Handling A 1st Grade Student Who Stole Money in the Class at Santa Ursula Elementary School Bandung.


Dalam Tugas Akhir ini, saya akan menganalisis masalah yang saya hadapi
saat saya melakukan magang di Sekolah Dasar Santa Ursula Bandung. Masalah yang
saya hadapi adalah seorang siswi kelas 1 telah mengambil uang temannya di dalam
Setelah menganalisa masalah tersebut, saya menemukan dua hal yang
menjadi penyebab masalah tersebut. Penyebab pertama adalah siswi yang
mengambil uang temannya tidak memiliki pengendalian diri. Penyebab kedua adalah
siswi yang mencuri uang temannya tersebut mendapat tekanan dari teman-teman
dikelasnya dan ia perlu menyesuaikan diri dengan teman sekelasnya.
Masalah yang saya hadapi juga memiliki dua dampak yang sangat
berpengaruh. Dampak pertama, siswi yang mengambil uang tersebut menjadi marah
terhadap saya, ketika saya menanyakan perihal uang tersebut. Dampak kedua adalah
kegiatan belajar mengajar dikelas menjadi terganggu.
Untuk mengatasi masalah yang saya hadapi, saya membaca beberapa artikel
dan juga buku. Saya menemukan beberapa solusi yang dapat saya pergunakan untuk
memecahkan masalah yang serupa. Solusi pertama adalah saya akan meminta
kepada semua murid di kelas untuk mengembalikan uang yang dicuri dan
menyimpannya di suatu tempat agar saya dan murid lainnya juga tidak akan
mengetahui siapa orangnya. Solusi kedua adalah saya akan berbicara secara pribadi

kepada siswi yang saya curigai mengambil uang tersebut secara diam-diam. Solusi
ketiga adalah saya akan menggunakan cerita yang mengandung pesan moral untuk
menjelaskan tentang bagaimana cara mengakui suatu kebohongan yang akan
membuat pengetahuan anak semakin meluas dan memahami arti kejujuran. Dari
ketiga solusi, disimpulkan solusi terbaik adalah menyatukan ketiganya karena
dengan menyatukan ketiga solusi, maka saya lebih dapat menyelesaikan masalah
yang saya hadapi dan akan bisa mendapatkan hasil yang baik pula di kelas.

Maranatha Christian University


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY..............................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................1
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of Problem

C. Objective and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS..............................................................6
CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS.......................................................8
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION...........................................................................11


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Background of the Study
I did my internship in Santa Ursula elementary school from January 4, 2016

to February 9, 2016. In Santa Ursula elementary school I became a teacher
assistant who helped the main teacher. I taught English to the 1st, 2nd, and
3rd grades students. What I did there was teaching English materials in accordance
with the book that has been given by the main teacher. I also made question sheets
for the students when they needed a test. I checked all of the students’ answers
and also gave them scores.
When I did my internship on Wednesday January 13, 2016, I found a
problem that I could not solve. When I taught the 1st grade students, I got a
student who stole her friend’s money, At the first time, I thought I could sort the

problem out, but I was wrong. I think this problem should be handled immediately
because if the teachers ignore the student's deed, more problems that are based on
stealing may appear. I had a student who stole her friend’s money in the class, her
name was Gio. At the time, I was confused of how to handle it. The

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student who lost the money told me that her friend stole her money. Then, I asked
Gio whether she stole the money or not. She was mad at me at that time. I did not
want to force her to confess in front of me, because I was not the main teacher in
the class. I went to the teacher’s room to meet the main teacher and I told her
there was an incident in the class that I could not handle. According to the main
teacher, this was the first time that she found her student stealing. I did not know
the reason why Gio was stealing her friend’s money.
According to an article entitled My child is stealing published on the Kids
Health website, “whatever the reason for stealing, parents need to get to the root
of the behavior and address other problems, that may happens. Teachers aslo have
a responsibilty to teach honesty together with parents.” (para. 1). The student in
early age should be taught about honesty. Their parents or their teacher should

give awareness about the student’s behavior because the parents should know
about the root why their children are stealing. If parents and teachers are not
aware of their children’s behavior, it could be something negative in the
chlidren’s future. Parents and teacher should know how to handle the student if
she or he stealing, because this kind of behavior could not be handled arbitrarily.
The teacher and parents should know the reason why their students steal and make
a decision how to handle the students.

B. Identification of the Problem
The research questions are as follow:
1. Why a student stole money in class?

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2. How did the incident influence the classroom situation and other
3. What are the possible solutions and the best solution to use and
anticipated if a similar incident takes place in the future?


Objectives and Benefits of the Study
This term paper has one objective and three benefits. The objective is to

discuss the causes, the effects, and the potential solutions of the problem found
during the internship. The first benefit of the study is for the teacher at Santa
Ursula elementary school that they will know how to handle a student who is
stealing. The second benefit is for the readers who have the same problem and to
have more knowledge how to handle the student who is stealing. The last benefit
is for me as the writer of this term paper. I could learn more about classroom
management in practice, especially in handling the student who is stealing in the


Description of the Institutuion
Santa Ursula Bandung is a school that consists of kindergarten, elementary

and junior high school (originally Maria School). It was established in 1927 and

located in Merdeka Street Bandung. It was relocated to Bengawan Street no. 2
Bandung on 1930. On January 8, 2007 Santa Maria was renamed Santa Ursula.
This renaming was based on the proposals of the principals. The vision of Santa
Ursula elementary school is “Being a community of learners that are innovative,
creative, critical in science and faith according to the spirit of St. Angela”. (Santa

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Ursula elementary school, 2007). The school is led by Mrs. FX. Erna Susanti,
S.Pd. (Santa Ursula elementary school, 2013). It has 48 employees including 27
teachers, a librarian, two computer technicians, four administration officers, six
security officers, and eight janitors (Santa Ursula elementary school, 2013).


Method of the Study
This term paper contains data taken from an internship that I did from

January 4, 2016 to February 9, 2016 at Santa Ursula elementary school Bandung.

During my internship, I wrote my daily activity in a journal. Reflecting on the
content of the journal, I found a problem which I believe important to be
discussed. Therefore, I looked for theories using the internet and books to support
my analysis.


Limitation of the Study
This term paper has limitations. The first limitation is that I only used

observation in the grade 1 class as a tool to collect data when I did the internship.
The second limitation is that I only focused on a student who stole in the class. I
chose to focus on it because I only taught English for elementary school and I
found a stealing incident in the class is very important to be discussed as it helped
me to be a teacher.


Orgnization of the Term Paper
This term paper starts with the Abstract, Declaration of Originality,

Acknowledgements, and Table of Contents. This term paper also contains four

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chapters. The first chapter contains Background of the Study, Objectives and
Benefits of the Study, Description of the Institutuion, Method of the Study,
Limitation of the Study and Organization of the Term Paper. The second chapter
contains Problem Analysis with further explanation about causes and effects of
the problem. The third chapter is Potential Solutions. The last chapter is
Conclusion, which followed by References, and Appendices.

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The problem of my term paper is having a student who stole money in grade

1 at Santa Ursula elementary school. There are two causes of my problem, the
first cause is a student who stole the money lacked of self-control and the student
who stole the money felt peer pressure and needed to fit in with others. The
problem has two effects. The first effect is the student was mad at me at that time
when I asked her about the money. The second effect of my problem is the
learning process was obstructed. There are three potential solutions to solve the
problem. The first potential solution is I will make a general request to all students
to return the stolen money and put the stolen money into the cupboard in the class
during lunch time. The second potential solution is I will talk to the student
privately. The last potential solution I will use a story telling method to facilitate
student who steals money or other item to confess and allow other studens to
learn how to react when finding a friend who steals things.
Based on the analysis in the previous chapters, I would like to choose all
three of the potential solutions to solve my problem because the combination of
them will allow me to solve the problem. The first solution that I will use is I will
ask all students about the stolen money at the same time in front of the class.

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Then, I will ask the student to put the money in the cupboard so that the
student can save face and nobody knows it. The solution might make the student
who stole the money realize that what she/he had done is wrong and also the
whole class would not know who is the student who stole the money in the class
so that the student who stole the money will not being judged by her friends. If
this kind of method is not working, the next solution that I will choose is my third
potential solution. The solution that I will use is using the storytelling to facilitate
“student’s confession” and allow other student to learn how to react when finding
a friend who steals things. I hope it might help the student who stole the money
understand that stealing is wrong. If this method still does not work, I might use
the last solution, that is my second potential solution. I will talk privately to the
student whom I suspect to steal the money in order to make the student return it.
Through this method, the whole class will not know who stole the money and the
whole class will not be judgemental to the student who stole the money.
Combining the three solutions will make the student who stole the money
understand that what she/he had done is wrong and will not do it again. To sum
up, using these solutions will be effective to help the first grade students
understand that stealing is wrong and how to act when their friend steal
something. Early education in the first grade in elementary school is very
important, because the first grade in elementary school is the foundation for
building students’ characters, basic values, attitude, skills, behaviors and habits.
Thus, preventing students at the first grade for not stealing is very important. I
expect that these solutions will help other teachers who have a similar problem as

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A term paper
submitted to DIII Programme for English
at Maranatha Christian University

Rani Rahmawati

DIII Programme for English
Faculty of Letters
Maranatha Christian University


Alhamdulillah all of honors is just for Allah SWT, the Almighty.
I would also like to thank my supervisor, Fenty L Siregar, S.S., M.A, Ph.D.
for her valuable guidance, encouragement, patient, advice, and suggestions which are
very helpful in finishing this term paper. Thank you for your guidance from the very
early stage of this term paper as well as giving me extraordinary experiences
throughout the past six months.
I would also like to thank Mrs. Tjing-Tjing as my supervisor who had allowed
me to do internship in SD Santa Ursula Bandung. Thank you for allowing me to
conduct my research in your class. I could never have finished this without your
great guidance.
I would like to thank my parents, for their endless love, pray, support, and
motivation for me. I also would like to thank my bestfriend, Given Roberta, S.S. for
her help. I would also like to thank my boyfriend, Fachri Ramadhan, for all his love
and support. Last but not least, I would like to thank all my bestfriends and friends in
D3 English Programme who have given me support and shared cheerful moments
when I was writing this term paper.



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Maranatha Christian University

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