Representasi Kaum Difabel di Majalah National Geographic Indonesia dan Voice+.


Iman Purnama, 20110080071, 2013. Skripsi ini berjudul, Representasi Kaum
Difabel di Majalah National Geographic Indonesia dan Voice+: Studi Kualitatif
Analisis Wacana Kritis Norman Fairclough tentang Representasi Kaum Difabel di
Majalah National Geographic Indonesia dan Voice+ Jakarta Edisi Februari 2013.
Pembimbing utama, Drs. Sahat Sahala Tua Saragih, M.I.Kom, dan Pembimbing
Pendamping Dr. Hj. Nuryah Asri Sjafirah, S.Sos., M.Si. Jurusan Ilmu Jurnalistik,
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Padjadjaran Jatinangor.







direpresentasikan dalam dimensi teks, praktik wacana, dan praktik sosiokultural
dalam majalah National Geographic Indonesia (NGI) dan Voice+.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dalam dimensi teks, kaum difabel
direpresentasikan NGI sebagai kaum yang kreatif dan mandiri dalam beraktivitas
keseharian, sementara Voice+ merepresentasikan mereka sebagai kaum yang
memiliki prestasi di bidang perubahan sosial. Pada dimensi praktik wacana, NGI
memunculkan wacana hak asasi manusia penyandang difabel, sementara Voice+
mewacanakan keunggulan penyandang difabel. Pada dimensi sosiokultural,
adanya kesadaran masyarakat inklusif dalam negara demokratis menjadi faktor
sosial yang memengaruhi NGI dan Voice+. Namun, minimnya pemahaman
mendalam membuat Voice+ terjebak stereotip heroisme ketika melihat kaum
Simpulan penelitian ini, kaum difabel direpresentasikan sebagai manusia
kreatif, mandiri dan sama dengan orang non-difabel dalam teks NGI, sementara
Voice+ merepresentasikan mereka sebagai manusia berprestasi. Di lain pihak,
NGI dan Voice+ juga melihat kaum difabel tidak mendapat perhatian serius dari
Saran peneliti adalah agar wartawan NGI dan Voice+ dapat menulis berita

dengan lebih akurat, berimbang, komprehensif, dan sadar akan pandangan
“normal atau tidak normal” dalam melihat penyandang difabel.


Iman Purnama, 20110080071, 2013. This research entitled, The Representation of
Disabled People in National Geographic Indonesia and Voice+ Magazine.
Qualitative research using Critical Discourse Analysis from Norman Fairclough
on National Geographic Indonesia and Voice+ Magazine, February 2013 Edition.
Main supervisor Drs. Sahat Sahala Tua Saragih, M.I.Kom, and vice supervisor
Dr. Hj. Nuryah Asri Sjafirah, S.Sos., M.Si. Journalism Studies, Faculty of
Communication Science, Padjadjaran University.
This research aimed to find out how disabled people represented on text
level, discourse practice level, and socialcultural practice level on National
Geographic Indonesia (NGI) and Voice+ magazine.
On NGI text level, this research showed disabled people represented as a
creative and independent people in their daily life activities, while Voice+
represented them as a human who had achievements. On discourse practice level,
NGI raised disabled people's human rights discourse, while Voice+ brought the

superiority of disabled people. On socialcultural practice level, the public
awareness of inclusive society in a democratic nation were the social factors that
influence NGI and Voice+.
The conclusion of this research was, disabled people represented as a
creative, independent human beings and equal with non-disabled people on NGI
text, while they were represented as a human who had achievements on Voice+
text. On other hand, NGI and Voice+ also see disabled people didn't get serious
attention from the government.
In this research, researcher suggested that each journalists could write a
story balanced and comprehensive, yet very aware of “normal or abnormal”
pointview to consider the disabled people.

Keywords: disabled people, representation, NGI, Voice+, qualitative research
