Concept of Beauty in Two Advertisements of 'Citra' Product.


Skripsi ini membahas makna yang terkandung dalam dua buah iklan body
lotion Citra. Kedua iklan itu adalah Citra Spotless White UV dan Citra Body
Lotion Teh Hijau.
Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk menemukan arti di balik setiap
tanda-tanda dan menemukan konsep yang menjadi dasar dari kedua iklan tersebut.
Saya menggunakan teori Semiotik karya Ferdinand de Saussure untuk mendasari
analisis yang saya buat.
Dalam kedua iklan ini saya menemukan adanya konsep kecantikan sebagai
konsep besar yang mendasari kedua iklan ini. Selain karena tanda-tanda yang
terdapat pada iklan mendukung kepada konsep ini, pada faktanya kedua iklan ini
merupakan produk kecantikan. Namun, saya menemukan adanya perbedaan
konsep kecantikan dalam kedua iklan tersebut. Dalam pada iklan Citra Spotless
White UV, saya menemukan bahwa konsep kecantikan yang ditampilkan pada
iklan adalah kecantikan alami yang sempurna. Sedangkan pada iklan Citra Body
Lotion Teh Hijau, konsep kecantikan yang ditonjolkan adalah kecantikan yang
modern. Konsep-konsep tersebut terlihat jelas berbeda dari tanda-tanda yang ada
pada setiap iklan.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................


LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................


ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................



Background of the Study .......................................................................
Statement of the Problem ......................................................................
Purpose of the Study .............................................................................
Method of Research ..............................................................................
Organization of the Thesis.....................................................................


Semiotics ...............................................................................................
Ferdinand de Saussure’s Semiotics .......................................................
Theory of the Meaning of Composition.................................................
Theory of Interpersonal Meaning is Systematic Functional



ADVERTISEMENTS OF CITRA PRODUCT..................................


CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSION..............................................................


BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................


APPENDIX ......................................................................................................


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Figure 1. Saussure’s Model of the Sign……………………......……………..


Figure 2. Concept and Sound Pattern…………………………….…………...


Figure 3. Example of a Clause Analysed with Clause as an Exchange Theory


Figure 4. The Advertisement of Citra Spotless White UV………………..….


Figure 5. The Image of the Model 1……………………………………….....


Figure 6. Citra Product 1……………………………………………………...


Figure 7. Camellia Flower…………………………………………………...


Figure 8. Image of Camellia Flower………………………………………...


Figure 9. Image of Flowers on the Left Side of the Advertisement…………


Figure 10. Images of Real Camellia Japonica Flowers……………………….


Figure 11. Image of Real Yellow Camellia Japonica………………………… 18
Figure 12. Image of Grains on the Right Bottom Side of the Advertisement... 19
Figure 13. Image of Real Grains……………………………………………...


Figure 14. Advertisement Background 1……………………………………..


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Figure 15. Image of Real Mount Fuji……………………………………….... 20

Figure 16. The Text in the Advertisement 1……………………………….....


Figure 17. The Text on the Bottle 1………………………………………......


Figure 18. Image of Japanese Rice…………………………………………… 24
Figure 19. The Advertisement of Citra Beauty Lotion Teh Hijau……………


Figure 20. The Image of the Model 2………………………………………… 27
Figure 21. Image of Flowy Skirt……………………………………………...


Figure 22. Image of Pink Wedges…………………………………………….


Figure 23. Citra Product 2…………………………………………………….


Figure 24. Green Tea Leaves…………………………………………………


Figure 25. Image of Real Green Tea Leaves…………………………………. 33
Figure 26. Image of a Street Light on the Right Side of the Advertisement…. 34
Figure 27. Image of Street Light……………………………………………...


Figure 28. Image of Flower Ornament upon the Pole of Street Light……….


Figure 29. Advertisement Background 2……………………………………..


Figure 30. Image of Skyscraper Buildings…………………………………… 36
Figure 31. Image of a Bajaj in the Advertisement Background……………..


Figure 32. Image of a Bajaj…………………………………………………... 37
Figure 33. The Text in the Advertisement 2….……………………………...


Figure 34. The Text on the Bottle 2………………………………………......


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Citra Spotless White UV advertisement
(Aneka yess!)



Citra Body Lotion Teh Hijau




Background of the Study
An advertisement is something that we can see every day and everywhere.
Based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, advertisement refers to “a
notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service”
(“Advertisement,” def. 1). Advertisements can be found on television, magazines,
newspapers, the Internet, and even along the street. Advertisers make them
attractive so as to get people’s attention. Therefore, I am interested in using
advertisements as my data in this thesis.
The topic of my thesis is Concept of Beauty in Two Advertisements of
Citra Product. I choose this topic because I find the message in an advertisement
is not always understood by the viewer. However, when people see an
advertisement, in general what they look at is just those things visible on the
surface, such as the name of the product, the kind of product, or its function.
Actually, an advertisement contains more than those. There are some elements
behind it functioning to communicate the advertiser’s message. With this idea in
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mind, I try to analyse these advertisements to find out the meanings or the
messages that the advertiser wants to convey to public.
In this thesis, I use two advertisements as the source of data. The first is an
advertisement of Citra Spotless White UV Hand & Body Lotion, which is taken
from Aneka yess! magazine February edition in 2012. The second advertisement is
Citra Beauty Lotion Teh Hijau which is taken from Kawanku magazine April
edition in 2007. I choose these particular data for three reasons. Firstly, Citra is
one of some famous products that are often used by Indonesian women. Second, I
choose these two advertisements because both of them present the products of
Citra, the ingredients of which are nature-based and originally from Asia, and
have been believed since ancient times to give benefits for skin. The third reason
is because Citra has received some various awards such as Indonesian Best Brand
Awards, Indonesian Consumer Satisfaction Award, Indonesian Consumer Loyalty
Awards in 2006 and many others (Unilever). These facts show that Citra is a local
brand that has good quality and can satisfy its consumers.
Since I choose these advertisements as my data in this thesis, I need to
present the background of Citra. Citra is “a local brand in Indonesia with a vision
to become a total skin brand that gives natural beauty in its entirety” (Unilever).
Citra has been in Indonesia skin care market since 1984 with its target market
comprising 15-35 year old female consumers (Unilever). For more than 20 years,
people in Indonesia have known this brand well. As its vision is to become a total
skin brand, Citra seems to keep developing itself, both in its variations and its
packages, which evolve from time to time. All of Citra products are made from

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natural ingredients, which means that their basic ingredients are taken from
nature, such as from bengkoang, green tea, milk, olive oil, and Japanese rice.
Since my topic belongs to Semiotics, I use the specific theory of Saussure.
Saussure (in Chandler 3) defines Semiotics or Semiology as “a science that
studies the role of signs within society; it would be a part of social psychology and
consequently of general psychology.” In Saussure’s Semiotics theory, it is
explained that sign consists of signifier and signified. Signifier is the word that
spoken or written down and signified is the concept of the object or the idea that
appears in our mind when we see or hear the word itself (Strinati 83).
By writing this thesis, I hope the readers will realize the message that is
tried to be presented through an advertisement and also they will be more critical
in choosing products which are advertised.
(781 words)

Statement of the Problem
Based on the background of the study, the research problem is formulated in the
following questions:
1. What are the linguistic signs in each of these advertisements?
2. What are the signifiers and signifieds of these signs?
3. What is the signification of these advertisements?

Purpose of the Study
The study has two purposes:
1. To find out the linguistic signs in each of these advertisements
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2. To find out the signifiers and signifieds of these signs
3. To find out the signification of these advertisements

Methods of Research
This study used the methods of library research. I learned some theories
from books dealing with Semiotics. After that, I searched for some advertisements
in some magazines and the Internet, and then I selected Citra Spotless White UV
Hand & Body Lotion and Citra Beauty Lotion Teh Hijau advertisements as the
source of my data. I observed all the elements in the advertisements and analysed
them by using the theories I had chosen. Finally, I wrote the research report.

Organization of the Thesis
This thesis consists of four chapters. It begins with Chapter One, the
Introduction, which contains the Background of the Study, Statement of The
Problem, Purpose of the Study, Methods of Research, and the Organization of the
Thesis. In Chapter Two, there are the theories used as references in analysing the
data. This chapter is followed by Chapter Three, in which I put the data analysis to
answer the problems that have been stated in Chapter One. The last is Chapter
Four, which presents the Conclusion of my thesis. At the end of the thesis I put
the Bibliography and the Appendix.

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In this chapter, I present the conclusion of my analysis of two
advertisements, which are Citra Spotless White UV and Citra Beauty Lotion Teh
Hijau. In Citra Spotless White UV advertisement, the visual signifiers are the
image of the advertisement model, the Citra product, the flowers, and the
advertisement background showing the images of Mount Fuji, the sky, rice field,
also the combination of blue and green colors. In Citra Beauty Lotion Teh Hijau
advertisement, the visual signifiers are the image of the advertisement model, the
Citra product, the green tea leaves, the street light, and the advertisement
background showing the images of the skyscraper buildings, a busy street, and the
pavement. Besides the visual signifiers, there are also some textual signifiers that I
have analyzed. By using Semiotics theory, I find that all of those signifiers
support the concept of beauty.
After analyzing the two advertisements, I find out there are some
similarities and differences in those advertisements. The similarity is that both of
them have some signifiers that support the concept of feminine beauty. In the first
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advertisement, the concept of feminine beauty can be seen in the image of the
model’s natural make up, the white top, Camellia flower, and the white color
appearing in the first advertisement, also the words putih and white as the textual
signifiers. In the second advertisement, the concept of feminine beauty can be
seen in the image of the model who wears natural make up and has long hair, the
tank top, the accessories, the skirt, the pink wedges, and the bright tone colors
those appear in this advertisement, also the words beauty and kecantikan as the
textual signifiers.
Besides the concept of feminine beauty, we can see there are some similar
signifiers that are used in these advertisements, such as an Asian woman as the
advertisement model. In my opinion, there are some reasons why the advertiser
uses the figure of Asian woman in the advertisements. Firstly, Citra product is a
product which has women as the target market; therefore the advertiser uses a
woman as the model of the advertisement to get the attention from the woman
viewers. Secondly, Citra has been in Indonesia skin care market since 1984;
therefore, the advertiser uses an Asian woman as the model of the advertisement
for Indonesia is part of Asia.
On the other hand, there are some differences between these
advertisements. In the first advertisement I find the concept of natural perfect
feminine beauty, but in the second advertisement, the signifiers do not refer to that
concept, but they more refer to the concept of modern feminine beauty.
In the first advertisement, the concept of natural can be seen in the image
of Mount Fuji, rice field, flowers, the sky, the combination of blue and green
colors, the model’s natural make up, also the words beras Jepang, alami, and
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minyak bunga Camellia as the textual signifiers. The idea of perfection is found in
the picture of Camellia flower, Mount Fuji, the white color appearing in the first
advertisement, and the words putih and white as the textual signifiers. In the
second advertisement, I find the concept of modernity that can be shown through
the image of the model’s accessories and the wedges, the street light, the
skyscraper buildings, a busy street, and the word antioksidan in the textual
The other difference between the two advertisements is the setting that the
advertiser uses as the advertisement background. In the first advertisement, the
advertiser uses the open nature as the advertisement background. In my opinion,
the reason why the open nature becomes the background in the first advertisement
is because the nature relates to the concept that the advertiser wants to bring out
through this advertisement. While in the second advertisement, the advertiser
chooses the setting in a big city as the background of the advertisement. In my
opinion, the reason is because the advertiser wants to bring out the idea of
modernity in this advertisement.
Comparing the two advertisements, I am of the opinion that the first
advertisement is more attractive for the buyers because the image of the model is
presented bigger than any other elements in the advertisement, while in the second
advertisement the image of the model is not presented as the biggest element. As I
have explained in Chapter Three, the larger photo represents the promise of the
product that is promoted. Therefore, the first advertisement seems more promising
than the second advertisement.

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I suggest that future researchers should find reliable theories to support the
analysis. As a matter of fact, in Semiotics analysis different interpretations may be
resulted from similar approaches. Thus, it is needed some theories that suitable
with each data that is going to be analyzed. For example, to analyze visual
signifiers it may be needed some special theories such as the theory of
composition, theory of colors meaning, and other theories those write about
advertising. Besides, to analyze the textual signifiers it may use the dictionary
meaning and also specific theory like what I use in this thesis which is the theory
of clause as an exchange. Furthermore, it is also advisable for the researchers to
analyze every data thoroughly, because as what I have experienced in writing this
thesis, it is not easy to find the concept that is suitable to all of the signifiers in the
(996 words)

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