Analisis Total Productive Maintenance pada Turntable Vibrating Compactor Guna Memperbaiki Kinerja Perusahaan PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero)


Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) merupakan ide Nakajima (1988) yang
menekankan pada pendayagunaan dan keterlibatan sumber daya manusia dan
sistem Preventive Maintenance untuk memaksimalkan efektifitas peralatan
dengan melibatkan semua departemen dan fungsional orgnisasi. Studi penerapan
TPM di Pabrik Anoda PT. INALUM (Persero) ini bertujuan untuk mengukur
efektifitas mesin Turntable Vibrating Compactor. Didalam analisis TPM dengan
menggunakan metode OEE ini ada terdapat enam penyebab kerugian yang disebut
dengan Six Big Losses yaitu diantaranya : Kerusakan peralatan (Breakdown
Losses), Persiapan peralatan (Set-up and Adjustment), Gangguan kecil dan waktu
nganggur (Idling and Minor Stoppages)Kecepatan rendah (Reduced Speed
Losses), Cacat produk dalam proses (Rework Losses), Hasil rendah (Yield/Scrap
losses). Kesimpulan yang didapat adalah nilai rata – rata OEE selama periode
April 2015 - Maret 2015adalah 63,65 % masih dibawah standar. Nilai
Idling/Minor Stoppages Losses 15,18% dengan total waktu 942,51 jam, hasil
Rework Losses0,02 % dengan total waktu 39,82jam, hasil Reduce Speed Losses
27,47% dengan total waktu 2120,69jam, hasil Breakdown Losses 7,75% dengan
total waktu 51,20 jam, hasil Setup and Adjustment Losses 0,81 % dengan total
waktu 57,31jam, hasil Yield/Scrap lossesdidapat 0.
Kata kunci : Overall Equipment Efectiveness, Availability, Breakdown Time, Rate of Quality

Product, Six Big Losses


Universitas Sumatera Utara


Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is an idea Nakajima (1988), which
emphasizes the empowerment and involvement of human resources and
Preventive Maintenance System to maximize the effectiveness of the equipment by
involving all departments and functional society together. Study of the application
of TPM in Anode Plant PT. INALUM (Persero) is intended to measure the
effectiveness of Turntable Vibrating Compactor machine. In the analysis of TPM
using OEE there are six causes of loss of the so-called Six Big Losses of them:
Damage to equipment (Breakdown Losses), Preparation of equipment (Set-up and
Adjustment), disorders of the small and idle time (Idling and Minor Stoppages)
low speed (Speed Reduced losses), Defective products in the process (Rework
losses), lower results (Yield / Scrap losses). The conclusion is the value - average
OEE during the period April 2015 - March 2015 is 63.65% is below standard.

Value Idling / Minor Stoppages Losses 15.18% with a total time of 942.51 hours,
the results Rework Losses of 0.02% with a total time of 39.82 hours, the results
Reduce Speed Losses 27.47% with a total time of 2120.69 hours, the results
breakdown losses of 7.75% with a total time of 51.20 hours, the results Setup and
Adjustment losses of 0.81% with a total time of 57.31 hours, the results Yield /
Scrap losses obtained 0.

Keywords: Overall Equipment Efectiveness, Availability, Breakdown Time, Rate of Quality
Product, Six Big Losses


Universitas Sumatera Utara

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