SIMARMATA, R. JOHN PIETER. Modality in The Jaliarta Post Editorials.Thesis.
English Applied Linguistic. Graduate Program. State University of Medan 2007

This thesis deals with modality in the .Jakarta Post editorials. The objectives are to
investigate the occurrences of modality in Indonesian newspaper texts written in
English. 1l1c research attempts to analyze the type of modality used in the Jakarta
Post editorials. what is the most dominant type, to reveal the realization of modality
in the editorial texts and to investigate why modality is used the way it is in the
Jakarta Post editorials. In analyzing the data. Hall iday's theory of modal ity is applied
and the findings indicate that the Jakarta Post uses the four types of modality in their
editorial texts. The four types arc Probability, Usuality, Obligation and inclination.
The most dominant type ex isting in each tcx t is Probability. Congruent meanings are
used more than metaphorical, and Low Probability is the most dominant in tcm1s of
value. The fmdings also show that the Jalcarw Po.!/ editorials writer uses higher
counts of modality when the issue is about politic. Higher counts of modality
indicates that the editorial writer has a strong certainty in giving his opinions and
ju dgment
However, when the issues arc considered sensitive such as religious
blasphemy or commemoration of bombing victims, the clauses with modality used in

the editorial text are only a few. This is caused by the intention of the editorial writer
to be cautious and chooses instead to just :simply deliver the information and facts
without having to interfere the condition with his personal judgments. The use of
Probability as the moSt dominant type is also influenced by social context which in
this case. context of situation. One variable in the context of situation is tenor. Tenor
refers to the people involved in the communication, the relationship between them
and how sure you are in giving the information.



SI-IEETOF APPROVAL ................ ........................................... i
A BSTRACT ......... .................... ....... ... ............. ... ................. ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........... ........ ................................ ...... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..... .. ........ ....... .. .. ... ...................... .. ....... iv
1.1. The background of the study ................................................................... 1

1.2. The problems of the study ........................................................................ 4

1.3. The objectives of the study ...................................................................... 4
1.4. The seope of the study ............................................................................. 4

1.5. The significance of the study ................................................................... 5
2.1. Theoretical framework ............................................................................ 6
2.2. Metafunction ........................................................................................... 9
2.3. The interpersonal function ...................................................................... 13
2 .4. The speech function ................................................................................ 13
2.5. The mood element.. ................................................................................. 15
2.6. Modality .................................................................................................. 19
2.6.1. The types o f modality .................................................................. 22
2 .6.2. The value of modality .................................................................. 23
2.6.3. The realization of modality ........................................................ 25
2.6.4. The coverdge of modality ............................................................ 25
2.6.5. The orientation of modality ........................................................ 26
2.6.6. Metaphors o f modality ............................................................... 28
2.7. The social context ................................................................................... 32
2.8. The newspaper editoria l ........................................................................... 34
2.9. The conceptual framework ...................................................................... 35


3. 1. The research design ................................................................................. 37
3.2. The source of the data ............................................................................. 37
3.3. The technique of the data analysis .......................................................... 39
4 .1. The occurrences of modality in all the texts ........................................... 40
4. 1.1. The realization of modality in congruent and metaphorical
modes ......................................................................................... 42
4.1.2. The value of modality ................................................................. 44
4.2. The oecur


~ s

of modality in each of all seven texts ........................... 46

4.3. Interpretation of the findings ................................................................... 47
4.3.1. Text no. 1: Dysfunctional Coalition .......................................... 47
4.3.2. Tel« No.2: A Win for Press Freedom ....................................... 48
4.33. Text No. 3: Securing a Clean Haircut ........................................ 49
4.3.4. Text No. 4: Bali May Peace Prevail ........................................... 49

4.3.5. Text No. 5: Get Smart, Kid ........................................................ 50
4.3.6. Text No. 6: Lessons From the Young ........................................ 51

4.3.7. Tel« No. 7: Forget the Facts. Just Manufacture the Myths ........ 51
4.4. Discussion ............................................................................................... 52

5.1. Conclusions ............................................................................................. 55

5.2. Suggestions.............................................................................................. 56
REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 57
APPENDIC ES ................................................................................................ 59




4. 1.

The types of modality .......................................................................... 41


The realization of modality in congruent and metaphorical modes ..... 43


The value of modality .......................................................................... 44


The occurences of modality in all seven texts ...................................... 46





2.1 .

Metafunction and realization................................................................ 7


The simultaneous metafWlCtions in the structure of the clause ............ I J


Speech roles and commodity excha nge . .............................................. 14


Speech fWlCtion and responses ............................................................ 15


Mood system ........................................................................................ 16


mood elements ....................................... .............................................. 17


Congruent and metaphorical realization of mood ................................ 19


Types of modality ............................................................................... 2 3


Modality and it~


Finite modal operators ......................................................................... 29

value .......................................................................... 24

2. 11. Modal adjunct ....................................................................................... 30

Congruent and metaphorical realization of modality ......................... 32

J. l .

Days of text publication ....................................................................... 38


The technique o f data analysis ............................................................. 39



1.1. The Background of the Study

This thesis deals with the usc of moda lity in the editorial text of the daily Jakarta

Past. Editorial texts are typically meant to voice mission of the newspaper (I edema.
1995). Thus, a newspaper has its own way of organizing the editorial texts. A text is a
semantic unit, not a grammatical o ne. But meanings are realized through wordings;
and without a theory of wordings - that is a grammar - there is no way of making

explicit one's interpretation of the meaning of a text (Halliday, 1994)

Functional gran1mars views language as a resource for making meaning (Gerot
and Wignell, 1994). Whenever we usc langwsge, we draw on certain grammatical
resources to represent meanings, such as ideational meanings where language is used
to organize, understand and express o ur perceptions of the world and of our
consciousness.. interpersonal meanings where language is used to enable us to
panicipate in communicative acts with other people. and textual meanings


language is used to relate what is said (or written) to the real world and to other
linguistic events. This involves the usc of language to organize the text itself.
Nowadays more and more people read the Jakarta Post newspaper. The Jakarta

Post is considered as the leading national newspaper published in English_ Since its
conception in 1983 the daily has developed into a prestigious newspaper n..'Spected for
its independent views and bold coverage of various national and international events.
In 1994, the Jakarta Post became the first Indonesian newspaper to go global under a


project nicknamed "Go International''. Three global companies providing database
services from three different pans of the world signed agreement with the Jakarta

Po.v1 to make the paper accessible 24 hour:s a day to tens of thousands of their
subscribers around the world. The JaJcarta Pos1 also has received many international
awards, such as the International Newspaper Marketing Association - Editor &
Publisher Award. In 1994 it won the first place among newspaper with circulation
under 50,000 copies daily in the category of public relations printed materials.
Presemcd in Phoenix. Arizona, USA. on May 16. 1994, the JaJcarta l'ost also
received another Certificate of Merit for th e same category. The Jakarta Post
received two similar awards in 1991 and two m ore in 1993. This paper is the first and
so far the only Indonesian newspaper thus internationally acknowledged.
By taking advantage of the new innovation in the system of circulating the
newspaper, the paper now reaches not only certain class people who live in big cities
but also any citizen who is interested in reading the news presented, in any p8I1 of the
country. As an English language newspaper, the JaJcarta Posl plays a vital role in
delivering its inforrnat.i on to its readers. Based on the above facts, the writer has
chosen the Ja/carw Posl as the object of study in this research in the view point of
Functional grammar.

The JaJcarla Post is a popular newspaper for some reasons. First. it is a newspaper
that has a wide range of readers. The paper is popular because, it is assumed. the
articles written in it such as its editorial a5 a texl of exchanging experience arc good
in giving and asking information. service nnd good. Second. it is a newspaper where
the selection of modali1y as the lcxicogranmlatit:al features used in the clauses of the


texts can provide the interpersonal functions of the language used. II means that the
paper is well -known because it is a good media of communication between the artic le
writeN! and their readers in exchanging experience.
Newspaper contains a range of items: news. comment and analysis. adveni.sing,
entertainment. editorial. and matly others. Editorials exist to allow the newspaper
(usually in the person of its editor) to comment, give views on and draw conclusion
from the day's events (Reah, 2002). Modality, as has been mentioned above, refers to
opinion or judgment of the speaker on the content and speech function of the clause.
This study attempts to analyze the text of Jakarta Post editorials hased on its
modality. The problem to understand the use of modal ity in the news paper editorial
such as in Jakarta Post can be made possible by the application of the functional
grammar theories.
The above facts have urged the writer to analyze further on modality of the

Jakarta Post editorials. The writer thinks that it is significant to analp.e the modality
to lind out how the editorial writers express their opinions from the perspective of
modality theory. The types of modality used in the editorials that is assumed to make

Jakarta Post very popular among the newspaper readers need to be revealed. It is
necessary to know the systematic use of the type to help more people understand the
paper. Such a study is theoretically and practically important to ease the process of
communicative interaction between the article writers and readers.


1.2. The Problem of t he Study
The problems to be investigated and explored in this study are restricted to the
following points

What are the !)'pes of modalil)' used in editorials of the Jakarta Post?


Whatl)'pc of modality is dominantly used?


What are realizations of modality in the editorial texts?


Why is modality used the way it is in the Jakarta Post editorials'!

1.3 The Objective of the Study
The objectives of the study are

to anal}'?.e the types of modality used in Jakarta Post editorials,


to decide the type of modalil)' dominantly used,


to reveal the realizations of modality in the editorial texts, and


to investigate why modnlil)' is tascd the way it is in the Jakarta Post

1.4. Tbc Scope of the Study

The study applies the concept of discourse analysis in systemic functional
linguistic (SFL) proposed by Halliday and other systemicists. In applying the
Halliday's theory of modalil)' as part of interpersonal function, the analysis is focused
on the occurrences of modalil)' covering probabilily, usualil)', obligation and


1. 5 The Significanc.e of tbe Study

The findings are expected to be significant and give benefits in two respects.
theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the findings are expected to enrich
application of SFL theories on the use of English language in Indonesian media and
Indonesian context of culture. Practically, the findings will be beneficial for the
readers of the Jakarta f>ost and those wbo are interested in SFL theories for having
better understanding of the English language newspaper publication.


5.1. Conclusions
With reference to the findings, conclusions are drawn as the following
I. Probability is the most dominant of all types of modality: f>robability ,

Usuality, Obligation and inclination.

2. All of the texts used either congruent or metaphorical coding as well as
modality value of High, Medium and Low.

3. The most dominant

type of modality in the texts is Probability. whether it is

individually or coUectively. Congruent is more dominant than metaphorical
and in terms of value, Low is the most dominant although it is only slightly
above the High.
4. Having Probability type as the most dominant indicates that the editorial
writer has certainty in giving the information through the text The uses of
modality in the texts is related with tbe context o f situation and context of
culture. Con&,>rUcnt realization indicates that the editorial writer doesn "t use a
wide range of variants for the express ion of modality in the clause. In terms of
value, the closeness between Low and High indicates that the expressions are

both closer to positive or negative polar. The most probable modality to be
executed or the least probable one to be done.
5. The findings show that the use of modality is incrcawd when it touches the

issue about politic or economy. On the contrary, the use of modality in the



text is decreased when the issue is considered sensitive, such as blasphemy or
prevalence of peac~




l ions

In relation 10 the findings of this study, suggestions arc staged as follows
I. It is suggested that editorial wrilers or joumulists should apply the modality
theory proportionally in !heir texts to avoid misinterpretation.
2. The Jakarta l'ost editorials should use more metaphorical realization of
modality in order to give a more variant expressions in giving their opinions.
3. It is suggested that the students of English Department should have a good
comprehension in modality theory in order to be able to see and comprehend
the messages in any text from the perspeclive of Functional Grammar.
4. Students or any interested party are advised to do further research and
elaboration of modality theory on other media or any other type of text. The
results wi II enable us to see the contras or comparison between the elements.



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