THE ACQUISITION OF INDIRECT SPEECH MADE BY ENGLISH FOREIGN LEARNERS, LEARNING ENGLISH AS A The Acquisition of Indirect Speech made by English Foreign Learners, Learning English as a Foreign Language.



Submitted as a Partial Fullfillment of the Requirement for the Master Degree in
Language Study at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta









…Allah will not change the good condition of people as long as they do not
change their state of goodness themselves (by committing sins and beig
ungrateful and disobedient to Allah)…. (QS. Ar Ra’d: 11)

… Allah will exalt in degree tose of you who believe, and those who have been
granted knowledge…. (QS. Al-Mujadilah: 11)

Everything is possible as long as you believe and have sincerity will.
The success person is anyone who can beat himself to be good person.
(The Writer)



This thesis is dedicated to:
My beloved father and mother
My beloved Grand Father
My beloved sisters and brothers
And All my friends, Classmates and Family



First of all, the researcher would like to say Alhamdulillahi rabbil’alamin,
Praise be to Allah SWT the Great Creator of the universe, the Most Gracious and the
Most Merciful, just cause of the Almighty the researcher has been able to finish this
thesis and only with his blessing this thesis can be accomplished. And invocation and
peace may always be upon the holy prophet Muhammad SAW, may peace and
blessing of Allah be awarded to him, his family and his companions. Amin.
The researcher believes that this thesis will not be complete without the help

of other. Her special gratitude and appreciation go to Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, M.
Hum as the first consultant who has given a lot of help during the process and
finishing this thesis and Mauly Halwat H, Ph.D as the second consultant who has
given a lot of guidance and encouragement, and also helped in correcting the
grammar from the beginning until the completion of the thesis.
The researcher would like to express the deepest appreciation for all those
who have given their hands to finish my graduating thesis. My thanks go to the
following persons:
1 Prof. Dr. Khudzaifah Dimyati, SH, M.Hum, as the rector of Muhammadiyah
University of Surakarta;
2 Prof. Dr. Markhamah, M.Hum, the Head of Language Study Department;



TITLE PAGE ......................................................................................................................... i
NOTE OF ADVISER I ....................................................................................................... ii
NOTE OF ADVISER II ......................................................................................................iii
APPROVAL ..........................................................................................................................iv

DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. v

DEDICATION .....................................................................................................................vii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................... viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................x
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ xii
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. xiv
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................... xvi
LIST OF CODES ............................................................................................................... xvii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................
A. Background of the Study .................................................................................. 1
B. Problem Statement ............................................................................................ 6
C. Objective of the Study....................................................................................... 6
D. Limitation of the Study ..................................................................................... 7
E. Benefit of the Study........................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE..................................................
A. Previous Study .................................................................................................. 8

B. Theoretical Review ........................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ..............................................................................


A. Type of the Research ...................................................................................... 42
B. Subject of the Research ................................................................................... 42
C. Object of the Research .................................................................................... 43
D. Data and Sources of Data ................................................................................ 43
E. Technique of Collecting Data.......................................................................... 44
F. Data Validity.................................................................................................... 45
G. Technique of Analyzing Data ......................................................................... 47
CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION .........................................
A. Research Finding ............................................................................................ 48
B. Discussion ....................................................................................................... 89
SUGGESTION .................................................................................................
A. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 100
B. Pedagogical Implication ................................................................................ 106
C. Suggestion ..................................................................................................... 107

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................ 110
APPENDIXES ........................................................................................................................



Studi ini berkaitan dengan pemerolehan kalimat tidak langsung yang dibuat oleh
siswa SMP dan SMA. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pola
kalimat tidak langsung dari pernyataan, perintah, dan kalimat tanya yang dibuat oleh
siswa SMP dan SMA. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan menggunakan studi
cross-sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MTs N Salatiga dan SMA N 3 Salatiga.
Data penelitian ini adalah kalimat-kalimat langsung yang diubah menjadi kalimat
tidak langsung oleh siswa kelas 8 SMP dan siswa kelas 10, 11SMA. Dalam
pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan data tertulis berupa kalimat langsung yang
telah diubah menjadi kalimat tidak langsung oleh siswa SMP dan SMA, dan memilah
data sesuai dengan pola dominan yang ditemukan. Peneliti menggunakan kerangka
teori Goodell&Sachs (1992) dan Sridhar (1980) dalam mengidentifikasi pola
perkembangan kalimat tidak lagsung tersebut. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ada
perkembangan pola kalimat tidak langsung yang dibuat oleh siswa SMP dan SMA.

Dalam membuat kalimat tidak langsung berupa pernyataan, siswa kelas VIII SMP
berada di tahap 2 (Indirect Quote using Present tense) dan tahap 3 (Indirect Quote
using Corresponding Past Tense (no change in pronoun and adverb of time), tahap 3
(Indirect Imperative using Original Pronoun &Adverb of Time) dalam membuat
kalimat perintah, dan tahap 2 (Direct Quote of Interrogative Pattern) dalam membuat
kalimat Tanya. Lalu, siswa kelas X SMA berada di tahap 4 (S+ said that+ Third
Person Pronoun+ be/verb(present tense)+ O/Complement) dalam membuat kalimat
pernyataan, tahap 4 (Indirect Imperative Complete) dalam mebuat kalimat perintah,
dan tahap 3 (Indirect Quote using Original Pronoun/Adverb of Time) dalam
membuat kalimat Tanya dalam kalimat tidak langsung. Selanjutnya, siswa kelas XI
SMA berada di tahap 4 (Indirect Quote using Corresponding Past tense (Correct
Change in Pronoun) dalam membuat kalimat pernyataan, di tahap 4 (Indirect
Imperative Complete) dalam mebuat kalimat perintah, dan tahap 4 (Indirect Quote
using Indirect Pronoun/Adverb of Time) dalam membuat kalimat Tanya dalam
kalimat tidak langsung
Kata Kunci: Pemerolehan, Kalimat Tidak Langsung.



This present study deals with the acquisition of indirect speech made by English
foreign learners, especially junior and senior high school students . The objectives of
this research are to identify the pattern of indirect speech from statement, command,
and interrogative made by junior and senior high school students The type of this
research is qualitative research and cross-sectional study. This study was conducted
in MTs N Salatiga and SMA N 3 Salatiga. The data was direct speech which was
changed into indirect speech made by junior and senior high school students. In
collecting data, the researcher used written sentences of indirect speech made by
junior and senior high school students and classified the data based on the dominant
pattern found. The researcher used the framework of Goodell&Sachs (1992) and
Sridhar (1980) in analyzing the developmental pattern of indirect speech made by the
students. The result showed that the eight grade students were still at stage two
(Indirect Quote using Present tense) and stage 3: Indirect Quote using Corresponding
Past Tense (no change in pronoun and adverb of time) in constructing indirect speech
of statement, stage three (: Indirect Imperative using Original Pronoun &Adverb of
Time) in command, and stage two (Direct Quote of Interrogative Pattern) in
interrogative. Then, tenth grade students were at stage 4 (Indirect Quote using
Corresponding Past tense (Correct Change in Pronoun) in constructing statement,
stage four (Indirect Imperative Complete) in command, and stage three (Indirect
Quote using Original Pronoun/Adverb of Time) in interrogative. Next, eleventh grade

students were at stage 4 (Indirect Quote using Corresponding Past tense (Correct
Change in Pronoun) in constructing statement, stage four (Indirect Imperative
Complete) in command, and stage four (Indirect Quote using Indirect
Pronoun/Adverb of Time) in interrogative.
Keywords: Acquisition, Indirect Speech.


Table 2.1.

The Differences betweem the Previous Research and the Current Study.
......................................................................................................................... 20

Table 2.2.

The Comparison of Main Hypothesis of Monitor Theory, Cognitive
Theory, Fundamental Difference Hypothesis, and Acculturation
Theory. ........................................................................................................... 31

Table 2.3.

The Comparison of Developmental Stages of Second Language
Acquisition by Hayne (2012) and Krashen (1981). ................................. 36

Table 4.1.1 The Pattern of Indirect Speech from Statement made by Eighth Grade
Students of Junior High School. ................................................................. 51
Table 4.1.2. The Pattern of Indirect Speech from Statement made by Tenth Grade
Students of Junior High School. ................................................................. 53
Table 4.1.3. The Pattern of Indirect Speech from Statement made by Eleventh Grade
Students of Junior High School. ................................................................. 56
Table 4.2.1. The Pattern of Indirect Speech from Command made by Eighth Grade
Students of Junior High School. ................................................................. 59
Table 4.2.2. The Pattern of Indirect Speech from Command made by Tenth Grade
Students of Junior High School. ................................................................. 62
Table 4.2.3. The Pattern of Indirect Speech from Command made by Eleventh Grade
Students of Junior High School. ................................................................. 64
Table 4.3.1. The Pattern of Indirect Speech from Interrogative made by Eighth
Grade Students of Junior High School. ..................................................... 67
Table 4.3.2. The Pattern of Indirect Speech from Interrogative made by Tenth Grade

Students of Junior High School. ................................................................. 70
Table 4.3.3. The Pattern of Indirect Speech from Interrogative made by Eleventh
Grade Students of Junior High School. ..................................................... 73
Table 4.4.1. The Comparison of Indirect Speech from Statement made by Junior and
Senior High School Students. ..................................................................... 75
Table 4.4.2. The Comparison of Pattern of Indirect Speech from Statement made by
Junior and Senior High School Students. .................................................. 77


Table 4.4.3. The Comparison of Indirect Speech from Command made by Junior and
Senior High School Students. ..................................................................... 80
Table 4.4.4. The Comparison of Pattern of Indirect Speech from Command made by
Junior and Senior High School Students. .................................................. 81
Table 4.4.5. The Comparison of Indirect Speech from Interrogative made by Junior
and Senior High School Students. .............................................................. 84
Table 4.4.6. The Comparison of Pattern of Indirect Speech from Interrogative made
by Junior and Senior High School Students. ............................................ 85
Table 4.4.7. The Development of Pattern of Indirect Speech from Statement,
Command, and Statement made by Junior and Senior High School
Students. ........................................................................................................ 89




English Foreign Learners


Competence based Curriculum


First Language


Second Language


Language Acquisition Device

PermendiknasPeraturan Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional

Second Language Acquisition


Target Language




The pattern of statement made by eighth grade students.


The pattern of command made by eighth grade students.

SQE The pattern of interrogative made by eighth grade students.
SQT The pattern of interrogative made by tenth grade students.

The pattern of statement made by tenth grade students.


The pattern of command made by tenth grade students.

SCV The pattern of command made by eleventh grade students.
SQV The pattern of interrogative made by eleventh grade students.

The pattern of statement made by eleventh grade students.
