of the Study

Being a teacher is not only teaching but also educating students. In fact, it is not easy because a teacher will face some problems in teaching. For example, a teacher must be able to manage the class and control his/her emotion when there are problematic behaviors of the students. Kelly says that, ”If you lose your temper and start shouting at a

confrontational student, you have given up your position of authority and lowered yourself to the student's level” (par.2). Managing classroom and controlling emotion are important for a teacher to handle problematic student behavior. I found a similar situation when I did my internship in ACES. There is a 17-year-old male student who has problematic behavior in class at ACES. ACES (Active Communicative English Study) is an English course for learners of various age levels.



Maranatha Christian University Before discussing the problem, I would like to give some explanations about problem behavior. Emmer, Evertson, and Worsham state problem behavior, “includes behaviors that disrupt an activity or interfere with learning, but whose occurrence is limited to a single student or perhaps to

a few students not acting in concert” (171).

In the article entitled “Teenage Growth & Development:15-17 Years”, it is stated the characteristics of a 17-year-old person, ”Teens try to make close friends and may become part of a group based on interests or attributes (sports, arts, etc.)” (par.2). They tried to build relationship with other friends, but, in this situation, the student tried to build a relationship with their friends or classmates improperly. Furthermore, in the same article, it is stated, ”Teens are better able to solve problems, think about their future, appreciate opinions of others and understand the long-term effects of their decisions. However, teens tend to use these skills

inconsistently; as a result, they sometimes do things without thinking first” (par.5). The tendency to use the skills inconsistently happens to a student who has problematic behavior at ACES. The student acts without thinking first about other people’s feeling or situation.

I participated in an internship at ACES for a month. My position was as a teacher assistant. I helped Ms. Cherry to teach her students in her class. Her class was a group class. There were four to six students with various age levels in every meeting. The length of studying is one and a half hours. I usually taught from Monday to Saturday for about four hours.



Maranatha Christian University During my internship at ACES, I found a serious problem when I taught Ms. Cherry’s class. There is a 17-year-old male student who has problematic behavior in class at ACES. He is smart but he does not respect other students and even the teacher. He often disrupts the classroom, teacher, and distracts other students from learning, possibly even embarrasses the teacher. For example, he gave comments and criticized other students based on their appearances, thoughts, and abilities in English. He could not stop bothering others by mocking them. He also dared to joke with the teacher by saying “stupid”. This problem is very important to be solved because this student could affect other

students and make the learning process ineffective. Moreover, the teacher is not only teaching the materials but also educating the students about attitude.

Considering the above explanations, in this term paper I would like to analyze the causes and effects of the problem. In addition, I would like to discover the best solutions to deal with the student who has problematic behavior.



Maranatha Christian University

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on my experience as a teacher assistant at ACES, I would like to analyze:

1. Why did a 17-year-old male student have problematic behavior in class at ACES?

2. How did the problem influence other students, teacher, and the process of learning?

3. How should the teachers handle this problem effectively?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

The objectives of the study are to analyze the causes and the effects of having a 17-year-old male who has problematic behavior in class at ACES and also to find the solutions for the teacher to deal with this problem. There are some benefits for the institution, the readers of this term paper, and for me as the writer. For the institution, I hope that my term paper will be useful for the teachers at ACES to apply the solutions that possibly help them in handling problematic student behavior. For the readers, I hope this term paper can give the information and knowledge to motivate them in dealing with problem, especially in teaching. For me as the writer, I can develop my writing skill and expand my knowledge related to



Maranatha Christian University

D. Description of the Institution

Based on the interview with Ms. Rhimelda on February 15, 2012, she informed that Dra. Leonny Siswanti Tanama opened a business in a field of English education in Jakarta called ACE KIDS in 1998. She is also the pioneer in opening a new branch of ACE KIDS in Bandung. She is the aunt of Ms. Rhimelda, S.S., (The principal of ACES in Bandung). The first branch of ACE KIDS was established at Jalan Padjajaran number 87 on April 1, 2002 because Ms. Rhimelda, S.S. desired to have her own school (play group) using English language. She would like to participate in making better education in Indonesia in globalization era. However, ACE KIDS was there until 2005 because it had to move and get a more

strategic place. ACE KIDS moved to Jalan Astina number 62 D on January 1, 2006 until now with a number of 90 students, three teachers, one

receptionist and one office boy.

The second branch of ACE KIDS was established in Kopo Permai on May 1, 2006, but this branch was closed too. Now, ACE KIDS only has one branch which is located at Jalan Astina number 62 D. ACE KIDS which has a motto "Start with the End in Mind” changed its name become ACES (Active Communicative English Study) in 2010 because the

students who study at ACE KIDS are not only children but also college students. The change was motivated by the globalization that requires students and even adults to have good English language skills. Ms.



Maranatha Christian University English language skills and become independent to achieve their goals in learning English at ACES.

E. Method of the Study

Based on the experience of my internship, I would like to analyze a problem in handling a 17-year-old male who has problematic behavior in class at ACES. The data is taken from library research, observation, my internship journal, and interview. The data is used to analyze causes and effects and to support the discussion of the best solutions to overcome the problem.

F. Limitation of the Study

My term paper focuses on how to deal with a 17-year-old male student who has problematic behavior in class at ACES. The internship was done from 11 January 2012 until 11 February 2012 at ACES, Bandung. The subjects of the research are the 17-year-old male student, the teacher who has taught him and his current teacher.



Maranatha Christian University

G. Organization of the Term Paper

This term paper begins with the Abstract, a summary of the whole term paper in Indonesian. After that, there is a Declaration of Originality, which contains a statement about the authenticity of the term paper. Then there is the Acknowledgements, which consists of the list of people who have helped me during the writing of this term paper. Next is Table of Contents. After that, there are four chapters. Chapter One is Introduction, Chapter Two is Problem Analysis, Chapter Three is Potential Solutions, and Chapter Four is Conclusion. The last part of my term paper is

Bibliography, which consists of the list of references, and Appendices containing a flowchart, interview questions, and transcriptions of the interview.



Maranatha Christian University



During my internship, I found the problem at ACES. There is 17-year-old male student who has problematic behavior in class at ACES. There are three causes of the problem. The first cause of the problem is he had a problem in building relationship with other students. The second cause is his teacher at ACES was lack ability to manage student behavior at class, especially in being assertive. The third cause is he assumed that he was smarter than his teacher and other learners at group class. There are three effects of the problem. The first effect is he distracted other students from learning and made them dislike him. The second one is his teacher felt disrespected and ignored by the student. The third effect is the process of teaching and learning was not effective. There are three potential

solutions of the problem: In the first meeting the teacher has to set the rules and the consequences, and then enforce them consistently, the teacher will discuss the problem privately with the student after study time,



Maranatha Christian University and the principal will be the mediator by discussing the problem with the student, his parents and his teacher.

I choose the combination of three solutions to handle a 17-year-old male student who has problematic behavior in class at ACES. The chosen solutions: In the first meeting the teacher has to set the rules and the consequences, and then enforce them consistently, the teacher will discuss the problem behavior privately with the student after study time is over at ACES, and the principal will be the mediator by discussing the problem with the student, his parents and his teacher .Being a teacher is not only teaching, but also educating the students. The teacher has to be able to manage and control the classroom, especially in handling

problematic student behavior. Creating an orderly class needs clear rules and consequences. On the other hand, teachers cannot also just force students to follow the rules without explaining the purpose. For the problematic student behavior, private talk and discussion can help him understand about acceptable behavior and teacher’s expectation. The principal as the mediator will help the teacher to solve the problem.

These three solutions are the best for handling a 17-year-old male student who has problematic behavior in class at ACES. Emmer, Evertson, and Worsham state,

When a student’s inappropriate behavior has become chronic or a problem is severe and must be stop immediately, try an individual contract. You will have to discuss the problem with the student and try



Maranatha Christian University to understand the student’s perspective. Then you and the student can identify appropriate solution and agree on which course of action to take. (179)

It is clear that talking and discussing the problem with the student is very useful. Furthermore, they state, “You should also make the clear

consequences that will occur if the plan is not followed, and you can identify some incentive to encourage the student to follow through with the

contact” (179). It is clear that there are rules and consequences which

have to be made. On the other hand, Johnson states, “Mediation exists

when a neutral and impartial third party actively assists two or more

people to negotiate a constructive resolution to their conflict. A mediator is a neutral person who help two or more people resolve their conflict” (820). The principal as a third party will be the mediator to help solving the


I believe that the three solutions that I choose can help the teachers at ACES to handle the problematic student behavior, especially the teacher who teaches Reinaldy, the 17-year-old-male student who has problematic behavior in class at ACES. I suggest that the teachers at ACES improve their ability in managing student behavior, especially in being assertive. I hope the teacher at ACES can apply the suitable way in handling

problematic student behavior in class to overcome the problem and to make the students become a better one.


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Source

Emmer, Edmund T., Carolyn M. Evertson, and Murray E. Worsham

Classroom Management for Middle and High School Teachers. Boston: Pearson Education, 2006.

Electronic Sources

“Address Problematic Student Behavior.” cmu.edu. 2003. 17 September 2012.


Canter, Lee. “Assertive Discipline: More Than Names on the Board and Marbles in a Jar.” Dys.edu. 1989. 13 October 2012

< http://campus.dyc.edu/~drwaltz/FoundLearnTheory/FLT_readings/Ca nter.htm>

Hornik, Carolyn, and Bonnie Glasgold. “Setting up Rules and Routines.” teachernetwork.org. 18 January 2008. 6 October 2012


Maranatha Christian University Johnson, David W., and Roger T. Johnson. ”Conflict Resolution, Peer

Mediation, and Peacemaking.” Handbook of Classroom Management: Research, Practice, And Contemporary Issues. Ed. Evertson, Carolyn M., Carol S. Weinstein. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, 2006. 19 November 2012

<http://books.google.co.id/books?id=H1bv8FsMUQEC&printsec=frontcover &dq=handbook+of+classroom+management&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3iasUN-LKOiHmQXazYDgAw&redir_esc=y#v=snippet&q=principal%20mediates&f =false>

Kelly, Melisa. “How to Deal Confrontational Students in your Classroom.” About.com. 2012. 19 September 2012

<http://712educators.about.com/od/discipline/tp/confrontational_student s.html>

Palo Alto Medical Foundation. “Teenage Growth 7 Development: 15-17

Years.” Pamf.org. 2012. 22 September 2012


“The problematic Student; How to Handle a Know-it-All.”

Simplysearch4it.com. 2002-2007. 24 September 2012 <http://www.simplysearch4it.com/article/50251.html>

Interview Sources

Herlianty, Cherry,S.S, Personal Interview. 15 September 2012. Herlianty, Cherry,S.S, Personal Interview. 10 November 2012.

Yulita, Rhimelda Marcella,S.S, Personal Interview. 22 February 2012. Yulita, Rhimelda Marcella,S.S, Personal Interview. 22 September 2012.


G. Organization of the Term Paper

This term paper begins with the Abstract, a summary of the whole term paper in Indonesian. After that, there is a Declaration of Originality, which contains a statement about the authenticity of the term paper. Then there is the Acknowledgements, which consists of the list of people who have helped me during the writing of this term paper. Next is Table of Contents. After that, there are four chapters. Chapter One is Introduction, Chapter Two is Problem Analysis, Chapter Three is Potential Solutions, and Chapter Four is Conclusion. The last part of my term paper is

Bibliography, which consists of the list of references, and Appendices containing a flowchart, interview questions, and transcriptions of the interview.




During my internship, I found the problem at ACES. There is 17-year-old male student who has problematic behavior in class at ACES. There are three causes of the problem. The first cause of the problem is he had a problem in building relationship with other students. The second cause is his teacher at ACES was lack ability to manage student behavior at class, especially in being assertive. The third cause is he assumed that he was smarter than his teacher and other learners at group class. There are three effects of the problem. The first effect is he distracted other students from learning and made them dislike him. The second one is his teacher felt disrespected and ignored by the student. The third effect is the process of teaching and learning was not effective. There are three potential

solutions of the problem: In the first meeting the teacher has to set the rules and the consequences, and then enforce them consistently, the teacher will discuss the problem privately with the student after study time,


and the principal will be the mediator by discussing the problem with the student, his parents and his teacher.

I choose the combination of three solutions to handle a 17-year-old male student who has problematic behavior in class at ACES. The chosen solutions: In the first meeting the teacher has to set the rules and the consequences, and then enforce them consistently, the teacher will discuss the problem behavior privately with the student after study time is over at ACES, and the principal will be the mediator by discussing the problem with the student, his parents and his teacher .Being a teacher is not only teaching, but also educating the students. The teacher has to be able to manage and control the classroom, especially in handling

problematic student behavior. Creating an orderly class needs clear rules and consequences. On the other hand, teachers cannot also just force students to follow the rules without explaining the purpose. For the problematic student behavior, private talk and discussion can help him

understand about acceptable behavior and teacher’s expectation. The

principal as the mediator will help the teacher to solve the problem.

These three solutions are the best for handling a 17-year-old male student who has problematic behavior in class at ACES. Emmer, Evertson, and Worsham state,

When a student’s inappropriate behavior has become chronic or a


to understand the student’s perspective. Then you and the student can

identify appropriate solution and agree on which course of action to take. (179)

It is clear that talking and discussing the problem with the student is very

useful. Furthermore, they state, “You should also make the clear

consequences that will occur if the plan is not followed, and you can identify some incentive to encourage the student to follow through with the

contact” (179). It is clear that there are rules and consequences which

have to be made. On the other hand, Johnson states, “Mediation exists when a neutral and impartial third party actively assists two or more

people to negotiate a constructive resolution to their conflict. A mediator is a neutral person who help two or more people resolve their conflict” (820). The principal as a third party will be the mediator to help solving the


I believe that the three solutions that I choose can help the teachers at ACES to handle the problematic student behavior, especially the teacher who teaches Reinaldy, the 17-year-old-male student who has problematic behavior in class at ACES. I suggest that the teachers at ACES improve their ability in managing student behavior, especially in being assertive. I hope the teacher at ACES can apply the suitable way in handling

problematic student behavior in class to overcome the problem and to make the students become a better one.



Printed Source

Emmer, Edmund T., Carolyn M. Evertson, and Murray E. Worsham

Classroom Management for Middle and High School Teachers. Boston: Pearson Education, 2006.

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