Conjunctive Use of WaterR

  M odu le 3 – ( L8 - L1 1 ) : I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t

I n t r odu ct ion t o I n t e gr a t e d Appr oa ch , I n t e gr a t e d W a t e r Re sou r ce s

M a n a ge m e n t , Con j u n ct ive Use of W a t e r Re sou r ce s, Ra in w a t e r H a r ve st in g; Roof Ca t ch m e n t Syst e m .

Con j u n ct ive Use of W a t e r


L9 – Con j u n ct ive Use of L9

W a t e r Re sou r ce s R


Topics Cove r e d Topics Cove r e d

    I nt roduct ion t o conj unct ive use, I nt roduct ion t o conj unct ive use, Groundw at er, Surface wat er, Conj unct ive Groundw at er Surface w at er Conj unct ive Groundw at er, Surface wat er, Conj unct ive Groundw at er Surface w at er Conj unct ive

use, necessit y, advant ages, lim it at ions, use, necessit y, advant ages, lim it at ions,

m anagem ent , schem es, m echanism s, m anagem ent , schem es, m echanism s, h h h h i i m odeling, Case st udy m odeling, Case st udy

    surface w at er, Groundw at er, Conj unct ive surface w at er, Groundw at er, Conj unct ive Keywords: Keywords: use, st ream – use, st ream use, st ream aquifer int eract ions use, st ream –aquifer int eract ions aquifer int eract ions aquifer int eract ions

  Photo A K Singh 2002 Wat er Managem ent problem ?

  Photo, A.K. Singh, 2002 Gr ow in g Popu la t ion Gr ow in g Econ om y Con st a n t Am ou n t of W a t e r in Th e I ncreasing Dem and for Wat er

  Cycle Dem and for Wat er

  I n cr e a sin g com pe t it ion for Sca r ce W a t e r Unequal Dist ribut ion in Tim e & Space

  N e e d For Alloca t ion a n d Con flict Re solu t ion

Su r fa ce w a t e r Or Gr ou n dw a t e r ? Su r fa ce w a t e r Or Gr ou n dw a t e r ?

   I ssu e s:

   I ssu e s:

  • – Precipit at ion & peak runoff of t he rivers – only few m ont hs of t he year - sm allest wat er dem and.
  • – Wat er developm ent problem - t ransferring w at er from high – Wat er developm ent problem - t ransferring w at er from high supply season t o t he high dem and season.
  • – Solut ion t o t he problem - surface wat er st orage ( reservoirs) or groundwat er st orage ( aquifer recharge & use) . g g ( q g )
  • – Surface reservoirs have m any drawbacks, especially:

  • e va por a t ion : wat er losses – m ore t han 20 % of average annual runoff; More losses wit h a larger open wat er area.
  • se dim e n t a t ion : soil erosion result s in silt at ion in t he surface reservoirs and reduct ion of t he st orage capacit y.
  • e n vir on m e n t a l im pa ct of surface reservoirs - undesirable for hum an healt h, flooding of inhabit ed or good agricult ural land

    dist r ibu t ion of w a t e r from reservoir- cost ly canals.


Su r fa ce w a t e r Or Gr ou n dw a t e r ? Su r fa ce w a t e r Or Gr ou n dw a t e r ?

( Ref.) Keller A.,Sakt hivadivel, R., Seckler David. Wat er Scarcit y and t he Role of St orage in

Developm ent . I nt ernat ional Wat er Managem ent I nst it ut e, Research Report 39.

St r e a m – Aqu ife r I n t e r a ct ion s


  Till lat e 1950’s Surface and Ground wat er dealt and Ground wat er dealt separat ely


  I nt eract ion bet ween surface & groundwat er surface & groundwat er


  Hydraulic connect ion bet ween aquifer syst em s & surface wat er sources C C onj unct ive Use of Surface & Groundw at er onj unct ive Use of Surface & Groundw at er

   Conj unct ive use - com bined use of surface wat er

  resources & groundwat er, in a unified way, t o opt im ize resource use & m inim ize adverse effect s of using a & i i i d ff t f i single source.

   Conj unct ive use j - act ively m anaging aquifer syst em s y g g q y

  as an underground reservoir. During wet years, when m ore surface wat er is available, surface wat er is st ored underground by recharging t he aquifers wit h st ored underground by recharging t he aquifers wit h surplus surface wat er. During dry years, t he st ored wat er is available in t he aquifer syst em t o supplem ent or replace dim inished surface wat er supplies. l d h d f l

   Judicious use of surface & ground wat er is conj unct ive use. use Conj unct ive Use Why?


   

  Operat ion of a GW basin Operat ion of a GW basin


  Surface wat er Surface wat er in coordinat ion w it h a

  • – lower delivery

  SW reservoir syst em

  • – low ext ract ion cost s


  Art ificially recharge t he

  • – variabilit y in supply

  basin during years of

  • – wat er logging above average g

   

  Groundwat er Groundwat er precipit at ion

  • – reliable supply


  Wat er can be w it hdrawn

  • – expensive t o pum p

  during during years of years of below below

  • – decline in GW t able

  average precipit at ion, w hen SW supplies are below norm al below norm al

N e ce ssit y of Con j u n ct ive Use


Groundw at er and surface w at er are closely linked

   Groundw at er m aint ains t he base flow of rivers, and w at er in rivers can infilt rat e int o t he ground. g

   Abst ract ion of surface w at er and groundw at er cannot be planned in isolat ion — one will affect t he ot her. eg.

abst ract ion of groundw at er can reduce base flow abst ract ion of groundw at er can reduce base flow

cont ribut ion t o rivers by low ering w at er t able.

   I f carefully planned, how ever, t he conj unct ive use of rivers and groundw at er can even out t he seasonal variat ions in and groundw at er can even out t he seasonal variat ions in river flow . I n t he sum m er w hen t he river flow is low , w at er m oves from t he aquifer int o t he river, so t hat m ore wat er can be draw n from t he river d/ s. Rainy season, wat er flows / y , from River t o aquifer.

   Pum ping from wells also int ercept s som e of t he nat ural base flow t o t he river. flow t o t he river.

Con j u n ct ive Use - Adva n t a ge s


  Exploit s st orage capacit y of an aquifer & ease of t ransport of wat er by a river/ channel.


  Aquifer is used t o st ore surface wat er when t here is an excess of it & it would ot herwise be wast ed, say in w int er.


  River is used t o t ransport wat er from t he aquifer t o where it is needed when river discharge is t oo low on it s own, as oft en happens in sum m er it s own as oft en happens in sum m er


  Conj unct ive use can reduce abst ract ion from rivers when discharge is low by using groundwat er inst ead.


  Problem s of wat er logging/ groundwat er over use reduced

   

  Sust ainable wat er m anagem ent Sust ainable wat er m anagem ent

Con j u n ct ive Use - Lim it a t ion s


  I ncreased energy consum pt ion for pum ping from wells and for coping wit h reduct ion in pum p efficiency, due and for coping wit h reduct ion in pum p efficiency, due t o large fluct uat ions of wat er levels.

   Appropriat e m anagem ent plans t o be developed. 

  Const ruct ion of appropriat e groundwat er recharge f d h st ruct ures


  Adm inist rat ive difficult ies in defining accept able and Adm inist rat ive difficult ies in defining accept able and equit able groundwat er rat es, when surface wat er is available.


  People apat hy – people part icipat ion essent ial People apat hy people part icipat ion essent ial

Con j u n ct ive Use - Ch a lle n ge s

   I solat ed use of surface wat er ignoring opt im al groundwat er use in irrigat ion com m and - result ed int o various environm ent al problem s.

   St orage of excess surface wat er underground in an aquifer - a t ype of conj unct ive use called m anaged aquifer recharge - m akes t he f j t i ll d d if h k t h m ost of excess wat er by direct ing it int o t he ground where it can be st ored for fut ure use.

    Managed aquifer recharge is not a sim ple process, & it is difficult t o Managed aquifer recharge is not a sim ple process & it is difficult t o do on a useful scale; it cannot absorb large volum es of flood wat er in a short t im e.

   I t involves t ransferring w at er from surface t o underground, - by g g , y

dispersing it over t he surface t o increase infilt rat ion, or t hrough

aquifer inj ect ion wells.

   Surface dispersal involves divert ing wat er int o an unlined canal or shallow lagoon in perm eable sedim ent s or rock so t hat t he wat er h ll l i bl di k h h can percolat e downwards int o t he aquifer.


I t works best in areas wit h highly perm eable soils and unconfined aquifers, and where land is inexpensive. aquifers and where land is inexpensive C C onj unct ive Managem ent onj unct ive Managem ent

   Conj unct ive m anagem ent - coordinat ed use of

  available surface wat er & groundwat er supplies t o m eet wat er dem ands & increase wat er supply m eet wat er dem ands & increase wat er supply reliabilit y.


  Concept of conj unct ive wat er m anagem ent consist s of m axim izing t he use of surface wat er during t he t im e m axim izing t he use of surface wat er during t he t im e supply is plent iful & saving groundwat er for t he periods when surface wat er supplies are short .


  Developm ent of conj unct ive m anagem ent plan - includes considerat ion of surface wat er & groundwat er hydrology, wat er dem and groundwat er hydrology, wat er dem and charact erist ics, wat er qualit y, surface & underground st orage capacit ies, conveyance capacit y, capit al & O&M cost s. O&M cost s Conj unct ive Managem ent - Obj ect ives 


Evaluat ion of wat er resources - quant ificat ion of surface & ground

wat er in space & t im e - t o det erm ine wat er balance.

   I dent ificat ion of crit ical areas of wat er logging & soil salinit y. 

  Mat ching dem ands of various sect ors wit h available wat er resources & evolve st rat egy t o m eet dem and of t he fut ure.

   Mat hem at ical m odeling - t o sim ulat e hydro geological sit uat ion, generat ion of various scenarios, opt im um developm ent plans. generat ion of various scenarios opt im um developm ent plans

   To evolve plan for cont rolling problem of rising wat er levels by adopt ing t echnique of conj unct ive use and drainage.

    To prepare sect or/ block wise plans for developm ent of ground To prepare sect or/ block wise plans for developm ent of ground wat er resource in conj unct ion wit h surface wat er based on m at hem at ical m odel result s.

   To t est sust ainabilit y of present irrigat ion pat t ern w.r.t . Conj unct ive o t est sust a ab t y o p ese t gat o pat t e t Co j u ct e use & suggest im provem ent for fut ure. ·

   To evaluat e t he econom ic aspect of groundwat er developm ent plan w .r.t . cost benefit rat io. Conj unct ive use -- Schem es Conj unct ive use Schem es 

  A Aquifer recharge if h - basin recharge / inj ect ion w ells- used b i h / i j t i ll d w hen no suit able land for a recharge basin, or w it h confined aquifers.

   Aquifer st orage and recovery schem es - use t he sam e

borehole t o inj ect and recover w at er - w at er banking .

   St orm runoff - can be used for m anaged aquifer recharge

   I n som e areas - use sew age effluent for m anaged aquifer recharge

   Anot her t ype of conj unct ive use is t he use of groundw at er t o Anot her t ype of conj unct ive use is t he use of groundw at er t o

increase t he flow of a river, called river augm ent at ion.

  Advant age - river can be used t o convey groundw at er t o it s dest inat ion.

   Effect is sim ilar t o river regulat ion, except wat er is st ored underground inst ead of in surface reservoirs.

  Art ificial Recharge Techniques Art ificial Recharge Techniques 

   D ir e ct su b su r fa ce t e ch n iqu e s w ells.

  Bore hole flooding


  Dug w ell recharge

   Aquifer m odificat ion. 

  I nduced recharge from surface wat er source.


  Recharge pit s and shaft s D g ell echa ge


  I nj ect ion wells or recharge wells


  I nduced recharge from


   I n dir e ct Te ch n iqu e s

  Over irrigat ion

  D ir e ct su r fa ce t e ch n iqu e s q


  Basin or percolat ion t anks wit h pit shaft or ll

  t e ch n iqu e s

  Over irrigat ion


  Dit ch and furrow syst em


  St ream augm ent at ion


   Com bin a t ion su r fa ce – su b- su r fa ce t e ch n iqu e s

  Basins or percolat ion t anks



   Nat ural openings, cavit y fillings.  Nat ural openings, cavit y fillings. Conj unct ive Use & I rrigat ion Developm ent 

  Use of groundw at er helps cope w it h peak dem ands for irrigat ion & hence reduce size of canals and consequent ly const ruct ion cost s.

   Supplem ent al supplies from groundw at er ensure proper irrigat ion scheduling, even if rainfall fails or is delayed

   Groundw at er w it hdraw als low er t he w at er t able t hus Groundw at er w it hdraw als low er t he w at er t able t hus reducing t he risk of w at er- logging, soil salinizat ion and consequent w ast age of w at er for leaching t he soils;

    Surface & subsurface out flows are m inim ized, causing Surface & subsurface out flows are m inim ized, causing reduct ion in peak runoff;


When conj unct ive use is int egrat ed w it h art ificial recharge,

need for lining canals reduced seepage feeds groundw at er need for lining canals reduced- seepage feeds groundw at er

   Conj unct ive use allow s ut ilizat ion of saline or brackish ground – or surface – w at er resources, - by m ixing wit h freshw at er, or by using alt ernat e resources for irrigat ion. freshwat er or by using alt ernat e resources for irrigat ion

Conj unct ive Use Planning

  • Develop Local Part nership
  • Basin Assessm ent
  • Dat a Collect ion
  • Modeling Analysis • Alt ernat ives Evaluat ion Alt t i E l t i
  • Pilot Proj ect
  • Feasibilit y St udy Feasibilit y St udy • I m plem ent at ion and Monit oring.

  Ground Wat er Hydraulic Managem ent Models ( Managem ent

m odels) w hich incorporat es a groundwat er sim ulat ion m odel as d l ) hi h i t d t i l t i d l

const raint in t he Managem ent m odel - can be efficient ly used in

planning t he conj unct ive use of wat er.


Conj unct ive Wat er Use - Mechanism

  Use of m at hem at ical m odels for conj unct ive use – sim ulat ion opt im izat ion m odels sim ulat ion opt im izat ion m odels – Opt im um use Opt im um use


  Tackle problem of rise in wat er level – w at er logging – drainage


  Tackle salinit y problem s kl l bl


  Reschedule operat ion of canals

   

  Manage crop wat er requirem ent s Manage crop wat er requirem ent s – proposed surface & proposed surface & ground wat er use pat t ern in t im e & space.


  Dem and & supply m anagem ent


  Developm ent of suit able surface st orage schem es


  Developm ent of suit able groundwat er recharge schem es Conj unct ive Use – Concerns & Solut ions C

Concerns Solutions

S l ti

  Com pelling groundwat er qualit y issues E i t l



  Use of Mat hem at ical t echniques


  Environm ent al concerns


  Prot ect ion of surface and groundwat er bodies



  Height ened com pet it ion f i hd l

  Form ulat e t he overall goal of t he perm it t ing syst em s


  Com pelling groundwat er


  I ncreasing in- st ream program s and est ablishm ent of regulat ory agencies g flow regulat ions


  for w it hdraw als

  Form ulat ion of perm it t ing d t bli h t


   Conj unct ive Managem ent - Modeling 

  Surface wat er sim ulat ion – Hydrologic m odeling - Sim ulat ion of int errelat ionships am ong hydrologic processes – dist ribut ed m odel in space & t im e – eg.


   

  Groundwat er sim ulat ion – groundwat er flow st ream - Groundwat er sim ulat ion groundwat er flow , st ream aquifer int eract ions– dist ribut ed m odel in space & t im e – eg. MODFLOW


  Opt im izat ion m odel – Opt im al surface & groundw at er O t i i t i d l O t i l f & d t allocat ion – Sim ulat ion opt im izat ion m odels – eg. : Linear program m ing; Dynam ic program m ing, evolut ionary AI t echniques such as GA, PSO et c.


  I nt egrat ed m odeling approach Conj unct ive Wat er Use Proj ect s in I ndia 

  Proj ect s ( Ref: ht t p: / / cgw groundw at er/ conj unct m )

   I ndira Gandhi nahar paryoj na, st age - I , Raj ast han p y j g j

   Sarda sahayak irrigat ion proj ect , U.P. 


Tungabhadra canal com m and area, Andhra Pradesh & Karnat aka

  Ghat aprabha canal com m and area, Karnat aka p ,

   Hirakud canal com m and area, Orissa

   Mahi- kadana canal com m and area, Guj arat

   Nagarj una sagar proj ect , Andhra Pradesh Nagarj una sagar proj ect , Andhra Pradesh

   I ndira gandhi nahar pariyoj na st age - I I , Raj ast han

   Kosi canal com m and area, Bihar

   Gandak canal com m and, Bihar

   Gandak canal com m and, Bihar

   Sriram sagar canal com m and area, Andhra Pradesh

   West ern yam una canal com m and area, Haryana

   Rushikulia canal com m and area Orissa

   Rushikulia canal com m and area, Orissa

  Case St udy: Conj unct ive Use 

  Hirakud Canal Com m and Area, Orissa,

  2 I ndia, covering an area of about 2540 km 

  Tot al lengt h of canal net w ork - 3500 km Tot al lengt h of canal net o k 3500 km 

  Average slopes : 1- 6% 

  Surface drainage – Mahanadi 

  Mean annual rainfall 1245 m m - 90% June

  • – Oct ober

   Dept h t o w at er level

  • – 0.8 - 9.7m bgl ( pre- m onsoon) 0 8 9 b l ( )
  • – 0.3- 4.03 m bgl ( post - m onsoon)
  • – 0 t o 2 m bgl ( m onsoon)

  Re f: Ra u l S. K., Pa n da S. N ., H olla e n de r H ., Billib M ., Su st a in a bilit y of r ice - dom in a t e d cr oppin g syst e m in t h e H ir a k ud ca n a l com m a n d, Or issa , I n dia , I r r ig. & D r a in . 5 7 : 9 3 – 1 0 4 ( 2 0 0 8 ) W ile y I n t e r scie n ce . D r a in 5 7 : 9 3 – 1 0 4 ( 2 0 0 8 ) W ile y I n t e r scie n ce

   Ava ila bilit y & D e m a n d Of W a t e r

  Case St udy: Conj unct ive Use ..

   Ut ilizable ground w at er resources

  • – 508.04 MCM ( Kharif) ; 764.44 MCM ( Rabi)

   Availabilit y of surface wat er

  • – 1360.8 MCM ( Kharif) ; 1494.8 MCM ( Rabi)

   Annual w at er dem and ( 2025)

  • – 49.89 MCM ( Dom est ic) ; 261 MCM ( I ndust rial)

   Pr oble m s in t h e st u dy a r e a :  Wat er logging ( 1994)

  • – 1494 ( Post - Monsoon) ; 174 ( Pre- Monsoon)

   Causes

  • – Topographic set up; unlined canals p g p p
  • – over irrigat ion
  • – predom inant paddy cult ivat ion during kharif and rabi

Case St udy: Conj unct ive Use ..

   Con j u n ct ive u se pla n .

   Various possible conj unct ive use st rat egies have been t est ed w it h t he ground w at er sim ulat ion m odel it h t h d t i l t i d l

   Dem and for irrigat ion ( Kharif &Rabi) can be m et from

  • – surface w at er ( 90% ) ; ground w at er ( 10% )

   Surface wat er irrigat ion - cheaper - m axim um use of available Surface wat er irrigat ion cheaper m axim um use of available surface w at er in conj unct ion w it h groundw at er t o get m axim um ret urn

   Developm ent of groundw at er p g

  • – 17,526 dug w ells

   Wat er logging reduces w it h increase in use of groundw at er


  Addit ional invest m ent of Rs.953.99 m illion t he B.C rat io w orked out t o 1.66. Case St udy: Conj unct ive Use ..

   Le sson s le a r n t :

   During m onsoon, m aj orit y of t he com m and rem ains w at erlogged & it is required t hat groundw at er w it hdraw al gg q g during non- m onsoon period be increased so t hat groundw at er reservoir w ill have sufficient capacit y t o accom m odat e m onsoon recharge.


During non- m onsoon period, t here is no danger of w at er

logging but st ill t here is a lot of scope for groundwat er developm ent . p

   I ncreasing st orage t hrough a com binat ion of groundw at er & large & sm all surface w at er facilit ies

    Judicious allocat ion of wat er Judicious allocat ion of wat er

   Vigilant m onit oring t o avoid over irrigat ion

   Creat ing public aw areness

   Necessit y of public part icipat ion f bl

Re fe r e n ce s Re fe r e n ce s

   De Wrachien D. , Fassò C. ( 2002) , Conj unct ive use of surface and groundwat er : overview and perspect ive. I rrigat ion and Drainage ( 2002) , 51 ( 1) , pp. 1- 15.

   FAO ( 1995) Land and w at er int egrat ion and river basin m anagem ent , FAO ( 1995) L d d t i t t i d i b i t FAO Land and Wat er Bullet in, 1995

   Kakum anu Krishna Reddy, Bauer Siegfried. ( 2008) Conj unct ive use of wat er: valuing of groundwat er under irrigat ion t anks in sem iarid region wat er: valuing of groundwat er under irrigat ion t anks in sem iarid region of I ndia. I nt . J. Wat er, Vol. 4, Nos. 1/ 2, 2008, pp.87- 104


Medina M. A.( 2000) “ Science View I m port ance of Groundw at er and

Surface- Subsurface I nt eract ions” First GEF Biennial I nt ernat ional Wat ers Conference ( Oct ober 14 – 18, 2000) , Budapest , Hungary

   Raul S. K., Panda S. N., Hollaender H., Billib M., Sust ainabilit y of rice-

dom inat ed cropping syst em in t he Hirakud canal com m and, Orissa,

I di I ndia, irrig. And drain. 57: 93–104 ( 2008) published online 8 j anuary i i A d d i 57 93 104 ( 2008) bli h d li 8 j 2008 in Wiley I nt erscience.


CGWB, ht t p: / / groundwat er/ conj unct m ( Last

accessed on 08- 03- 2010) accessed on 08- 03- 2010)

Tu t or ia ls - Qu e st ion !.?


I llu st r a t e t h e Con j u n ct ive Use of Su r fa ce

& Gr ou n dw a t e r w it h a ca se st u dy.

   For ca se st u die s Re f:

  ( Ref: ht t p: / / groundwat er/ conj unct m )

     

  I dent ify t he problem s of using surface wat er/ I dent ify t he problem s of using surface wat er/ I dent ify t he problem s of using surface wat er/ I dent ify t he problem s of using surface wat er/ groundwat er alone. groundwat er alone.

   

  St udy t he dem and for t he area St udy t he dem and for t he area

   

  I llust rat e how conj unct ive use can be used t o solve I llust rat e how conj unct ive use can be used t o solve t he problem s. t he problem s.

    Discuss t he lesson learnt . Discuss t he lesson learnt . Discuss t he lesson learnt . Discuss t he lesson learnt .

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay

Se lf Eva lu a t ion - Qu e st ion s!. Q


Discuss t he issues relat ed t o overuse

of surface wat er & groundwat er. of surface wat er & groundwat er


What is t he necessit y of conj unct ive

use?. use?

   Discuss advant ages & lim it at ions of conj unct ive wat er use. conj unct ive wat er use

   I llust rat e groundwat er recharge

t echniques wit hin t he perspect ive of t echniques wit hin t he perspect ive of

Conj unct ive wat er m anagem ent

  Prof. T I Eldho, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay P f T I Eldh D t t f Ci il E i i

  IIT B b

Assign m e n t - Qu e st ion s?. g Q

   Discuss st ream – aquifer int eract ions and im port ance in conj unct ive use. im port ance in conj unct ive use

   Describe conj unct ive m anagem ent of surface w at er & groundw at er w it h various w at er & groundw at er w it h various challenges.

    Discuss conj unct ive use plan and Discuss conj unct ive use plan and m echanism s.

   How t o develop conj unct ive m anagem ent p j g m odel for a w at ershed?.

Un solve d Pr oble m !. Un solve d Pr oble m !

   

For your Wat ershed area, prepare a m ast er For your Wat ershed area, prepare a m ast er

plan for conj unct ive use of surface & plan for conj unct ive use of surface & groundwat er. groundwat er. d d t t

    I dent ify t he supply & dem and. I dent ify t he supply & dem and.  

Check t he applicabilit y of m odeling t ools. Check t he applicabilit y of m odeling t ools. Ch Ch k t h k t h li li bilit f bilit f d li d li t t l l

  • – Carry out det ailed st udy Carry out det ailed st udy –
  • – Consider int egrat ed approach for surface & ground Consider int egrat ed approach for surface & ground Consider int egrat ed approach for surface & ground Consider int egrat ed approach for surface & ground – w at er w at er
  • – Consider opt ions for groundwat er recharge Consider opt ions for groundwat er recharge –

  Dr. T. I. Eldho Dr. T. I. Eldho Professor, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, p p g g g g Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, 400 076. Mumbai, India, 400 076. Email: Email: Email: Email: