

Abdul Hakim, Rismaya Marbun, Luwandi Suhartono
English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Tanjungpura University, Pontianak

The research was conducted based on the problem that found in teaching and learning
process. From the observation in the pre-research, it was found that the students were
uninterested in learning reading in English subject. The researcher did the appropriate
way to overcome the problem. The researcher did a classroom action research (CAR) and
tried flash animation to improve students motivation in especially reading narrative text.
The participants of this research were 31 students on the tenth of class B. The research was
conducted through classroom action research in two cycles. The research used observation
checklist, field note, and questionnaires to collect the data. The use flash animation show
that the students’ motivation slightly improve. The class became relax, enjoy and easily
controlled by the teacher. As the results, the students' motivation improved by using the
flash animation media. The results of questionnaires also showed that with questions that
given the average of students agreed that the flash animation improved their motivation.
The students mean score also showed 52 that categorized average to good. The teacher
also agree that students problem in motivation was solved by used flash animation. In
conclusion, flash animation improved students’ motivation in learning reading narrative.
Keywords: Flash Animation, Motivation, Narrative Text, Reading Comprehension.


Reading as one of the language skills
presented in teaching learning activity takes
important role in both receptive and
productive language skills. It can broaden and
enlarge the students’ knowledge, because
most information like technology, science,
economy are written in English. Reading can
introduce students’ new vocabularies (words,
clauses, and sentences) structure and grammar
that are necessary to developing the other
skills such as speaking, listening and writing.
Specifically, reading brings students to
comprehension, which lead them to better
understand what they read.
Reading gives advantages to the students
to gain knowledge, enjoy the story and make
a connection to larger world. Miami

University (2010) states that reading
comprehension skills increase the pleasure

and effectiveness of reading. The purpose of
reading is to make students understand the
meaning of the text and hopefully through
reading activities students get the beneficial
information for their life.
Developing reading activities at school
especially to Senior High School students
mostly use short to long text by means of
recognizing general to specific information
there. Using narrative text is form based on the
syllabus of curriculum for Senior high school.
Narrative text is a story with complication or
problematic events and it tries to find the
resolutions to solve the problems. The purpose
of narrative text is to amuse or to entertain the
students with a story.

Based on the researcher’s observation,
experience and by interviewing the teacher
when he conducted the teaching practice at

Tenth Grade Students of SMA PGRI 1
Pontianak especially class B, the researcher
found that the students were uninterested in
learning narrative text. The students got low
motivation in reading class. They are became
lazy when learning english. It can be proof
that from 31 students only ten students whos
active in teaching activity. Some students feel
bored when the teacher do monotonous
teaching method. The researcher can see only
several students were active in learning
English. Less motivation of students make
them to less active in teaching process. As
addition, the students talking with their friend
and didn’t pay attention to their teacher.
Based on those problem the researcher
found, the researcher should use the
appropriate way to overcome the problem.
The researcher tried flash animation as a
teaching media to solve the problem. An

animation lead people to catch the information
correctly. By using flash animation researcher
expected the students would be enjoy in
teaching activity because the researcher
believed animation could bring enjoyment to
the listener.
Animation is the rapid display of a
sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or
model positions in order to create an illusion
of movement. Simply speaking, it ranges
scope from the basic graph with a simple
motion to a detailed image with complex
movements. Vanghan (2004) states assisted
by the use of animation, teachers can highlight
key knowledge points and heighten students’
There are some previous studies had been
done by researchers Epi Purnama (2012)
conducted a research entitle Teaching
Reading Comprehension on Descriptive text

by Using Macromedia Flash. He did the
research to junior high school. The result of
her research is teaching by using macromedia
flash was helpful to improve students’ reading
comprehension. It was indicated by the
improvement of students mean score in the
post-test. The students’ mean score before the

treatment was 79.03 and after treatment was
90.42. The result of t-value was 7.47 which
higher than t-table for df=43 that was 2.021.
The findings indicates to apply Macromedia
Flash in teaching reading since the media
created by using Macromedia flash can make
students enthusiastic in learning English. By
using Macromedia Flash, it is not used for
figuring out the meaning of a word, but it
requires the students’ understanding about the
meaning of a word from the media given. The
students will be able to find the meaning of

words without consulting their dictionary.
Macromedia Flash can motivate students to
learn because has both audio and visual
elements and also make the students
memorize the information better.
In this researcher, the researcher
improved the students motivation in narrative
text reading class on tenth grade students class
B of SMA PGRI 1 Pontianak in academic year
2017/2018. This research used a classroom
action research which was used to solve
students’ problem in motivation.
Based on the reasearch background
above, the problem is:
How does flash
animation improve students’ motivation in
narrative text reading class on tenth grade
student of SMA PGRI 1 Pontianak in
academic year 2017/2018?
Based on the research questions above,

the purpose of this research is to know weather
students’ motivation improve in narrative text
reading class by implement media flash
The action hypothesis of this research is
flash animation can improve students’
motivation in narrative text reading class of
the tenth grade students in SMA PGRI 1
Motivation plays an important role to
success of the students learning. Each
individual who has motivation, that is desire
to reach his goal or purpose will facilitate
himself. Brown (1980) state in second
language learning a learner will be successful
with the proper motivation.
Based on the description above it is also
important for us to know what the word
motivation means according to some experts.

Gardner (cited in Chambers, 1999) states
“motivation is the individual displays some
goal-directed activity, and that person
expends some efforts, moreover the person
would show a desire or want for the goal and
favorable attitudes towards the activity of
learning language.” Therefore, Gardner and
Lambert (cited in Spolsky, 1998) suggested
that motivation comes from attitudes.
Learning is closely related to the
motivation. Motivation is a key to learning
(Brown, 1980). The process of learning shows
that effort plays an important role as one of the
elements to compose motivation, then to reach
te goal.
Ahmadi & Tri (2005) states that
motivation is psychology condition that
motivates someone to do something. So,
motivation in learning is psychology
condition that motivates someone to learn.

Sardiman (2001) added motivation is an
essential condition of learning. Learning
achievement will be optimal if there is
motivation. In obtain a certain purpose,
everyone must have certain motivation.
Comprehension is absolutely necessary
for readers for readers to reach the ultimate
goal of reading. However, reading
comprehension is a complex process, it does
not just happen. Readers need to pass some
steps to reach the ultimate goal for reading.
McNamara (2007: xi) states that readers can
decode the words, but have not developed
sufficient skills to comprehend the
underlying, deeper meaning of the sentences,
the paragraphs, and the entire the text. To have
the reader decode each word, it is necessary to
read the reading materials loudly and clearly.
Teaching is any activities carried by the
teacher in classroom which is intended to give

students knowledge or skill. In the teaching
language, the skills can be in listening,
speaking, reading and writing. As Brown
(1980: 45) defined, “Teaching refers to
showing or helping someone to learn how to
do something, giving instruction, guiding
knowledge and causing to know or
understand”. It means that the teaching has a
purpose to make students know about the
lesson since the students do not know

anything at all about the lesson until they
understand even master the lesson.
A narrative text is a text that tell a story
that is used to inform, to entertain, motivate or
to teach the readers. The story can be true or
fictitious. True stories in narrative text can be
one’s adventure, an event or events. Hastuti
(2010) says the fictions are stories invented
based on one’s fantasy and imagination.
Narrative texts always contain a moral
value for the readers. The characters usually
represent an ideal example of opposite of good
and evil, hero and villain, strong and weak, or
wise and foolish. Narrative text also always
contain a conflict of complication because the
nature of the text which represents the
opposites between. For example a good and a
wicked person.
A Flash animation or Flash or
Macromedia Flash cartoon is an animated film
that is created with the Adobe Flash platform
or similar animation software and often
distributed in the SWF file format.
Hosea (2006:3) tells that flash is used for
the creation of graphics, animation and media
that users can interact with, such as interfaces,
rich media web pages, games, real-time chat
applications, interactive shopping systems and
video conferencing. So, although the program
is primarily associated with creating content
for the internet, Flash is also used to create
presentations, animation for TV, content for
PDAs, interactive television, kiosks and
mobile phone. Nowadays, flash can be used
for create animation as the teaching media in
teaching learning process. Flash file can be
save in many formats like *.avi, *.gif, *.mov.
Flash is an authoring tool that designers
and developers use to create presentations,
application, and other content that enable user
macromedia flash is animation software that
uses to deliver an abstract concept and it is
operated by computer and image projector
flash projects can include simple animations,
video content, complex presentations,
applications, and everything in between.
Beside how to improve in motivation
there are problems in giving motivation.

Blanchard (2003) stated in giving the
motivation, there are some obstacles can be
faced. These problems are the students’
unwillingness, the students’ low self-esteem
and the perfectionist students.
The teacher in giving motivation does not
always go smoothly. There are some serious
motivational problems about schoolwork
which is called unwillingness. The Adelman
and Taylor (1983) stated that if a students is
motivated to learn something, he or she often
do much more than anyone.
Blanchard (2003:214) stated that selfesteem as how a students can view and value
himself or herself. It is whether he or she has
marked effect on what he or she does, the way
he or she deals with challenges and the way he
or she interacts with others. A student who has
low esteem may feel that he or she cannot do
anything, give up easily and away from
academic competition.
Blanchard (2003:179) stated that the
perfectionist students is a student who is not
satisfied without doing something well. They
set a high standard for themselves and get
frustrated when they cannot achieve the
To help the students in reading class, the
researcher provides the students with a media
from extrinsic motivaion that is flash
animation as teaching material. With
combination of narrative and an animation
will make the students to more enjoy, interest,
happy and pay attention to the lesson. It is
suitable choice for improving motivation of
students with an animation video that will be
show to encourage their interest in learning. In
addition with narrative story provide reader
with enjoyment when they encounter the
climax and resolution of the problems. This is
the most exciting part of narrative.
Classroom action research is a research
form which is used in this research to know
the improvement of motivation in narrative
text reading class when flash animation is
applied. By doing this research the researcher
hopes he gathers information about students’
condition in learning narrative texts by means

of using flash animation as media of teaching,
so that the researcher who acts as a teacher can
try to use alternative way to minimize
students’ problem and to improve motivation
and narrative text comprehension. There are
two cycles of procedures that conducted in
this research. It is participatory in nature
which led Kemmis and McTaggart (2000:
595) to describe it as participatory research.
The technique to collect data in research
holds a crucial position as it will affect the
conclusion made from the outcome. The
researcher tried to use observation and
measurement techniques. The observation
technique applied using observation checklist,
field note and the questionnaires as a way to
motivation in reading class through flash
animation, while the measurement technique
implemented through the test to know the
The researcher used the checklist which
provided some indicators in order to have
wider perspectives of outcome, as (Koshy,
2005) states “observation plays an important
part in any kind of data-gathering and most
action research use this as an instrument”.
This type of observation involves using a
coding system or checklist prepared before the
lesson begins.
In field note process, the collaborator
write down and lists anything that happen
when the research being conducted The
researcher took notes for many things, such as
students’ activity, problems, improvement,
even the teacher’s problem when he applied
the method. Koshy (2005) states that “the use
of a research diary, or field notes as they are
sometimes referred to, is often very helpful
and this device is becoming more popular with
his students”. The field note is very useful to
record the progress in the classroom.
The questionnaries were administered as
a primary to collect the data from students.
The questionnaries were given in the end of
the research.
Koshy (2005)
questionnaries have advantages such as
provide a format making it easy to represent
information and are suitable for collecting

initial information on attitudes and
After collecting the data, the researcher
needed to analyze the data to the classroom
action research, the researcher needed to
anlyze the data in qualitative analysis. Koshy
(2005) states data analysis is the process of
collecting data based on what the researcher
have done. The researcher analyzed the data
from observation checklist, questionnaries
and field note by using qualitative analysis.
Best & Kahn (2006) state that there are some
step analysing data in qualitative research,
there are organizing the data, description, and
The researcher implemented a classroom
action research to solve students problem and
improve students’ motivation through
narrative text on tenth grade of SMA PGRI 1
Pontianak in academic year 2017/2018. The
students face problem in this study.
The researcher attempted to answer the
research question by describing the entire
process of teaching and learning which
happened in the classroom using Flash
Animation strategy and the outcomes. The
explanation of research finding is discussed.
The Students’ Improvement in Motivation
Through Flash Animation in Reading of
Narrative Text.
The research finding showed that cycle to
cycle had a good improvement. It can be seen
from the students actively from second cycle
is better than first cycle. In the first cycle, the
English teacher gave the explanation about
narrative text. What is narrative text, the
purpose, and the generic structure of narrative
text were told by the teacher. When the
learning began, the students feel common to
the material. Then the teacher showed the
students more about explanation from the
projector. Then the students showed their
enthusiasm to the projector. Above 20
students gave attention to the material. When
the teacher showed the presentation at slide
one the students were actively wrote the
explanation without being told to do that. The

teacher then explained what is narrative about
and their students gave attention to the
teacher. When it comes in to slide two, the
result is same as on slide one. The projector
was a powerful media to get students
attention. The teacher then showed them a
picture that related to the topic. The teacher
asked the students “what is the picture about?”
then the students actively guess that. The
teacher asked the students to watch carefully
to the pictures. The active of students showed
that about ten students active to guess the title
about. One of the students almost got the right
answer related to the the teacher answer. She
said the title was Jack and Magic Bean, then
all of the students were agree to that answer.
The teacher gave the right answer to the
students. When it comes to explanation, the
teacher then asked the students to wrote down
the possibilities things that would be in the
story. The students then answer, bean, cow,
milk. Because of the time, the student cant
guess the possibilities. The bell rang, the
teacher ended the class.
Based on the previous result, the teacher
and the researcher continue to the second
cycle. In this second cycle, the teacher gave
the students a text with title Jack and the
Beanstalk. The teacher with the collaborator
distributed the the story about with the
question related to the story. At first the
students feel confused to the story about,
because the students not understand the whole
text. The teacher asked the students about the
vocabulary of the text what vocabularies they
are don’t know. Then the teacher wrote list
vocabulary that might be difficult to them in
the white board and the meaning. Then when
it comes to the watching the flash animation,
the students who feel common suddenly got
attention to the class. It can be said from 29
students who attend to the class on that day
that they were watch carefully to the flash
animation. By using Flash, it is not used for
figuring out the meaning of a word, but it
requires the students’ understanding about the
meaning of a word from the media given. The
students will be able to find the meaning of
words without consulting their dictionary.
Flash can motivate students to learn because

has both audio and visual elements and also
make the students memorize the information
better. When watching the animation, the
students feel enjoy, relax, laugh, and happy to
the story. As the purpose of narrative to
entertain the listener/reader. After the the
animation was done, the teacher then asked
some question related to the story. Such as
“Who is Jack?, and what is moral from the
story?”. The students answer is good. One of
the students was actively asked a question
relate to the story that make her confused.
Then the students continue to answer the
question on the text that already given. The
result of answer showed that the students
mean score was 52. The categorized of the
score was average to good. Because the
second cycle showed that the aspect of
motivation of student improved from the first
cylce. It can be concluded that students
motivation had improved from cycle one to
cycle two by using flash Animation.
The researcher did this research to solve
the students’ problem in motivation. From the
English teacher perspective and the researcher
found that students had problems with
attitudes, and attention. Another problem was
the students not feel happy to learning
English. The researcher offered an alternative
solution to the teacher to solve the problem by
using Flash Animation media. So in this
research the researcher collaborated with the
teacher to solve the students problem.
Based on the result of the questionnaires
for students, the majority of students agreed to
the application of flash animation. It indicates
the results of by using Flash Animation media
was satisfying. If the students can be
motivated from the inside or outside factors,
the researcher believes that better result for
their English learning can be achieved by the
students. The students also need the help from
the teacher to improve their motivation in
learning and practicing English. The students
actually were passive, that means they need
support from others to motivate them.
The results of second cycle was satisfied.
The students got attention to the class.

Students enjoyed to the teaching process.
Students can be controlled by the teacher. The
indicators of students motivation increased.
In conclusion the result, the teacher
media have impact to the students motivation
in learning. By using flash animation, the
results of the motivation shown as possitive.
The improvements of students motivation
were analyzed from their attention to the class,
share their ideas to the teacher, feels enjoy to
the class and can be controlled.
The teacher and the researcher did this
research in two cycles. The results from the
explanation and findings from the previous
chapter show that students’ motivation
improved. In the first cycle, the teaching and
learning process did not work smoothly yet.
The teacher showed parts of the flash
animation. Then in the second cycle the
results of using flash animation can be seen.
This research was done by use classroom
action research in two cycles. The first cycle
was conducted on 31 July 2017 was satisfied.
But the parts of flash animation can’t be show
because the times was not enough. The
teacher continued to conduct the second cycle.
In the second cycle conducted on 7 August
2017, the teacher applied the flash animation
to solve the low motivation of students. The
use of flash animation show that the students
got attention of the flash animation. The
students’ attitude show that they are interest of
the learning of by apply this strategies. The
result of second cycle and the questionnaires
show that they are got interest by applying this
strategies. Besides considering of the score
they got, the research found positive responses
from students that they were really enjoy the
teaching and learning process by use of flash
animation. They were satisfied of the teaching
and being part of this research.
The use of flash animation show that the
motivation of students increased. After done
this research, there are some suggestion based
on findings in this research. The first is flash

animation is have power to control the
students but considering by applying this the
teacher should get attention to the time of the
teaching and learning process. The second is
flash animation that being used should be
understandable by the students. And the last
important that the flash animation should be
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