Starting A Conversation And Having A Small Talk With Foreign Guests When Becoming A Concierge Trainee At Hilton Hotel.

Tugas Akhir ini memuat analisis masalah yang saya hadapi saat saya
melakukan praktek kerja atau kegiatan magang di Hotel Hilton Bandung di
bagian Concierge. Masalah tersebut adalah kesulitan memulai
percakapan dan obrolan dengan tamu asing selaku pekerja magang di
bagian Concierge di Hotel Hilton Bandung. Tujuan dari Tugas Akhir ini
adalah menemukan penyebab, akibat serta solusi untuk memecahkan
masalah yang saya hadapi.
Ada beberapa penyebab masalah yang saya hadapi, diantaranya
adalah saya tidak mengerti apa yang tamu asing ucapkan karena mereka
berbicara bahasa Inggris sangat cepat, saya kurang percaya diri ketika
berbicara dengan tamu asing dan yang terakhir saya kurang memiliki
pengetahuan mengenai topik yang tepat diperbincangkan dengan tamu
asing. Penyebab tersebut mempengaruhi kinerja saya saat melakukan
praktek kerja di Hotel Hilton Bandung, diantaranya membuat saya seperti
tidak memahami bahasa Inggris, saya terlihat canggung saat
berkomunikasi dengan tamu dan saya tidak dapat membangun hubungan
yang baik dengan tamu.
Setelah melakukan beberapa observasi dan menganalisis masalah
yang dihadapi, saya menemukan tiga solusi yang dapat memecahkan
masalah saya. Solusi yang pertama adalah saya akan berkonsultasi

dengan staf hotel dan supervisor saya mengenai masalah yang saya
hadapi dan meminta beberapa saran dalam memulai obrolan dengan
tamu. Solusi yang kedua adalah saya akan meningkatkan kemampuan
bahasa inggris saya secara lisan. Dan solusi yang ketiga adalah saya
akan berinisiatif memulai percakapan dan obrolan dengan tamu asing
yang saya temui. Solusi yang saya temukan ini memiliki beberapa dampak
positif dan negatif.
Dari ketiga solusi tersebut, saya menggabungkan ketiganya untuk
memecahkan masalah saya dalam memulai percakapan dan obrolan
dengan tamu asing saat menjadi pekerja magang di bagian Concierge
Hilton Bandung. Saya berharap penggabungan ketiga solusi tersebut
dapat menyelesaikan masalah saya.

Maranatha Christian University



TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………...v
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………...1

Background of the Study
Identification of the Problem
Objectives and Benefits of the Study
Description of the Institution
Method of the Study
Limitation of the Study
Organization of the Term Paper


CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION………………………………………………..17

Maranatha Christian University


Cause 1: I did not understand
what the foreign guests said
as they spoke fast.
Cause 2: I lacked confidence
when talking with foreign

Cause 3: I did not have
sufficient knowledge about
suitable topics when speaking
with foreign guests.

I have difficulty in starting
conversation and having small talk
with foreign guests when
becoming a Concierge trainee at
Hilton Bandung.

Potential Negative Effects:
1. I might only get
advice and
information without
applying it at work.
2. I might disturb the
hotel staff and my

Potential solution I:
I will consult the senior hotel staff
and my supervisor about my
problem or find some tips in having
small talk from the internet.

Potential Negative Effects:
1. I might seem not
competent enough in
speaking English.
2. I will not get
corrections of my
performance from the
hotel staff.
Potential Negative Effects:
1. I might choose
unsuitable topics
when trying to initiate

conversation with
foreign guests.

Potential Solution II:
I will practise my speaking skills by
starting conversation and having
small talk in English with other
hotel staff and my supervisor.

Potential Solution III:
I will practice small talk
immediately when facing foreign

Chosen Solution:

Effect 1: I seemed incapable
of understanding English.
Effect 2: I might seem socially

awkward in communicating
with the guests.
Effect 3: I could not make a
good relationship with the

Potential Positive Effects:
1. I will get useful advice
and information about
starting conversation
and having small talk
with foreign guests.
2. I will be accustomed
to receiving input from

Potential Positive Effects:
1. I will be more
confident in speaking

2. I will improve my
speaking skills in

Potential Positive Effects:
1. I will add work
2. I will be seen as a
friendly staff member.
3. I will get input and
feedback from the
hotel guests.

1. Menurut Kak Gema, small talk atau memulai perbincangan dengan
tamu itu penting atau tidak?
2. Apakah Kak Gema pernah memiliki kesulitan membuka atau
memulai permbicaraan dengan tamu?
3. Saran apa yang dapat memecahkan masalah tersebut?

4. Menurut saya solusi untuk memecahkan masalah saya dengan
saya bertanya kepada staf lain dan supervisor di hotel bagaimana
memulai small talk atau pembicaraan dengan tamu. Menurut Kak
Gema, dampak positif apa yang akan saya dapatkan?
5. Dampak negatif apa yang akan saya dapatkan bila saya bertanya
pada staf atau atasan di hotel?
6. Misalnya saya meningkatkan conversation skill dengan banyak
berlatih dengan staf hotel lainnya dan supervisor maka dampak
positif apa yang akan saya dapatkan?
7. Dampak negatifnya apa Kak Gema?
8. Saya berfikir bagaimana kalo saya langsung aja mempraktekannya
jadi langsung ngajak ngobrol tamu kaya coba coba gitu, nanti
dampak positif apa yang saya dapatkan?

9. Sedangkan dampak negatifnya apa Kak Gema?
10. Apakah Kak Gema ada saran atau masukan untuk saya mengenai
masalah ini?


Name of interviewer

: Yunny Yoswara

Name of respondent

: Gema Guna Buana

Day & date of interview

: Sunday, October 21, 2012.

Place of interview

: Team Member Resto Hilton


: Kak Gema terimakasih atas waktunya, bolehkah saya
memulai wawancara saya?


: Boleh, silakan.


: Saya memiliki kesulitan memulai pembicaraan dan
membuat small talk dengan tamu, di sini saya akan
menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan yang bersangkutan
dengan masalah saya. Apakah Kak Gema keberatan?


: Tentu saja tidak.


: Baiklah. Menurut Kak Gema small talk atau memulai
perbincangan dengan tamu itu penting atau tidak?


: Ya, menurut Gema itu sangan penting. Small talk itu seperti
percikan-percikan, pancingan atau sebuah permulaan untuk
membangun hubungan dengan tamu.


: Oh ok Kak Gema, lalu apakah Kak Gema pernah memiliki
kesulitan membuka atau memulai pembicaraan dengan


: Iya pernah karena awalnya Gema gak percaya diri, tidak
percaya dirinya karena dua hal, yang pertama topik yang
harus dibicarakan, Gema harus mengetahui informasi atau
topik apa yang saat ini dapat dibicarakan dengan tamu. Dan
yang kedua karena kurangnya pengalaman di dunia
perhotelan saat pertama kali memasuki dunia perhotelan.


: Saya setuju dengan Kak Gema, saya juga mengalami hal
itu. Lalu, menurut Kak Gema saran apa yang dapat
memecahkan masalah tersebut?


: Hmm perlu adanya peningkatan tentang topik yang sedang
hangat diperbincangkan, nada berbicara kita saat mengobrol
dengan tamu harus ramah, cara penyampaian yang sopan
dan ramah dan pintar membaca situasi tamu apakah tamu
tertarik untuk mengobrol atau tidak, apakah tamu suka
dengan topik yang diperbincangkan atau tidak.


: Ok, saya mengerti. Menurut saya, solusi untuk
memecahkan masalah saya dengan saya dapat bertanya
staf lain dan supervisor di hotel bagaimana memulai small
talk atau pembicaraan dengan tamu. Menurut Kak Gema
dampak positif apa yang akan saya dapatkan?


: Dampak positif yang akan Yunny dapatkan, Yunny akan
membiasakan diri mendapatkan masukan dari orang lain
tentu saja masukan yang membangun kemajuan Yunny di
dunia kerja, ya misalnya di bidang komunikasi yang
merupakan kseulitan kamu. Yunny juga akan mendapatkan
solusi yang baik dari orang-orang yang berpengalaman di
dunia perhotelan. Nantinya, Yunny akan terbiasa mengobrol
dengan tamu.


: Lalu, dampak negatif apa yang akan saya dapatkan bila
saya bertanya pada staf atau atasan di hotel?


: Hmm kalo menurut Gema, bertanya itu kurang baik karena
Yunny jadi tidak mengalami secara langsung. Yunny harus

mengalaminya karena pengalaman itu akan lebih baik
dibanding bertanya tanpa dilakukan seperti talk less do
more. Yunny juga bisa menggangu kinerja staff lain yang
sedang bekerja.

: Oh gitu yah Kak Gema i see i see, kalo misalnya saya
meningkatkan conversation skill dengan banyak berlatih
dengan staf hotel lain dan supervisor maka dampak positif
apa yang saya dapatkan?


: Itu bagus Yun, nantinya Yunny akan lebih percaya diri,
percaya diri di segala hal seperti yang tadi Gema katakan.
Yunny juga bisa dengan mudah mengajak ngobrol tamu.


: Kalo dampak negatifnya apa Kak Gema?


: Menurut Gema meningkatkan conversation skill dengan
berlatih itu bagus cuma nanti staf lain bingung kok kamu
latihan speaking sama staf lain padahal kamu kan jurusan
Bahasa Inggris, dan supervisor yang kamu ajak ngobrol
belum tentu tau speaking English yang bener kaya gimana.
Kamu malah bisa dapet masukan atau koreksi yang salah.


: Terus saya juga berfikir gimana kalo saya langsung aja
mempraktekannya jadi langsung ngajak ngobrol tamu kaya
coba - coba gitu. Nanti dampak postif apa yang saya


: Yunny jadi lebih berani, berani ambil resiko juga kan
langsung dipraktekin jadi siap dengan semua konsekuensi
yang ada. Yunny juga jadi bisa membangun hubungan yang
baik dengan tamu. Tamu hotel nanti menganggap Yunny itu
staf yang ramah dan tamunya jadi inget sama Yunny. Mau
nanya dampak negatifnya juga?


: Hehehe iyah.


: Kalo negatifnya menurut Gema, tar Yunny jadi ngerasa
udah bisa, ngerasa Yunny udah lebih baik dan pinter dari
orang lain. Ujung-ujungnya tar Yunny bisa ngerugiin diri

sendiri dan team karena kerja di bagian front office itu kerja
sama team nya harus bagus. Hmm terus nanti kalo Yunny
coba nanya - nanya ke tamu taunya tamunya ga suka sama
pertanyaan yang Yunny tanyain. Ini solusi ada bagus sama

: Iyah sih yah Kak Gema nanti si tamu ngomel bahaya itu
hehe. Terus, apakah Kak Gema ada saran atau masukan
untuk saya mengenai masalah ini?


: Ya, menurut Gema Yunny harus banyak bertanya informasi
ke banyak orang, ke team member hotel, trainee yang lain,
ke supervisor juga boleh, ke orang – orang yang udah
berpengalaman. Terus kalo udah bertanya harus dipraktekin
sesuai dengan isi Hilton Value yang Now. Hmm terus Yunny
juga harus meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang cara
penyampain saat berbicara dengan tamu, nadanya harus
gimana, pinter cari topik dan baca situasi tamu. Saran Gema
itu aja sih.


: Baiklah Kak Gema, nanti saya praktekin yah, talk less do
more hehehe. Makasih banyak yah Kak Gema, maaf
ngerepotin. Maksih saran dan masukannya. Makasih
waktunya juga buat wawancara.


: Iyah sama-sama. Kalo ada perlu apa-apa kontek Gema aja.


A. Background of the Study
Hospitality industry in Bandung is growing rapidly, along with the
establishment of some new hotels. Therefore, some hotels in Bandung are
in a race to become the number one hotel in Bandung and be the first
choice hotel when local and foreign tourists visit Bandung. In my opinion,
to be the first choice hotel, hotel staff should build a good relationship with
the guests, such as making friendly conversations with the guests and
giving the best service to make the guests feel comfortable at the hotel.
Therefore, communication skill is important for a hotel staff. James states
that, “Hospitality communication in the workplace is always an important
issue which is constantly addressed by employers and staff alike” (par. 1).
Furthermore, in an article entitled “Small Talk for Assistant
Housekeepers”, it is explained, Communication skills can give hotel staff
some positive aspects ;such as discover what the guest needs, get some
feedback from the guests and the guests felt that the hotel staff care about


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them (par. 4). Based on those quotations, it can be seen that the
communication between the hotel staff and the guests is important.
Referring to hospitality communication, I had a similar experience when
doing my internship at Hilton Bandung Hotel (henceforth HBH) as a Front
Office Department staff. The Front Office Department is divided into several
outlets: Executive Lounge, Concierge, Magic and Front Desk and Guest
Relation. I did my internship for three months (one month in each outlet). I
have some tasks when becoming a Concierge trainee. The tasks are
managing and keeping baggage of guests, being a greeter in the lobby, giving
some information to the guests, escorting the guests to their room, ordering a
taxi for the guests and fulfilling all the guests’ needs.
As a concierge trainee, I have some problems in communication skills; one
of the problems is starting a conversation and having a small talk with foreign
guests when meeting and escorting the guests. The senior staff, Mr. Gema,
told me to initiate conversations with the guests because it would be the
beginning of connection with the guests. As Carducci states, “Small talk is not
merely a way to pass time or impress others - it is the first step to take when
making connections with other people . . . ” (1). However, I was confused
about how to start the conversation and choose the suitable topics of
conversation. Moreover, I did not have confidence when talking with foreign
guests from China and Australia. Most of the foreign guests were speaking
English but it was difficult to understand what the Australian’s guests said,
because they spoke English quite quickly and it was difficult to grasp what
they said. Meanwhile, the foreign guests from China had difficulty in
communicating in English. Accordingly, I was not able to communicate well


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with the guests. This problem is important to discuss because it influences my
working performance as a Concierge trainee at HBH.
Based on the above explanation, I would like to discuss my difficulty in
starting a conversation and making a small talk with foreign guests when
becoming a Concierge trainee at HBH. This term paper contains some
potential solutions to solve the problem, and I believe that the solutions can
be useful for people who have the same problem as mine when doing an
internship at the hotel.

B. Identification of the Problem
The problem that will be analyzed is formulated in the following questions:
1. Why did I have difficulty in starting a conversation and having small talk
with foreign guests when becoming Concierge trainee in HBH?
2. How did my problem influence my working performance?
3. How should I overcome the problem?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objectives of the study are to find out the causes and effects of the
problem and to present the best solutions to solve the problem. The benefit of
this study for me as a writer is I can learn how to start conversation with
foreign guests. As for the readers, they will learn some information about
small talk with foreign guests. For hotel staff at HBH, the benefit is they will


Maranatha Christian University

get some knowledge to help other trainees who have the same difficulty in
starting conversations or making small talks with foreign guests.

D. Description of the Institution
In the article entitled “Bio True Story”, it is stated that, “The founder of
Hilton International is Conrad Nicholson Hilton. He is an American hotelier
who established the Hilton Hotel chain. He was born on December 25, 1887
in San Antonio, New Mexico” (par. 3). Based on the information from “About
Hilton Worldwide”, Hilton group consists of Hilton, Hilton Garden Inn, Hilton
Grand Vacation, Home 2 suite, Home Wood Suite, Hampton, Embassy Suite,
Double Tree, Conrad and Waldorf Astoria. Conrad had a dream, and that
dream was turned into a vision of Hilton Hotel. The vision is “To fill the earth
with the light and warm of hospitality”. To achieve that vision, Hilton Hotel has
a mission, that is, “To be the first choice of guests, team members and
owners alike” (1).
Based on the information that I got from my supervisor in the Executive
Lounge outlet, Mr. Julius Haryanto, “Hilton Bandung Hotel was established on
March 21, 2009. The owner of the HBH is Mr. Tatang Heriawan. The land
used to build HBH was originally a tennis court. HBH is located in the city
center, H.O.S Tjokoraminoto Street number 41-43, and it is near Bandung
train station and Husein Sastranegara Airport”.
Furthermore, in the “Hotel General Information” it is stated, “HBH has 118
deluxe type rooms, 45 executive rooms, 19 executive plus rooms, 3 junior
suites and 1 presidential suite, so the total is 186 rooms. HBH is also


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equipped with several facilities such as 3 restaurants (Purnawarman,
Caffecino, Fresco and Magma), 3 ballrooms, 9 meeting rooms, a fitness
centre, a swimming pool, sauna and spa.”

E. Method of the Study
In order to solve the problem, I have collected data to support the analysis.
The data are from library research and field research (interview and
observation). The written data is obtained in the books or electronic sources.
The field research is based on my internship experience as a Concierge
trainee in HBH, the observation, which is recorded in my internship journal,
and the interview with my supervisor.

F. Limitation of the Study
The focus of this study is solving the difficulty of starting conversation and
having small talk with foreign guests when becoming a trainee at Concierge in
HBH. The period of my internship is three months, starting from June 18 until
September 9, 2012. As a trainee in the Front Office Department (concierge)
at HBH, my working hours is divided into three shifts. The subject of research
is myself as a trainee at Concierge in HBH.


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G. Organization of the Term Paper
The term paper starts with the Abstract, which is the summary of the term
paper in Indonesian. The second is Acknowledgments and Table of Contents,
followed by the four chapters. The first chapter is the Introduction, it contains
Background of the Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives and
Benefits of the Study, Description of the Institution, Method of the Study,
Limitation of the Study, and Organization of the term paper. The second
chapter is Problem Analysis, the third chapter is Potential Solutions, and the
fourth chapter is the Conclusion of the term paper. After that, there is a
Bibliography which lists the data sources to support the research. And the last
part is the Appendices, containing flowchart, interview questions and interview


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As a trainee at Concierge outlet in HBH, I have some problems in
communication skills. One of the problems is starting conversation and
having small talk when meeting and escorting the guests. The causes of
the problem are I did not understand what the foreign guests said as they
spoke fast, I lacked confidence when talking with foreign guests, and the
lastly I did not have sufficient knowledge about suitable topics when
speaking with foreign guests. Besides this, the problem has some effects,
namely I seemed incapable of understanding English, I might seem
socially awkward in communicating with the guests, and I could not make
a good relationship with the guests. Therefore, I have to find some
potential solutions to solve my problem because the problem influences
my working performance. I found three potential solutions that might solve
my problem. First, I will consult with hotel staff and my supervisor about
my problem or find some tips in having small talk from the internet. The
second solution is I will practise my conversation skills by starting
conversation and having small talk in English with other hotel staff and my


Maranatha Christian University

supervisor. Third, I will practice small talk immediately when facing foreign
The best solution to solve my problem is combining the three potential
solutions that I have mentioned before. Those are I will consult and ask for
the tips, practise it with the hotel staff and my supervisor and lastly apply it
by practicing conversations and small talk with foreign guests.
There are some reasons for choosing the three potential solutions. I
choose to combine the solutions because all of the three solutions can be
a step-by-step solution. Therefore, it could be more effective to solve my
problem. First, I consult my problem with people who are experienced to
solve the problem. After asking and consulting them, I will apply the
solution. Lastly, I have to take action to start conversation with foreign
guests. Nelson believes that some steps to solve problems in the
workplace are listening and applying the ideas from colleagues by
practicing them frequently (16). Thus, I will be able to start conversation
and have small talk with foreign guests after applying the three potential
To sum up, the difficulty in having small talk might be solved by
combining the three potential solutions. Having small talk with hotel guests
is important to build a good relationship with hotel guests. Showing
hospitality by having small talk can make the hotel be the first choice for
guests. The guests will be satisfied with the service and feel comfortable to
stay in the hotel. Therefore, I suggest that the hotel staff in HBH have
small talk more often with the guests to enhance the quality of service.


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources
Carducci, Bernardo. J. The Pocket Guide to Making Successful Small
Talk. New Albany : Pocket Guide Publishing Reader Services, 1999.
Hotel General Information. Trainee Information.
Nelson, Bob. 1001 Ways to Take Initiative at Work. New York: Workman
Publishing Company, 1999.

Electronic Sources
“Bio True Story”. 2012. 7 October 2012.
Clapper, Tara.M. “About Small Talk”. 1999. 7 October 2012.
Hilton Worldwide. 7 October 2012.
James, Leith. “The Importance of Excellent Hospitality Communication”. 8 July 2010. 12 September 2012.

Maranatha Christian University

Mitchell, Jon. “How to Make Easy Conversation”. 2009.
8 Ocotber 2012. .
Murphy, Peter. “6 Great Small Talk Topics for Every Situation”. 25 June 2007. 12 September 2012.
Real, Royane. “Do You Need to Upgrade Your Small Talk Skills?” 9 November 2009. 12 September 2012.
“Small Talk for Assistant Housekeepers”.
2011. 12 September 2012. .
“Small Talk : Who, What, Where, When, Why?”. EnglishClub. 2007.
8 October 2012. .

Buana, Gema Guna. Personal Interview. 21 October 2012

Maranatha Christian University