ART Bambang Suteng S Pengaruh Scaffolding Abstract

Oleh: Bam bang Suteng Sulasmono
This experiment examines the effect of scaffolding (question prompts and argument
mapping) on the quality of arguments written by students with high, moderate and
low language abilities. The experiment was conducted in Pretest-Posttest Non
Equivalent Control Croup Design, focusing on finding the answers to three research
questions : a) is there any significant difference between the quality of argument
written by students who were scaffolded by question prompts and by giving argument
mapping, b) is there any significant difference between the quality of argument
written by students with high, moderate and low language abilities, and c) is there
any interaction between scaffolding and student language abilities to determine the
quality of arguments written by students in both classes of experiment.
Three hypotheses that are tested in this study are:
a) there is a significant
difference between the quality of arguments written by students scaffolded by
question prompts and by argument mapping, b) there is a significant difference
between the quality of arguments written by students with high, moderate and low
language abilities, and c) there is an interaction between scaffolding and student
language abilities in determining the quality of arguments written by students in both

classes of experiment.

Data were gathered by conducting pre- and post-argumentative test, which is scored
with the Rubric of Argument Quality adpoted from Cho and Jonassen (2002). The
scores of the quality of students arguments were than analyzed with an analysis of


The result of study indicate that: a) there is no significant difference between the
quality of arguments written by students scaffolded by question prompts and by
argument mapping, b) there is significant difference between the quality of the
arguments written by students with high, moderate and low language abilities, and c)
there is no interaction between scaffolding and students' language abilities in
determining the quality of the arguments written by students in both classes of
Key words: scaffolding, language abilities, the quality of argument

Kecakapan menilai dan membuat
argumen yang kokoh -sebagai inti dari

kecakapan berpikir kitis- merupakan
hasil belajar yang dipandang penting
dalam proses pendidikan di berbagai
negara (Goodlad, 1988; Tan dkk, 2001;
Shin & McGee, 2004; Nussbaum,
Di Indonesia kecakapan berpikir
kritis juga ditetapkan sebagai salah
satu kompetensi yang harus dikuasai
oleh para siswa mulai dari jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah, sampai
ke jenjang perguruan tinggi melalui


Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Depdiknas a, 2006; Depdiknas b, 2006)
Berpikir kritis itu sendiri menurut Paul (Marzano, 1988) dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu yang berkarakter "weak sensef (kurang peka perasaan) dan strong sense (peka perasaan). Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
(PKn) seharusnya diarahkan untuk
mengembangkan kecakapan berpikir
kritis yang peka perasaan (strong sense
critical thinking) atau mengembangkan

kecakapan dalam melakukan analisis
dan mengembangkan argumen tentang
