Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Social Ecofeminist Analysis of Katniss, as The Main Woman Character from The Hunger Games

There are more problems that appear on ecological matter. The increasing demands
from people to fulfill their needs are the stem of the problem. The oppression from the
hierarchy system and economic condition perforce people to exploit nature. Women
are associated with nature, which is devalued by the society. Hence Ecofeminism
believes that both women and nature should be liberated. This research analyzes
female main character that is close to nature struggling in capitalist environment in
the novel of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. The purpose of this research is
to see how the main character of the story is viewed with the theory of Social
ecofeminism. The finding of this research is that Katniss, the main woman character
of The Hunger Games is a liberated woman since she could fight the oppression by
the economic condition and dominate hierarchy system.
Keywords: Hierarchy, Power, Nature, Culture, Hunting, Social ecofeminism