



A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


SYAFRINA KHAIRATUN NIZWAH PANJAITAN Registration Number : 8126112038










Panjaitan, Syafrina Khairatun Nizwah. Linguistic Realizations of Gender Stereotype and Equality in the Textbooks of 2008-2013 Junior High School. English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School. State University of Medan. 2014

This research deals with the appeareance of gender stereotype and gender equality in the textbooks of 2008-2013 Junior high school. The objectives of this research were to identify in what context gender stereotype and gender equality appears in English textbooks of 2008-2013, to analyze how the gender stereotype and gender equality are dominantly realized by linguistic features and to explain the reason why the gender stereotype and gender equality appear in English Textbooks of 2008-2013. This reserch was conducted by applying content analysis, qualitative research. The data were the texts which were in the English textbooks of 2008-2013 as it was as the source of data of this study. The data of this study were English in My context: 2008, Interactive English: Yudishtira: 2009, English: Bailmu: 2010, The Bright: 2013. The findings showed that there were four contexts found in those source of data, those were personality context, family context, school context and workplace context. There were three dominant linguistic feature occured in the source of data, those were material process, mental process, and relational process. And the most dominant from those processes were relational process. This occured because male and female construed being and relation among entities through identification. And for the reason why gender stereotype and gender equality appeared in English textbooks of 2008-2013 is because Gender stereotype appeared when people ignored somebody’s individual characteristics and qualities (Sealler and Beall:2000), while the gender equality appeared was because of the government policy. The former was from United Nation Development Program’s policy in 2011 and the later was based on the regulation from national education minister number 84 year 2008 about the action of gender equality.



Panjaitan, Syafrina Khairatun Nizwah. Realisasi Linguistik Pada Stereotype Gender dan Kesetaraan Gender Pada Buku Text SMP tahun 2008-2013. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Pasca Sarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan, 2014

Penelitian ini berhubungan munculnya stereotype gender dan kesetaraan gender pada buku teks 2008-2013 di SMP. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dalam konteks apa stereotype gender dan kesetaraan gender muncul dalam buku teks Bahasa Inggris tahun 2008-2013, untuk menganalisis bagaimana stereotype gender dan kesetaraan gender terealisasi oleh sisi linguistik, untuk menjelaskan alasan kenapa stereotype gender dan kesetaraan gender muncul dalam Buku teks Bahasa Inggris tahun 2008-2013. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis isi, penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah buku teks bahasa Inggris SMP 2008-2013. Data dari penelitian ini adalah English in My context: 2008, Interactive English: Yudishtira: 2009, English: Bailmu: 2010, The Bright: 2013. Penemuan menunjukkan bahwa ada empat konteks yang ditemukan pada sumber data tersebut, yaitu kontek personal, konteks keluarga, konteks sekolah, dan konteks tempat bekerja. Ada 3 dominan sisi bahasa yang terjadi dalam sumber data, yaitu proses material, proses mental, dan proses relasi, dan yang paling dominan dari semua proses adalah proses relasi. Ini terjadi karena laki-laki dan perempuan menerangkan menjadi dan hubungan antara keseluruhan melalui identifikasi. Dan untuk alasan kenapa stereotype gender dan kesetraan gender muncul dalam buku teks bahasa Inggris tahun 2008-2013 adalah karena stereotype gender muncul ketika orang menolak karakter dan kualitas dari orang lain(Sealler and Beall:2000). Sementara kesetaraan gender muncul karena adanya kebijakan pemerintah. Yang pertama dari Program Pengembangan Persatuan National pada tahun 2011 dan yang kedua karena adanya peraturan mentri pendidikan nomor 84 tahun 2008 tentang tindakan kesetaraan gender.



A very deepest gratitude is primarily expressed to Allah SWT for all blessings and Mercy that have enabled the writer to finish writing this thesis. It is also impossible to be finished without guidance and the help of many people. Foremost, the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to her advisers Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., P.hD and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S, for the continuous support, patience, motivation, and suggestions so that the writer could finish this thesis.

Then, the writer would like to thank Prof. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd as the Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program and his secretary, Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S, and all the lecturers that have given me encouragement and a lot of experience and knowledge.

Also, the writer thanks to Dr. Siti Aisyah Ginting, M.Pd, Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Pd and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M. Hum as the examiners for the valuable suggestions that have shaped up this thesis.

The witer also want to give the greatest thanks to my parents Alm. Amrali Panjaitan, BA and Laila Azni Hatmar who are always as my hero in finishing her thesis. Thanks for the support and help for her best friend Winda Syafitri and Nisrina. And for all her classmates in B1 2012 who always support her to finish this thesis, especially for Chitra Latiffani, Irma Khoirot, Fandy Zulmi and Bambang Nur Alamsyah. Thanks a lot for all favor that you gave to the writer. The writer wishes that our friendship will be ever lasting. Best friend forever.


Last, the writer would like to express deep thankful to her partners in workplace, for Primagama English Johor, especially Sir Teguh and Miss. Putri and also in Namira Islamic School, especially for sir Asrizal, sir Fadly Hamonangan Siregar, and Miss. Mahyuni thank you for always behind the writer for supporting her.

At the end the writer would like express appreciation to her sisters Dewi Amalia, Eliza Syafitri, Rizky Rahayu, Laina Tushifah and Rika Hidayati who always encourage the writer to finish this thesis as soon as possible. And also all my sisters in lodging house Dini, Amoy, Aila, Dewi, Delima and Siti.

Thank you for all love and attention that have been given to the writer.

May Allah SWT always blessed. Amin ya robbal ‘alamin.

Medan, Februari 2015 The writer,






ABSTRAK ... ii





1.1The Background of the Study ... 1

1.2The Problems of the Study ... 7

1.3The Objective of the Study ... 7

1.4The Scope of Study... 8

1.5The Significance of the Study ... 8


2.1 The Nature of Gender ... 9

2.1.1 Sex ... 12

2.1.2 Gender ... 13

2.2 Gender Stereotype ... 19

2.2.1 From Gender of Rules to Gender Stereotype ... 23

2.2.2 Stereotypes of Women and Men ... 24

2.2.3 The Process and Implications of Stereotyping ... 25

2.3 The Power of Gender Equality based on UNDP ... 29

2.4 Linguistic Realization ... 32



2.5 English Textbook ... 37

2.5.1 The Role of Textbook in English as Foreign Language ... 39

2.5.2 Gender Representative in the Textbook ... 41

2.6 Relevant Studies ... 43

2.7 Conceptual Framework ... 46


3.1 The Research Design ... 49

3.2 The Data and the Source of Data ... 50

3.3 The Technique of Data Collection ... 51

3.4 The Analysis of Data ... 51

3.5 The Trustwortiness of the Study ... 52


4.1 Data Analysis ... 54

4.1.1 The Context of Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality Appearing in English Textbooks of 2008-2013 ... 54 The Personality Context of Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality Appear In English Textbook of 2008-2013 ... 56 The Family Context of Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality Appear In English Textbook of 2008-2013...57 The Workplace Context of Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality Appear In English Textbook of 2008-2013...58 The School Context of Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality Appear In English Textbook of 2008-2013...59



4.1.2 The Dominances of Linguistics Realization in Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality in English Textbooks 2008-2013.

... 63 The Material Process in Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality In English Textbook of 2008-2013...65 The Mental Process in Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality In English Textbook of 2008-2013...66 The Relational Process in Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality In English Textbook of 2008-2013 ... 67

4.1.3 The Reasons of the Appearance of Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality in English Textbooks of 2008-2013... 68 The Reason of The Appearance of Gender Stereotype... 68 The Reason of The Appearing of Gender Equality... 71

4.2 Findings ... 74

4.2.1 The Context of Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality Appearing in English Textbooks of 2008-2013 ... 74

4.2.2 The Dominances of Linguistics Realization in Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality In English Textbook of 2008-2013 ... 74

4.2.3 The Reasons of Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality Appear in English Textbooks 2008-2013... 75

4.3 Discussion ... 75




5.2 Suggestions ... 78 REFERENCES ... 80 Appendix ... 84


vii List of Tables

Table 4.1 The Contexts of Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality Appear In English Textbook of 2008-2013... 55 Table 4.2 The Percentage for Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality Appearing... 61 Table 4.3 The Percentage of the Contexts of Gender Stereotype and Gender Equality Appear In English Textbook of 2008-2013 ... 62 Table 4.4 Male-Female Classification... 64




4.1 The result of Students’ Translation of Maxim 32 4.2 The result of Students’ Translation of Saying 39 4.3 The result of Students’ Translation of Parable 43 4.4 The result of Students’ Translation of idiom 47 4.5 The result of Students’ Translation of Slogan 50 4.6 The Percentage of Translation Problems 53




1.1. The Background of the Study

Language and gender issues always exist around society. People are constantly coming into contact with these issues in the course of daily lives, so they are unavoidable. In social life, gender difference issue can cause miscommunication between male and female. Therefore, being familiar with language and gender concepts and understanding language and gender issues can help people acquire clearer and deeper understanding of gender differences in society.

In the study of language and gender, there are numerous studies that have described and raised many issues on the differences between males and females in their way of speaking. Tannen (1990:85) stated that male and female have different ways in communication, males tend to use language to gain the status, while females use the language to negotiate closeness and intimacy. Females use rapport talk to build and maintain relationships, while men use report talk to communicate factual information.

The aim of investigating language and gender is to find the varieties of speech associated with a particular gender, or social norms for such gendered language use. Tannen (1990:17) claimed that it is necessary to identify them in order to avoid needlessly blaming. She also stated that learning the others’ way of talking is a leap across the communication gap between men and women, and a



giant step towards genuine understanding, so learning gender differences is useful in understanding the other gender’s way of communicating, preventing miscommunication between gender and help to promote mutual respect by showing how people should appreciate and the style of communication of both gender in order to make the equality of gender.

Gender equality is not only a goal in its own right, but also an important means for realizing all the other Millennium Development Goals. Just past the half waymark to 2015, it is clear that it is needed to do more to empower women. United Nation Development Programme launched firstly The Gender Equality Strategy and women’s empowerment 2008-2011 in March. It is designed to complement and reinforce United Nation’s Development Programme's Strategic Plan 2008-2011, by defining in more detail how attention to gender equality and women's empowerment will strengten action in all the areas of work. The terms‘gender’and‘gender equality’ imply concern for both men and women, and the relationships between them. Nevertheless, specific attention to women’s needs and contributions is typically required in order to address the array of gender gaps, unequal policies and discrimination that historically have disadvantaged women and distorted development in all societies. (United Nation Development Programme : 2008)

Kobia (2009) explains that school textbook is important mass media and gender socialization agent, play a crucial role in determining the students world view of female and male gender in society. Supporting Kobia’s idea of importance of introducing the gender concern of the Indonesian Ministry of



Women and Children Development (Menteri Pemberdaya Wanita dan perlindungan Anak) states that women gender idea is not represented fairly in ensuring the equity of opportunities for both men and women to develop their potential. It may result in Gender Stereotype.

Gender Stereotype is often found in every part of social environment. It may appear at workplaces, families, schools, or at bigger environment and the effect is usually as defined as something negative. According to Sealler and Beall (2002:44), stereotype refers to the classyfying of event, object, and people ignoring somebody’s individual characteristics and qualities. Thus gender stereotyped means simplistic generalizations about the gender attributes, differences and roles of events, object, and people. For example, at workplace, gender stereotype appears when women are likely believed to do correspondence matters ignoring the chance that men can do jobs and women can do other things outside of correspondence matters. In families, a mother does not usually allow her son to do household chorus because she believes that those activities are suitable and appropriate for girls’ responsibilities. While boys are supposed to help his father to do something related to the mechanic activities. At school gender stereotype occurs when the teacher assigns different task to his/ her students based on their gender, not their individual potentials, such as givng more responsible to female students to clean the classroom rather than the boys.

In this case, the researcher wants to identify the linguistic use in textbook in case of gender equality and stereotype of gender. How the textbooks from 2008-2013 apply the use of language in gender because based on the regulation of



National Education Ministry number 84 2008 about the Gender Equality, those are : a. In order to make gender equality in human based on the President’s instruction number 9 : 2000, it is very important to make gender equality in education, b. The gender equality activity in education is part that can not be seperated in education activity that is done by all units in National Education Department, c. To push and make the effectivity, and optimize the gender equality activity in education; so that it is very important to make the role of National Education about the compass of the realization of gender equality in education. (National Education Ministry of Indonesia, 2008)

Recently, as the world changes, many aspects are changing in the society, such as gender roles. The concept of gender roles does not exist as it did in the past time. In reality both males and females begin to share many responsibilties together. Many women are no longer stay and work at home. They already have to outside for seeking jobs and their routinities or carriers. And they also have value to help the financial of a family. In the other hand, men are beginning to do the housework such as cleaning the house, cooking, or growing up the children. By seeing this fact, students are hoped to be more open-minded and therefore must be exposed to it. Therefore regarding the fact of gender concept which exist nowadays in the society. It is to lead them to make the fair in gender in order to make them ready to face the reality.

The researcher tries to find the applying of gender from linguistic realization of Lexicogrammar. The researcher has decided to classify the use of process that both male and female use in their sentences. The process are material process,



mental process, relational process, verbal process, behavioral process, and existential process.

Based on those background, it is of interest to study the use of linguistic realization based on lexicogrammar, the use of Gender stereotype and Equality Gender in the 2008-2013 in Junior High School Textbook.

The researcher takes the example from Student’s Book Flying Start for Junior High School Year VII semester 1 page 153 :

1. Tini lives in Bogor. She works in an office from Monday to Friday. She

Relational Material

answers the telephone and types letters. She begins work at nine everyday

verbal material material

and finishes at five. In the evening, she goes out with her friend.

Material material

2. Malik is a shop assistant. He helps his father in the shop and serves

Relational material material

customers. He begins work at one o’clock in the afternoon and finishes

material material

around six. He goes home to study. He doesn’t work on Sundays and material Material


Based on this example, the researcher finds that :

1. Both male and female used material process most in their sentences to explain something. Based on the meaning, material process indicates activities or events which happened in outside world of human.

2. Based on Gender stereotype according to Sealler and Beall (2002:44) women are likely believed to do correspondence matters. And in this case, the example shows the truth that woman does correspende. It shows through the word “types the letter” and also supports with the word “answers the telephone”. In this case, the textbook shows the woman in



passive activities. It means that, people are used to think that women usually do these kind of jobs and ignoring that men can do too. While for the man, he does the active activity. In this case, it shows that the man helps his father to service customers to be a shop assistent. Based on this analysis, it shows that the gender stereotype still appears in the textbook. 3. Based on United Nation Development Programme (UNDP), Gender

Equality Strategy is absolutely indivisible from the UNDP human development goal of real improvements in people’s live, and in the choices and opportunities open to them. By looking this theory and the example above this shows that they are not supporting yet. Because the textbook hasn’t given the gender equality.

The textbook that the researcher analyze are: Interactive English: Yudishtira: 2009, English: Bailmu: 2009, Student’s Book Flying Start: ESIS: 2011, When The Bright: curriculum 2013. These all books are used to analyse the gender stereotype and gender equality appear in these books. And also the researcher wants to try to analyse the used of (lexico) grammar.

Those books are selected based on several reasons. First, the books have been evaluated and suggested to be used in the teaching and learning English at Junior High School by the Board of National Standard of Education (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) and also based on KTSP the standart curriculum for in Indonesia. These textbooks have been publised and provided in the website of National Education of Indonesia where it can be freely downloaded and copied for the teaching and learning English at Junior High School. Legally, those books



have been approved by the Board of National Standard of Education as ELT school textbook based on the regulation of the National Ministry of Education of Indonesia number 34/2008. Thus, the textbooks are considered as the obligatory English textbooks used in many schools in Indonesia.

1.2. The Problems of Study

The problems of the study will be formulated as the following.

1. In what context does gender stereotype and gender equality appear in English textbooks of 2008-2013?

2. How are gender stereotype and gender equality dominantly realized by linguistic features?

3. Why do the gender stereotype and gender equality appear in English textbooks of 2008-2013?

1.3The Objectives of the study

Based on the problem of the study, the objectives of the research are

1. to identify in what context gender stereotype and gender equality appears in English textbooks of 2008-2013,

2. to analyze how the gender stereotype and gender equality are dominantly realized by linguistic features

3. to explain the reason why the gender stereotype appear in English Textbooks of 2008-2013?



1.4The Scope of study

The field of this study needs to be limited only to analyze the types of gender appear in the textbooks from 2008-2013 Junior High School. The writer chooses English textbooks because it has important role as a source of knowledge for the students of Junior High School in learning a language. Since there are a lot of English textbook published by many publishers, it should be noted that this study deals with Gender coding in textbooks from 2008-2013.

1.5The Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful theoretically and practically in some respects.

1. Theoretically, the findings will add up more horizons theories of gender in real situation mainly used in Indonesia, in addition, the findings can be references to further studies of gender.

2. Practically, the findings

(1) can be applied to material developments in English learning, (2) can be used to revise the textbooks, and

(3) can be input for writers to prepare learning materials for English Program.




5.1 Conclusions

Based on the research findings, conclusions are drawn as following.

(1) In English textbooks of 2008-2013, gender stereotype and gender equality appear in four contexts: personality, family, workplace and school. The workplace context dominantly appears both in gender stereotype and gender equality; furthermore, the use of gender stereotype appears more than the use of gender equality in English textbook 2008-2013.

(2) The use of relational process based on the linguistic realization dominantly appears in utterences or sentences used by male and female. Based on the data from the English textbooks 2008-2013, the relational process occured outside and inside human being and to indicated identification, attribution, and possession.

(3) There are reasons why the gender stereotype and gender equality appear in English textbooks of 2008-2013. Gender stereotype appears in English textbooks of 2008-2013 because people ignore somebody’s individual characteristics and qualities. The gender stereotype appears in these books because people still believe that something done actively or need power is usually done by male, while female usually does the passive activities. While the gender equality appears in English textbooks of 2008-2013 because firstly UNDP (United Nation Development Program) understands



gender equality to be an irreducible condition for inclusive, democratic, violence-free and sustainable development. As such, it is articulated in the updated UNDP Strategic Plan 2008-2011 as an ‘integrating dimension of UNDP’s work. In addition, the second is because there is regulation from national education minister number 84 year 2008 about the action of gender equality.

5.2 Suggestions

In line with the above conclusions, suggestions are offered as the following.

(1) To English book writers, they need to be aware of gender stereotype and gender equality because their decision in creating sentences with gender equality in the book will give better impact to both teachers and students using the book.

(2) a. The principals and English teachers are supposed to be more selective in choosing English textbook with gender equality used in the class.

b. Curriculum developers are also recommended to develop more appropriate curriculum by considering having the gender equality in English subject. Then, they are also supposed to be more aware of students’ understanding about gender equality and gender stereotype in order to make the students know that both male and female have the same right to do everything.



(3) Other researchers need to conduct further studies dealing with the gender stereotype and gender equality in different phenomena by considering the fact that gender stereotype still dominantly appear in realization, meanwhile the regulation of using the gender equality already exist. So, the gender equality should be more exist in English textbooks.





Ansary & Babaii, E. 2003. Subliminal Sexism in Current ESL/ EFL textbooks. The Asian EFL. Journal, 5:1

Barron, Bettina and Helga, Kotthoff. 2002. Gender in Interaction Perspectives on Feminity and Masculinity in Ethnography and Discourse. John Benjamins

Publishing Company : Amsterdam

Bokdan, R.C and Biklen, S.K. 2007. Qualitative for Education : An Introduction to Theories and Methods Fifth Edition. Boston : Pearson Education Brown, D.H. 2007. Teaching by Principles : an Interactive Approach to

Language Pedagogy. New York : Pearson Longman

Campbell, Patricia & Storo, Jennifer. Girls are ... Boys are : Myths, Stereotypes & Gender Differnces. U.S. Department of Eduation

Cowie, Claire. 2000. Interuption and Overlapping : How to interpret the two categories of Simultaneous Speech. International Journal

Cuddy, J.C. Amy. 2010. Men as Culture Ideals: How Culture Shapes Gender Stereotypes. Harvard Business School

Damayanti, L. I. 2008. Dependent Females, Independent Males: Gender

Construction in Visual Images in English Langauge Textbooks for Primary School Students Bandung : University Pendidikan Indonesia

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2008. Standar Kompetensi Siswa. Jakarta Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S. 1994. Handbook of Qualitative Research.

Thousand Oaks: Sage Publication

Holmes, Janet and Miriam Meyer Hoff. 2003. The handbook of Language and Gender. Blackwell Publishing : USA

Kobia, J. 2009. Feminity and Masculinity in English Primary School Textbook Krippendorff, K. 1980. Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology.

Beverly Hills: Sage Pulication

Laird, Thomas F. Nelson. 2007. Gender Gaps : Understanding Teaching Style Diffenerces between Men and Women. 1900 East Tenth Street Eigenmann Hall : Kansas City



McMillan, J.H. 1992. Educational Research: Fundamentals for the Consumers. New York: Harper Collins Publisher

Mustadagenic, A.2010. Gender in English Language and EFL Textbook. Halmstad : Hamstad University

Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional no. 84 . 2008. Pedoman Pelaksanaan pengarusutamaan Gender Bidang Pendidikan. Jakarta.

Pitcher, J & Whelehan, I. 2004. Fifth Key Concept in Gender Studies, London : Sage Publication.

Porecca, K.L. 1984. Sexism in Current ESL Textbooks. TESOL, 18 (4) : 705 – 724 Rahmawati, N.M. 2011. Gender Bias in An English Textbooks for Junior High

School Students. Unpublished Thesis. Malang : Universitas Negeri Malang United Nations Development Programme. 2008. Gender Equality Strategy 2008 –

2011. New York : USA

Anderson, D.A & Hamilton, M. 2005 Gender Roles Stereotyping of Parents in Children’s Picture books : The Invisible Fathers (online) (http :

// retrieved on Januari 20, 2014

Blumberg, L.R. 2007. Gender Bias in Textbooks : A Hidden Obstacle on the Road to Gender Equality in Education-UNESCO (online) (efareport @ retrieved on July 14, 2014

Elo, S & Kyngash. 2008. The Qualitative Content Analysis Process. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Retrieved on July 14, 2014

Gender Stereotypes: Masculinity and Femininity. 2002. Online ( retrieved on July 16, 2014

Kitao, K.S. & Kitao, K. 1997. Selecting and Developing Teaching / Learning Materials. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol.IV (online)

(, retrieved on February 01, 2014

Mouton, J. 1994. How do Teachers Use Textbooks and Other Printed Materials?

A Review of Literature. (Online) (



Otlowsky, M. 2003. Etnich Diversity and Gender Bias in EFL Textbooks. Asian EFL Journal. (online) ( retrived on July 14, 2014

Richard, J.C. 2011. The Role of Textbooks in Language Program. (online) ( retrieved on January 10, 2014

Rodriquez, L.F.G. 2010. English Textbooks for Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language : do They Really Help to Develop Communicate

Competence? (online)

( 1728/2330) retrieved in January, 24, 2014

Stereotypes in Englsih Textbooks and Teaching Materials in Hongkong. A literature review. Equal opportunity. Commission of Hongkong.

(online).(www.hurights.or.ip/pub/hreas/7/09/Hongkong.pdf), retrieved on July 14, 2014

Stockdale, A.D. 2006. Gender Representation in EFL Textbook. Birmingham : school of Humanity of University of Birmingham, UK (online)

(http://www.birmingham acc uk/

Documents/college.artslaw/ccl5/essays/Sociolinguistics/DAStockdale-Sociolinguistics.pdf) retrieved in January 4, 2014



gender equality to be an irreducible condition for inclusive, democratic, violence-free and sustainable development. As such, it is articulated in the updated UNDP Strategic Plan 2008-2011 as an ‘integrating dimension of UNDP’s work. In addition, the second is because there is regulation from national education minister number 84 year 2008 about the action of gender equality.

5.2 Suggestions

In line with the above conclusions, suggestions are offered as the following.

(1) To English book writers, they need to be aware of gender stereotype and gender equality because their decision in creating sentences with gender equality in the book will give better impact to both teachers and students using the book.

(2) a. The principals and English teachers are supposed to be more selective in choosing English textbook with gender equality used in the class.

b. Curriculum developers are also recommended to develop more appropriate curriculum by considering having the gender equality in English subject. Then, they are also supposed to be more aware of students’ understanding about gender equality and gender stereotype in order to make the students know that both male and female have the same right to do everything.


(3) Other researchers need to conduct further studies dealing with the gender stereotype and gender equality in different phenomena by considering the fact that gender stereotype still dominantly appear in realization, meanwhile the regulation of using the gender equality already exist. So, the gender equality should be more exist in English textbooks.




Barron, Bettina and Helga, Kotthoff. 2002. Gender in Interaction Perspectives on Feminity and Masculinity in Ethnography and Discourse. John Benjamins

Publishing Company : Amsterdam

Bokdan, R.C and Biklen, S.K. 2007. Qualitative for Education : An Introduction to Theories and Methods Fifth Edition. Boston : Pearson Education Brown, D.H. 2007. Teaching by Principles : an Interactive Approach to

Language Pedagogy. New York : Pearson Longman

Campbell, Patricia & Storo, Jennifer. Girls are ... Boys are : Myths, Stereotypes & Gender Differnces. U.S. Department of Eduation

Cowie, Claire. 2000. Interuption and Overlapping : How to interpret the two categories of Simultaneous Speech. International Journal

Cuddy, J.C. Amy. 2010. Men as Culture Ideals: How Culture Shapes Gender Stereotypes. Harvard Business School

Damayanti, L. I. 2008. Dependent Females, Independent Males: Gender

Construction in Visual Images in English Langauge Textbooks for Primary School Students Bandung : University Pendidikan Indonesia

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2008. Standar Kompetensi Siswa. Jakarta Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S. 1994. Handbook of Qualitative Research.

Thousand Oaks: Sage Publication

Holmes, Janet and Miriam Meyer Hoff. 2003. The handbook of Language and Gender. Blackwell Publishing : USA

Kobia, J. 2009. Feminity and Masculinity in English Primary School Textbook Krippendorff, K. 1980. Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology.

Beverly Hills: Sage Pulication

Laird, Thomas F. Nelson. 2007. Gender Gaps : Understanding Teaching Style Diffenerces between Men and Women. 1900 East Tenth Street Eigenmann Hall : Kansas City



McMillan, J.H. 1992. Educational Research: Fundamentals for the Consumers. New York: Harper Collins Publisher

Mustadagenic, A.2010. Gender in English Language and EFL Textbook. Halmstad : Hamstad University

Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional no. 84 . 2008. Pedoman Pelaksanaan pengarusutamaan Gender Bidang Pendidikan. Jakarta.

Pitcher, J & Whelehan, I. 2004. Fifth Key Concept in Gender Studies, London : Sage Publication.

Porecca, K.L. 1984. Sexism in Current ESL Textbooks. TESOL, 18 (4) : 705 – 724 Rahmawati, N.M. 2011. Gender Bias in An English Textbooks for Junior High

School Students. Unpublished Thesis. Malang : Universitas Negeri Malang United Nations Development Programme. 2008. Gender Equality Strategy 2008 –

2011. New York : USA

Anderson, D.A & Hamilton, M. 2005 Gender Roles Stereotyping of Parents in Children’s Picture books : The Invisible Fathers (online) (http :

// retrieved on Januari 20, 2014

Blumberg, L.R. 2007. Gender Bias in Textbooks : A Hidden Obstacle on the Road to Gender Equality in Education-UNESCO (online) (efareport @ retrieved on July 14, 2014

Elo, S & Kyngash. 2008. The Qualitative Content Analysis Process. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Retrieved on July 14, 2014

Gender Stereotypes: Masculinity and Femininity. 2002. Online ( retrieved on July 16, 2014

Kitao, K.S. & Kitao, K. 1997. Selecting and Developing Teaching / Learning Materials. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol.IV (online)

(, retrieved on February 01, 2014

Mouton, J. 1994. How do Teachers Use Textbooks and Other Printed Materials? A Review of Literature. (Online) (


Otlowsky, M. 2003. Etnich Diversity and Gender Bias in EFL Textbooks. Asian EFL Journal. (online) ( retrived on July 14, 2014

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