INTRODUCTION A Discourse Analysis Of Newspaper Leads In The Jakarta Post Using Frame Theory.



A. Background of the Study
The content in mass media is essentially a form a compilation
of realities of events which configure them as a meaningful discourse. Media,
as a channel of communication, wraps the process of messages and forms.
This process is an event which has a particular meaning for the audience. In
the process of packaging the message, the media can choose facts to include or
to be thrown into the news text. Furthermore, in making the news, the media
uses symbol or a particular label to describe an event. This is what ultimately
will determine the picture or image which is formed in the audiences mind
about an event.
Discourse is a complete linguistic printer about communication event.
Those communications can be used in verbal language and written language
(Samsuri, 1988: 1). Discourse has transactional characters, the important
things to be concerned is the contents of communication, but it has interaction
characters if it’s considering on riversides communication. Transactional
verbal discourse is formed in speech, declamation, or talk, etc. Interaction

verbal discourse shows in conversation, debate, question, and answer (in court
or police station etc). Written transactional discourse is formed in instruction,
advertisement letters, story, essay, paper, thesis, etc.
discourse concerns with polemic, two peoples lettering.

Written interaction


Those several discourses view above speak out more about the
function of language uses in communication. There are some criteria as a
qualification that must fulfill discourse. That will be easy for the readers to
understand what exactly meant by discourse. These criteria are discourse
understanding, discourse function, and kinds of discourse including the
There is newest version of discourse analysis approach, especially in
analyzing text of media, namely the framing analysis.

In the beginning,

framing is translated as conceptual structure or pairs of trust organizing
political issues, policy, and discourse it also prepares standard categories to
appreciate the reality (Sudibyo: 1999a: 23). Lately framing concept has been
used in large size in literatures communication to describe selection process
and picturing special aspect of reality by media.
In the field of communication study, the framing analysis represents
the tradition that emerges an approached or multidiscipline perspective to
analyze phenomena or communication activities. A concept about framing or
frames has been borrowed from cognitive sciences (psychology). In practice,
the framing analysis also will open chances for implementations of sociology,
politic, and culture concepts to appreciate phenomena communications. Those
kinds of phenomena can be appreciated and analyzed based on sociological
contexts, political or cultural contexts (Sudibyo, 1999b: 176).
Framing is used for media highlight and it is emphasized on certain
aspects according to the interests of the media (Kriyantono, 2006: 252). In


framing, there are certain parts that are more important aside the other part by

Ignacio Ramoent called as a sealing effect. It is intended for news becoming
more meaningful, interesting and memorable audience in the interpretation
and public perception according to the frame that are formed by the media.
Purport is an important thing for the audience in understanding a reality. This
study attempts to see how the media present a particular event to meet
information of audiences need.
The example of the analysis using frame theory is on The Jakarta Post
edition 12 on March 2011: Pray for Japan
Media package
Pray for Japan

Framing Devices
Metaphors: natural disasters
Catchphrases: largest earthquakes
on record
Exemplar: A ferocious tsunami
spawned by one of the largest
Depiction: shympaty, empathy.
Visual Images: tsunami tidal wave

heading to the mainland
Euphemism: wary, major damage
Roots: large earthquake

Reasoning Devices
Appeals to Principle: A tsunami
warning was extended to a
number of areas in the Pacific,
ordered an evacuation of coastal
communities, but no unusual
waves were reported.

Gamson in Sobur (2001: 162) argued that in communication
perspective, framing has been used to surgery the ways of media when


constructing the fact. This analysis is more meaningful, more interesting,
move essence and more recognizing to drive public interpretation matched
with their perspective. In other words, frame is an approach to understand
how perspective how the way of views used by journalist, writer and,
addresser when they select issues and the news, writing and, message. That
perspective or way of views, finally will distinguish what the fact chosen,
which part that will be salience or erased, than to where the news willing to
proceed. By these causes, news becomes very manipulative and purposes to
dominate subject existences as something that more legitimately, objectively,
natural, normal or difficult to avoid (Imawan, 2000: 66).
Abrar (2000: 73) argued that there are 4 techniques framing the news
used by journalist, as follows:
1. Cognitive dissonance (disharmony of position and characteristics)
2. Empathy (forming “visual personal”)
3. Packing (charm magnitude employ hopeless)
4. Association (combining condition, policy, and actual with focus of
According to the Indonesia Press of Encyclopedia (1991: 108) what is
meant by opinion, public opinion, or public views is shape of unity
(synthesis) of a lot of arguments, that more and less should be supported by

many people whether they agree or not. It strings in the form of emotion and
feeling, which can change and appear from social discourses.


In Journalistic, mentioning significance opinion related with articles
arranged of prose in the mass media that discuss basic problem directly.
From the manner of form, articles of writing are like essay.
Although actually it is not essay, because its characteristic is non
individual and it is wide. Articles do not give attention enough on the beauty
of language and form. Its large variation has a meaning to extend far their
enough the idea and the fact with purpose to convince, coax, entertain the

By this condition we are able to have possibility to make framing

analysis form the certain opinion from mass media, which focuses on
selecting strategies, salience and meaning connection into writing news in
order to have more

meaning, more interesting, more essences or more

memorizing to drive in public interpretation suitable with they perspective.
This point of view in the final steps will organize what the fact must be
taken, which part should be erased also to what condition/way the
writing/news are willing to proceed.
The problems above met by the writer when he read newspaper that
the relation between the sign system with newspaper leads may affect the
meaning. To solve those problems the writer wants to do an analysis of
newspaper leads on The Jakarta Post newspaper used discourse analysis


B. Previous Study
The first previous research was done by Kuswandari (UMS, 2007)
entitled An Analysis of Narrative Discourse of the Language Used in Different
Pond Different Fish Column of Kanguru Magazine. The research analyses
focus on Narrative discourse and linguistic element especially in cohesion and

coherence. Different Pond Different Fish column of Kanguru Magazine
contain of part of cohesion such as ellipsis, reference etc.
The second previous study research was carried out by Purnasari
(UMS, 2007). Her research paper is entitled A Discourse Analysis of “Yours
Letters” in The Jakarta Post Newspaper. She analyzed a rubric of your letters
using deixis and finding out deixis devices used in discourse “Your Letters” in
the Jakarta Post newspaper. Your Letters in the Jakarta Post Newspaper
include finding out deixis devices like introduction of the letter, contend, and
enclose of the letter.
In this research the writer wants to analyze the newspaper leads on The
Jakarta Post newspaper used discourse analytic approach. Well based on the
above previous study the writer wants to elaborate part of cohesion within in
The Jakarta Post.

C. Problem of the Study
The problem that will be studied in this research is stated as follows:
1. What are the frame elements to configure the discourse of newspaper leads
in The Jakarta Post newspaper?


2. What are the implied messages of newspaper leads in The Jakarta Post
D. Objective of the Study
This research is aimed at :
1. Identifying frame elements to configure the discourse of newspaper leads in
The Jakarta Post newspaper.
2. Describing the implied message of newspaper leads in The Jakarta Post
E. Limitation of the Study
The writer focuses the problems as follows:
1. The object of researcher in this research are The Jakarta Post newspaper
lead published on Wednesday March 14, 2011.
2. To focus the research is on the context meaning system that used in
newspaper lead.
F. Benefit of the Study
1. Theoretical benefit
a. This study gives contribution to the knowledge of discourse study for
language learning.
b. This study gives more information about the frame elements of

discourse for language teaching.
c. This study contributes to linguistics, particularly discourse.
2. Practical benefits
There are some practical benefits:


a. The results will help the researcher in increasing the linguistic study
especially in discourse.
b. The result will give the information to the readers in increasing the
linguistic knowledge especially in discourse.
c. It can be for the reference for the next researchers.

G. Research Paper Organization
To enable the writer in arranging the research and to make it easy to
understand, the writer divides into five chapters, they are as follows:
Chapter I is introduction. It deals with background of the study, previous
study, problem of the study, objective of the study, limitation of study, benefit
of the study, and research paper organization.
Chapter II is underlying theory that consists of the notion of discourse

analysis, the difference among text, discourse, and context, seven criteria for
textuality, news elements, and framing analysis.
Chapter III is research method. This chapter proposes of type of the
research, object of the study, data and data source, method of collecting data,
and techniques for analyzing the data.
Chapter IV is research finding and discussion. This research finding will
be divided into (1) The frame elements to configure the discourse of
newspaper leads in The Jakarta Post newspaper and (2) The intentions of
newspaper leads in The Jakarta Post newspaper.
Chapter V is conclusion and Suggestion. This chapter presents of the
research conclusion and completed by suggestion to make the research better.