Gambaran Mitos Ibu Hamil Di Puskesmas Jatinangor Kabupaten Sumedang.


Maternal health problems are not only about physiology of mother but also the sociocultural aspect. Each of the communit have specific myths to regulate their activities when they
face a pregnant woman. This study aims to describe the myths that pregnant women believe in
Jatinangor health centers, Sumedang District. The type of this research was descriptive
quantitative with the variable is comprised of pregnancy myths which include nutrition and daily
activities for pregnant women as the sub-variable. The sampling method was using accidental
sampling method. Population of 307 pregnant women, 75 were taken as samples. The study was
conducted in June 17 through 19 September 2012. The results were analyzed in univariate using
the T score formula. The results illustrated that more than half of the respondents had a behavior
supporting the myth of pregnancy. Then for the components of the pregnancy myths believed by
pregnant women above, there were 19 pregnancy myths which are often believed and is still
carried out, among which according to the myth sub-variables in terms of day-to-day activity
gaining the highest percentage are put on panglai when stay out from house (70.7%), not to eat
at big proportion and not to get out from house at night (66,7%). As for the nutrients subvariable, 77.3% believed that they should not to eat pinaepple, 76 % of pregnant women also
believed that they are not allowed to eat bamboo sprout and banana heart. This study can be
used as an evaluation to clarify the belief of pregnant women in the myth / abstinence of
pregnancy that circulated in the community.
Keywords: Pregnant women behavior, Abstinence and behavior, Pregnancy myths
