T1 Abstract Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Jamur Ligninolitik serta Perbandingan Kemampuannya dalam = Isolation and of Ligninolytic Fungi and the Ability of

Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Jamur Ligninolitik serta Perbandingan
Kemampuannya dalam Biodelignifikasi
(Isolation and Characterization of Ligninolytic Fungi and the Ability of
Putri Elvira Valencia, V. Irene Meitiniarti
Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Biologi
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Jl. Diponegoro 52-60, Salatiga, 50711, Indonesia
Email: 412013001@student.uksw.edu

Fungi are organisms that can survive in various environments with different media, one of
them is a wood. The wood substance that is not easily degraded is lignin which has a polymer and
only a few can be hydrolyzed because the structure is heterogeneous and complex. According to
some studies, ligninolytic fungi can also degrade different types of pollutant compounds.
Extracellular enzyme produced by this fungus causes the fungus to withstand exposure to chemicals
that are toxic or mutagenic. Lignin decomposers are also known to play a role in the pulping process
of paper mills, also used in waste treatment such as textile and hydrocarbon wastes. Once the
importance role of lignin decomposing fungi, research in this field continues to be developed. Fungi
isolation is also increasingly being done so that more fungi are found that have the capability in
biodelignification and developed in their use for various fields related to waste treatment and other

environmental pollutants.
This study was conducted to obtain fungal isolates that have biodelignification capability
and compare the ability of fungal isolates to degrade lignin. The research was conducted with a
sample of rotten wood and soil with isolation medium using selective lignin medium with tannin acid
as sole C source. The isolate obtained, characterized by its morphology and identified by reference
book Morphology and Taxonomy of Fungi (Bessey, 1950). Comparison of the ability of fungi in
biodelignification is done by comparing the size of the clear zone formed on selective lignin media.
From the research, 14 isolates of fungi have biodelignification ability. Aspergillus niger fungi isolate
has the highest biodelignification capability with a clear zone diameter of 6.45cm (7th day) while the
lowest activity is owned by Aureobasidium sp. with a clear zone diameter of 1.9cm (7th day).
Keywords: fungi, lignin, biodelignification, ligninolitik, Aspergillus niger, Aureobasidium sp.