Handling The Difficulty in Making A Small Talk To Foreigners When I Was At Executive Lounge of Hilton Hotel Bandung.


Tujuan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk membahas masalah yang saya
hadapi saat melakukan kegiatan magang di Hilton Hotel Bandung.
Masalah yang saya hadapi adalah kesulitan dalam melakukan small talk
atau obrolan untuk mengawali percakapan dengan orang asing.
Dalam Tugas Akhir ini saya juga menganalisis sebab dan akibat dari
masalah yang saya hadapi. Penyebab masalah tersebut adalah saya
kurang memiliki topic dalam small talk, saya takut untuk membuat
kesalahan, dan saya tidak mempunyai pengalaman untuk berkomunikasi
dengan orang orang asing. Adapun dampak dari masalah saya tersebut
adalah tamu merasa canggung, saya selalu mencari alasan untuk
mengakhiri percakapan, dan saya tidak bisa menjalin percakapan dengan
Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah saya lakukan, saya menemukan
tiga solusi untuk mengatasi masalah saya. Solusi pertama adalah saya
akan mempersiapkan beberapa pertanyaan untuk ditanyakan kepada
tamu. Solusi kedua adalah saya akan berlatih membuat small talk
bersama kolega saya, dan solusi ketiga adalah saya akan menggunakan
topik-topik dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sesuai dalam small talk.
Ketiga solusi di tersebut juga disertai dengan dampak positif dan dampak

Untuk mengatasi masalah yang saya hadapi, saya memilih ketiga
solusi yang telah saya berikan sebagai pilihan solusi untuk mengatasi
masalah saya. Gabungan ketiga solusi yang telah saya berikan tersebut
dapat digunakan untuk membantu mengatasi masalah dalam membuat
small talk dengan orang-orang asing.

Maranatha Christian University


ABSTRACT ........................................................................................


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY .....................................................


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................


CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................


A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ..................................................


CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS ...........................................


CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION.............................................................




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Cause 1 : I lack of small talk
Cause 2 :I was afraid to
make a mistake
Cause 3 : I have lack of
experience to communicate
with foreigners

Potential Negative Effect :
1. The guest may feel
annoyed and tend not
to answer my questions


Potential Negative Effect :
My colleagues will find that I
am annoying
I will disturb my colleagues’

Potential Negative Effect :
1. I will tend to dominate
the conversation


I have difficulty in making a small
talk to foreigners when I was at
Executive lounge of Hilton

Potential Solution 1:
I will prepare some
questions to be asked to the
guest and get the guest talk

Potential Solution 2:
I will practice making a small
talk with my colleagues

Potential Solution 3 :
I will use relevant topics
and questions in small talk

Chosen Solutions :
Potential Solutions 1, 2, 3

Effect 1 : the guests felt
Effect 2 : I should always
find excuses to end the
Effect 3 : I could not engage
with the guest

Potential Positive Effect:
1. I can make use some
of my time during the
introduction to know
guest’s name,
therefore, I can use it
frequently during the
2. I can ask the right
Potential Positive Effect:

1. I can be more natural
and comfortable
2. I can build up my
Potential Positive Effect:
1. I can conduct the small
talk easily
2. I can allow the guest
to give their respond
about the topic more


Name of interviewer

: Andreas Gustriawan

Name of respondent

: Julius Haryanto

Day and date if interview

: Friday, January 25, 2013

Place of interview

: Executive Lounge

A for Andreas
J for Julius
A: ko, knp ya gua suka takut kalo buat kesalahan pas ngobrol sama tamu?
J: ya lu itu kenapa?
A: ga tau ko, suka takut aja.
J: kalo kata gw sih wajar2 aja buat yang training kaya lu ngerasa takut pas
pertama ketemu tamu, apalagi sama bule

A: nah iya bener ko, kalo sama bule suka lebih takut lagi
J: gapapa lah, nanti juga lu pasti berani. Lagian lu jg ga ad pengalaman juga
kan buat komunikasi sama tamu, ya apalagi m bule. Pasti ada perbedaan
sama ngobrol sama temen.
A: oo..iy sih bener ko, butuh proses lah ya ko istilah nya mah
J: nah itu dre bener
A: oke deh ko, thank you ya.


Name of interviewer

: Andreas Gustriawan

Name of respondent

: Julius Haryanto

Day and date if interview

: Friday, January 28, 2013

Place of interview

: Executive Lounge

A for Andreas
J for Julius
A: ko lagi nyantai ga?
J: kenapa dre?sok sok lagi nyantai kok.
A: ini mau nanya-nanya kaya interview gitulah, hehe
J: oo sok kenapa?
A: kenapa ya si tamu the kadang suka kaya yang aneh pas gua ga nyoba
buat ngobrol sama mereka the?
J: oo ya iya atuh, kan kita disini kudu bisa interaksi sama tamu. Kalo lu lebih
banyak diem mah hasilnya ya gitu bakal ngerasa aneh sama lu, kaya ga
dihargain gitu lah. Kalo lu jd tamu, terus di gituin gimana?
A: hehe yaaa pasti ngerasa aneh juga ko, hehe
J: nahh ga jauh beda kan. Tamu yang tadi aja bilang sama gua, kenapa anak
itu diem aja? ga kaya yang lain , ramah dan suka nanya2 saya. gitu
A: wah? Serius ko?
J: iya lah, makanya sok belajar buat interaksi ma tamu

A: iya ko, gua pasti belajar. Thank you ko.


Name of interviewer

: Andreas Gustriawan

Name of respondent

: Julius Haryanto

Day and date if interview

: Friday, February 1, 2013

Place of interview

: Executive Lounge.

A for Andreas
J for Julius
A: ko mau interview lagi, hehe
J: hahaha sok dre
A: apa ya penyebab dari suka pengen cepet ngeudahin percakapan? Gua tu
kadang suka nyiapin kata-kata buat ngeudahin percakapan.
J: yaaa itu mah banyak alesan nya, bisa karena lu kurang pengalaman kaya
yang kemaren gua bilang. Atau lu gugup.
A: oo gt heeh ko
J: iya, tapi gua juga dulu sama kaya lu dre, suka pengen cepet2 ngeudahin
percakapan dengan nyari nyari alasan gitu. Dan lu sama kaya gua bearti.
A: haha pengen sama wae ah koko mah
J: yeehh serius ini mah haha. Lu bisa latihan dulu lah, biar biasa.
A: latihan sama siapa ko?ga mungkin sama tamu kan. Paling jg sama koko
J : iya lah. Lu bisa nanya , apa kabar, gimana perjalanannya. Gitu. Nah
sesudah itu lu bisa sharing sama gua, misal tentang kesukaan itu tamu dan

lain lain atau sama staff yang lain juga. Dan lu juga bisa dapet masukan dari
mereka, dapat info juga. Ga hanya itu lu juga bisa sharing dan nanya-nanya
tentang segala hal sama mereka. Jadi nyambung kemana-kemana nantinya
dre. Disamping itu juga lu kan bisa sambil latihan tuh buat belajar percakapan
yang aktif, jadi buat latihan bikin small talk juga. Cuma lu juga kudu liat situasi
nya, jangan sampe lu ngeganggu mereka juga. Baik itu ke tamu atau ke staff
lain. Apalagi kalo staff yang lain lagi bikin laporan, lu jangan sampe ganggu
konsentrasi mereka karena kalo salah bisa fatal.
A : oke oke ko, thank you masukan nya ya
J : oke dre


Name of interviewer

: Andreas Gustriawan

Name of respondent

: Citra Pertewi

Day and date if interview

: Saturday, February 2, 2013

Place of interview

: Executive Lounge.

A for Andreas
C for Citra
A: mba cit, lagi sibuk ga?
C: ga ko, kenapa?
A: mau nanya-nanya mba, kaya interview gitu lah hehe
C: oo sok sok, kenapa?
A:kan mba cicit sering bilang tuh kudu bisa engage sama tamu, tapi gimana
cara nya?saya ga bisa
C: ah kamu belum apa apa udah bilang ga bisa, kamu kudu usaha, jangan
malu buat nanya nanya. Kalo kamu ga usaha ya sampai kapan juga ga akan
A: hehehe iya iya mba, saya tu aga pemalu orang nya. Tapi saya pasti bakal
usaha mba hehe
C: iya gitu dong
A: ok mba, oya biasa topik atau pertanyaan apa sih yang biasa suka
ditanyain buat tamu dr bule?

C : biasa sih kamu bisa nanya soal olahraga, kaya rugby atau fitnes. Bisa
juga nanya suka tempat yang kaya gimana?biasa mereka suka nya ke bar
gitu. Atau tentang cuaca. Itu bagus dre, kamu nanya soal topik. Soalnya
buat menghindari kesalahan pemilihan topik, topik nya ga cocok gitu
maksud nya. Tapi kamu pasti butuh waktu buat nyari, milih dan nyiapin
A : berarti harus nyari topic yang sesuai ya mba?
C: iya bener, itu perlu dre, Cuma kamu juga harus hati hati, karena kamu
cenderung bisa nguasain percakapan dan tamu pun bisa jadi bête, gitu
A : oke oke mba cit, thanks yaa


Name of interviewer

: Andreas Gustriawan

Name of respondent

: Julius Haryanto

Day and date if interview

: Friday, February 8, 2013

Place of interview

: Executive Lounge

A for Andreas
J for Julius
A: ko biasa, mau interview hehe
J: kenapa dre?
A: ini saya biasa suka nyiapin pertanyaan buat ditanyain ke tamu nih, efektif
J: bagus sih ndre, jadi nti lu ad persiapan lah istilahnya mah. Cuma kalo kata
gw ya itu kurang efektif
A: oya?kenapa tah?
J: yaa soal ny lu pasti butuh waktu kan buat bikin tu pertanyaan, yang bisa
ngeganggu waktu kerja lu. Yaa tp bagus bagus aja sih dre selama ga ganggu
waktu lu kerja mah. Dan sisi bagus nya yang lain lu juga jadi bisa nanya
sesusatu sama tamu, ga diem aja kaya biasa.
A: oo gitu yak o. terus selain itu apalagi ko positif ny?
J: lu nanya nya jadi terfokus, hal-hal yang umum. Ga nanyain hal hal aneh.
A : maksudnya aneh?pertanyaan kontroversi gt ko?

J: nahh kurang lebih itu lah dre. Karena itu ga sopan dan bisa buat tamu jadi
A : ooo iya ko sip, thx ko
J : sip



Background of the study
It is true that a small talk is really important to open a conversation with

the guests. If I can have a small talk with the guests, I can be engaged
with them. Afterwards, we can have a nice conversation, and I can ask
them for feedback about the facilities and service of the hotel. Small talk
makes me really easy to connect with them.
In hospitality industry making a small talk to someone new is important,
because a small talk can help us to have opportunities to communicate
with others especially with the guests. In the article “How to Make Small
Talk and Start Conversations: Ideas, Topics and Importance of Small
Talk”, it is stated that even the shortest of chats can help you connect and
network, an advantage that is very handy in professional environments
However, during my internship at Executive Lounge of Hilton Hotel
Bandung in which I have to deal with foreigners, I, as a trainee found it
hard to make a small talk with the guest especially with foreigners.
Although, I pushed myself to try to make a small talk with them, it is hard

Maranatha Christian University

to do. As an example, when I had to deal with foreigners I just smile to
them without saying anything, because I did not know how to make a small
talk. Therefore, by conducting this study, I hope that I can find the
solutions to solve my problem.


Identification of the Problem
The problem discussed in this term paper is stated in the following

questions :
1. Why did I have difficulty in making a small talk with foreigners?
2. How could this difficulty in making a small talk influence me to
communicate with the guests?
3. How can I overcome my problem in making a small talk with foreign
guests at Hilton Hotel?


Objectives and benefits of the study
The objectives of my study are to find out the causes and effects of my

difficulty in making a small talk with foreign guests and to find the solutions
to solve this problem.
Moreover, the study also has some benefits. For the staff of Hilton Hotel
Bandung, I hope they can use the solutions to solve the problem in making
a small talk with foreigners. Then, for the readers especially those who will
work in the hospitality industry, it can give them some guidelines to know
how to solve the problem of making a small talk with foreigners. For me,
this term paper can help me to make a small talk if someday I meet

Maranatha Christian University

foreigners in my working place.

D. Description of The Institution
Hilton Hotel Bandung is located on Jl. HOS Tjokroaminoto no. 41-43,
Bandung. It was built in 2007 and completed in 2009, and it opened on
March 21, 2009. The first General Manager was Mr. Peer Norsel (March
2009-June 2012), and the second General Manager is Mr. Scott Wilson.
This hotel is a very good place for business and leisure, because it has
many facilities such as meeting rooms, Executive Lounge, Magma Lounge
and Grand Ballroom and Business Centre. It also has Rooftop swimming
pool with a good view, a kids centre, a spa and a gym. The total number of
rooms is 186, consisting of 118 Deluxe Rooms, 45 Executive Rooms, 19
Executive Plus Rooms, 3 Junior Suite Rooms and 1 Presidential Suite
Room. It also has 2 restaurants, they are Purnawarnan Restaurant, Fresco
(Italians Restaurant), and Magma Lounge. Hilton hotels has a vision,
which is to fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality, and its
mission is to be the preeminent global hospitality company - the first
choice of guests, team members, and owners alike. (Source: General
Information for Trainee)

E. Method of the study
The data for the study is taken from my journal that I wrote when I did
my internship. I also got another data from the conversation with the other

Maranatha Christian University

staff, moreover, I browsed the Internet and did library research to get the
relevant theories.

F. Limitation of the study
This study is based on my experience as a trainee in Executive Lounge
Department when I was doing my internship at Hilton Hotel Bandung from
2nd January until 31th March 2013. The subject of the study is I, myself,
as a trainee in Executive Lounge at Hilton Hotel Bandung.

G. Organization of the term paper
This term paper starts with Abstract, which contains the summary of the
term paper in Bahasa Indonesia. It is followed by Declaration of Originality,
which contains the statement of the term paper’s originality. After that,
there is Acknowledgements, which contains the expression of gratitude for
the people who has supported me in writing this term paper. Next, there is
Table of Contents that shows the titles and subtitles of each chapter.
The main content of this term paper consists of four chapters. The first
chapter is the Introduction. It is divided into seven specific parts, which
are, Background of Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives and
Benefits of the Study, Description of the Institution, Method of the Study,
Limitation of the Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. The second
chapter contains Problem Analysis, describing the causes and the effects
of the problem. The third chapter is Potential Solutions. It presents the
possible solutions, followed by the positive and negative effects. The

Maranatha Christian University

fourth chapter is Conclusion. It states the best solution, supported by
logical and systematic reasons.
The last part of this term paper is the Bibliography, which is also
followed by the Appendices, including the flowchart and transcriptions of
the interview.

Maranatha Christian University


When I did my internship at Hilton Bandung Hotel as a trainee at
Executive Lounge, I had difficulty in handling the difficulties in making a
small talk with foreigners. The causes of the problem are I lack of small
talk topics, I was afraid to make a mistake, and I had lack of experience to
communicate with foreigners. Besides the causes, the problem has some
effects, which are the guests felt awkward, I should always find excuses to
end the conversation, and the last is I could not engage with the guests.
After analyzing the causes and effects I have found some potential
solutions to solve my problem. The first potential solution is I will prepare
some questions to be asked to the guest. The second is I will practice to
make a small talk with my colleagues. And, the third is I will use relevant
topics and questions in small talk.
For the best solution to my problem I will combine those three potential
solutions that I have mentioned before which are I will prepare some
questions to be asked to the guest, I will practice to make a small talk with
my colleagues, and I will use relevant topics and questions which are
usually used by Australians in small talk.
The reasons why I choose these three potential solutions is because

Maranatha Christian University

the three potential solutions support one another. By preparing some
questions to be asked to the guest, I can ask the right questions, and by
practicing making a small talk with my colleagues, I can be more confident.
Moreover, by using relevant topics and questions, I can make the small
talk easily. Therefore, by combining the three potential solutions, I will not
find difficulty in making a small talk with foreigners.
Having a small talk with the guests is really necessary to make the
guests feel respected and valued. Furthermore, I can get to know about
their satisfaction about the quality of the hotel’s facilities and services.

Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources
Carducci, Bernardo. J. The Pocket Guide to Making Successful Small
Talk. New Albany : Pocket Guide Publishing Reader Services, 1999.
Hotel General Information. Trainee Information.

Electronic Sources
“12 Tips for Making Small Talk.” Careerbuilder.com. 24 September 2007. 15
March 2013.
< http://www.careerbuilder.com/Article/CB-482-Getting-Ahead-12-Tips-forMaking-Small-Talk/>

Maranatha Christian University

“30 Tips on the art of small talk.” Theindiansabroad.com. 13 July 2009. 22
April 2013

Beare, Kenneth. “Small Talk-Lesson Plan.” Esl.about.com.
2013. 17 February 2013

“Bio True Story”. Biography.com. 2012. 3 February 2013.
Burbach, Cherie. “Small Talk With Strangers.” About.com. 2013. 6 June 2013.

Hilton Worldwide. 3 February 2013.
“How to Make Small Talk.” eHow.com. 2013. 1 April 2013.
“How to Make Small Talk and Start Conversations: Ideas, Topics and
Importance of Small Talk.” Hubpages.com. 2013. 1 April 2013.

Maranatha Christian University

“How to Talk With People.” eHow.com. 2013. 5 June 2013.

Murphy, Peter. “6 Great Small Talk Topics for Every Situation”.
EzineArticles.com. 25 June 2007. 17 February 2013.
“Small Talk.” englishclub.com. 2013. 1 April 2013.

“What Is Small Talk.” Wisegeek.com. 2013. 15 March 2013.

Haryanto, Julius. Personal Interview. 25, 28 January 2013 and 1, 8 February
Pertewi, Citra. Personal Interview. 2 February 2013

Maranatha Christian University