Conversational implicature in advertisements of beauty product and food & beverage product on Television.





Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana

Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities State

Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Elma Tiyana Arum Sasmita Reg. Number A73213093








Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana

Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities State

Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Elma Tiyana Arum Sasmita Reg. Number A73213093




2017 i







Tiyana, Elma. 2017. Conversational Implicature in Advertisements of Beauty

Product and Food & Beverage product On Television.Thesis English Department,

Faculty of Act and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel


Advisor: Dr. A. Dzo’ul Milal, M.Pd

Key Words: Conversational Implicature, Generalized Implicature, Particularized Implicature, Cooperative Principle, Violation.

This study explains about the analysis of conversational implicature found in the conversation transcript of 20 Advertisement Beauty Product and Food & Beverage Product. Data are explained by showing the context of situation, the type of conversational implicature theory of Grice (1975) and the violation of maxim.

The researcher used the method of qualitative approach. The steps of analysis are after the utterances in the advertisement have classified and underlined based on conversational implicature, the researcher described the types of conversational implicature. Then, the researcher made data display to classified the utterances based on the types of conversational implicature and Violation of maxim. The data based on types of conversational implicature were analyzed by seeing the violation of maxim to answer the second question. Finally, the researcher made some conclusions from the result of analysis.

The result of the study describes the process of identifying conversational implicature, there are 23 utterance that have implied meaning included in conversational implicature. There are 19 utterances that include of generalized and 4 utterances that include of particularized implicature. The most finding is generalized conversational implicature.



Tiyana, Elma. 2017. Conversational Implicature in Advertisements of Beauty

Product and Food & Beverage product On Television.Thesis English Department,

Faculty of Act and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel


Pembimbing: Dr. A. Dzoul Milal, M.Pd

Kata Kunci: Implikatur Percakapan, Percakapan Umum, Percakapan Khusus, Prinsip Kerja Sama,Pelanggaran Maxim.

Skripsi ini membahas tentang analisis dari implikatur percakapan yang ditemukan dalam transkip percakapan pada 10 iklan kecantikan dan 10 iklan makanan & minuman pada televisi. Data dijelaskan dengan menunjukkan situasi konteks, tipe implikatur percakapan teori dari Grice dan teori pelangaran maxim.

Peneliti menggunakan metode pendekatan qualitatif. Langkah - langkah dari analisis skripsi ini adalah setelah data dalam iklan sudah di beri garis bawah dan di klasifikasikan dalam implikatur percakapan. Peneliti mendeskripsikan kalimat iklan ke dalam tipe-tipe implikatur percakapan. Kemudian peneliti membuat data diplai, peneliti mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasi ucapan dalam bentuk tabel penemuan untuk memudahkan penliti dalam menganalisis. Selanjutnya, peneliti menganalisa data implikatur percakapan dengan menggunakan prinsip pelanggaran maxim untuk mengetahui cara pemnggunaan implikatur percakapan dalam iklan. Yang terakhir peneliti meringkas dari hasil menganalisa data.

Hasil dari analisis ini menjelaskan tentang proses dari identifikasi implikatur. Ada 23 ucapan yang mempunyai makna tersirat yang termasuk dalam implikatur. Ada 19 ucapan yang termasuk kedalam percakapan umum dan ada 4 ucapan yang termasuk kedalam percakapan khusus. Paling banyak ditemukan dalam iklan ini adalah percakapan umum.



Inside Cover……… i

Declaration Page……….………. ii

Dedication Page……….. iii

Motto……….. iv

Advisor’s Approval Page……… v

Examiners Approval Sheet……….. vi

Acknowledgements……….. vii

Table of Contents………. viii

Abstract……… xi

Intisari……….. xii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study……….. 1

1.2 Research of Problems……… 7

1.3 Research Objective....………. 8

1.4 Significance of Study………. 8

1.5 Scope and Limitation………. 8



2.1 Theoretical Framework……….... 11

2.1.1 The Implicature………. 11

2.1.2 Conversational Implicature………. 12 Generalized Conversational Implicature……… 13 Particularized Conversational Implicature………. 15

2.1.3 Grice’s Cooperative Principle and Maxims……… 17

2.1.4 Violation of maxims………. 19

2.1.5 Context……… 22

2.1.6 Advertisement……….. 22

2.2 Related Studies……… 23

2.2.2 Previous Studies……… 23


3.2 Data Collection……….. 28

3.2.1 Data and Data Source………. 28

3.2.2 Research Instrument………. 28

3.2.3 Subject of the research……… 29


3.3 Data Analysis………. 30

3.3.1 Data Display Types of Conversational Implicature………. 31

3.3.2 Data Display of Occurance of The Violated Maxims………... 32


4.1.1 The Conversational Implicature……… 34

1. The Type of Conversational Implicature……… 34

2. The Violation of Maxim………. 37

4.1.2 Analysis……… 40

1. Generalized and Particularized of Conversational Implicature …....…. 40

2. The Violation of Maxim………. 40

4.2 Discussion………. 81


5.2 Suggestion……….. 85




This chapter presents the background of study, statement of the problems, the objective of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Language is the equipment of the communication used by human being. In other words language is a system to transfer and to inform something through communication (Gunarwan, 1992: 84). It means that language is very important in life and was the power that are used as a mean of thinking, understanding, and expressing thoughts and feelings in the community. As the tool of communication, language plays a very important role in conversation as a social interaction instrument among people. Conversation is being done to communicate something in which two or more participants; speaker and listener. Speaker’s utterance then is interpreted by the listener. How the listeners interpret the meaning is determined by the speaker’s expression.

The use of language in daily life can be found in various activities, which one is in trade especially in the offering of product, its called Advertisement. Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service


(Belch and Belch, 2001.). Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform or influence people who receive them. In other word advertising is always present, though people may not be aware of it. In today’s world, advertising uses every possible media to get its message through. It does this via television, print (newspapers, magazines, journals etc), radio, press, internet, direct selling, mailers, posters, sponsorship and even people (endorsements). Language in advertisement usually use implicature strategies to interesting the consumer. Advertisement as a tools of communication between producers and consumers in offering of products.

In communication activity to understand each utterance the listener must has good cooperation. Cooperation is a common background knowledge of participants. If the participant in the speech event does not understand the purpose of speech, it will be able to create a distorted interpretation and the message conveyed by the speaker can’t be received well. In case of communication, the language used may depend on the situation. In a situation people may use direct utterances but sometime people used implicature strategies in their communication and also in advertisement, language in advertisement often use implicature strategies. The speakers used implicature strategies in communication with its context of the situation.

Implicature is the aspect of meaning that a speaker conveys, implies, or suggests without directly expressing, Yule (1996). According to Grice’s theory, the term “implicit” is not easily understood by the hearer because it has hidden meaning. It means implicature is anything that is inferred from an utterance but


that is not a condition for the truth of the utterance, implicature is divided into two kinds. They are conventional implicature and conversational implicature (Levinson, 1983). In pragmatics a conversation that has implied meaning and not explicitly stated by the speaker but can be understood by the hearer because of the context of conversation, its called Conversational Implicature, Grice (1975). The discussion of implicature is in Pragmatics study. The conversational implicature is the single most important ideas in pragmatics (Levinson,1983: 97). It is implication or proposition in conversation which appears because of violating the conversational principle in which the speaker’s intention is expressed differently in the speaker’s actual utterance (Grice, 1975: 43). In Levinson (1983), Grice divides conversational implicature into two kinds. Generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature. Generalized conversational implicature occur without reference to any particular features of the context (Levinson 1983) and Particularized conversational implicature is strongly tied to the particular features of the context.

In conversational implicature the speaker can express exactly what the speaker mean in a conversation without saying clearly and the hearer can understand the meaning of the speaker because conversational implicature is which one type of implicature that focuses in study of implied meaning based on context of conversation. In other word conversational implicature is always invites us to find out the meanings that cannot be utterad by the speaker. After understand the basic of concept implicature and conversational implicature, the importance of


this study is can avoid misunderstanding in the used of language in communication.

Conversational implicature often appear in daily interaction personally, generally, spoken and writing. General written conversation can be found in social media, magazine, newspaper, etc. While the spoken conversation is easily found in a television.On the other hand, a conversation that takes place in television influences the way people speak and interact with each other in daily life. Besides, the undeniable power of media has inspired many critical studies in many disciplines, linguistics, semantics, pragmatics, and discourse studies as stated in (Gelfond, 1992). Advertisement is one of the television shows which deliver a implied message in offering a products.

Television is a media that is often used to show advertisement of products. Some of advertising media have different ways in offering products but they have same function. The purpose is to telling and influencing people. In this case, the advertisement need a language to communicate. The use of language in advertisement is important. At this time television has become a part of human life, because television can not be separated from human life. Almost in everyday, human always watched television to know about anything that become in the world. Broadcast in television has a wide range of capabilities and be able to reach in zone of geographic, political, social and cultural. Television as one element that can affect in the attitude, views, lifestyle, orientation and a motivation in society.


In this case, the advertisements of beauty product and food & beverage product as taken as the object of this research. The researcher analyzed conversation in advertisement of beauty product and food & beverage product on television. The advertisement is beauty product and food & beverage product, because this advertisement often used implicature strategies than other product. Conversation in advertisement contain persuasion words to attract the consumers, a message for people or the consumers, and also an encouragement word and make consumers buy the product. In conversation of advertisement usually used informal language and also full of jokes. So the researcher believes that the conversation in advertisement contains a lot of implicatures because they have a lot of implicit meanings. Other reason the researcher want to know how implicature strategies used in advertisement and what the differences styles of making advertisement in each advertisement to attract the consumers to buy the products. The researcher choose beauty product and food & beverage advertisements which on television as the object of research because television is commercial mass media that is often watched by the public. So television be the most effective advertising in marketing products. In addition the advertisements on television more interesting and full of persuasive language and illustrated. Based on the reason above researcher interested to analyzed “ Conversational Implicature in Advertisement of Beauty product and food & beverage product on Television”.

Based on the previous study on the conversational implicature, there are four previous studies about implicature on advertisement, talk show, conversation


in radio and program TV. The first previous study is in the title Implicature

analysis on cigarette advertisement slogans by Mutmainnah University of Brawijaya Malang (2013). She focused on conversational implicature and cooperative principle. She took the data source from download in YouTube. She only focused on the terms of the message conveyed in the type of Conversational

Implicature. The second previous study is entitled A study of conversational

implicature in Sentilan Sentilun Talk Show on Metro TV by Reyfa Arfiyah University of Wijaya Putra Surabaya (2014). She focused on flouting maxims.

Third previous study is entitled An Analysis of Conversational Implicature in

Smart Fm’s Radioby Irma B. Pakpahan (2012). This study is intended to discover the types of conversational implicature used by the interviewees. The last previous

study was done by Conversational Implicature of the Presenters in Take me out

Indonesia by Sheila Nanda University of Indonesia (2012). This research is a pragmatic study that aims at investigating conversational implicature that the presenters of Take Me Out Indonesia operate within their utterances along with the possible implications that lie behind the implicature.

Different from the previous study, this present study specifically not only focused on types of conversational implicature but this research also focused on how conversational implicature used in advertisements of beauty product and food & beverage product and also the researcher take different object from previous study. The use of terms as “principle” and “maxim” does not mean that people will observe these maxims all the time when they communicate with each other, In fact, they do violate the principles and this is the most common situation. In


this thesis, the researcher used the violation of maxim to analyzed how conversational implicature used in advertisements. The similarity with previous study is the researcher continue the theory; Conversational implicature and Cooperative principle based on Grice’s theory. The data is the conversation in advertisement of beauty product and food & beverage product. The data are downloaded from the internet and selected from the advertisements that appear on television most frequently. The collected data are then analyzed in terms of the message conveyed in the generalized and particularized implicature of beauty product and food & beverage product advertisement. After that researcher analyzed how the conversational implicature used in advertisement of beauty product and food & beverage product by violating the maxim.

1.2 Research Problem

This study is conducted to answer the problems formulated in the following questions:

1.What are the types of conversational implicature that found in the conversation of advertisement in beauty product and food & beverage product on television? 2. How does conversational implicature used in the conversation of advertisement in beauty product and food & beverage product on television?


1.3 Research Objective

Based on the problem above, the objectives of the study are aimed :

1. To identify what types of conversational implicature in the conversation of advertisement in beauty product and food & beverage product on television. 2. To describe how conversational implicature used in the in the conversation of advertisement in beauty product and food & beverage product on television. 1.4 Significance of the Study

This study is undertaken to result in theoretical and practical contributions. Theoretically, the result of this study is broaden the pragmatics analysis especially, in types of conversational implicature in a conversation of advertisement on television and to formulate the new supposition which perfects the existing theory. Practically, the result of this study is supposed to give some contributions. In addition, it can be a reference for the next researchers who are interested in analyzing conversational implicature. Meanwhile for linguist, students and readers; this study hopefully could give information how implicature strategies or conversational implicature used in Advertisement.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research is pragmatics analysis because it deals with conversation and its context. It is described in the form of words and sentences.


This research focuses on conversational implicatures as found in utterances of conversation in advertisement of beauty product and food & beverage product. And the theory is conversational implicature and cooperative principles proposed by Grice’s theory to analyzed. Type of conversational implicature that include generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature. The data are downloaded from the internet and selected from the advertisements that appear on television most frequently. The researcher find out the types of conversational implicature and how conversational implicature used in advertisement by violated the maxim. The limitation of this research is the researcher not find out the functions in each conversational implicature of advertisement.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms - Implicature

Implicature is the aspect of meaning that a speaker conveys, implies, or suggests without directly expressing, Grice (1975). An implicature is anything that is inferred from an utterance but that is not a condition for the truth of the utterance. - Conversational Implicature refers to the meaning which is implied and not explicitly stated by the speaker but can be understood by the hearer because of the context of conversation, Grice (1975). In conversation implicature is always invites us to find out the meanings that cannot be utterad by the speaker.


- Advertisement is a tools of communication between producers and consumers in offering of products.

- Beauty Product is generally defined as any preparation for human use for the purpose of cleansing, beautifying or altering the appearance commonly to include personal toiletry products, such as shampoo, lotion, nails, lipstick.

- Food & Beverage Productis the food and beverages industry is all companies involved in processing raw food materials, packaging and distributing them. - Television is a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens, chiefly used to broadcast programs for entertainment, information and education.




This chapter consists of many important aspects in finishing this thesis. They are the implicature, conversational implicature, types of conversational implicature, cooperative principle and the maxims (maxim of quantity, quality, relation and manner), Context and some of previous studies which are similar to the research.

2.1 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1.1 The Implicature

Implicature can be considered as an additional conveyed meaning (Yule, 1996). It is attained when a speaker intends to communicate more than just what the words mean. It is the speaker who communicates something via implicatures and the listener recognizes those communicated meanings via inference. In other words Implicature is analyzing the activities of the hidden meaning of a speech that delivered by Speaker. Implicatures are inferred based on the assumption that the speaker observes or flouts some principles of cooperation (different authors have identified different principles), The most famous one: Grice – 4 principles (so called “maxims”). Furthermore, Grice suggests that Implicature basically related to the cooperative principles of pragmatic. Cooperative principles are the cooperation between speaker with hearer in a conversation. It meant that between


speaker and hearer expect the implications for the meaning of the speech can be understood by the hearer. The implicature is the utterance has differences with the action in fact.

Implicature is divided into two kinds, they are Conventional Implicature and Conversational Implicature. Conventional Implicature in contrast to all the conversational implicature, convensional implicature is not based on the cooperative principle or maxim. They have not to occur in conversation and they do not depend on special context for their interpretation. Conventional implicature derived directly from the meaning of the word (which is heard), instead the principle of conversation. It means that the conventional implicature is the literal meaning as expressed with the formal elements of structural sentence. While conversational implicature is which one type of implicature that focuses in study of implied meaning based on context of conversation . Through the implicature theory, we have known two kinds of theories. In the natural meaning and unnatural meaning (George Yule,1996).

2.1.2 Conversational Implicature

People exchange meaning and their intention in their communication. They express their ideas and feeling. They do this to get information from their surroundings. They need communication to interact with other people in their social life. Put in another word, they do conversational implicature. In their conversational implicature, they provide meaning. There are two ways in


expressing meaning, explicitly or implicitly. Expressing meaning explicitly means that the actual conversation is stated. While expressing meaning implicitly means that there are more hidden meaning in that conversation. In this case, the conversation which carries meaning more than what is stated in the speaker’s utterance. It is what is called by implicature (Horn, Laurence R , 2004).

Conversational implicature is related to the knowledge of what the speaker and the listener in understanding the utterances said that the speaker and the listener must also comply with all rules. It can be said that the speaker has conveyed more than he said via conversational implicature , while hearer recognizes the meaning via inference. This is in line with Grice (1975) who defines implicature for the case in which what speaker means or implies is different from what is said.

There are two types of conversational implicature those are generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature which will be explained in the following point. Generalized Conversational Implicature

Generalized Conversational Implicature is type in which the interlocutors do not require special knowledge to know the meaning of a conversation because the context used in this type is a general conversation that makes an interlocutor directly understand the meaning of the conversation (Grice, 1975). As an example of generalized conversational implicature, Grice suggest the


use of a/an X, which carries the implicature that X is only remotely related in a certain way to some person indicated by the context. When someone says “John is meeting a woman this evening”, he certainly means that is, conversationally implicates “The women John is meeting this evening is not his mother, his sister or his wife”.

Another linguist distinct generalized implicature to be drawn with very little “inside knowledge” (Mey, 1998) As the example, the researcher presents a conversation adopted from Carston:

A : Did the children’s summer camp go well? B : Some of them got the stomach flue.

The conversation above can be interpreted or implicated +> “not all the children got stomach flue” it is usually called as scalar implicature. So that, it can be concluding that the criterion of generalized conversational implicature are two sign such as, using the word “some” to implicate noot all called scalar implicature and the second in the use of article a/an X which implicates not speaker’s X.

Another example of generalized conversational implicature adopted from Grice (1975) can be seen under below:

“Freed thinks there is a meeting tonight”


“Mary has 3 children.”

+> Mary has no more than 3 children.

From example above, the researcher summing up that generalized conversational implicature one which does not depend on particular features of the context but, it is typically associated with the preposition expected. Particularized Conversational Implicature

Particularized conversational implicature is a type in which the interlocutors indirectly require more assistance to understand the meaning of a conversation because the context used in this type is not general in nature. Some assumed knowledge which is required in very specific context during conversation is called particularized conversational implicature. As an illustration, consider an example where Lara’s response does not appear on the surface to adhere to relevance. It is simply relevant answer would be “yes” or “no”.

Carol : Are you coming to the party tonight? Lara : I’ve got an exam tomorrow.

In order to make Lara’s response relevant, Carol has to draw on some assumed knowledge that Lara will be spending that evening with his parents, consequently, she is not at the party.


Another example,

A : Will Sally be at the meeting this afternoon? B : Her car broke down.

+> Sally won’t be at the meeting.

B “flouting” (speaker is flagrantly violating a rule)

As in above example, the proposition Sally’s car broke down would ordinarily not convey anything about Sally going to a meeting, so the implicature, in this case, depends on the context as well as the utterance itself.

Based on the description above, the researcher is capable of summing up that the criterion of particularized conversational implicature is conversational implicature that its meaning is out part of the utterance so that hearer should need knowledge more to interpret what speaker mean. In another word, particularized conversational implicature is the inferences of hearer which only can be work out or interpreted while drawing totally on the specific context of the utterance. Implicature and its types are able to use by speakers in order to create hidden context in some utterances of any kind of situations and conditions.

According to Levinson (2000), this implicature focuses on violation of maxims. If the speaker violates these maxims intentionally, the speaker must observe the cooperative principle on adeeper level or the hearer cannot understand the speaker’s intentions.


The conclusion of both generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature is that, if a speaker utters a sentence with implicit meaning and the hearers can interpret it well it means that the utterance is generalized conversational implicature. Conversely, if a speaker utters a sentence with implicit meaning and the hearers cannot interpret it well it means that the utterance is particularized conversational implicature. Levinson (1995) has clarified clearly that some conversational implicature seem context-bound, while others have a very general currency, a single utterance-form might suggest fundamentally different propositions (PCIs) in two different contexts, while at the same time implicating something else (a GCI) in both these contexts. People have their own purpose in uttering a sentence. Moreover, a sentence with intended meaning but do not show by the speakers.

2.1.3 Grice’s Cooperative Principle and Maxims

Brown and Yule (1983) clarified that conversational implicature is derived from a general principle of conversation plus a number of maxims which speakers will normally obey. Yule (2010) added an underlying assumption in most conversational exchange seems to be that the participants are cooperating each other. The general principle is called cooperative principle which Grice in Brown and Yule (1983) mentioned in the following terms:


“Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged”.

Grice divides cooperative principle into four basic maxims which are support these principles are as follows:

 The maxim of quality – be true

Maxim of Quality indicates that participants should not say what they believe to be false. And of course they may not say that for which they lack adequate evidence (Levinson, 1983).

 The maxim of quantity – be brief

Maxim of Quantity means that the participants’ contribution in a conversation is a informative as it is required (for the current purpose of the exchange). In this case, the participants should not contribute on saying something to the hearer more than its required (Levinson, 1983).

 The maxim of relation – be relevant

Maxim of Relation is used when the participants just the convey in a relevant information. The participant should not reply or saying something that does not relevant from the other participants’ dialogue (Levinson, 1983).


 The maxim of manner – be clear

Maxim of Manner is that the participants have to be perspicuous and also they have to avoid obscurity of expression and also avoid the ambiguity when reacted to the other participants. The utterances of the participant produces are brief and must be orderly (Levinson, 1983).

In most situations, the assumption of cooperative is so pervasive that in can be stated as a cooperative principle of conversation and elaborated in fpur sub-principles, called maxims. The cooperative principle is a principle of conversation stating that participants expect that each will make a “conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage in which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange”. Violating cooperative principle usually happened in daily communication to create favorable conversation. In this case, it is called implicature.

2.1.4 Violation of Maxims

Grice, to explain how these implications are to be understood, presents four ways in which maxims may be unfulfilled. These four ways are violation, opting out, being faced with a clash, and flouting. There may be a violation; Grice writes

that a person “may quietly and unostentatiously violate a maxim; if so, in some


The participants enable to disobey one of maxim and violate other maxim or they could possible to violate all of maxim. As Grice states that there are various ways of participant does not fulfill maxim (Grice, 1975, p.49):

1. The speaker may quietly and unostentatiously violate of maxim; if so, in some cases he will be liable to mislead.

2. The speaker may opt out from the operation both of the maxim and the CP; he may say indicate, or allow it to become plain that he is unwilling to cooperate in the way the maxim requires.

3. The speaker may be face by a clash: they may be unable. 4. The speaker may flout a maxim.

Maxim is a rule that people must fulfill in a good conversation, but in communication the speaker utterances usually do not always follow the rules. There might be violation of cooperative principles.

1. Violation Maxim of Quality

The maxim of quality, which says that speakers are expected to be sincere in saying something that they believe correspond to the reality. This maxim can be violate if the speakers do no tell the truth or the information is lack of evidence, and something in the meaning is not literally true (Hu, 2006: 194).


According to (Hu, 2006: 194). this maxim implies that a speaker should give neither too little information or too much. People who give too little information risk their hearer not being able to identify what they are talking about because they are not explicit enough. Those who give more information than the hearer needs risk boring them.

3. Violation Maxim of Relevance

According to (Hu, 2006: 194). the next is maxim of relevance which says that the speakers are assumed to something that is relevant to what has been said before. This maxim is a little harder to find because it is hard to construct responses that must be interpreted as irrelevant.

4. Violation Maxim of Manner

According to (Hu, 2006: 194), maxim of manner governs about clarity (avoid ambiguity). Clarity means the quality of expressing ideas or thought in a clear way. This maxim violates either for humor, as in the case of puns, and double engenders, where rival meanings are deliberately tolerated, or in the order to establish solidarity ofthe speakers or exclude an over hearer from the conversation.


2.1.5 Context

Speech is always realized in a particular context. Context holds an important role in interpreting the meaning of the speech because the meaning of the speech is variety in different contexts. in other words, an utterance can mean completely different from that intended by speaker that due to differences in the context of utterance in progress. The ability to interpret the meaning of the speech is in many ways dependent on the hearer`s ability to connect the speech with the surrounding context (Holmes, 1992).

2.1.6 Advertisement

Advertisement is an audio or visual form of marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, nonpersonal message to promote or sell a product, service or idea (Dirksen CJ and Arthur K, 1968). Sponsors of advertising are often businesses who wish to promote their products or services. Advertising is important for the seller and companies producing the products. Advertising plays very important role for the producers and the sellers of the products, because advertising helps increasing sales. And also advertising helps producers or the companies to know their competitors and plan accordingly to meet up the level of competition. If any company wants to introduce or launch a new product in the market, advertising will make a ground for the product. Advertising helps making people aware of the new product so that the consumers come and try the product.


2.2 RELATED STUDIES 2.2.2 Previous Studies

In this part, the researcher discovers four previous studies, are :

Firstly, the researcher with titled Implicature analysis on cigarette

advertisement slogans by Mutmainnah University of Brawijaya Malang (2013). This research uses Grice’s conversational implicature theory to conduct the research. This study uses qualitative approach in relation to the use of clear and systematic description about the phenomena being studied. Descriptive study in textual analysis is applied in this study to analyze the cigarette advertisement slogans. The data are downloaded from the internet and selected from ten cigarette advertisements that appear on television most frequently. The collected data are then analyzed in terms of the message conveyed in the generalized and particularized implicature of cigarette advertisement slogans. In this research, the researcher found all generalized and particularized implicature of the data. The researcher also found most of the intended meanings of the cigarette slogans. In conclusion, all the cigarette companies have different styles of making the slogans to attract the consumers to buy the products.

Secondly, the previous studied that is A study of conversational

implicature in Sentilan Sentilun Talk Show on Metro TV by Reyfa Arfiyah University of Wijaya Putra Surabaya (2014). This research focused in utterances by presenter and intervieweer Sentilan Sentilun, the data is the


conversation between two main character; Sentilan Sentilum and the guest star. This research find the utterances that flouting the maxim. From this research, the researcher continue the theory, but the researcher want to identifying the implied meaning of the utterances that flouted the maxim. This research used qualitative descriptive method, she was find the utterances occur in conversational implicature. After that she find the utterances that being flouted. The result of this study in one sentences or utterances it can have more than one flouted a maxim.

Third is An Analysis of Conversational Implicature in Smart Fm’s Radio

by Irma B. Pakpahan (2012). Her study focuses on the wording of Smart Fm talk show. The writer interested to discuss her study, because conversational implicature make us to infer what people talk especially in radio talk show. This study is intended to discover the types of conversational implicature used by the interviewees. The similarity between Irma and the researcher in theory, both of them used Implicature and Conversational Implicature based on Grice’s Theory. Subject of them also used talk show. Both of them also focuses in utterances that consist of conversational implicature. And the differences from Irma’s thesis the researcher want to find flouting of maxim and what kind of maxim that being flouted. Meanwhile in Irma’s thesis, the study only focuses on find out the utterance that has conversational implicature and divided the utterance into two kind “generalized and particularized conversational implicature”.


The result of this research shows that the two types of conversational

implicature were occured in the four editions of Smart Fm’s Talk Shows.

They were Generalized Conversational Implicature (25) and Particularized Conversational Implicature (15). The total number of conversational implicature was 40. The most dominant types of conversational implicature were Generalized Conversational Implicature (62.5%). It means that when the interviewees answer the question, they usually used the clear answer to make their partner and listeners understand what he/she talked about.

The last previous studied isConversational Implicature of the Presenters

in Take me out Indonesia by Sheila Nanda University of Indonesia (2012). This research is a pragmatic study that aims at investigating conversational implicature that the presenters of Take Me Out Indonesia operate within their utterances along with the possible implications that lie behind the implicature. The researcher divided into two categories, generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature. This research used qualitative and descriptive with the presence of a simple statistical data for describing the occurrences of the intended features. The finding show that in one episode taken as simple of this study, implicature occurs in the show 204 times. The occurences are divided into two categories, generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature. This categorization is based on the inferences to figure out the conveyed meaning which is then matched with the Gricean Maxims.


The result of this research may just reflect a part of the conversational implicature that the presenters apply in the show but it perhaps will give more references and further considerations for language students in their studies and even broadcasters within their communication.

Based on the previous researchers above, it is very clear that most of all previous researchers on conversational implicature almost relate to the use of maxims and its violation on a talk. Therefore, in this present study the researcher focused on the types of conversational (generalized and particularized conversational implicature) implicature in advertisement and how conversational implicature used in advertisement.




This part discussed the methodology of the research. It consist of research design, the role of the researcher, research instrument, subject of the research, data and data source, data collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This study was conducted by applying descriptive qualitative method. Creswell (1998:15) define that qualitative research is multi-method in focus, involving an interpretive, naturalistic approach to its subject matter. Other opinion According to Litosseliti (2010) qualitative approaches are particularly valuable in providing in depth, rich data (p.31). This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. And also qualitative research involves analysis of data such as words, examples from interviews, transcripts, pictures, video, recordings, notes, documents, the products and records of material culture, audio-visual materials and personal experience materials (such as artifacts, journal and diary information and narratives).

In this research, the descriptive qualitative method was employed for the investigation of the study. Descriptive method was used in this study to describe types and employing of conversational implicature in advertisement of beauty


product and food beverage product and qualitative method used because it deals with words and sentences.

3.2 Data Collection

3.2.1 Data and Data Source

The advertisement of beauty product and food & beverage product videos and scripts be the main source of this study. The data downloaded from the YouTube and selected from the advertisements that appear on television most frequently. Each video has 30 second until 1 minutes duration. The data are utterances of those videos. The videos transcribe into written language. The utterances of the advertisements were distinctively identified based on types of conversational implicature framework and cooperative principle proposed by Grice (1975).

3.2.2 Research Instrument

Two instruments are used in this research: human and non-human instrument. The human instrument is the researcher herself, because she is the one who collected and analyzed the data, because this research is used qualitative descriptive approach which focus on theoretical to collect the data and analyze the data. In descriptive qualitative research, the most important instrument used is the instrument of observation, interpretation, and documentation. The non-human instrument is laptop and table sheet, laptop helped the researcher transcribed the


videos in the written text and the table sheet helped the researcher classified the data.

3.2.3 Subject of the research

To get the result of the research, the data was needed and chosen deals with the problem that was related to the study. Subject of this research is advertisement of beauty products and food & beverage products on television, the advertisements that appear on television most frequently. The advertisements downloaded from YouTube and the video transformed into transcripts.

3.2.4 Techniques of Data Collection

The data of this research are those utterances of advertisement that include in conversational implicature. In collecting the data, the researcher did several steps such as:

1. The researcher downloaded the video of advertisement from YouTube, the advertisements was downloaded that appear on television most frequently. 2. The researcher watched the videos and transcribe the data into written


3. Identifying the utterances of the advertisement with underlined the word or sentence which containing in conversational implicature.

4. The researcher classifies those data based on the types of conversational implicature.


3.3 Data Analysis

After collected the data, the researcher started to analyze the data using the following steps. Miles and Huberman (in Denzim and Lincoln, 1994:429) state that there are three current flows of data analysis, namely, data reduction, data display, data analysis and conclusion drawing. There are some steps to analyze the data, Firstly, after the utterances in the advertisement have done classified and underlined based on conversational implicature, the researcher described the types of conversational implicature: Generalized Conversational Implicature and Particularized Conversational Implicature. The data described and analyzed based on the situation and context of the utterances. Then, before the researcher analyzed the data, the researcher make data display to classify the utterances based on the types of conversational implicature and Violation of maxim. After that, the researcher identified and analyzed each utterances one by one to get the second answer. The data based on types of conversational implicature started to analyze by violating the maxim to answer the second question. The purpose of this analyzed to know how conversational implicature used in the advertisement. Finally, the researcher make some conclusions from the result of analysis.


Table 3.3.1 Data Display Types of Conversational Implicature

Data display is organized information including the final conclusion. In data display the researcher classified these utterances based on the types of conversational implicature.








Note :

GCI : Generalized Conversational Implicature


Table 3.3.2 Data Display Types of Occurrence of the Violated Maxims

Data Utterance Violated Maxim

Quality Quantity Relation Manner 1

2 3 4




This chapter presents findings and discussion. In the finding section, the researcher presents detailed information about the types of conversational implicature and how to used it in advertisement by violating of the maxim. While in the discussion section, the researcher give general explanation of the finding. 4.1. Research Findings

To answer the research questions, the researcher attempts to present the result by explaining the types of conversational implicature based on Grice’s theory of implicature (1975) used by participants in the advertisements of beauty product and food & beverage product the researcher analyzed the utterance of participants in the advertisements of beauty product and food & beverage product, and concerns on the violation of maxim. There are 10 advertisement of beauty product and 10 advertisement of food & beverage product to get various data. Resulting from the research subject, basically there are 23 data containing implicature from 20 advertisements. Each datum is containing conversation and utterances with implicature. The utterances containing implicature are signed with the bold and italic text which completed with the context description and analysis. Those data are used in different setting and context. Beside that, the researcher provides the table makes the researcher easier to interpret the types conversational implicature


and the violation of maxim that is appeared on the advertisement of beauty product and food & beverage product.

4.1.1 The Type of Conversational Implicature

In this part, the data occurs as result of the implicature that include to type of conversational implicature based on the theory of implicature which proposed by Grice. To make easy understandable, the explanation will be elaborated by the researcher more complete in the table below 4.1.1

4.1.1 Conversational Implicature classification based on type of conversational implicature.

DATA Utterance Types of Conversational



1. Duh, aku tu parno an.

2. Bebas semua masalah

3. Sikat gigi?


5. Berkat Fair and Lovely ABCD

6. Lebih gampang milih pelembab kak dari pada milih cowok

7. Wah kalau pake, bisa punya fans

kayak kamu.

8. Seperti di usap mawar

9. Buat ulang tahunmu yang ke-31.

10. Tapi, kamu masih pake pelembab

biasa kan?

11. WahIndah nya

12. ups,dulu pernah coba shampoo lain

dan ketombe kayak nya juga sempat hilang, tapi cuma sebentar dan balik lagi dan rambutku rontok lagi.

13. Tinggal di kota pasti bikin kulit nya

kusam. Dia butuh ini

14. Zonk!

15. Untuk lebih berani karena kehangatan


16. Ayo berpikir jernih

17. Ada break ada Kit Kat

18. Karena laper ngerubah orang, Snickers coklat lezat dengan kacang dan caramel. Lapar?ambil snickers!

19. Seperti Kaktus

20. Beda-beda sahur nya tapi niat nya

sama and Buka puasa nya beda sama bersyukur nya.

21. Engga bisa bro, Gua Lebay Lemes


22. Silver Queen Chunky Bar, Gede sih

tapi rela bagi-bagi.

23. Mizone Fresh In benar-benar beda.

Note :

GCI : Generalized Conversational Implicature


4.1.1 The Violation of Maxim



Violated Maxim

Quality Quantity Relation Manner

1. Duh, aku tu parno an

2. Bebas semua masalah

3. Sikat gigi?

4. Ehm!

5. Berkat Fair and Lovely


6. Lebih gampang milih pelembab kak dari pada milih cowok

7. Wah kalau pake, bisa

punya fans kayak kamu.

8. Seperti di usap mawar


c yang ke-31.

10. Tapi, kamu masih pake

pelembab biasa kan?

11. WahIndah nya

12. ups,dulu pernah coba

shampoo lain dan

ketombe kayak nya juga

sempat hilang, tapi

cuma sebentar dan balik

lagi dan rambutku

rontok lagi

13. Tinggal di kota pasti

bikin kulit nya kusam. Dia butuh ini

14. Zonk!

15. Untuk lebih berani

karena kehangatan rasa dan aroma Sariwangi.


17. Ada break ada Kit Kat

18. Karena laper ngerubah orang, Snickers coklat lezat dengan kacang dan caramel. Lapar?ambil snickers!

19. Seperti Kaktus

20. Beda-beda sahur nya

tapi niat nya sama and Buka puasa nya beda sama bersyukur nya.

21. Engga bisa bro, Gua

Lebay Lemes bray

22. Silver Queen Chunky

Bar, Gede sih tapi rela bagi-bagi.

23. Mizone Fresh In

benar-benar beda.

According to the tables above, there are 23 conversational implicature occur in the Advertisements of beauty product and food & beverage product.


those kind of conversational implicature consist of 19 generalized conversational implicature and 4 particularized conversational implicature.

Mainly there are twenty three conversational implicature that contain violated the maxim that consist of 9 violated the maxim of quantity, 1 violated the maxim of quality, 11 violated the maxim of manner and 2 violated the maxim of relation.These classified utterances are explained more clearly in analysis the data below.

4.1.2 Analysis of The Data

Datum #1 Advertisement of Bedak Marcks The context of datum#1 :

This conversation occurs in location of dance training, there are three girls in dance practice. The three girls are confused about their face problems. The first speaker said She is always afraid and worried about her face . The second and third speaker also has face problems. Their face problems are acne, blackheads and oily. When they are discussing their face problems, other participant gives information about her powder to them. Her powder is

Bedak Marcks ,this powder can overcome their face problems. Conversation :

(1) W :Duh, aku tu parno an.(she looks her face on the mirror)

Duh, I am always scared


Uhh.. there’s acne

(3) Y :Kulit Kusam, Bete.(she looks her face on the mirror)

My skin is pallid, it’s annoying

(4) W :Panen Minyak.(she looks her face on the mirror)

Lots of oil

(5) W, X and Y :Huhh, harus pakai filter.(They editing the photos used


Huhh, it must with filter

(6) Z : Untung nya aku pakai marcks. Buat kamu yang aktif, coba in

deh marcks aktif baru. Menyerap minyak, cocok untuk semua jenis kulit dan praktis.

Luckily, I used marcks powder. For you who active, try in new active marcks. Absord oil, suitable for all skin types and practice.

(She gives Marcks aktif to them and they tried to used Marcks Active)

(7) W:Bebas semua masalah

all problems is free

(8) Y:Bebas filter

No filter

(9) X,Y and Z : Yes!! Marcks aktif. Bebas berekspresi dengan


Yes!! Marcks active. Free to express comfortably Note :

W : First speaker (a young girl, she wear cheerleaders uniform, she has problems with her face)

X : Second speaker (a young girl with eyeglasses,she wear cheerleaders uniform, she has problems with her face )

Y : Third speaker (a young girl, she wear cheerleaders uniform, she has

problems with her face)

Z : Fourth speaker (a young girl, she wear veil, she wear casual cloth and she gives solution about their face problems)

Location : Location of dance training

Time : In the morning

On the conversation above Speaker’s W was uttering a generalized

conversational implicature in the sentence Duh, aku tu parno an. (I am always scared) . Speaker’s W utterance means that she is always worried about her face. Referred to Generalized Conversational Implicature because


interlocutor directly understand the meaning of her utterance, It can be seen

from Speaker’s X & Y respond, they can understand what Speaker’s W means,

they directly continue the topic of conversation. After Speaker’s W uttered it,

Speaker’s X and Y directly tell their face problems. The Speaker’s X and Y

respond has relation with Speaker’s W utterance. In this case, the researcher

assumes that Speaker’s X & Y respond shows that they understand what

Speaker’s W means without require special knowledge.

The second generalized conversational implicature also uttered by

Speaker’s W in last conversation. Speaker’s W was uttering a generalized

conversational implicature in the sentences Bebas semua masalah (all

problems is free) . This implicature above is include generalized

conversational implicature since inference can be drawn from general features

of the context. It can be seem from Speaker’s X, Y and Z respond they said

Yes!! Marcks aktif. Bebas berekspresi dengan nyaman . It means they understand that the word free it refers to face problems.

The Process how the speaker used conversational implicature in this advertisement has been done analyzed by Violating The Maxim. The first

utterance by Speaaker’s W in (Datun#1.3) above Duh, aku tu parno an.

this utterance violates the maxim of quantity as she does not give sufficient information. She does not explain that she was worried about her face. She should say that she has a lot of problems on her face and it makes she always


worried. ( Duh, aku tu parno an karena wajah ku punya banyak masalah .(I

am worried because my face problems).

The second conversational implicature also uttered by Speaker’s W in

(Datum#1.7) above Bebas semua masalah this utterance violated the

maxim of manner, the word masalah is ambiguity because the speaker did

not explain with clearly. The word masalah can refers to problems of

anything. The hearer must know the context of situation to know the implied of this utterance. This utterance can follow the maxim of manner if she said

Bebas semua masalah wajah .

Datum #2 Advertisement ofCitra Night Whitening Lotion

The context of datum#2

This conversation occurs in bed room, there are three women in this conversation. The purpose of this conversation is about Citra Night Whitening Lotion used before going to sleep for skin regeneration. In this

conversation Speaker’s X and Y already used Citra Night Whitening Lotion

before going to sleep. And Speaker’s Z never used Citra Night Whitening

Lotion. It can seen when Speaker’s X ask about Citra Night Whitening

Lotion Speaker’s Y said sudah and Speaker’s Z did not understand about

question of Speaker’s X.

Conversation :

(10) X:Waktunya tidur!


(11) Y:Sikat gigi?

Brush your teeth?

(12) X and Z:Sudah.


(13) Y:Pasang Waker?

Turn on walker?

(14) X and Z:Sudah.


(15) X :Citra Night Whitening Lotion?

(16) Y :Sudah.(smile and show her lotion)


(17) Z :Ehm!(Confused)

(18) X :Citra night whitening lotion pakai sebelum tidur.

Citra night whitening lotion used before going to sleep.

(19) Y :Untuk membantu regenerasi kulitmu.

For regeneration your skin.

(20) X : Baru! Citra Night Whitening.(She show her body lotion Citra Night Whitening Lotion )

New! Citra Night Whitening.

(21) N : Whitening Lotion pertama dari Citra dengan paduan sempurna minyak biji anggur dan ekstrablueberry dari rahasia kecantikan Asia untuk membantu regenerasi kulit ketika kamu tidur.

First whitening lotion from Citra with a perfect blend of grape seed oil and extra blueberries from Asian beauty secrets to help regenerate skin when you are sleep.

(Speaker’s Z tried to used Citra night whitening lotion before she going

to sleep)

(In the morning)

(22) Y and X :Wow, kulit cantik terasa lembut. ( smile , they touch skin

of Speaker’s Z)

Wow, beautiful skin feels soft

(23) Z :Sudah.(smile)


Note :

X : The first speaker (girl wearing night gown) Y : Second speaker (girl wearing night

Z : Third speaker (girl wearing night gown) N : Narator or Informant

Location : At Home and Bed Room

Time : At Night, In the morning

On the conversation above Speaker’s Y ask Sikat gigi?(brush yout

teeth) it is categorized ina generalized conversationalimplicature, this kind of utterance is very easy to interpret because this sentence is often used by


people in general conversation. Besides, by estimating the context of this

conversation the hearer can understand that Speaker’s Y said have you

brushed your teeth? . The situation also supported that Speaker’s W utterance

is understandable when the hearer was responding Speaker’s W utterance by

saying sudah .

In the middle of conversation, when Speaker’s Z said Ehm this

utterance categorize as generalized conversational implicature. This

utterance means she never used Citra Whitening Lotion before going to sleep.

Speaker’s Z utterance above is kind of utterance is the usual sentence used

when feeling confused or unable to understand. She uttered this sentence

because she never used Citra Whitening Lotion, she said Ehm.. in order to

make sure the other participants can understand that she never used it. This utterance can make the listener understand its meaning without special

knowledge, it can see from Speaker’s X & Y respond Citra night whitening

lotion pakai sebelum tidur. Untuk membantu regenerasi kulitmu . They

immediately give an explanation aboutCitra Night Whitening Lotion.

The process how the speakers used conversational implicature in this advertisement has been done analyzed by Violating The Maxim. The first

utterance by Speaker’s Y in (Datum#2.11) above Sikat gigi? this utterance

violates the maxim of manner, because this utterance is ambiguous. The utterance Sikat gigi? it can refers to tool of take a bath or it can refers to a


should say Have you brushed your teeth? (Apakah kamu sudah menggosok

gigi?). And the second conversational implicature by Speaker’s Z in

(Datum#2.17)above Ehm.. this utterance violates the maxim of quantity as

she does not give sufficient information. She not give information with clear,

The Speaker’s X should say Ehm..I never used it (Ehm..aku tidak pernah

pakai itu).

Datum #3 Advertisement ofFair and Lovely Multivitamin

The context of datum #3

The conversation occurs in shooting location, there are two women in this conversation. The first speaker is crew and second speaker is Shireen Sungkar actress. The purpose of conversation is talking about Shiren

Sungkar’s face, her face is beautiful and brigh because she used Fair and

Lovely Multivitamin ABCD. Speaker’s X amazed with Shireen’s face, she

want to have face like Shireen. Shireen tell to Speaker’s X about Fair and

Lovely Multivitamin Conversation :

(24) X:Wajahmu cerah. Pingin deh punya wajah sepertimu.(She looks

Shireen, she felt sad and amazed)

Your face is bright, I want have face like you.

(25) Y:Berkat Fair and Lovely ABCD. (smile)

Because Fair and Lovely ABCD

(26) X:ABCD? (confused)

(27) Y:Iya, Fair and Lovely multivitamin ABCD


C, D dipakai setiap hari.( She show her foundation Fair and Lovely multivitamin and give to Speaker’s X)

Alright, Fair and Lovely multivitamin contains allantoin A, vitamin B, vitamin C,D used in every day.

(Speaker’s X try to used Fair and Lovely Multivitamin)

(28) Y:Wajahmu cerah.(amazed and smile)

Your face look bright.

(29) X:Berkatmu dan Fair and Lovely ABCD.(smile)

Because of you and Fair and Lovely ABCD Note :

X : Crew (Woman)

Y : Shireen Sungkar (Actress, Woman) Location : Shooting Location

Time : In the morning

On the conversation above, Crew asks to Shireen about Shireen’s face.

She want has beautiful face like Shireen. Shiren said Berkat Fair and

Lovely ABCD. here Shireen was uttering a particularized conversational implicature because the inference worked out while drawing totally on the specific context of utterance. In this conversation the hearer did not

understand about ABCD . Whether Shireen stated just an alphabet or refer

a name of product. The response of crew is represent her confuse expression after Shireen stated that utterance. She were thinking and seems like she

waited for Shireen uttered more sentence. It describe that Shiren’s utterance is

not understandable. Therefore, the hearer need some specific information to interpret this sentence.

The process how the speakers used conversational implicature in this advertisement has been done analyzed by Violating The Maxim. The

utterance by Shireen in (Datum#3.25) above Berkat Fair and Lovely


ambiguous, because its can refers to alphabet or name of product. When Shiren stated Berkat Fair and Lovely ABCD its mean ABCD is composition of Fair and Lovely foundation. The word ABCD is a acronym of alatoin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and D. Shiren should say more clear, she

can say Berkat Fair and Lovely dengan multivitamin A, B,C and D Iit is

because fair and lovely contains multivitamin A,B,C and D)

Datum #4 Advertisement ofPonds White Beauty

The context of datum#4

This conversation occurs in the restaurant, there are two women in this conversation: Gita Gutawa and Bunga Citra Lestari. The purpose of this

conversation is talks about the use of Pond’s White Beauty Mousturizer. This

product can make the face be beautiful and bright. Gita has beautiful face

because Pond’s White Beauty.

Conversation :

(30) X: Engkau tak bisa buatku menangis lagi. Ingat klipku yang ini

nggak? Imut ya! Masih cuek banget sama muka,agak kusam gitu. (She shows her video clip in last time to her sister) (Smile)

Remember may clip or not? It’s cute! Still ignore with face, looks dull face.

(31) Y: Sekarang uda cantik, cerah, dan beningkan! Gemes. (she looks

her sister) (Laughing)

Now it is beautiful and bright. So cute.

(32) X:Thank you ya kak uda ngajarin pakai Pond’s White Beauty.

Kini Pond’s White Beauty Mousturizer dengan 200% skin lightening aktif.(she shows her foundation Pond’s White Beauty )

Thanks you kak, already teaching used Pond’s White Beauty Mousturizer with 200% skin active lightening.


(33) Y: Jadi banyak cowok yang ngantri dong! (smile and tempt her


It’s make many boys love you!

(34) X:Lebih gampang milih pelembab kak dari pada milih cowok.

It’s more easy choose foundation than choose boys.

(Speaker’s Y and Speaker’s X : Laughing together )

Note :

X : Gita Gutawa

Y : Bunga Citra Lestari Location : Restaurant

Time : In the Afternoon

On the conversation above, Gita’s utterance Lebih gampang milih

pelembab kak dari pada milih cowok. (It’s more easy choose foundation than choose boys. ) This utterance classified as generalized conversational implicature, this is a types in which interlocutor do not require special knowledge to know the meaning of conversation. Its can see from Bunga respond after Gita uttered that sentence, Bunga was laughing. Her laughing

means she understand the means of Gita’s utterance. In this case, the

researcher assumes that The Speaker’s Y respond shows that she understand

what Gita means.

The Process how the speakers used conversational implicature in this advertisement has been done analyzed by Violating The Maxim. The

utterance by Gita in (Datum#4.34) above Lebih gampang milih pelembab

kak dari pada milih cowok. (It’s more easy choose foundation than choose boys. ) this utterance violated the maxim of relation, because in this


The statement of Speaker’s Y is she said Gita will be easier to get

boyfriend because of his beauty. In Gita’s respond, She did not answer the

statement of Speaker’s Y. She change the topic, Gita says it’s easier to get

foundation than get a boyfriend. That’s means even though Gita becomes

beautiful it is not ensure she can get boyfriend easily. Gita should said

Tidak kak, mendapatkan cowok tidak semudah itu . (No, to get a boys is not easy).

Datum #5 Advertisement ofWardahVersi Kisah di Balik Cantik Episode Jatuh Hati

The context of datum#5

This conversation occurs in the office. There are three women in this

conversation; Speaker’s X ,Y and Z. The purpose of conversation is talking

about the beautiful of Wardah lipstick. When Speaker’s Y used her lipstick,

Speaker X and Z looks her and they asked to Speaker’s Y. Speaker’s X and Z

amazed with Speaker’s Y lipstick because her lipstick looks beautiful. They

ask to her about name of products that Speaker’s Y used. Speaker’s Y gives

information about her lipstick to them. Conversation :

(35) X: Wah warnanya bagus, pake apa?(The Speaker’s X and Z come

to Speaker’s Y, they look Speaker’s Y use lipstick)

Wow, its good color. What are you used?

(36) Y: Mau coba, ada banyak warna. (She used lipstick and


Do you want to try?There are many colors.

(37) Z:Wah kalau pake, bisa punya fans kayak kamu.

Wow, If used it, will be have many fans like like you.

(Walking together, there is a man come to them and he looks speaker’s y,

He smile to her. Laughing )

(38) Y: Rasakan kelembaban lipstick Wardah yang halal sepanjang


Feel the soft of wardah lipstick in all day. Note:

X : First Speaker (woman) Y : Second Speaker (woman) Z : Third Speaker (woman) Location : Office (woman)

Time : In the Afternoon

On the conversation above Speaker’s Z said Wah kalau pake, bisa

punya fans kayak kamu.(Wow, If used it, will be have many fans like like you.) she was utteringageneralized conversational implicature.Speaker’s Z utterance here implicates that she will has many fans in office if she used

lipstick like Speaker’s Z. The utterance can understandable the hearer, its can

see from the hearer answer. Her answer has relation with speaker’s statement,

she gives an explanation of the miracle of Wardah lipstick, because the greatness of lipstick wardah make him have many fans. This can be proven from a man giving her a letter that she was amazed to her nice smile.

The Process how the speaker used conversational implicature in this advertisement has been done analyzed by Violating The Maxim. The

utterance by Speaker’s Z in (Datum#5.37)above Wah kalau pake, bisa punya

fans kayak kamu. (Wow, If used it, will be have many fans like like you.) this utterance violated the maxim of quantity because the speaker does not


ambiguity, there will be two possibilities, She wants use her lipstick or she wants to wear a cloth like her.This utterance can following the maxim of

quantity if the speaker said wah kalau pake lipstick kamu, bisa punya fans

kayak kamu .

Datum 6# Advertisement ofPurbasari Lipstick

The context of datum 6#

The conversation occurs in the home, there are two women in this

conversation: Speaker’s X and Speaker’s Y. The purpose of this conversation

is about Purbasari lipstick. Speaker’s X likes the color of lipstick’s Speaker’s

Y. She wants to has the beautiful lips like her. Speaker’s Y gives information

about quality of her lipstick. She tells her lipstick has a soft and nice color like a rose, she gives an illustration by wiping the roses on her lips.

Conversation :

(39) Y: (She shows the roses to her friend, then she wipes the roses to

her lips)seperti di usap mawar.

It’s like wipes of rose

(40) X:Bibir diusap mawar?(Confused)

Lips on a wipes of roses

(41) Y:Lihat ini lipstick Purbasari. Warna nya tak berkilau.

Lipstick Purbasari dengan shea butter, jojoba oil, dan UV Filter memberi nutrisi dan melembabkan.(She showed her lipstick and used it.After that she gave it tohis friend and suggest to try it) Look at this Purbasari Lipstick, its color is not sparkling. Purbasari Lipstick with shea butter, jojoba oil and UV filter nourishes and moisturizes.

(42) X:Bibir lembut sehat.(She used Purbasari Lipstick)

Healthy and soft lips

(43) X:Lipstick Purbasari Warna nya tak berkilau.


Note :

X : Firts Speaker (woman) Y : Second Speaker (Woman) Location : In the Home

Time : At the night

On the conversation above the utterance of Speaker’s Y Seperti di usap

mawar.(Its like wipes of rose) This utterance was a type of particularized of conversational implicaturebecause the utterance can be understood by the hearer only if they know the context when the utterance occurs. Anyone know rose is a kind of flower, but in this conversation the hearer must have specific

knowledge to interpret Speaker’s Y utterance. From this situation, The

Speaker’s X seem confused expression after Speaker’s Y uttered it. It can

seem from Speaker’s X respond Bibir diusap mawar? (Lips on wipes of

roses?), the implied meaning of Speaker’s X utterance is she does not

understood the illustrations and utterance of Speaker’s Y. She wants

Speaker’s Y gives more an explanation.

The Process how the speakers used conversational implicature in this advertisement has been done analyzed by Violating The Maxim. The

utterance by Speaker’s Y (Datum#6.39) above Seperti di usap mawar (its

like wipes of rose) this utterance violated the maxim of manner, the speaker

say everything excepting what the hearer desires to cognize. The Speaker’s X

utterance is ambiguous, the word mawar its refer to a kind of flower or


she said clearly. She should said Warna Lipstick seperti warna bunga

mawar (the color of lipstick like a color of rose)

Datum #7 Advertisement ofPonds Age Miracle

The context of datum #7

This conversation occurs in mall, there are two women in this conversation, Tamara and her friend. This conversation talks about a moisturizer that can make face more younger than its real age. The first speaker gave a doll to his friend on her birthday. She gave the doll to her

friend and told her for her 31st birthday, but her friend says it is not to 31

years. Tamara informed his friend about Pond’s Age Miracle, she suggested

to her friend to replace her common moisturizer. This moisturizer is suitable for ages over 30 years.

Conversation :

(43) X:Buat ulang tahunmu yang ke-31. (She gives teddy bear)(Smile)

For your 31stbirthday.

(44) Y:Udah nggak kali.(smile)

Not already times

(45) X:Tapi, kamu masih pake pelembab biasa kan?

But, you still used common moisturizer?

(46) Y:Kan biar tetap cerah.(she looks her face on the mirror)

Let’s keep it bright

(47) X: Usia 30 butuh lebih dari sekedar pelembab biasa. Sekarang

kusam nanti bisa jadi flek hitam dan kerutan. Ganti pelembab biasamu ke Pond’s Age Miracle untuk tampak hingga 10 tahun lebih muda. Pond’s Age Miracle.

30th needs more than just an ordinary moisturizer. Now dull

face later could be black spots and wrinkles. Replace the ordinary in Pond’s Age Miracle to look up to 10 years more younger.


(Meet again after using Pond’s Age Miracle, Tamara bring the teddy bear

and her friend bring Pond’s Age Miracle)(Laughing)

Note :

X : First Speaker (Tamara, Woman) Y : Second Speaker (Woman) Location : Mall

Time : In the morning

On the conversation above, the Tamara’s statements Buat ulang

tahunmu yang ke-31.(for your 31th birthday) This kind of utterance is

classified as generalized conversational implicature because the utterance

can be easily interpreted without any specifics knowledge. Tamara uttered this sentence in order to say implicitly that she wanted to tell her friend that her face looks pallid because of the age more than 30 years. She does not

want to hurt her friend, she make a joke to say it. Tamara’s utterance is

understandable, it can see from Speaker’s Y respond Udah nggak kali.(not

already time) her answer seem she understood the implied meaning of

Tamara’s statement.

The second utterance also from Tamara Tapi, kamu masih pake

pelembab biasa kan?(but you still used common moisturizer?) it is also

kind ofgeneralized of conversational implicature.This utterance has implied

meaning, its mean Speaker’s Y face looks older than her ages. Tamara wants

to convince her friend that she wrong choose a moisturizer for her ages. The

Speaker’s X uttered is easy to understood, its can see from Speaker’s Y

respond Kan biar tetap cerah. (let’s keep it bright), the respond has relation


The advertising,wherever published,has to be paid. Its price is always related with the space it takes on,which indicates that the less space with better effect will be favorable. Therefore,the advertising has limited space to express what it is intended. To meet this need conversational implicature will be competent and can mean much more than what is said.

3.To enhance the force of advertising message and activate interaction The advertising sometimes seems to be monologue,but indeed it activates interaction between the advertising and the readers. The employment of conversational implicature makes it possible to enhance the impact or effectiveness of the advertisements. Only drawing the attention of the readers is not enough and the advertising has to make the readers think about it,through which the interaction is activated by the readers making his own interpretation of the advertising. So the advertising needs to take advantage of some non conventional languages to lure or persuade the readers to think of the advertisement once again since they cannot totally understand it at first glance. The more time the readers linger on the advertisement,the deeper impression will the readers have.

In last practical advantages is the researcher applies the phenomena of implied meaning with daily life. In human society uses the implied meaning to communication with other human. Sometimes human did not know whether they delivered their utterance to other people appropriate with the rule of conversation or not. Usually people violate of conversation. Therefore the researcher hope the reader to say correctly and not convoluted, appropriate with a rule of conversation




In this chapter, the researcher presents the main conclusion including several points of what the researcher concludes in findings and learns from this thesis as well as a suggestion for improvement of further research.

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussion in the previous chapter, the researcher concludes that there are two types of conversational implicature that can be found in The Advertisement of beauty product and food & beverage product, those are generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature based on the theory in chapter two. The findings show that in 10 advertisements of beauty product and 10 advertisements of food & beverage product. Resulting from the research subject, basically there are 23 data containing implicature from 20 advertisements. The occurrences are divided into two categories, generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature. This categorization is based on the inferences to figure out the conveyed meaning, which is then matched with the Gricean Maxims. The

generalized conversational implicature in the participants‟expressions occur more


From the analysis in finding points, the researcher found that all generalized conversational implicature functioned as based on their function in the conversation, namely to imply: the opposite, the invalidity of the present, previous event, actual position, equality or similarity, fallibility, the next action, others of similar kind, and contradiction with the actual condition. While the occurrences of particularized conversational implicature are classified into two main categories based on the inferences that the hearer needs to figure out the conveyed meanings and the purpose that the speaker expects to obtain. Related to the needed inferences, they fall into the specific knowledge inferences.

There are four maxim that has been done violated in the conversational implicature of Advertisement beauty product and food & beverage product. Mainly there are twenty three conversational implicature that contain violated the maxim that consist of 9 violated the maxim of quantity, 1 violated the maxim of quality, 11 violated the maxim of manner and 2 violated the maxim of relation. Based on explanation above, quantity is the second number from highest after manner. All the violated of maxim are used to create the atmosphere of the show as fun as possible.

5.2 Suggestion

The researcher expects that there will be other researchers who are interested in conducting research about conversational implicature other subjects. The researcher hopes that further researcher will focus on finding something new and


The next researcher are suggested to improve conversational implicature in other aspects using another topic such as conversational implicature in a real life, and social media. The next researcher also using another theory such as Speech act Theory in Politeness and Implicature.



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