Handling a Fourth-Grade Student Who Liked to Bully His Friend Verbaly at Mardi Utama Elementary School.


Tujuan tugas akhir ini adalah untuk membahas masalah yang saya
hadapi saat melakukan kegiatan magang saya di Sekolah Dasar Mardi
Utama. Masalah yang saya hadapi adalah kesulitan dalam menangani
seorang anak laki-laki kelas empat di Sekolah Dasar Mardi Utama yang
suka mengintimidasi temannya secara lisan, yakni dengan cara
Dalam Tugas Akhir ini juga dianalisis sebab dan akibat dari masalah
yang saya hadapi yaitu karena saya tidak mempunyai pengetahuan yang
cukup tentang cara mengatasi kasus intimidasi, kurangnya upaya
pencegahan yang seharusnya saya lakukan, dan kurangnya upaya
campur tangan untuk menjadi penengah ketika kasus intimidasi terjadi.
Sedangkan dampak dari masalah saya adalah korban intimidasi menjadi
tidak bisa fokus dalam belajar, korban intimidasi menjadi takut untuk
bersekolah, dan saya sebagai guru menjadi tidak bisa fokus dalam
Berdasarkan penelitian, saya mendapatkan tiga solusi yang berpotensi
mengatasi masalah saya. Solusi pertama adalah saya akan mencoba
untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan saya tentang mengatasi masalah
intimidasi dengan cara membaca buku atau artikel tentang intimidasi.

Solusi kedua, saya akan membuat sebuah aturan dikelas, yang dapat
berguna untuk mencegah terjadinya kasus intimidasi. Solusi ketiga, saya
akan memberi hukuman pada pelaku intimidasi.
Pada akhir makalah, saya memilih ketiga solusi yang telah saya
berikan sebagai solusi terbaik untuk mengatasi masalah saya. Akhir kata,
kesimpulan yang saya ambil adalah ketiga gabungan solusi tersebut
sangat efektif dan sangat membantu untuk mengatasi masalah intimidasi,
karena untuk mengatasi masalah intimidasi diperlukan upaya yang nyata
sebelum dan saat kasus intimidasi terjadi.



ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ..................................................................




TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................


CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................


A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ...............................................................


CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS ......................................................... 11
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 16



A. Background of the Study

Bullying is a problem which has to be solved. It is an improper manner,
which is intentionally intended to hurt the victim to show power dominance.
As stated by Lee in her article that, “Bullying is intentional aggressive
behavior. It can take the form of physical or verbal harassment and
involves an imbalance of power” (par.1). Bullying can seriously affect
physical, emotional, academic and social well-being. There are types of
bullying which described in the article of “Bullying Definition” in the
following statements:
There are three types of bullying. Verbal bullying is saying or writing
mean things. Verbal bullying includes teasing, name-calling,
inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, threatening to cause harm.
Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves
hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. Social bullying includes
leaving someone out on purpose, telling other children not to be friends


with someone, spreading rumors about someone, embarrassing
someone in public. Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body
or possessions. Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, pinching,

spitting, tripping, pushing, taking or breaking someone’s things, making
mean or rude hand gestures. (par. 9)
During my internship at Mardi Utama Elementary School as an English
teacher from January 6 until February 8, 2014, there was a boy who liked
bullying his friend verbally. As stated by Detjen and Detjen in Elementary
School Guidance that, “The bully is the boy or girl who torments other by
malicious teasing. Instead of inflicting physical pain, the teaser hurts the
feeling of his playmates by constantly, making remarks about them, calling
them offensive nicknames, and poking fun at them”(99). On the other
hand, there was a girl who became the victim of this verbal bullying. In the
article of “Bully and Victim Characteristics” it is stated that, “a victim is
often a person who suffers from destructive acts, either emotionally or
physically” (par.7). Bullying happened during the learning and teaching
process, particularly in the fourth-grade English class. The bully repeatedly
humiliated the victim physically. The bully often called the victim with a
nickname like Profesor Negro because of her having black skin and using
eyeglasses. Moreover, I had a difficulty in handling this fourth-grade
student who liked bullying his friend verbally. This bothered not only the
victim, but also me as the teacher.
Based on the above explanation, I would like to discuss about my

difficulty in handling a fourth-grade student who liked bullying his friend


verbally. I will analyze the causes and the effects of my problem. In
addition, I will try to find the solutions to solve this problem. I will analyze
this problem systematically and thoroughly in the subsequent chapters.

B. Identification of the Problem
The problem is I had a difficulty in handling a fourth-grade student who
liked bullying his friend verbally during my internship in Mardi Utama
Elementary School. The research questions are formulated in the
1. Why was it difficult for me to handle the boy who liked bullying his friend
2. How did the problem affect me as a fourth - grade English teacher and
the girl as the victim at Mardi Utama Elementary School?
3. How should I handle the boy who liked bullying his friend verbally?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

The objective which I want to achieve in writing this final paper is to find
the causes of the problem and to describe the effects of the problem. I
would also like to find the best solutions that can solve the problem which I
had during my internship at Mardi Utama Elementary School.
The benefits of reading this paper are to help every teacher who has a
similar problem. Additionally, this paper can also provide some information
for Mardi Utama Elementary School which became the object of my
research. Hopefully, I can present the solutions which can solve the


problem in the school. Last but not least, not only to comply the graduation
requirement, but I will also get knowledge on how to handle students who
like bullying his friends.

D. Description of the Institution
Based on the interview with one of teachers in Mardi Utama Elementary
school, it was said that Mardi Utama Elementary School was established
in 1978, and Mr. U. Marpu was the first principal. It is the only educational
institution in Pangalengan which is located in a military area named

Sekolah Calon Tamtama Angkatan Darat (SECATA AD) Rindam 3
Siliwangi. After the change of placement programs and the addition of
buildings by Commander Rindam 3 in 1987, the school was relocated to
the former hospital building in SECATA coaches complex dormitories.
SDN Mardi Utama renovated the building three times, namely in 1997,
2003, and 2009.
Mardi Utama Elementary School has a vision to create students who
are outstanding, skilled, and have noble characters. Besides, it has three
missions. First, it has a duty to grow the enthusiasm of students for
learning. Second, the school has a duty to make students have a polite
behavior. Third, its mission is to make the school excel in achievements,
and discipline at work (20 January 2014).

E. Method of the Study


First, the data used in this paper was collected during English lessons
on January 6 until February 8, 2013 at Mardi Utama Elementary School.
The process of collecting the data was by direct interview and direct

observation in the class during English lessons. The observation of the
data has been recorded in the internship journal. Second, I get the data
from articles and books by conducting library research. The data are used
to analyze the causes, effects, and potential solutions of the problem.

F. Limitation of the Study
The number of subjects which I will discuss is three persons, including
me as the teacher, a boy, and a girl. The age of the boy is 10 years old,
and the girl is 9 years old. They both are fourth-grade students at Mardi
Utama Elementary School. The boy is the bully, and the girl is the victim of
the bully. This topic was researched during English lessons from January
6 until February 8, 2013. My topic is my difficulty in handling a fourth-grade
student who liked bullying his friend verbally. I will analyze the causes,
effects, and the potential solutions of the problem.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This term paper is divided into five parts. The first part is Chapter One.
It contains the Introduction. It discusses the rational of this term paper, the
Description of the Institution, the Limitation of the Study, and the Method of
the Study. The second part is Chapter Two. It contains Problem Analysis.

In this chapter, I discuss the problem, the causes of the problem and the


effects of the problem. The third part is chapter Three. It contains the
Potential Solutions of the Problem. The fourth part is Chapter Four which
discusses the Conclusion. In this chapter, I will explain the best solutions
that I choose, including the reasons why I choose the solutions. Lastly is
Bibliography and Appendices. Bibliography contains the information of the
sources which are cited in Chapter One until Chapter Four. Appendices
are the attachment of the relevant document.



In this chapter, I would like to present the chosen solutions to overcome
my problem. My problem is my difficulty in handling a fourth-grade student
who liked bullying his friend verbally during my internship in Mardi Utama

Elementary School. The first cause of my problem is, I did not have the
knowledge to tackle the problem of bullying in my class. The second cause
of my problem is I had lack of preventive effort. The third cause is I had
lack of intervention effort to handle bullying. Furthermore, the effects of the
problems are the victim could not focus on studying, the victim was afraid
to go to school, and I could not fully concentrate on teaching English in the
fourth-grade class. The potential solutions of my problem are I will try to
improve my knowledge of bullying through reading, I will try to make clear
rules as my preventive effort, and I will give punishment to the bully as an
intervening effort.
Having analyzed the potential solutions, I choose all three of my
potential solutions; namely, I will try to improve my knowledge of bullying
through reading, I will try to make clear rules as my preventive effort to
bullying, and I will give punishment to the bully as an intervening effort.


There are some reasons why I choose the three potential solutions. First, I
will try to improve my knowledge of bullying through reading. By improving my
knowledge of bullying, I will be able to know how to prevent and intervene
bullying. Second, I will try to make clear rules as my preventive effort. These
rules are very helpful to prevent bullying, and it can be a boundary for the
bully. Third, I will give punishment to the bully as an intervening action in an
effort to deter bullying.
I choose all three potential solutions for some reasons. First, if I choose
improving knowledge of bullying without making clear rules as my preventive
effort and giving punishment to the bully as an intervening action, the result
will not be optimal. Gaining knowledge is important, but the teacher must put
his or her knowledge into a real action to tackle bullying before and after the
bullying happens. In addition, if I choose potential solution one which is
improving the knowledge of bullying, and potential solution two which is
making clear rules without applying the third potential solution which is giving
punishment to the bully, they will not be effective enough to deter bullying.
The teacher must take actions not only before bullying happen but also when
bullying occurs. Furthermore, prevention and intervention can be more
effective if he or she improves the knowledge of bullying before he or she
does some prevention and intervention.
To sum up, all the three potential solutions will give positive effects to the
bully, the victim, and the teacher. The bully will stop bullying and change his


misbehavior, the victim will enjoy her learning, and the teacher can focus on


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