Difficulty in Handling A 5-Years-Old Pupil Who Showed Symptoms of Temper Tantrums in Adiwidya Kindergarten Level A.

Tujuan dari penulisan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk membahas
permasalahan yang dihadapi saat saya magang di Taman Kanak-kanak
Adiwidya, Garut. Permasalahan yang saya alami adalah kesulitan saya
dalam menangani seseorang anak berumur lima tahun yang menunjukkan
perilaku tantrum.
Selain membahas masalah yang saya sebutkan di atas, Tugas Akhir ini
membahas mengenai penyebab dan dampak yang ditimbulkan dari
permasalahan yang saya alami. Penyebab pertama adalah tidak adanya
informasi mengenai kepribadian anak-anak yang akan saya ajar,
penyebab kedua adalah saya tidak tegas kepada anak yang menunjukkan
perilaku tantrum, dan penyebab terakhir adalah saya tidak memiliki
pengalaman dalam mengatur anak di kelas. Permasalahan ini juga
menimbulkan beberapa dampak, yaitu saya kesulitan dalam menangani
kelas, karena saya terfokus pada anak yang menunjukkan perilaku
tantrum, lalu yang kedua adalah beberapa murid yang lain meniru perilaku
anak dengan perilaku tantrum untuk mendapatkan perhatian saya, dan
yang terakhir adalah saya sering kehilangan kesabaran kepada anak yang
menunjukkan perilaku tantrum. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan di atas
saya melakukan penelitian. Berdasarkan penelitian saya mendapatkan
tiga pilihan solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini. Solusi pertama

adalah saya menggunakan metode time-out, lalu yang kedua adalah saya
akan menggunakan behavior chart di dalam kelas, dan yang terakhir
adalah saya akan membuat batasan- batasan di dalam kelas. Solusisolusi tersebut juga memiliki dampak positif dan negatif.
Sebagai kesimpulan, saya memilih ketiga solusi dalam mengatasi
permasalahan yang saya hadapi. Time-out, behavior chart, dan
menerapkan batasan adalah cara yang efektif dalam meredam anak
dengan perilaku tantrum. Harapan saya dengan tugas akhir ini adalah
dapat membantu para pembaca untuk tahu bahwa mendisplinkan dengan
tiga metode yang saya berikan dapat menjadi solusi untuk mengatasi
permasalahan pada anak yang menunjukkan perilaku tantrum.

Maranatha Christian University


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALTY……………………………..………..….….ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………….iv

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION......................................................................1
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION………………………………………………...15

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1. I did not get any information about
the personality of the pupils from the
home teacher and supervisor before
teaching the class

I had difficulty in handling a 5years- old pupil who showed
symptoms of temper tantrums in
TK A class at Adiwidya

1. I found it hard to control my class
because I had to focus on to that
temper tantrum pupil.

2. I was not assertive enough to the

pupil with temper tantrums

2. Some other pupils imitated the
behavior of pupil with temper tantrums
to catch my attention.

3. I did not have any experience in
managing children in the classroom

3. I often lost patience in dealing with
pupil with temper tantrums.

1. The pupil will calm down from his



I will use the time-out method.

1. He would feel scared because he
feels like he gets a punishment.

2. Time out method can improve the
bad behavior of the pupil

2. He will feel embarrassed and

3. The pupil will learn from his mistakes.

3. He will become angrier.

1. The pupil will encourage positive


I will use the behavior chart in class.

1. The pupil might only focus on the

2. The pupil will be taught about
3. The behavior chart will teach the
pupil to set the goals.

1. He will stop doing inappropriate

I will set the boundaries.

1. The pupil will feel distressed and


2. He will become a responsible pupil.
3. He will know the acceptable and
unacceptable behaviors.

Chosen Solution:
All the solutions

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Name of interviewer:

Yohanes Subrata

Name of respondent:

Siti Hanipah

Day & date of interview:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Place of Interview:

Adiwidya Kidergarten, Garut


Saya itu membahas Glenn mam, kata saya Glenn itu begini- begini,
dan kata dosen saya dia itu temper tantrum. Jadi dia itu nangis,
marah- marah samapi yang dia pingin itu kesampeian. Nah, sejak
kapan Glenn seperti itu?

Siti Hanipah: Dia sudah dari kecil, malah semenjak masuk sini, ketika PG malah
lebih parah. Kalau waktu PG dia malah bisa lari- lari keluar.Dulu kan
yang pegang PG kan Mam Ari sama Mam Tanti kalau aku kan

pegangnya TK A.Waktu pertama masuk ke PG itu kalau marah dia
bisa pukul- pukul, lempari barang, kalau ga diturutin juga dia lari
keluar. Hal itu berlangsung sampai tahun terakhir PG.Dulu saya
pernah bilang gini ke Mam Tanti, Kalau Glenn ga berubah tetap
seperti itu, saya ga mau pegang dia. Saya lebih baik pilih yang lain
dan membiarkan Glenn sendiri kalau ternyata dia tidak berubah
karena kelas saya tidak pernah ada asisten. Tapi kata Mam Tanti
Glenn takut sama aku.Dan pada hari pertama masuk ternyata
memang betul. Awalnya dia nangis, karena pada waktu itu saya
memberi hadiah kepada anak- anak yang mau diam dan respek,
Glenn mau, tapi karena dia ga respek jadi ga aku kasih.Lalu saya
bilang ke Glenn jika dia nangis lagi dia balik lagi ke PG.Nah dari situ
dia berubah.Dari sini saya menganalisa bahwa waktu PG mam Ari

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dan Tanti terlalu lembek, Glenn begitu dibujuk dengan reward, jadi hal
iitu membuat dia tidak mengerti kalau itu salah.

Kalau Glenn seperti itu penyebabnya apa sih Mam?

Siti Hanipah: Setau saya dulu mamanya pernah cerita sama saya, dia pernah dites
IQ nya diatas rata- rata, Yapi EQ nya sangat rendah, jadi tidak

Kalau dirumahnya sering dimarah- marahin ga mam?

Siti Hanipah: Kalau saya liat sih ga, Jadi orangtuanya itu yang bertipikal democrat.

Pernah ada kerja sama ga mam antara guru dengan orang tua?

Siti hanipah:

Pernah waktu PG, Mam Ari dan Tanti dan mamanya karena waktu itu
parah sekali. AJdi yang sering komunikasi mereka.


Tapi kadang- kadang Glenn sampai sekarang kalau pulang masih
suka marah- marah?

Siti Hanipah: Nah ini Karena jemputan kan. Dia ga mau langsung pulang karena
pengen main dulu. Jadi sekarang mamnya yang jemput.

Nah kalau begitu jadi harus bagaimana yah mam?

Siti Hanipah: Menurut saya kalau begitu sudah menjadi tanggung jawab orang tua,
kalau sudah ada orang tuanya saya tidak bertanggung jawab.

Kalau efeknya ke Ibu waktu dia tantrum ada ga?

Siti Hanipah: Saya orang yang tipikal tidak ambil pusing dengan satu siswa, Glenn
mau nangis, mau lari- lari saya tinggalin saja. Jadi menurut saya
seperti itu.

Oh begitu yah mam, terima kasih yah mam atas waktnya. Nanti kalau
ada kekurangan lagi saya wawancara lagi. Hehe..

Siti Hanipah: Ok sama- sama ko.

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This is the example of the behavior chart, this picture I took from the internet.

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A. Background of the Study
The topic of this term paper is based on my internship at Adiwidya
Kindergarten. I did the internship for one month, starting from January 4 until
February 8, 2013. I was a teacher at Adiwidya Kindergarten level A. I was
teaching English especially vocabulary, writing lesson in Bahasa Indonesia
and crafts. The number of students in the class was eight pupils. I always
taught 2.5 hours every day.
When I did the internship, I had a problem. My problem is difficulty in
handling a 5-year-old boy. This child would be angry, and he screamed, cried,
andthrew away anything around him when his wishes were not fulfilled. He
had problems with his temper. His emotional problem is called Temper
Tantrums. Schmitt states that, “A temper tantrum is an immature way of
expressing anger” (par. 1). There are some behaviors that indicate Temper
Tantrums. In his book, Lovaas says that, “Your child’s tantrums may be minor,
such as screaming, or they may be major, such as hitting, scratching,

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or biting adults or other children, throwing himself on the floor, overturning
furniture, breaking glass, or injury [injuring] himself by hitting himself, banging
his head against the wall, etc” (29). I also noticed that the boy with temper
tantrums showed minor and major types of tantrum. This problem is important
to discuss because if it is not solved, it would harm the child’s emotions in the
Based on the above explanation, I would like to analyze my difficulty in
handling a 5-year-old pupil who showed symptoms of temper tantrums in TK
A class at Adiwidya Kindergarten. The causes, the effects, and the best
solutions are presented in the next chapters.

B. Identification of the Problem
The problem which I would like to analyze is formulated in the following
research questions:
1. Why did I have difficulty in handling a 5-year-old pupil who showed
symptoms of temper tantrums in TK A class at Adiwidya Kindergarten?
2. How did the problem influence that pupil, the other pupils, and me as
the teacher?
3. How should I overcome the problem?

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C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objectives of this study are to analyze the causes of my problem in
handling a 5-year-old pupil who showed temper tantrums symptoms, and
to discuss the effects of this problem. Besides, I would like to present the best
solution to solve the problem.
This study has three benefits. First, the readers will learn about temper
tantrums, and also find out the solutions to overcome the problem. Second,
this term-paper also has advantages for teachers in Adiwidya Kindergarten.
They can figure out how to deal with children who have emotional problems
related to temper tantrums in the future. The third benefit is for me, so that I
can discover the causes, effects, and the solutions of the problem that I

D. Description of the Institution
Based on this school’s website, Adiwidya Pre-School, it is stated that at
first Adiwidya Kindergarten and Bestari Utami Elementary school is an
English course called Adiwidya. This course has been there since 28 years
ago. The course was founded by Ms. Sari Utami Gunawan (Mrs. Nelli) & Mr.
Tommy Theodjumara (late) in 1985. This course is located at Jalan Pasundan
45, Garut. After that, the course changed in management by Mrs. Christanti
Gomulia. Learning English in this course is based on Active & Real Life
Learning, the children are taught to use English in real life. In 2007, PG / TK

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Adiwidya was built. The location of Adiwidya Kindergarten is the same as to
the Adiwidya Course’s location. Now, this school has 25 students, and each
class has 10 students. Adiwidya Kindergarten has five staff members. This
school prepares the students to face the 21st century. Adiwidya Kindergarten
also applies entrepreneurial learning based on Entrepreneurship Education
Ciputra Way. Adwidya Kindergarten has a vision. The vision of PGTK
Adiwidya and SD Bestari Utami is 3H - Head, Hands, Heart go together in

E. Method of the Study
I collect the data from personal interviews with the teacher of level A at
Adiwidya Kindergarten. I also conduct library research to find relevant
theories from books and articles in the Internet. I use the data to analyze the
causes, effects, and solutions of the problem that I faced during the internship.

F. Limitation of the Study
The focus of this study is my own problem in dealing with a 5-year-old boy
who showed symptoms of temper tantrums. The subjects of research are
myself, as the teacher, and the boy in a Kindergarten class named Glenn.
This problem I experienced during my internship from January 4 to February
8, 2013.

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G. Organization of the Term Paper
The term-paper starts with the Abstract, a brief overview of what is
discussed in this term paper. Next, there is a Declaration of Originality
followed by Acknowledgments. This is followed by Table of Contents.
This term paper has four chapters. The first is the Introduction which is
divided into seven sections. These are Background of the Study, Identification
of the Problem, Objectives and Benefits of the study, Description of the
Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the Study, and Organization of
the Term Paper. Chapter Two is Problem Analysis. This chapter discusses
the causes and effects of the problem. Then, Chapter Three presents the
potential solutions of the problem along with the potential positive and
negative effects. After that, Chapter Four explains the conclusion of the termpaper. Then, there is a Bibliography, which is the list of the sources I use in
this term-paper. Lastly is Appendices, which consist of the flowchart, and
interview transcription, and an example of behavior chart.

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In this chapter I will discuss the best solution of my problem in handling a
5-year-old pupil who showed symptoms of temper tantrums. The problems
are due to several causes. The first cause I did not get information about the
personality of the children I will teach, and the second cause is I was not
assertive enough to the pupil with temper tantrum, and the third is I did not
have any experience in managing children in the classroom. Besides the
causes, there are some effects. First, I found it hard to control my class
because I have to focus on the pupil with temper tantrums. Then some pupils
imitated the behavior of the pupil with temper tantrums. Lastly, I often lost my
patience with the pupil. I have looked for a solution to solve this problem. The
solutions are I will use time-out method, use behavior chart method, and set
the boundaries for behavior. Each solution has positive and negative effects.
In overcoming the difficulty in dealing I faced with the pupil who showed
temper tantrums, the best solution is to use all the solutions that I have
discussed in Chapter Three. Using time-out method, behavior chart, and

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setting the boundaries are all related and included in pupil discipline
techniques. First, I will set the boundaries in the classroom. Therefore, the
pupils, especially the pupil with temper tantrums, will know what behavior is
acceptable and unacceptable. To support the use of boundaries, the behavior
chart has to be made in class. The purpose is the pupil can be motivated to
behave well. And the last, if the pupil is still showing his temper tantrums, I
have to be assertive to him. By using the time-out method, I will separate the
pupil from his friends so he can calm down and will not disturb other pupils.
The difficulty in handling a 5-year-old pupil who showed temper tantrum
might be solved by combining time-out method, behavior chart method, and
setting the boundaries. Dealing with children who show temper tantrum is a
learning and valuable experience in teaching. I suggest that Adiwidya
Kindergarten teachers apply the solutions to discipline the pupils who show
temper tantrum at school.

Maranatha Christian University


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Maranatha Christian University

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Maranatha Christian University

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