VERONIKA’S WAYS IN DEALING WITH HER LIFE AS SEEN IN PAULO COELHO’S VERONIKA DECIDES TO DIE A THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education







Everywhere one seeks to produce meaning, to make the

world signify, to render it visible. We are not, however,

in danger of lacking meaning, quite the contrary, we are gorged with meaning and it is killing us.

  (Jean Baudrillard) This thesis is sincerely dedicated to Jesus Christ and Mother Mary

  My Father and Mother,



I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work

or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the

references, as a scientific paper should.



Yogyakarta, 15 July 2011

The Writer

Polycarpus Ari





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Ari, Polycarpus. (2011). Veronika’s Ways in Dealing with Her Life as Seen

in Paulo Coelho’s Veronika Decides to Die. Yogyakarta: English Language

Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

  This study analyzes one of Paulo Coelho’s works of fiction entitled

Veronika Decides to Die. This study is aimed to find out the Veronika knows what

to do in her life.

  There are two problems formulated to achieve the objective of this study.

First, this study attempts to see how Veronika’s character is depicted in the novel.

Second, the study is intended to find out how Veronika knows what to do in her


  In order to achieve the objective, this study employs library research for

collecting data. There are two kinds of data, primary and secondary ones. The

primary data is obtained from the novel itself, Veronika Decides to Die.

Secondary sources are gained from relevant books which provide theory of

literature and modern psychology. Theory of literature consists of theory character

and characterization. Theory psychology consists of theory of social learning and

theory of decision making in complex environment.

  This study also employs one approach to work over the analysis. It is

psychological approach. This approach is applied as the most appropriate tool to

observe and analyze character within literary works along with theory of literature

and theory of psychology.

  There are two findings drawn from the analysis. The first one reveals

Veronika’s character. Veronika can be determined as brave, aggressive, stubborn,

curious, attentive, careful, thoughtful, obedient, self-aware and romantic.

  The second finding figures out that the way Veronika knows what to do in

her life is through social learning. She has accomplished two social learning

processes. They are observational learning and reinforcement in observational

learning. Being reinforced in social learning, Veronika decides to see her life

differently in order to enjoy her life.

  This study also suggests that future researchers deal with the novel

focusing on the analysis of Veronika’s decision which can influence other

characters’ life. It is also recommended that the novel is used as the material to

teach Intensive Reading II in university.



Ari, Polycarpus. (2011). Veronika’s Ways in Dealing with Her Life as Seen

in Paulo Coelho’s Veronika Decides to Die. Yogyakarta: Program Studi

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang mendiskusikan sebuah novel

fiksi karya Paulo Coelho yang berjudul Veronika Decides to Die. Skripsi ini

bermaksud untuk melihat bagaimana Veronika mengetahui apa yang harus

dilakukan untuk kehidupannya.

  Penelitian ini mempunyai dua rumusan masalah. Pertama, penelitian

bertujuan untuk melihat karakter Veronika yang tampak di dalam novel. Kedua,

penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana Veronika mengetahui apa yang

harus dilakukan dalam hidupnya.

  Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah

studi pustaka. Sumber utama dari penelitian ini adalah novel itu sendiri, novel

Veronika Decides to Die. Sumber data yang kedua berasal dari buku-buku yang

menyediakan teori kesusateraan dan teori psikologi. Teori kesusasteraan sendiri

terdiri dari teori karakter dan karakterisasi. Teori psikologi yang digunakan dalam

penelitian ini adalah teori pembelajaran sosial dan teori pengambilan keputusan

dalam lingkungan yang komplek.

  Penelitian ini menggunakan satu pendekatan dalam pelaksanaan

penelitian. Pendekatan tersebut adalah pendekatan psikologi. Pendekatan tersebut

diterapkan sebagai media yang paling sesuai untuk meninjau dan menganalisa

karakter dalam karya sastra bersamaan dengan teori kesusasteraan dan teori


  Terdapat dua penemuan yang dapat diambil dari analisa penelitian ini.

Hasil analisa yang pertama menunjukan bahwa karakter Veronika dapat

digambarkan sebagai orang yang berani, agresif, keras kepala, ingin tahu, peka,

berhati-hati, pemikir, penurut, sadar diri and romantis.

  Hasil analisa yang kedua menunjukan bahwa Veronika mengetahui hal

yang harus dilakukan dalam kehidupannya melalui pembelajaran sosial. Veronika

melakukan dua pembelajaran social. Pembelajaran social itu terdiri dari

pengamatan pembelajaran dan penguatan dalam pengamatan pembelajaran.

Karena memperoleh penguatan dalam pembelajaran social, Veronika akhirnya

mengambil keputusan untuk memandang hidupnya dengan cara berbeda agar dia

bisa menikmati hidupnya.

  Penelitian ini juga manyarankan kepada peneliti yang akan datang

menfokuskan pada pengaruh keputusan Veronika terhadap kehidupan karakter

yang lain. Penelitian ini juga merekomendasikan novel ini sebagai bahan untuk

mengajar kelas Intensive Reading II untuk Universitas.



It is a pleasure to thank those who make this study possible to be finished.


First of all, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ for His

blessing which become great guidance and power for me finishing this study.

  It is an honor for me to present my deepest gratitude to Dr. Antonius

Herujiyanto, M.A., for his uncountable helps, as my sponsor whose patience,

guidance, encouragement, suggestions, corrections and supports from the initial to

the final level enable me to develop a deep understanding of this study as well as

to complete it.

  My deepest love and gratitude are dedicated for my beloved parents, my

father Bernardinus Rustamaji and my mother Maria Suharmiyatun due to

their prayers, guidance and supports.

  I would like to thank my older brother Thomas Ari and my younger sister

Maria Agustina for their attention, advice and supports always accompany me in

sadness and happiness. I also owe my gratitude to my cousins, Putri and Dede

who always ease my weariness and cheer me up when I felt down.

  Next, I would like to extend my gratitude to PBI lecturer and teaching staff

of English Language Study Program for their helps, guidance and suggestions

while finishing this thesis. Moreover, my appreciation is also addressed to the

entire library staff whose helps, services and cooperation foster me a lot in

searching for the research materials.

  I am indebted to all my friends Adven, Bertus, Gunawan, Wibbi,

Wikan, Yudi, Agus and Vita for their precious moment of friendships, life

sharing and motivations.

  Finally, I hope this thesis will be useful for the reader. I realize that this

work is still far from being perfect, any valuable critics and comments are needed

to make this thesis better.

  Polycarpus Ari



TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................ APPROVAL PAGES ..................................................................................... DEDICATION PAGE .................................................................................

  STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ...........................................

  LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS...................................... ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................... TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................................

  CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION………………………………………. A. Background of the Study....…………….……………………....…..

B. Objective of the Study….………………………………….……..…

C. Problem Formulation……………………………………………….

D. Research Benefits….………………………….………………….....

E. Definition of Terms………………………..………………………..

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE……………. A. Theoretical Review……………………..…………………..…..…

1. Critical Approach……………………..………………….……..

Page i ii iv v vi vii viii ix xi











a. Psychological Background…..………………..………….....

  8 2. Theory of Literature………..……………….............................

  11 a. Theory of Character…..……….………………....................

  11 b. Theory of Characterization………………………………....

  13 3. Theory of Psychology……….……..…..………………...........

  15 a. Theory of Social Learning…………………….…………...


  b. Theory of Decision Making in Complex Social Environment………………….………….………..….…....

  19 B. Theoretical Framework….…..……………………………………....

  22 C. Context of the Novel…………………..………………………….…

  23 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY…………………………………......

  25 A. Object of the Study……………………..………….…………….…

  25 B. Approach of the Study…………………………..…………………

  26 C. Method of the Study……………...……………………………..…

  27 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS……………………………………………


  29 A. Veronika’s Character………………………………………...…......


1. Before Social Learning……………...…………………..……….

  a. Aggressive………..……………………………………………

  29 b. Stubborn………………………………………………..……..

  30 c. Thoughtful………………………………..……………….…..

  31 d. Curious………………………………………………………..


  e. Attentive..……………………………………………………


  2. After Social Learning……………………………………………


  a. Brave….………………..…………………………..…………

  34 b. Obedient.……………………………….…..….......................


  c. Careful………...………..………………..……………………


  d. Self-Awareness……………..…………………………………


  e. Romantic..……………………..………………………………

  38 B. Veronika’s Social Learning and Her Decision……………................


1. Veronika’s Social Learning…………………................................


a. Observational Learning…………………….…..........................


1) Attentional……………….…………….……………………


2) Retention……………….………….…….……………….....


3) Motor Production………….………..……............................


4) Motivational…………….…………..…................................


b. Reinforcement in Observational Learning…………………….


1) Vicarious Reinforcement……………..…….……………….


2) Self-Reinforcement……………..…….………………….....


3) Learning Self-Regulation………………...............................


4) Self-Evaluation and Self-Concept…...….………………….


2. Veronika’s Decision of Her Life.........….…………..…………....


  51 A. Conclusions………………………………………….……...……..


  B. Suggestions……………………………………………….………...


1. Suggestion for Future Researchers…………………………..…..


2. Suggestion for Teaching Implementation……………..................

  54 REFERENCES……………………………………………………………

  55 APPENDICES…………………………………………………………….

  57 Appendix 1: Biography of Paulo Coelho…………………………………...

  58 Appendix 2: Summary of the Novel………………………………………...

  61 Appendix 3: Lesson Plan for Teaching Intensive Reading II…….………...

  63 Appendix 4: Learning Material for Teaching Intensive Reading II…..…….

  66 Appendix 5: Answer Key…………………………………………………...


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter is divided into five main parts. They are background of the

  study, objective of the study, problem formulation, research benefits and the definition of terms. The background of the study tells about why the writer chose literature, novel’s author and the novel as the topic of the study. Objective of the study determines the purpose of the study. The problem formulation presents the two problems of the study. Research benefits convey the usage of this study for readers and researchers. Last part of this chapter is definition of terms which presents some specific terms which are needed to be clarified.

A. Background of the Study

  Nowadays, people always want to shift their dream into reality and achieve their happiness. Happiness makes people’s life worth living. A matter of fact, most people couldn’t get it done and result in failure. This failure often makes people lead a dog’s life. It means that people would find their life dull and full of weariness which finally brings them to unhappy days. Basically, people may require alternatives and reinforcement from others while altering their dreams into reality. Those alternatives and reinforcements are usually brought by others such as parents, friends and environments. Therefore, people need to experience socialization process with parents, friends and environment in order to get more alternatives. By socializing, people are provided with various alternatives which help them to choose and decide about something in their life.

  2 That socialization will enable people to know what to do in their life. This life issue is called social learning processes. “Social learning identifies learning as a dynamic interplay between the person, the environment, and behavior. Social learning is also a theory of human development that says humans learn through observation of model behaviors and reinforcement for imitated behaviors” (Bandura, 1977:237). This phenomenon of social learning is interesting to discuss. Therefore, this study chooses social learning as one of recent life issue as the topic of this study.

  We can find many human phenomenons related to life issue in many forms. One of them is through literary works. According to Wellek and Waren’s


Theory of Literature, “literature is a source of knowledge that is very important

  for everyone who wants to enrich his comprehension of the world and its society” (36). This evidence reinforces the writer to choose study on literature. It is also selected because literature serves as a mirror of self and social examination.

  People can see, learn, and even comprehend life phenomenon which is illustrated in literature.

  As one of literary works, Veronika Decide to Die, a novel that contains psychological and life issue of human being is interesting to elaborate and analyze. The story of Veronika Decides to Die is a novel written by Paulo Coelho. This novel is written based on the Paulo Coelho’s experience when his parent had him to a lunatic asylum. Paulo Coelho is also recognized for his powerful story telling technique and the profound spiritual insights he blends seamlessly into his parables. It was also done when he presents Veronika Decide to Die. He has won

  3 a winner of numerous literary prizes. Paulo Coelho is also a prominent speaker for humanitarian causes and an international bestselling author. This evidence ensures this study to use Paulo Coelho’s novel as the object of this study. In Paulo Coelho’s Veronika Decides to Die, he presents Veronika as the main character who has willing to commit suicide due to boredom and emptiness of life. To be failed of suicide attempt, she is sent to a mental hospital. Doctor told her that she had heart attack and there only a week remain. By living in mental hospital, which is a new environment for her, she begins to socialize and learn new things. Afterwards, she realizes the meaning of her life and knows what to do with her life. By understanding Paulo Coelho’s Veronika Decides to Die, this study relates social learning as a life issue with Veronika’s life as seen in the novel. Therefore, this study focuses on researching and analyzing the ways to know the meaning of Veronika’s life as reflected in Paulo Coelho’s Veronika Decides to Die. The ways to know the meaning of Veronika’s life leads Veronika knows what to do in her life.

  B. Objective of the Study

  The objective of this study is to explain and figure out the ways Veronika knows what to do in her life as seen in Paulo Coelho’s Veronika Decides to Die.

  C. Problem Formulation

  Based on the novel and the background study, the writer formulated these problems as follows:


  1. How is Veronika’s character depicted in the novel?

  2. How does Veronika know what to do in her life as reflected in Paulo Coelho’s

  Veronika Decides to Die?

  D. Research Benefits

  This study is expected to be beneficial to the readers and researchers of Paulo Coelho’s Veronika’s Decides to Die. First, the readers can learn and enrich their knowledge about the ways Veronika’s knows the meaning of her life. It also enables the readers to reflect what the meaning of life is, moreover, they will know what to do in their life.

  Second, this study can be used as a base for future researchers to appoint another study based on Paulo Coelho’s Veronika Decides to Die. This study will be valuable and become researchers’ referential for future study. Considering the aspects, hopefully, by knowing the ways to know the meaning of Veronika’s life, researchers can comprehend and understand the important points that can help build another study on the novel.

  E. Definition of Terms

  It is important to know the terms of character, social learning, deal and decision in order to avoid misunderstanding while studying this research. They are:


  1. Character

  According to Hugh Holman and William Harmon, “character is a complicated term that includes tile idea of the moral constitution of the human personality, the presence of moral uprightness, and the simpler notion of the presence of creatures in art that seem to be human beings of one sort or another” (81). In this study, this term is used to determine Veronika’s character in Paulo Coelho’s Veronika Decides to Die.

  2. Social learning

  “ Social learning identifies learning as a dynamic interplay between the person, the environment, and behavior. According to Albert Bandura, social learning is also a theory of human development that says humans learn through observation of model behaviors and reinforcement for imitated behaviors” (237).

  This suggests that environment has an important role and influence on a person's behavior. Social learning emphasizes the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others. “Social learning theory explains human behavior in terms of continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral, and environmental influences” (997). In this study, the term of social learning is used to explain the Veronika’s social learning.


  3. Deal

  According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the meaning of deal is “to manage with something”(298). This term is used to determine how Veronika deals with her life.

  4. Decision

  According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the meaning of decision is “an action of deciding” (301). Meanwhile, the word decision which is derived from the word decide can be defined as “between something or somebody / to consider something and come to conclusion to make a decision. To settle a dispute an issue or a case, give judgment on something” (301). This term is used in order to help this study explains Veronika’s decision.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter covers three main parts. The first part is theoretical review,

  second is theoretical framework and third is context of the novel. Theoretical review contains the reviews of some relevant theories for answering the problems stated in previous chapter of this study. Theoretical framework explains the contribution of the theories and reviews in solving the problem of this study.

  Context of the novel presents contextual information when novel is written.

A. Theoretical Review

1. Critical Approach

  Literary criticism is the field of study which systematizes this sort of activity, and several critical approaches to literature are possible. In other words, it is a tool to analyze, question, interpret, synthesize, and evaluate the literary works in the course of pondering, analyzing and discussing them. According to Mary Rohrberger and Samuel H. Wood Jr’s in their book entitled Reading and Writing


about Literature, “there are five critical approaches in reading literature the

  critical approach” (6-15). There are formalist approach, biographical approach, sociocultural-historical approach, mythopoeic approach, and psychological approach. Each approach has its function in analyzing a literary work. A literary work can be analyzed by either a single approach or even more, as long as they are significant. Rorhberger also states that each approach has its values and

  8 limitations. Thus, the literature employs more than one approach to shape a good literary work. In connection to analyze the subject matter of this study, two approaches are applied. They are psychological approach and biographical approach.

a. Psychological Background

  This approach reflects the effect that modern psychology has had upon both literature and literary criticism. According to Rohrberger and Wood, the psychological approach pays attention to “the certain repeated structure but the attention is from the different knowledge’s point of view” (13-14). The psychological approach is significant in motivating people to reach out achievements in the society where they belong as normal people. In determining what a person thinks and why he acts that way on a particular situation, Freud clarifies psychological approach into three parts. They are ego, id, and superego.

1) The Id

  The id is the first component of human psyche. According to Ewen, ”it presents from birth and operates based on pleasure principle. It relates to biological functions such as breathing, sweating, and elimination” (18).The id is the reservoir of libido, the primary source of all psychic energy. It functions to fulfill the primordial life principle, which Freud considers to be the pleasure principle. Without consciousness or semblance of rational order, the id is characterized by a tremendous and amorphous vitality. Speaking metaphorically,

  9 Freud explains this "obscure inaccessible part of our personality" as "a chaos, a cauldron of seething excitement with no organization and no unified will, only an impulsion to obtain satisfaction for the instinctual needs, in accordance with the pleasure principle" (103). He further stresses that the "laws of logic above all, the law of contradiction do not hold for processes of the id. Contradictory impulses exist side by side without neutralizing each other or drawing apart. Naturally, the id knows no values, no good and evil, no morality" (104-5).

  The id is, in short, the source of all our aggressions and desires. It is lawless, asocial, and amoral. Its function is to gratify our instincts for pleasure without regard for social conventions, legal ethics, or moral restraint. Unchecked, it would lead us to any lengths to destruction and even self-destruction to satisfy its impulses for pleasure. Safety for the self and for others does not lie within the province of the id; its concern is purely for instinctual gratification, heedless of consequence. Thus there is a certain psychological validity in the old saying that a rambunctious child (whose id has not yet been brought under control by ego and superego) is "full of the devil." We may also see in young children (and neurotic adults) certain uncontrolled impulses toward pleasure that often lead to excessive self-indulgence and even to self-injury.

2) The Ego

  The second component of human psyche is the ego. It works based on the reality principle. In view of the id's dangerous potentialities, it is necessary that other psychic agencies protect the individual and society. The first of these

  10 regulating agencies, that which protects the individual, is the ego. This is the rational governing agent of the psyche. Though the ego lacks the strong vitality of the id, it regulates the instinctual drives of the id so that they may be released in nondestructive behavioral patterns. And though a large portion of the ego is unconscious, the ego nevertheless comprises what we ordinarily think of as the conscious mind. As Freud points out, "In popular language, we may say that the ego stands for reason and circumspection, while the id stands for the untamed passions." Whereas the id is governed solely by the pleasure principle, the ego is governed by the reality principle. Consequently, the ego serves as intermediary between the world within and the world without. The functions of ego are to make decisions, control actions, and allow thinking and problem solving of a higher order than the id is capable of (34). They also state that the ego plays important roles in mediating between the instinctual requirements of the organism and the conditions of surrounding environment and maintaining the life of individual.

3) The Superego

  The last one is the superego. Cloninger (41) states that “the superego consists of rules and ideals of society that have become internalized by the individual.” Contrasting to the id, the superego operates according to the morality principle and serves primarily to protect society and us from the id. Largely unconscious, the superego is the moral censoring agency, the repository of conscience and pride. It is, as Freud says in "The Anatomy of the Mental Personality" the "representative of all moral restrictions, the advocate of the

  11 impulse toward perfection, in short it is as much as we have been able to apprehend psychologically of what people call the 'higher' things in human life" (95). Acting either directly or through the ego, the superego serves to repress or inhibit the drives of the id, to block off and thrust back into the unconscious those impulses toward pleasure that society regards as unacceptable, such as overt aggression, sexual passions, and the Oedipal instinct. Freud attributes the development of the superego to the parental influence that manifests itself in terms of punishment for what society considers being bad behavior and reward for what society considers good behavior. An overactive superego creates an unconscious sense of guilt (hence the familiar term guilt complex and the popular misconception that Freud advocated the relaxing of all moral inhibitions and social restraints). Whereas the id is dominated by the pleasure principle and the ego by the reality principle, the superego is dominated by the morality principle. We might say that the id would make us devils, that the superego would have us behave as angels (or, worse, as creatures of absolute social conformity), and that it remains for the ego to keep us healthy human beings by maintaining a balance between these two opposing forces. It was this balance that Freud advocated not a complete removal of inhibiting factors.

2. Theory of Literature

a. Theory of Character

  Character is one of the most important elements of a novel, because through character, the author tells the story. Briefly, there is no story without

  12 characters. By knowing the theory of character and characterization will help this study analyzing the character of this novel. According to Abrams, character itself can be defined as “the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say, the dialogue and what they do the action” (2).

  Other theorists such as Hugh Holman and William Harmon also state that “ character is a complicated term that includes tile idea of the moral constitution of the human personality, the presence of moral uprightness, and the simpler notion of the presence of creatures in art that seem to be human beings of one sort or another” (81). Therefore, character plays pivotal roles in novel. Thus, it emphasizes that an author has to introduce characters in a way that allows readers the time to take in who the characters are and what issues they have to resolve.

  A novel is written to reveal character as reflection of human life. Not all character play important role. Characters can be divided into two kindly major or main character and minor character. Major character is the most important character in a story.

  Basically, a story is about this character, but he cannot stand on his own, he needs other characters to name tie story more convincing and lifelike. Minor characters are characters of less important than those the main. A character can be either static or dynamic. A static character is one who changes little if at all.

  Things happen to such a character without things happening within. The pattern of action reveals the character rather than showing the character changing in response to the actions. A dynamic character is one who is modified by actions

  13 and experiences (83). This theory of character will help this study to determine the main character of the novel. it also facilitated the study to analyze the object of this thesis deeper.

b. Theory of Characterization

  In order to know and reveals personality and attitude of the character, there are several ways must be followed. According to M.J. Murphy method which is used to know character in the novel is through several ways, they are personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, reaction, direct comment, thoughts, and mannerism (161-173). Personal description means that “the author can describe a person’s appearance and clothes.

  The author is able to give physical details related to skin, face and body in order to help the reader illustrate and imagine the character” (161). Second is character as seen by another. “The author can describe the character through the eyes and opinions of another” (162-163). Readers will be facilitated to understand the character by knowing other character said. Third is through what that person says. ”

  It means that “the author can give us an insight into the character of the person in the book. Whenever he or she is in conversation with another, whenever he puts forward an opinion, he is giving some clue to his character” (163-166).

  Fourth is about telling the past life. “By letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life the author can give us a clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s characters. This can be direct comment by the author, through

  14 person thoughts, through his conversation or through the medium of another person” (166).

  Fifth is conversation of others. “People do talk about other people and the things they say often give as a clue to the character of the person spoken about. By acquiring other people conversation, readers are capable of illustrating the character in the novel. Therefore, the author can also give us clues to person’s character through (conversation of others) people and the thing they say about him/her” (167). Sixth is reaction. “Clues given by the author by letting us know that person reacts to various situations and events (reaction). Through character’s reaction, the author can imply many things to the reader concern on the character’s personality” (168). Seventh is direct comment. “The author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly. The author can give us direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about (thoughts). In this respect he is able to do what we cannot do in real life. He can tell us what different people are thinking” (170). Eight is thought. “The author can give us direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. The reader then is in a privileged position, he has as it were, a secret listening device plugged in to the inmost thoughts of a person in a novel” (171).

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A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

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THE MEANING OF ARTEMIS FOWL’S LIFE AS SEEN IN EOIN COLFER’S ARTEMIS FOWL A THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

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A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

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IN MICROTEACHING CLASS A THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

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A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

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COELHO’S PERSONAL LIFE AS REFLECTED IN THE CHARACTERS VERONIKA AND EDUARD IN PAULO COELHO’S VERONIKA DECIDES TO DIE A THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

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