Conflicts And Psychological Aspects Of "American Singer" in The Novel "The Selection".






I. A. IKA SARITA DEWI 1218351020









First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to God almighty Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa for His blessing given to me during my study to finish my paper. The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain the bachelor degree at the English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University.

I also express my great thanks to many people for all their support, guidance, and encouragement that this thesis could be completed. In particular, I would like to express the deepest appreciation to Drs. I Nyoman Udayana, M.Litt.,Ph.D. as my first supervisor and Dr. Ni Wayan Sukarini, M.Hum. as my second supervisor for guidance, comments, and criticism to extend my knowledge. Special thanks are also expressed to the Prof. Dr. Ni Luh Sutjiati Beratha, M.A. as the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Ida Ayu Made Puspani, M.Hum. as the Head of the English Department, and Drs. I Gede Putu Sudana, M.A. as my academic supervisor, and all of the lecturers of the English Department for their assistance in giving me knowledge throughout my academic years of study, and all of staff members in the Faculty of Arts for their help.

I dedicate this thesis for my beloved parents: Ida Bagus Ramajaya and Ni Ketut Apriani, S.S, my brothers Ida Bagus Krishna Gopala and Ida Bagus Rai Dharmayoga, all of my big family who always give me never ending loves, and support to finish this thesis. I would also like to thank my best friend Jody Raharja who always gives me motivation and support to finish this paper. I also would like to thank all of 2012 generation, especially my close friend at campus, Marcela,



support me to finish this thesis. Last but not least, I would also like to thank my best friends, Mirah, Gek Ana, Gek Ani, Feby who always accompanied me to refresh my mind when I felt stress. Without their support I would never finish this paper.

I hope this paper can give contribution to those who wish to study the beauty behind the literary works. However, I realize that this paper is far from perfect; any useful suggestions from the readers are highly appreciated.

Denpasar, June 2016

Ida Ayu Ika Sarita Dewi 



This study entitled “Conflicts and Psychological Aspects of American Singer in The Novel The Selection”. The data were taken from the novel The Selection by Kiera Cass. The data were taken through observation and note taking techniques. This paper analyzes and discusses the conflict and psychological character of America Singer. Psychology is a component that builds up characterization in a fiction, such as: mental, ego, temperament, ambition, and attitude that are related to human activity.

There are some theories applied to support the analysis of this paper. The psychological theory entitled Practical Psychology proposed by Karl S. Bernhardt (1953) and also theory of conflict proposed by Gail and Myers in book The Dynamic Of Human Communication; A Laboratory Approach (1992) were used in the present study.

The finding of this study shows that the American Singer is an introvert and phlegmatic person. From the conflict, it can be seen that the American Singer can keep something that happens in her life secret and always resolves the problem herself.

Keywords: Main Character, Conflict, Psychology.


  vi  TITLE





1.1 Background of the tudy...1

1.2 Problem of the tudy...3

1.3 Aims of the tudy...3

1.4 Scope of Discussion... 3

1.5 Reserach Method... 4

1.5.1 Data Source... 4

1.5.2 Method and Technique of Collecting Data... 5

1.5.3 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data... 5


2.1 Literary Review ... 7

2.2 Concept ... 10

2.2.1 The Concept of Character... 10

2.2.2 The Concept of Conflict... 11

2.2.3 The Concept of Psychological... 11

2.3 Theoritical Framework... 12

2.3.1 Theory of Literature... 12 Character... 13 Theme ... 15 Plot ... 16



2.3.2 Theory of Conflict ... 17 Type of Conflict ... 18 Source of Conflict ... 20

2.3.3 Theory of Psycological ... 21 Human Motivation ... 22


3.1 Introduction ... 24

3.2 Character ... 27

3.3 Theme ... 30

3.4 Plot... 31

3.4.1 Begining of Plot ... 31

3.4.2 Middle of Plot ... 32

3.4.3 The End of Plot ... 33

3.5 Setting ... 33

3.6 The Analysis of Conflict of America Singer ... 34

3.6.1 Internal Conflict ... 35

3.6.2 External Conflict ... 39

3.7 The Analysis of Psychological of America Singer ... 43

3.7.1 Appetite of America Singer ... 43

3.7.2 Wants of America Singer ... 44

3.7.3 Emotions of America Singer ... 46

3.7.4 Feeling and Atittude of America Singer ... 47

3.7.5 Social Motives of America Singer ... 48





1.1 Background of Study

The literary work can be divided into fiction, poetry, prose, essay, and drama. Novel is one of those literary works which belongs to fiction. Novel is simply one way of telling story and a literary work that is most popular in the world because of the extensive communication in society. Novel is a medium that describes what is in the mind of the author and tells a story of someone’s life and novel is part or better one genre of literature (Ciara Reeve, 1785). Everyone certainly must have read, enjoyed, and appreciated a novel. In the novel, the author expresses imagination and deep human feelings poured through several elements such as character and plot. The main character is the most important part in a novel because it functions as a medium to introduce various characteristics and human nature to the reader to make the story interesting.

According to Kenney (1966:34), there are a number of methods in presenting the character; discursive, dramatic, characters on other characters, contextual and mixing methods. And the author describes the characters into three aspects; there are Physiological, Sociological, and Psychological aspects. This study is focused to analyze the psychological of the main character in the novel. Psychology is the mental or behavioral characteristics typical of an individual or group or a particular form of behavior.

Character is the person, in a dramatic or a narrative work, endowed with normal and qualities that are expressed in what they say (the dialogue), and what they do (the action) (Nurgiyantoro, 2007:165). In telling the story, we have to be



concerned about the happening not merely the outcome, but also the process and the result toward an end.

From the explanation above, literature was chosen as a topic because the topic is interesting enough to analyze. The topic itself focuses on the psychological analysis of the main character of America Singer in the novel The selection by Kiera Cass. The writer described ‘America’ as a figure of a girl who believes in what she believed and the writer has high imagination in writing this novel by creating a country that has eighth caste which is determined from the type of work. ‘America’ is the fifth because she is a singer who follows the competition into the royal ladies called ‘The Selection’. America Singer story in this novel makes the reader learn about life value that everything is not always according to what we want and have a faith in everything we do in our lives.

The plot in this Novel The Selection is made by through the arrangement of conflicts of America Singer as the main character who has dealt with internal and external conflicts in this novel. A conflict happens because of differences. It can happen inside of a person or between someone and another individual, also with society.

1.2 Problem of the Study

The problem of the present study focuses on the main character of America Singer. Based on the background above, the problems can be formulated as follows:

1. What types of conflicts happen in the character the America Singer?

2. How does the author describe the character America Singer in term of psychological aspects?


1.3 Aims of the Study

The general aims of this study focuses on the analysis of the main character in the novel and to get the complement of the question in the matters above. There are three aims of this study based on the problem:

1. To describe the character America Singer.

2. To analyze the internal and external conflicts in the character America Singer. 3. To analyze the character America Singer in terms of psychological aspect.

1.4 Scope of Discussion

Actually, there are many problems that can be discussed from this novel; however, the present study limits to the discussion of the followings:

1. The personality about the character America Singer.

2. The conflicts between the character and the others characters. 3. The character in terms of psychological aspects.

1.5 Research Method

The research method applied in this study consists of three major categories, they are; Data Source, Method and Technique of Collecting Data, and Method and Technique of Analyzing Data.

1.5.1 Data Source

The data of this study were taken from the novel The Selection written by Kiera Cass (2012). It is the first book in The Selection Series, followed by The Elite and The One. The Selection is a young adult, dystopian and romance novel. It was released on April 24, 2012 through Harper Collins Publishers. This novel has 327 pages and was the New York time best seller in April 2013 ( and



being best seller Top 10 books Girl & Women fiction in Amazon (

This novel was chosen as the data source because it presents a romance of the America Singer, a young girl who joined a competition to be the next lady of a country called Illeà but, in fact, she did not want. This country was created by the author that has eighth caste (social status) which is determined from the type of work. The reason for choosing the character the America Singer to be analyzed is because in a society she lives in the same situation as us. The character’s behaviors in the novel are rarely seen in the real life. The character the America Singer is the most telling figure in the novel.

1.5.2 Method and Technique of Collecting Data

As the most important part of this study, collecting the data needs to follow a certain procedure in order to complete this study. The data were collected through the documentation method. Documentation means collecting data about things such as notes, transcripts, books, newspaper, magazine, agendas, etc. (Arikunto, 2006: 158). The technique used in this documentation method was note taking. These were the techniques of collecting data used in this study:

1. First, reading the novel The Selection repeatedly and intensively in order to understand the object of the depiction of the character and making the synopsis.

2. Second, taking notes of the dialogues and actions that support to analyze the characterization of the character in the novel.

3. The last, analyzing conflicts between the characters and describing the character in terms of psychological aspect.


1.5.3 Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

In this study, the data were analyzed using the qualitative-descriptive method based on the theoretical books. The analysis of this study applied the theories of conflict and the psychological conflict. The theories that are used to analyze the problem were the psychological theory proposed by Karl S. Bernhardt, and the theory of conflict proposed by Gail and Myers. Then the methods used by the author in presenting the main character in the novel based on the theory proposed by William Kenney “How to Analyze Fiction” (1966) and theory about character by Wellek and Warren “Theory of Literature” (1955) as supporting theories.





2.1 Literature Review

In this study, there were some works about literature with the similar topics, especially those which analyze the main character in fiction (novel) in terms of psychological aspect or the other of intrinsic aspect, which inspired this study. There were three theses and one article published in an international journal reviewed.

The first thesis was written by Wirastara (2010) entitled The Analysis of The Main Character in Marty M. Enggle’s Driven to Death: A Psychological Approach. His study is concerned with the analysis of the main character based on static or dynamic character and how the main character was viewed from psychological dimension. The theory used in his study is proposed by William Kenney about How to Analyze Fiction. In this thesis it is stated that William Kenney has his own concept; he states that character is the actor of the story. A fictional character must be more than just life likeness which is inadequate for judging in fiction. And the supporting theory was proposed by Made Sukada about “Beberapa Aspek Tentang Sastra”.

His analysis focuses on psychological dimension of the main character, as the main character is Darren. He is the protagonist person; however, sometimes he is angry because of little things. He has a good talent in designing the building models. The similarity between this study and Wirastara’s study is


that he analyzed one protagonist character as the main character. But the difference from this study is that the main character faces psychological aspect that can be seen from the conflict that happened.

The second thesis is written by Cahyani (2008) entitled A

Psychological Analysis of the Main Character in ‘Memoirs of Geisha’. Her study is concerned with the analysis of the character based on the psychological approach. The discussion is focused on the character Sayuri as the main character, Sayuri’s motivation and the factors that influence Sayuri’s motivation. The theories used in analyzing her study were the theory of literature proposed by Warren and Wellek (1962) and Kenney (1966) and theory of psychology proposed Bernhardt (1953). She found that the environment and childhood

experience had influenced the character Sayuri. The element of the extrinsic

motivation influenced the character Sayuri as the main character in all dimensions of life.

The similarities between Cahyani and this study is that the present study analyzed the main character based on the psychological dimension and used the same theory of literature and the theory of psychology by Bernhardt. The difference from this study is that she only focused on the analysis of the main character based on the psychological approach but especially in term of motivation, while this study focused on the analysis of the psychological of the main character from the conflict that had already happened in the story.

The next thesis is written by Noviyanti (2010) entitled Conflict



Hardy. Her study focused on the discussion of the main character and conflict. The theories that she used is proposed by William Kenney (1966), Rene Welek and Austin Waren (1962). She analyzed the main character viewed from the physiological, psychological, and sociological aspects. She found that the main character ‘Michael Henchard’ was a drunken man who sold his wife and finally died in loneliness. In this thesis, she also analyzed the conflict of Main Character, internal and external conflicts. The resolutions used by the main character to resolve his conflict are based on the situation of conflict, it was approach-avoidance type of conflict since the choices that Henchard had to decide both had positive and negative valences.

The difference between her thesis from this study is that she analyzed the main character from three dimension, but this study only used one dimension. On the other hand, this study only described the psychological aspect completely while her study used physiological, psychological, and sociological aspects.

Ventura (2002) in his article entitled “Psychoanalysis” in Allpsych

Journal says that psychoanalysis is probably the most widely recognized theory in psychology, having been integrated into our culture through novels, poetry, drama, and film criticism. Terms such as unconscious, repressed, ego and denial are used in everyday conversation to describe mental states and reasons for human behavior. In this article, there is also a suggestion from the author Joseph Schwartz that suggests the psychoanalysis can be defined through three boundaries; a boundary in literature, a boundary with psychiatry, and the third with academic psychology.


The theory of psychoanalysis proposed by Freud from this article supports this study as a reference that is concerned with the analysis of psychological aspect of the characters. From the article, psychoanalysis teaches that the human relationships are integral parts of our growth and development, that failure to satisfy these relational needs have lasting negative effects on our lives.

2.2 Concept

The concepts of the study are the concept of character, the concept of conflict and the concept of psychological dimension.

2.2.1 The Concept of Character

A character or call fictional character is a person in a narrative work of arts. Character, particularly when enacted by an actor in the theatre or cinema, involves the illusion of being a human person. In literature, characters guide readers through their stories to helping them to understand plots and ponder themes. There are many types of characters that exist in literature, each with its own development and function. Based on its functions, characters can be divided into main character, secondary character, and supporting character (Reaske,

1970:174). Characters may be presented by means of description, through

their actions, speech, thoughts interaction with other characters. There is some opinion from some dramatist about characters. Wellek and Warren (1955:227)



divided the characterization of character into four characterizations; they are dynamic character, static character, flat character, and round character.

2.2.2 The Concept of Conflict

Conflict is necessary element of fictional literature. It is defined as the problem in any piece of literature and is often classified according to the nature of the protagonist and antagonist. According to Myers (1992:268), Conflict is associated with anger, aggressiveness, physical and verbal fights, and violence. Many people seem to believe that conflict is an unnatural departure from human sociability. Conflict is not simple misunderstanding that could be resolved if the characters would simply have an adult conversation to clear up.

Conflict as a concept can help explain many aspects of social life such as social disagreement, conflict of interests, and fight between individuals, group or organization. Everyone will experience conflict in his or her life since conflict is a natural part of human life. Conflict has two types; they are internal and external conflicts (Kenney, 1966).

2.2.3 The Concept of Psychological

In the basic structure of character, character has three aspects; they are: physiological, psychological, and sociological aspects. These components, that builds up characterization in fiction. This study focuses on the discussion of the psychological aspect. The psychological aspect includes the psychological background such as: mentality, ego, temperament, ambition, attitude, frustration,


etc. Psychology is a discipline that observes and studies behavior and activities of human being, which are the manifestations of the psychological life. Through psychological aspect, the psychology of character that includes the human motivation, feeling and emotion can be analyzed. Psychology is interested in all human activities. Most people have opinions, beliefs and explanation of the motives that impel individuals to work, to fall in love or to hate, to buy or not to buy. They find reasons for the differences in the ability to learn quickly and slowly, to achieve success or to fail.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

In this study, there are two kinds of theories; the main theory and supporting theory; the main theory is proposed by Karl. S. Bernhardt (1953) in his book “Practical Psychology” and theory of character as the supporting theory is proposed by Wellek and Waren (1955) in his book “Theory of Literature”.

2.3.1 Theory of Literature

Literature is an art and we can experience it through our imagination. A literary work is a result of the writer’s imagination. Good literature will provides something that makes the readers satisfied and give new knowledge or experience that they never have before, and experience literature describes many human aspects and feelings . Novel is one of the literary works that often makes the reader curious about the story inside.



However, as previously described, a novel must compromise of intrinsic element as stated by William Kenney (1966) such as theme, plot, character, characterization, and setting as elaborated below: Character

Character is the most important element in a novel. Character plays a pivotal role in drama, novel, short story and all kinds of narratives. It is interesting to be analyzed because it can guide us to the author’s thought expressed in his or her writing. Character is an imagined person who fills up the story. Characters are obviously relevant to us and to our experience if they are like ourselves or like others whom are familiar with us.

Since the end 18th century, the art of creating characters, as practiced by actors or writers, has been called characterization. Character can be defined as any person, animal or figure representing literary work. Sometimes some characters are described much more special than others and sometimes they are unrealistic like too kind or too bad or sometimes too perfect compared with human being in reality (Kenney, 1966:27). Fictional characters in a novel are controlled by the plot and have no history outside that. The characters are the people in a text; they are part of ordinary life that the readers’ meet as they read.

According to Wellek and Warren (1956), a character is the figure that participates in the action and it is expected to be natural or life like. In this case,


naming is an important way to reflect the life, the spirit, and the individual of each character and supporting character.

1. Main Character: who has the most important in the story and does the

most to support the plot. The character that is mostly narrated by the author and the character that is mostly involved to the theme of the story.

2. Secondary Character: the character that plays important role and gives

influences to the main character. The secondary character helps the main character in forming the theme of the story.

3. Supporting Character: the character that supports the main character in the

story, it may take an important part in a story, but incidentally it acts as the supporter. The supporting character does not just mean that he is there the support to action, but he can actually support to confirm the views of the main character through the thing he or she says or does.

In a story the character is involved in a conflict and the nature and use of the character in the story is determined by the writer’s purpose. Eventually, character is different from characterization.

Character is someone shown in narrative work, or play, interpreted by the reader that the people has moral quality and particular tendency expressed in utterance and action. The other classification of character is based on the character’s role and its function according to Althenberd & Lewis in Nurgiyantoro (2007;178) can divided into two types:



1. Protagonist

Protagonist is the character that the reader admires, sometimes called the hero of the story. This character is the personification of norms and values which are ideal for the reader. Protagonist shows something that agrees with the reader’s view and hope (Althenberd& Lewis in Nurgiyantoro, 2007:178)

2. Antagonist

Antagonist is the character that causes the conflict in the story. Sometimes the antagonist is called the enemy of protagonist because it is believed as the opposition of the protagonist, directly or indirectly, physically or spiritually.

According to Reaske (1970:94), a character, in other words, has an ethnically neutral physical identity, a will which functions in an ethnical manner and determines the degree of morality of his or her behavior and also a role. Theme

According to Kenney (1966:88-89), theme is a meaning which the story releases; it may be the meaning of the story discovered. It is not the moral of the story but that can be derived from the story and that sense is rather like a moral. We may conclude that morality is one of the simple kinds of theme, while not all of themes are moral.

Theme in fiction is what the author can make of the total experiences rendered; there is always be something unique there as well. Theme in story is what the author wants to express to the reader through his work.

(22) Plot

Plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story or the main part of a story. Plot, as the foundation of a novel or story, is something in which the character and setting are built around. Plot becomes the important element in the story due to the fact that it is the event of the story, which creates the conflict in the story.

Kenney William explains about the structure of plot (1966:17), such as:

(1) Beginning Plot: This part introduces the elements of the story like

character, setting, and the picture of a situation in which there exists source of instability. The beginning of the story then, in addition to the necessary exposition, gives us the picture of a situation in which there exist the sources of instability.

(2) Middle Plot: the middle consists of conflict, complication, and climax. The

movement from initial statement of conflict to the climax is often referred to as complication. The climax is reached when the complication attains its highest point of intensity, from which point the outcome of the story is derived.

(3) The End of Plot: the end consists of everything from climax to the

outcome of the story. Setting

Setting is extremely important to a story. It can have immense effects on the plot and the character. In fiction, setting refers to the point in time and



space at which the events of the plot take a place. Setting is an environment which reflects the human expression (Wellek and Waren, 1956:221).

Setting has more power as metaphor and atmosphere. As metaphor the setting describes the internal feeling of the character. As atmosphere the setting describes the external situation of the story (Kenney,). Setting is composed by several elements as follows:

1. The actual geographical location including topography, scenery or a room


2. The occupation and modes of data to date existence of the characters.

3. The times when the action take place.

2.3.2 Theory of Conflict

According to Gail and Myers (1992:268), conflict is associated with anger, aggressiveness, physical and verbal fight. Many people seem to believe that conflict is an unnatural departure from human sociability. While the behavior position argues that conflict is not necessary bad but it is natural phenomenon in groups and organization. The behavioral view states that conflict is inevitable, that is, a sign of healthy group functioning and, that is, the critical determination in a group’s ability to change and innovate.

Conflict is a natural part of any communication relationship. It is an inevitable part or life for a variety of different reasons. Inevitable means that people work against each other, what one is incompatible with what another


wants. Their goals are competitive because the action needs to achieve something automatically.

Conflict is one of the important elements of a novel. Without conflict, the story will be flat and will not be interesting. And also from the conflict people can learn about life and it will grow their maturity when she or he can solve the conflict. Types of conflict

Nurgiyantoro (1995:124) states that the conflict with which fiction concerns itself is of many kinds. There are two types of conflict:

(1) Internal Conflict

Internal conflict are the conflicts that happen to the character’s heart and mind, for instance, because of the dual desires or different wishes and choice, etc. For example, a character may have to decide between right and wrong or between two solutions to a problem. Sometimes, a character must deal with his or her own mixed feeling or emotion.

(2) External Conflict

External conflicts are the conflicts that happen to one character with something outside himself. Conflict is stated in this way: man vs. nature, beautiful vs. ugly, etc. an external conflict is shown though actions such as fight, argument and physical struggle, good and bad characters. These conflicts can be in the form of physical conflict and social conflict. Physical conflict which is also called



elemental conflicts is the conflict caused by a clash of action between the characters and the environment.

From this conflict we can draw another way to categorize character: protagonist or antagonist. The protagonist is character that we normally sympathize on. On the other hand, the antagonist is the character that we are not sympathetic with, and this character is obviously the opposite of the protagonist.

There are three types of conflicts identified by Gail and Myers (1992); personal conflict, interpersonal conflict and group conflict:

1. Personal Conflict: it is described as conflict going on inside a person and

affects their relationship with another. This conflict occurs when frustration from blocks getting in the way of satisfying need or ways to satisfy a given need or want, and also when someone conflicting desire.

2. Interpersonal Conflict: it can be attributed to individual differences

between people, limited resource to be shared in relationship or different roles/expectation.

3. Group Conflict: potential conflict comes from the structure of the group on

the other hand. As organization gets bigger and more complex, and roles which simply build the possibility of conflict. Source of conflict

There are four different issues as the source of conflict that are identified by Deetz & Stevenson (1986:207-208):


(1) Differing Opinions

The conflict which is caused by differing opinions is relatively easy to manage as long as the conflict can be kept at the level. Many conflicts are based on the offering opinions, different information, disagreement, or different bodies of knowledge, and the simplest cases of disagreement.

(2) Incompatible Roles

Incompatible role is more difficult to manage. This type of conflict arises whenever individual roles in the interaction cannot be played because each requires a complementary role that another is not playing.

(3) Incompatible Goal

Incompatible goal conflict arises in the situation such as where one person’s goal accomplishment is based on the other person’s doing something first, or two people want to do something together but each wants to do something differently.

(4) Limited Resources

Conflicts over limited resources are similar to those over incompatible goals, when one person’s acquisition of the resources precludes the other’s gaining the resources.

2.3.3 Theory of Psychological

The first theory is the psychological theory proposed by Karl. S. Bernhardt (1953) in his book practical psychology. Psychology is a science that studies actual event in a scientific way; the psychology of fiction can be observed



through the character. Psychology is interested in all human activities and psychology can be defined as a scientific study of all individual activities. The subject matters are the same as he is concerned the mind of man ever since he began to think about himself, but the methods are different. Psychology is seeking to discover what particular conditions produce a given type of activity so that eventually will be able to control and direct human activity by controlling these conditions (1953:3).

The analysis of the main character especially about the psychological aspect, such as the attitude, behavior, feeling, emotion, and motivation can thoroughly be done. Because, Psychology is much related to human life, and by analyzing the actors or the roles, we can understand psychological symptoms forced by both individuals and the group of people to whom they make interaction one another.

According to Bernhardt (1953; 45) the word psychology has been

associated in the mind of many people with all kinds of mysterious, occult, studies, such as mind reading, handwriting, or the shape of the face or the head. Through psychological aspects, the psychology of character that includes the human motivation can be analyzed. Motivation

Human motivation can be defined as a reason a human wants to achieve something. There are some factors that lead human motivation which seem to be driving motivates (Bernhardt, 1953; 46), such as:


1. Appetites

Appetites are motives or directing influences that initiate and sustain activity and also direct that activating until the activity finally ends in a satisfaction of the felt need. If appetite is fulfilled we will feel satisfied. Unsatisfied appetite is usually an unpleasant condition and as the satisfaction delayed it becomes more and more unpleasant for further activities (Bernhardt, 1953: 46)

2. Wants

The needs are common to all human beings. But each individual acquires his own unique set of personal wants on his foundation universal needs. It functions like a need and the individual cannot be happy unless he finds some way to satisfy it. However, wants are modified through experience and present a changing pattern in the development of the person from infancy to adulthood to old age (Bernhardt, 1953:52)

3. Emotions

When someone is under the influence of a fear or angry, he or she may do many things that he or she would not do normally. Emotions are a strong feeling of any kind: fears, anger, sad, love, joy, hate, jealousy are all emotions. Anger motivates individual to fight, to attack, and to say things that would be beneath their dignity if they were not dominated by these emotions. Besides, the intense emotions of fear and angry, the milder forms are sentiments and moods that dictate the course of action to be followed by the individual (Bernhardt, 1953:52-53).



Emotional activity does not require a real emergency to put into action. Anger and fear are two common forms of emotional adjustment that normally occur only in real emergencies.

4. Feeling and Attitude

The individual has an attitude of approach to that experience and tends to repeat the activity. Whenever he evaluates the experience as unpleasant, he has an attitude withdrawal as he avoids that activity in future (Bernhardt, 1953:53)

There are other factors determining the feeling that accompanies any activity such as: emotional experience, anger, mood, the condition of physical organism and mental function.

5. Social Motives

Social motives have produced in man certain characteristic attitudes or tendency. There are two kinds of tendencies such as assertion and self-submission. Self-assertion is universal tendency to strive to excel and succeed, to win out ahead of others, or to overcome obstruction or difficulty. Self-submission is also a tendency present in human beings to submit, to given in, to subordinate themselves to other authorities. So, the socially well-adjusted individual is the one who at times is assertive and at another time is submissive (Bernhardt, 1953:54-55).


wants. Their goals are competitive because the action needs to achieve something automatically.

Conflict is one of the important elements of a novel. Without conflict, the story will be flat and will not be interesting. And also from the conflict people can learn about life and it will grow their maturity when she or he can solve the conflict. Types of conflict

Nurgiyantoro (1995:124) states that the conflict with which fiction concerns itself is of many kinds. There are two types of conflict:

(1) Internal Conflict

Internal conflict are the conflicts that happen to the character’s heart and mind, for instance, because of the dual desires or different wishes and choice, etc. For example, a character may have to decide between right and wrong or between two solutions to a problem. Sometimes, a character must deal with his or her own mixed feeling or emotion.

(2) External Conflict

External conflicts are the conflicts that happen to one character with something outside himself. Conflict is stated in this way: man vs. nature, beautiful vs. ugly, etc. an external conflict is shown though actions such as fight, argument and physical struggle, good and bad characters. These conflicts can be in the form of physical conflict and social conflict. Physical conflict which is also called


elemental conflicts is the conflict caused by a clash of action between the characters and the environment.

From this conflict we can draw another way to categorize character: protagonist or antagonist. The protagonist is character that we normally sympathize on. On the other hand, the antagonist is the character that we are not sympathetic with, and this character is obviously the opposite of the protagonist.

There are three types of conflicts identified by Gail and Myers (1992); personal conflict, interpersonal conflict and group conflict:

1. Personal Conflict: it is described as conflict going on inside a person and affects their relationship with another. This conflict occurs when frustration from blocks getting in the way of satisfying need or ways to satisfy a given need or want, and also when someone conflicting desire. 2. Interpersonal Conflict: it can be attributed to individual differences

between people, limited resource to be shared in relationship or different roles/expectation.

3. Group Conflict: potential conflict comes from the structure of the group on the other hand. As organization gets bigger and more complex, and roles which simply build the possibility of conflict. Source of conflict

There are four different issues as the source of conflict that are identified by Deetz & Stevenson (1986:207-208):


(1) Differing Opinions

The conflict which is caused by differing opinions is relatively easy to manage as long as the conflict can be kept at the level. Many conflicts are based on the offering opinions, different information, disagreement, or different bodies of knowledge, and the simplest cases of disagreement.

(2) Incompatible Roles

Incompatible role is more difficult to manage. This type of conflict arises whenever individual roles in the interaction cannot be played because each requires a complementary role that another is not playing.

(3) Incompatible Goal

Incompatible goal conflict arises in the situation such as where one person’s goal accomplishment is based on the other person’s doing something first, or two people want to do something together but each wants to do something differently.

(4) Limited Resources

Conflicts over limited resources are similar to those over incompatible goals, when one person’s acquisition of the resources precludes the other’s gaining the resources.

2.3.3 Theory of Psychological

The first theory is the psychological theory proposed by Karl. S. Bernhardt (1953) in his book practical psychology. Psychology is a science that studies actual event in a scientific way; the psychology of fiction can be observed


through the character. Psychology is interested in all human activities and psychology can be defined as a scientific study of all individual activities. The subject matters are the same as he is concerned the mind of man ever since he began to think about himself, but the methods are different. Psychology is seeking to discover what particular conditions produce a given type of activity so that eventually will be able to control and direct human activity by controlling these conditions (1953:3).

The analysis of the main character especially about the psychological aspect, such as the attitude, behavior, feeling, emotion, and motivation can thoroughly be done. Because, Psychology is much related to human life, and by analyzing the actors or the roles, we can understand psychological symptoms forced by both individuals and the group of people to whom they make interaction one another.

According to Bernhardt (1953; 45) the word psychology has been associated in the mind of many people with all kinds of mysterious, occult, studies, such as mind reading, handwriting, or the shape of the face or the head. Through psychological aspects, the psychology of character that includes the human motivation can be analyzed. Motivation

Human motivation can be defined as a reason a human wants to achieve something. There are some factors that lead human motivation which seem to be driving motivates (Bernhardt, 1953; 46), such as:


1. Appetites

Appetites are motives or directing influences that initiate and sustain activity and also direct that activating until the activity finally ends in a satisfaction of the felt need. If appetite is fulfilled we will feel satisfied. Unsatisfied appetite is usually an unpleasant condition and as the satisfaction delayed it becomes more and more unpleasant for further activities (Bernhardt, 1953: 46)

2. Wants

The needs are common to all human beings. But each individual acquires his own unique set of personal wants on his foundation universal needs. It functions like a need and the individual cannot be happy unless he finds some way to satisfy it. However, wants are modified through experience and present a changing pattern in the development of the person from infancy to adulthood to old age (Bernhardt, 1953:52)

3. Emotions

When someone is under the influence of a fear or angry, he or she may do many things that he or she would not do normally. Emotions are a strong feeling of any kind: fears, anger, sad, love, joy, hate, jealousy are all emotions. Anger motivates individual to fight, to attack, and to say things that would be beneath their dignity if they were not dominated by these emotions. Besides, the intense emotions of fear and angry, the milder forms are sentiments and moods that dictate the course of action to be followed by the individual (Bernhardt, 1953:52-53).


Emotional activity does not require a real emergency to put into action. Anger and fear are two common forms of emotional adjustment that normally occur only in real emergencies.

4. Feeling and Attitude

The individual has an attitude of approach to that experience and tends to repeat the activity. Whenever he evaluates the experience as unpleasant, he has an attitude withdrawal as he avoids that activity in future (Bernhardt, 1953:53)

There are other factors determining the feeling that accompanies any activity such as: emotional experience, anger, mood, the condition of physical organism and mental function.

5. Social Motives

Social motives have produced in man certain characteristic attitudes or tendency. There are two kinds of tendencies such as assertion and self-submission. Self-assertion is universal tendency to strive to excel and succeed, to win out ahead of others, or to overcome obstruction or difficulty. Self-submission is also a tendency present in human beings to submit, to given in, to subordinate themselves to other authorities. So, the socially well-adjusted individual is the one who at times is assertive and at another time is submissive (Bernhardt, 1953:54-55).