“Karanganyar’s Tourist Attractions Photo Contest”: An Effort to Introduce Tourist Destinations in Karanganyar.

The writer made a report entitled “Karanganyar’s Tourist Attractions Photo Contest:
An Effort to Introduce Tourist Destinations in Karanganyar”. This report was made to fulfill
the requirement in obtaining Degree of English Diploma Program.
The writer has successfully finished a job training in Tourism and Culture
Department of Karanganyar. From the job training, the writer got many informations and data
regarding photo contest which was held by the institution. In addition, the writer also got a lot
of experiences during the job training.
In this report, the writer explains about the process of photo contest held by Tourism
and Culture Department of Karanganyar, the participants’ perception towards photo contest,
and the effectiveness of the event as an effort to promote the tourism in Karanganyar.
The writer realizes that this final project report is far from being perfect, but the
writer hopes it will be useful for the readers.

Surakarta, June 30th 2015

Dyah Ayu Kusumaningrum