A THESIS Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements To Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree In English Language Education






Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements


To Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

In English Language Education


Lia Henora Pangaribuan


Student Number : 011214133








  When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest, if you must, but don’t quit Life is queer with its twists and turns, As everyone one of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about When he might have won had he stuck it out, Don’t give up, thought the pace seems slow You might succeed with another blow O ften the goal is nearer than It seems to faint and faltering man, O ften the struggler has given up When he might have captured the victor’s cup.

  And he learned too late, when the night slipped down, H ow close he was to the golden crown. S uccess is failure turned inside out The silver tint of the clouds of doubt And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems a far, S o stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit

  A uthor U nknown D edicated with love and gratitude to: M y beloved parents, my sister, my brother and my someone special who has



  I honestly declare that this thesis which I wrote does not contain the works or part of the works of other people, except those which were cited in the quotations and the bibliography, as a scientific paper should.

  January 12, 2007 The writer,

  Lia Henora Pangaribuan



  Pangaribuan, Lia Henora. (2007). The Influences of Family on Sula’

  Personality in Toni Morrison’s Sula ,

  Yogyakarta: English Education study program, Sanata Dharma University. Personality is influenced by many factors. The most important factor in is family because it is the starting point of one’s personality development where a child will learn the values of life and social relationships in the society by watching his parents.

  The aim of this study is to answer the two questions which are stated in the problem formulation. The first is how the characters of Hannah and Eva Peace are described and the second is how the family influences Sula’s personality.

  The method applied in this study was library research. The sources that the writer used were found in the library and some other places, the writer also borrowed some books from some friends. The writer used two kinds of sources. The primary source was obtained from the novel Sula written by Toni Morrison and the secondary sources were obtained from books on literary works. Because this study is concerned with personality, the writer used psychological approach in analyzing the problems. In analyzing the novel, the write employed theory of character, theory of characterization, and theory of psychology.

  The findings of the first analysis show the characters of Hannah and Eva Peace. Hannah Peace is Sula’s mother. She is an attractive and flirtatious woman. Hannah Peace is a woman who believes in non-commitment relationship. A lot of her time is spent in lovemaking and she never cares about her daughter. The first findings also answer the characteristics of Eva Peace, Sula’s grandmother. She is an attractive woman. By seeing her struggles in facing life, the writer concludes that she is an independent and tough woman. She is also a spontaneous woman. She is a rebellious and stubborn woman.

  In the second analysis, the findings reveal the influences of family on Sula’s personality. This analysis is divided into two sub-categories. First is the influences of Hannah Peace and the influences of Eva Peace. Hannah influences Sula on her perception of being attractive and her belief in non-commitment relationship with men. Her mother’s rejection brings some negative influences on her feeling of insecurity, her disrespect to others and her irresponsibility. Eva Peace influences Sula on her spontaneity, her independence, and her egoism.

  Finally, besides giving suggestions to future researchers concerning possible future research on Sula, the writer also suggests the impleme ntation of the novel in teaching English, especially in teaching reading by using novel Sula as the source.



  Pangaribuan, Lia Henora. (2007). The Influences of Family in Toni Morrison’s Sula , Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,Universitas Sa nata Dharma.

  Kepribadian dipengaruhi banyak faktor. Faktor yang paling penting pembentukan kepribadian adalah keluarga karena keluarga adalah titik awal dari perkembangan kepribadian seseorang dimana anak akan belajar nilai-nilai hidup dan hubungan sosia l dalam masyarakat dengan cara mengamati orangtuanya.

  Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan yang terdapat dalam rumusan masalah, yaitu yang pertama bagaimana karakter dari Hannah dan Eva Peace dideskripsikan dan yang kedua bagaimana keluarga mempengaruhi kepribadian Sula.

  Metode yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah studi pustaka. Sumber- sumber informasi yang penulis gunakan terdapat diperpustakaan dan beberapa tempat lainnya, penulis juga meminjam dari beberapa teman. Penulis menggunakan dua macam sumber. Sumber utama didapatkan dari novel Sula karya Toni Morrison dan sumber kedua didapatkan dari buku-buku tentang literatur. Karena skripsi ini berkaitan dengan kepribadian maka penulis menggunakan pendekatan psikologi untuk menganalisa masalah. Dalam menganalisis novel tersebut, penulis menggunakan teori tokoh, teori penokohan, dan teori psikologi.

  Hasil analisis pertama menunjukan karakter Hannah dan Eva Peace. Hannah Peace adalah ibu dari Sula. Ia adalah seorang wanita yang mena rik dan juga seorang wanita penggoda. Ia adalah seorang wanita yang senang menjalani hubungan dengan pria tanpa komitmen. Ia menghabiskan banyak waktu hanya untuk bercinta dan ia tidak pernah peduli dengan anak perempuan satu-satunya.

  Hasil analisis yang pertama juga menjawab karakter Eva Peace. Dia adalah nenek dari Sula. Dengan melihat perjuangannya menghadapi kehidupan, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa is adalah seorang wanita yang mandiri dan tabah. Dia juga adalah wanita yang spontan. Eva Peace adalah seorang wanita pemberontak dan keras kepala.

  Hasil analisis yang kedua menunjukan pengaruh keluarga terhadap kepribadian Sula. Hasil ini dibagi menjadi dua sub-kategori. Pertama adalah pengaruh Hannah Peace dan yang kedua adalah pengaruh Eva Peace. Hannah Peace memberi pengaruh terhadap Sula mengenai persepsi menjadi wanita yang menarik dan juga kepercayaannya terhadap hubungan tanpa komitmen dengan pria-pria. Penolakan Hannah kepada Sula membawa beberapa akibat yang buruk terhadap perasaan tidak nyaman, ketidakhormatan kepada orang lain dan juga sikap tidak bertanggung jawab Sula. Eva Peace juga memberi pengaruh terhadap kespontanitasan, kemandirian, ketegaran dan kegoisan Sula.

  Akhirnya, disamping memberikan saran-saran untuk penelitian yang akan datang mengenai Sula, penulis juga memberikan saran-saran mengenai penerapan




  ........................................................................................ i


  ....................................................................... ii


  ................................................................. iii


  ................................................................... iv


  ................................... v


  .......................................................................................... vi


  .............................................................................................. vii


  ..................................................................... viii


  ................................................…………. xi

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .........................................................

  1 A. Background of the Study ...................................................................

  1 B. Problem Limitation ............................................................................

  3 C. Problem Formulation .........................................................................

  4 D. Objectives of the Study .....................................................................

  4 E. Benefits of the Study...........................................................................

  4 F. Definition of Terms ............................................................................


  6 A. Theoretical Review ............................................................................

  6 1. Theory of Character and Characterization ....................................

  6 2. Theory of Critical Approaches ......................................................

  8 3. Theory of Personality ....................................................................

  9 a. Personality Factors ....................................................................

  10 b. Family as the Most Important Factor ........................................

  10 B. Theoretical Framework ......................................................................

  13 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY .....................................................


  B. Approach ...........................................................................................

  24 1. The Influences of Hannah Peace ...................................................

  37 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions .......................................................................................

  34 d. Sula’s Egoism ............................................................................

  33 c. Sula’s Toughness .......................................................................

  32 b. Sula’s Independence ..................................................................

  32 a. Sula’s Spontaneity .....................................................................

  31 2. The Influences of Eva Peace .........................................................

  30 e. Sula’s Irresponsibility ................................................................

  28 d. Sula’s Disrespect to Others .......................................................

  26 c. Sula’s Feeling of Insecurity .......................................................

  25 b. Sula’s Belief in Non-Commitment Relationship ......................

  25 a. Sula’s Perception of Being Attractive .......................................

  24 B. The Influences of Hannah Peace and Eva Peace on Sula’s Personality .........................................................................................

  16 C. Method of the Study ..........................................................................

  23 d. A Rebellious and Stubborn Woman ..........................................

  23 c. A Spontaneous Woman .............................................................

  a. An Attractive woman ……………………. .............………… 22 b. An Independent and Tough Woman .........................................


  21 2. The Characteristics of Eva Peace, Sula’s Grandmother ................

  20 c. An Irresponsible Mother ............................................................

  19 b. A Woman Who believes in Non-Commitment Relationship.....

  19 a. An A ttractive and Flirtatious Woman .......................................

  19 1. The Characteristics of Hannah Peace, Sula’s Mother ...................

  19 A. The Characteristics of Hannah Peace and Eva Peace ........................

  16 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS ..................................................................


  2. The Influences of Hannah Peace and Eva Peace on Sula’s Personality .....................................................................................

  39 B. Suggestions ........................................................................................

  39 1. Suggestions for Future Researchers ...............................................

  39 2. Suggestions for Teaching Implementation .....................................

  40 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................

  44 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1. The Summary ................................................................

  46 APPENDIX 2. Biography of Toni Morrison .........................................

  49 APPENDIX 3. Lesson Plan of Reading II .............................................

  54 APPENDIX 4. The Material for Reading II ...........................................

  56 APPENDIX 5. The Syllabus of Reading II ……………………………




  First of all, I would like to thank my dear Lord, Jesus Christ, for His everlasting love, blessing, and guidance during my study at Sanata Dharma University. His kindness has given me spirit to finish my thesis. It is amazing that at last I could finish my study.

  I would like to express my gratitude to my major sponsor, Henny

  Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum.,

  and my co-sponsor, Ch. Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd.,

  M.Ed., for their advice and patience in guiding me to write this thesis.

  My deepest gratitude goes to my beloved parents, Mr. Frans


  and Mrs. Berliana Sianturi for their beautiful love and for their patience in teaching me the meaning of life. I will never forget every single tear and sweat they have paid to make the way I am now. I also thank my beloved sister and brother for supporting me in finishing my thesis.

  I also thank all people in CEC Klaten, Dra. Lanny Anggawati and Dra.

  Wena Cintiawati

  for giving me time and chance to learn more, Ms. Endang for checking my thesis, bu Kris and mba Ida, all English teachers, Kakak , K’Maria,

  Widhie, Yani, mba Rini, Uni, Shinta, and Ima.

  My gratitude also goes to my friends in Pondok Putri Nadira, Dina, Yeni,

  Eva, Ratna, M’Dewy, Nova, Maria, Agustina

  and Ella for the joys, tears, and laughters we have shared together. I would like to thank all my friends in campus that I cannot mention all of them here, for the wonderful friendship.

  My special thanks go to Antonius Himawan Yudha for all his support during my effort to finish this thesis, and for all the beautiful memories and togetherness we have shared together. May God give him His Grace in everything he does.

  Last but not least, I would like to thank all the people whom I cannot mention one by one here for their support and help so that I can finish this thesis. May God bless them all.

  Lia Henora Pangaribuan

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter presents six parts, namely the background of the study,

  problem limitation, problem formulation, objective of the study, benefit of the study, and definition of terms. The background of the study contains some reasons which serve as a basis for writing this thesis and the importance of discussing the topic of the study. The limitation of problem states the problems which are limited. The problem formulation states the problems discussed in this study. The objective of the study states the aim of this study. The benefit of the study states the expected benefit of the study for the readers. The definition of term clarifies some important terms used in this study, the influences of family on Sula Peace’s personality.


  Human personality differs from one another. There are no people in the world who share the same personality. Each person has a distinct and unique personality that shapes the person’s characteristics. When people with various characteris tics live together and make interactions, conflicts may rise due to the differences. Therefore, understanding about human personality will lead people to be more tolerant to others. By then, the conflict can be easily overca me.

  A person’s basic personality is formed in his childhood because of the human personality. There are many factors and family takes the most important factor in shaping the child’s personality. In childhood, a child gets education from his family. A child learns by imitating his parents or the members of his family. When he grows up, a child will be influenced by some aspects, such as family, environment, school, and so on.

  In this study, the writer is going to analyze Toni Morrison’s novel, Sula. Toni Morrison is an Afro-American who became the eighth woman and the first black woman received the Nobel Prize in literature in 1993. She becomes a single parent for her two sons since her divorce from Harold Morrison. This is the main reason why many of her novels are influenced by her personal life about marriage, single parent, divorce, and also the relationship between mother and children as seen in Sula and Beloved.

  Sula tells the story about a Black woman’ life experience. The woman is Sula Peace. This novel tells about Sula’s life from her childhood until her death.

  There are many problems that happened in her life, especially her relationship with the people ar ound her. She learns many things from her family background.

  As Light and Calhoun claims family is the primary agent and the starting point of one’s personality where a child will learn the values and social relationships in the society by watching the parents (1989:124). Sula is not only influenced a lot by her mother but also her grandmother. By watching their behaviours everyday, Sula has her own perception about value of life.

  A child is in the process of developing of values and social relationship. around and will imitate the way they behave. Childhood is a crucial phase because it gives important contribution in shaping the personality of a child. Therefore, early years are critical because a child’s attitude, habits and behavior patterns are in the process of being formed (Light, 1989: 124).

  Seeing the fact above, the writer would like to focus this study on the influences of family on Sula Peace’s personality. Sula is chosen as the subject matter of the analysis because of three reasons. Firstly, the novel is very interesting, especially for the writer. The writer is interested in exploring more about the central character. It is known that one’s personality depends on what he learns in his childhood. Here, the writer will learn more about how the family influences one’s personality. Secondly, it is interesting and tempting to learn about the life and the struggle of life in Toni Morrison’s Sula . In that novel, we can learn about life through one of the major character’s personality and the messages implied in the novel. Thirdly, by reading and analyzing this novel, the readers can learn and understand how to view the world and how to understand other people and their personality.


  There are many factors which influence one’s personality. One of the factors is family. It is the most dominant factor among all. Family is a group of people who are tied in blood relationship. In this study, the writer emphasizes on the influences from Sula’s mother, Hannah Peace, and also her grandmother, Eva


  . PROBLEM FORMULATION Having presented the background of the study, in the following are presented the problems which are going to be analyzed in this study. They are:

1. How are Hannah Peace and Eva Peace described? 2.

  How do Hannah and Eva Peace influence Sula Peace’s personality?


  In this writing, the writer would like to analyze the influences of family on Sula Peace’s personality. The objectives are: 1.

  To describe the characters of Hannah Peace and Eva Peace.

2. To reveal the influences of family on Sula Peace’s personality.

E. BENEFITS OF THE STUDY This writing hopefully can give benefits to the writer and also the readers.

  The writer finds the value of life in this novel. Firstly, this study is meant to introduce the readers to Toni Morrison’s novel, since this novel is worth reading because it may inspire us to understand the message which is implied in this novel that life is a choice. We have to choose the best way in our life and be responsible for our own choice. Secondly, the explanation in this research hopefully can inspire anyone who is interested in studying Toni Morrison’s novels. Thirdly, especially for PBI students who are teacher candidates, by knowing the findings of this analysis they will obtain more knowledge about the influe nces of family on can be a benefit for Sanata Dharma University, especially English Education Study Program, by providing their students a material for reading and speaking classes.


  In analyzing this novel, there are four terms that need to be clarified in order to provide an accurate analysis and a clearer explanation to answer the formulated problems. These terms are:

  1. Influence

  Influence is defined as power to affect somebody’s character, beliefs or

  actions through example, fear admiration, etc. (Hornby, 1987: 437). In this study, inf luence refers to family.

  2. Family

  Family is enduring social group based on marriage and blood relationship,

  exercising hereditary and environmental influences of prime dimensions on the offspring (Pikunas, 1969: 60). In this study, family refers to Hanna h Peace as Sula’s mother and Eva Peace as Sula’s grandmother.

  3. Personality

  Personality is defined as the unique combination of thoughts, feelings and behaviour that make an individual distinct from others (Drever , 1996 : 1228).

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF R ELATED LITERATURE This chapter provides the theories that are related to this study. This

  chapter will be divided into two main parts, namely the theoretical review and theoretical framework. The theories in theoretical review consist of theory of character and characterization, theory of critical approach, and theory of personality.


  This part contains two sub parts, the theory of character and characterization and the critical approach.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

  Character has an important role in a novel. It makes the story more meaningful because the author could convey the message of the story to the readers through the characters. According to Nurgiyantoro, reading a novel means that the readers are faced wit h the character (1995:176). Therefore, it is very important for the readers to know the theories of character so that the readers are involved in the whole story.

  There are two kinds of character according to Milligan. They are major and secondary characters. The major characters are those who appear more often in the story than the other characters, whole secondary characters are those who

  Forster differentiates flat character from round character. A flat character has a steady characteristic, which means that the characteristic does not change from the beginning of the story until the end of the story (1974: 46-51).

  In order to analyze the characters in the novel more easily, it is important to know how the author pre sents the characters in the story. In this case, we have to know whether it is presented directly or implicitly. According to Murphy, there are nine ways that are used by an author in presenting the characteristics of the characters in the novel (1988:30-38).

  First of all is personal description. It refers to the physical appearance of the character, such as the height, the posture of the body, and the skin color. This kind of description helps the readers to visualize the character and to understand the physical characteristics. Second is a character as seen by another. The character is described through the opinions of the characters. Third is speech. Speech is a manifestation of character. The author explains the character through what the person says about him or her. From the way he or she speaks in a conversation or the way he she gives opinion to others.

  Fourth is past life. The past life of the character in the novel is connected to her or his present life. Her or his past life shapes the characteristics of the person. By knowing the past life of the characters, it is very useful for the discussion because the story is related to the past event which shapes the personality of the characters. Fifth is conversation of others. It is very useful to pay attention to the conversation of other characters in order to know the shows what the characters look like. Sixth is reaction. The personality of the character can be understood from his or her reaction. The reaction of the character reflects her or his thought.

  Seventh is through direct comment. The author gives the readers a straight forward description about the character. It helps the reader to find the information about the character more easily. Eighth is thoughts. The author gives direct description of the character’s mind, what he or she is thinking about and it leads to the mental process of the character. The thought inside the character’s mind can be disclosed. The last way is mannerism. The author describes the character’s mannerism that may also tell reader something about the characters.

2. Theory of Critical Approaches

  According to Rohrberger and Woods, a critical approach to literature necessitates an understanding of its nature, function and positive values (1991: 3).

  A critical approach provides a method of analysis and a basis for the judgment of literary works. There are 5 approaches in literature. First, the formalist approach examines the literary works without referring to the facts of the author’s life, the development of the genre in literary history, and the social condition. Second, the biographical approach asserts the necessity for an appreciation of the ideas and personality of the author to understand and appreciate literary works. Third, the socio cultural- historical approach insists that the only way to analyze the literary works is referring to the civilization that provides it. Fourth, mythopoeic approach

  The last approach which is used by the writer is psychological approach which involves the theory of psychology to understand literary works. (1997: 6-15).

  This approach involves the theory of psychology to understand literary works. Many modern writers follow a certain theory of psychology to create the characters and themes in their works. The approach involves various theories of psychology to explain the characters’ personality in a story. In this case , the psychological situations of the characters in the story become the concern (Rohrberger and Woods, 1971:13). The psychological approach analyzes the character described in the novel deeply. It means that the analysis elaborates other aspects behind the character itself so that the result has a deeper meaning. This analysis deals with the reasons why the characters described in the novel have such a kind of behavior; and how family influences the character’s personality.

3. Theory of Personality

  The c haracters in a novel have personality and the characteristics make the imaginary persons alive. In the novel, the characters face some incidents. Those incidents may change their personalities. Some personalities are changing and some are not changing. Hur lock says that the term “personality'” is derived from the Latin word persona which means “mask” (1974:6). Personality is defined as the dynamic organization within the individual of those psycho-physical systems that determine his characteristics behavior and thought (Hurlock, 1974: 7).

  Personality is unique; each person has his/her own personal signature. behaviors. Personality is dynamic continually exist over time and situation. Phares states that pattern of characteristics throughout feelings and behaviors that persist over time and situations and that distinguish one person from another (1984:673)

  a. Personality Factors

  The personality can be influenced by some factors. Horney (1990: 450) says that there are two important factors in shaping human personality, namely: environmental and social factors. She adds that the most important point of these two factors is human relationship in which the child grows up. Horton and Hunts say that the factors are hereditary, physical environment, and culture (1980: 114). Hurlock says that the physical condition is also important in influencing one’s personality. The child will accept their body depends on how significant people see it (1974 : 536). Pikunas also claims that personality is influenced by hereditary influence and environmental influence. The hereditary influence concerns biological molecules. Environmental influences include physical environment, family, peers as models, and education for life, and community (Pikunas, 1969: 54). In this study, the writer only discusses the influence of family on one’s personality.

  b. Family as the Most Important Factor

  As the smallest unit of society, family has a contribution in shaping children’s personality. Robinson in his theory says that personality is ruled largely by the attributes at the family, especially the way the parents behave towards their take the biggest part in shaping their children’s personality. Children take a look at how their parents behave in daily life. They will consider an event as a positive thing if their parents give a positive response in it. Sullivan says that if parents behave that the children are worthwhile, they will develop good self-image and self-worth but if their parents do not see them their children as worthwhile persons, they will cause the negative self-image development (1986-93:94).

  Family plays the important roles for the children development. Children will understand who they are and their roles in social life for the first time in family. The smallest unit of society is a family with a father, a mother and children in it. Children receive their first training in their home; Kaalish states that parents and other significant figures probably have the greatest influence of values and attitudes because the parents have the authority in estimating child’s attitudes (1975:55). Parents are models for the children, whether consciously or unconsciously, they will copy the models. The children live with parents, so they internalize the parents’ values such education, religion, humanism, and work. It will be easier for children to adapt to the family and the closest people value, which he interacts, rather than other people.

  It cannot be denied that a family is the main factor of one’s personality. It is as the starting point for shaping one’s personality. The first environment where a child learns to socialize is his family. He learns about social relationship and values through his family. In a family, the child sees the relation between him and his parents and how they socialize in the small community. Children will be parents how to get proper in the society, or the smaller unit, community (Light, 1989: 124).

  Parents are instructor s, educators, advisors, supervisors and facilitator s and role models (Parker and O’Neil, 1997: 32-39). Parents give the order and information to the children as the instructor s. They give rules for their children for their own good. Parents give knowledge about all of the things around them as an educator, they give not only intellectual things, but also give moral teachings for the children. This is done to make the children understand the environment around besides the family. As the advisors, the parents give advices for what is happening and what will happen for the children to be able to come into appropriate way that leads the children, and for the best solution. Parents will keep their eyes on the children: keep the children away from destructive and irresponsible behavior when they act as supervisors. Parents’ role is needed for children development. The y facilitate the children by sending them to school and giving them toys to play. As the role models, the parents place themselves as models for the children to imitate.

  Mother is a primary and a major nurturing figure for a child, particularly a small child. “A mother is an expert in child -rearing technique” (Lidz, 1968: 58). A mother’s behavior effects the child’s development very much, for example when mother gives advice about the problem rather than solves the problem, the child will feel that his mother is a good friend to share his problems. It is the role of an advisor.

  The emotional condition and social development of a child are influenced by the mother’s attitude. If a young mother has happy memories of her childhood and feels good about the way in which she is connected to her parents and siblings and they are to her, she will look for ways to recreate that experience in her own family. She may model the upbringing pattern of her mother.

  Parents have big contribution toward their children. This is because the children first social environment is the home where they live. Family and parents will determine the first attitude toward others and social activities. Positive or negative development that the children have depends on what the parents to do to them. That is why the parents must play their role in proportional manner in order to get the best result of their children’s personality. Crow and Crow mention that a child’s behavior is influenced not only by the family attitude toward the treatme nt of himself but also the attitude displayed by the various member of the family toward one, another, their behavior at home, and the relationships to person and things outside home (1983: 167) .

  Grandparents also play an important role in shaping one’s personality. The influences of grandparents depend on how long they live and what roles they play in one family. The longer they live, the greater the influences they bring toward their grandchildren (Hurlock, 1974: 505).


  Theoretical framework of the study is used as the basic guidance of the characterization to support the analysis of Hannah’s, Eva’s , and Sula Peace’s characters. The writer is able to describe character and characterization of Hannah Peace, Eva Peace, and Sula Peace through some methods. The theory of personality consists of some factors which influence one’s personality but the writer is only going to use the factor of family as the dominant one. In this theory, there will be a description about the roles of parents which can be used to explore what kind of parent Sula’s mother is. The impacts of parent’s rejection toward a child. The influences of grandparents on their grandchildren’s personality. By using those theories, the writer is able to reveal the influences of family on Sula’s personality.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY In this chapter, the writer will discuss three parts namely subject matter,

  approach and method of the study. The subject matter deals with the major subject of the study. The approach concerns with the literary approach that the writer used to analyze the novel. Method of the study deals with the sources that the writer used in analyzing the study and the procedures concern with the steps used in completing the study.

A. Subject Matter

  The thesis studies the novel, Sula, written by Toni Morrison. The novel tells about the frie ndship between two black women, Sula Peace and Nel Wright.

  They have different personalities because of the ir different pattern of upbringings. Sula lives with her mother, her one-legged-grandmother, and some outsiders in her grandmother’s big house. She grows up as a wild and defiant woman later on because of some experiences in her life. When she is an adult, she imitates the way of her mother’s life. When her best friend, Nel Wright decides to marry a man named Jude Greene, Sula moves to the big city to continue her study. After having many affairs, she becomes bored by the people of the big city who are all the same and she goes back to Bottom. Sula is regarded as the personification of Evil by the society because she has many affairs with Whites and also w ith her

  Sula is alone because Nel breaks off the friendship with Sula. Finally, Sula dies in a painful death, never feels loved, knowing that Nel and the entire town think poorly of her and judge herself of no value.

  B. Approach This study focuses on the influences of family on Sula Peace’s personality.

  The writer used psychological approach which involves the theory of psychology to understand literary works (Rohrberger, 1997: 6-15). The reason why the writer chose this approach is because the influence s of family on one’s personality can be revealed by psychological theories. That is why psychological approach is the most appropriate approach in discussing the problem in this study. By using psychological approach the analysis of the influences of family on Sula Peace’s personality could be done effectively.

  C. Method of the Study

  In order to complete the study, the writer uses method of the study in analyzing the influences of family on Sula Peace’s personality. It includes library research, primary and secondary data, and the procedures.

  The primary source is the source that becomes the basis of the writer’s study about Sula. The primary source that is used in the study is the novel, Sula, written by Toni Morrison. It is published by Penguin Group in1973. It has 174 pages.

  The secondary sources are sources that become the supporting source in giving information in the writer’s study. Firstly, Understanding Psychology written by Kasschau, Human Development(An Emergent Science) written by Pikunas, Child Development written by Hurlock, and The Adolescent written by Rice. Those books are used by the writer to find out the theories of personality.

  Secondly, the writer used some literary books, such as Understanding The


Unseens written by Murphy, A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature

  written by Guerin, et al., Modern Literary Theory written by R ice and Waugh, A

  Course Glossary of Contemporary-Literary Theory

  written by Hawthorn. The literary books are used to get the theory of character and characterization and also the approaches.

  Besides those books above, there are many other psychology books, literary, and internet sources that support the writer’s analysis. The complete information about all of the books that are used can be found in the bibliography of this study.

  The research that was conducted in gathering data was a library study. It means that the writer found the books from library and some other places, and borrowed from some friends. The main procedures that the writer used to gain data are reading and taking important notes that helped the writer analyze the novel. Besides that, there were other steps that the writer took during the process of the study. The first one was searching the novel in the library. Second was reading the novel frequently and marking the main points of the content to make it internet which were taken from various websites. Fourth was determining the subject to discuss in this study. It was the influences of family, on Sula Peace’s personality. Fifth was formulating the problems of the study. Sixth was making the analysis by using psychological approach. Seventh, gathering the data from various sources. The last was drawing the conclusion of the study based on the result of the analysis. Then, the analysis of the influences of family could be done effectively.

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS In this chapter, the writer analyzes the problems. The writer uses all

  theories that support the analysis of the influences of family on Sula Peace’s personality in Toni Morrison’s Sula .

A. The Characteristics of Hannah Peace and Eva Peace .

  Hannah Peace’s characteristics can be explored by using Murphy’s theory of character and characterization.

  ` 1. The Characteristics of Hannah Peace, Sula’s Mother.

a. An Attractive and Flirtatious Woman Hannah, Sula’s mother, is described as an attractive and beautiful woman.

  Many men in the area where she lives are attracted to her. She is aware of her beauty and uses it to seduce men around her.

  She made men aware of her behind, her slim ankles, the dew smooth skin and incredible the length of the neck. Then the smile eyes, the turn of the heads - all so welcoming, light and playful. Her voice trailed, dipped and bowed; she gave a chord to the simplest words. Nobody, but nobody, could say “hey sugar” like Hannah. (p.42-43)

  Since the death of her husband, Hannah refuses to live without the attentions of men. She becomes a seductive woman. She only seeks sexual pleasure from men.

  She has many public affairs with the husbands of her friend and her neighbors which make her relationships with women are never long -lasting. The women

  Hannah can break up a marriage . What she wants after her husband dies is some touching everyday. While women always talk about her, surprisingly men never gossip about her. Men consider that she is a kind and generous woman with her extraordinary beauty. The men try to protect her from their wives ’ anger.

  b. A Woman Who Believes in Non-Commitment Relationship with Men

  Hannah rejects commitment in her relationship. She does not believe in love anymore. She chooses to be a single woman since the death of her husband.

  She will not sleep with the men after love-making because it implies a measure of trust and a definite commitment for her. Hannah will do everything for lovemaking. When there are no places for private and spontaneous love making in her mother’s big crowded house, she will take the man down into the cellar in summer or into the pantry when it is winter. When those places are not available, she will go to the seldom-used parlor or to her bedroom. She loves the last place, because her partner’s tendency is always to fall asleep afterwards and Hannah will leave her lovers to sleep alone in her bedroom. She is fastidious about whom she sleeps with. She always avoids sleeping with those men.

  She would fuck practically anything, but sleeping with someone implied for her a measure of trust and a definite commitment. (p.44- 45)

  c. An Irresponsible Mother

  According to Pikunas, if a young mother has happy memories of her childhood and feels good about the way in which she connected to her parents and in her family. She may model her mothering upon her mother’s example (1969: 61). Hannah Peace does not have good memories about her childhood. She never remembers that her mother ever plays with her and her siblings. Eva Peace, her mother, only cares about how to keep her children survive who only fulfills her children’s physical needs. Hannah does not feel the love from her mother because there are not enough attentions from her.

  The second strange thing was Hannah’s coming into her mother’s room with an empty bowl and peck of Kentucky wonders and saying, “Mamma, did you ever love us?” She sang the words like a small child saying a piece at Easter” (p. 68)

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