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Submitted as a Partial Requirement in Obtaining Degree in the English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Arts

Sebelas Maret University


Ana Zasyaroh





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Life is struggle; the one who enjoys this struggle is the real winner.

( Anupama kamble )


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I present my final project to: Allah SWT

My beloved parent and sister

My beloved friends ‘Arum, Kumala, and Hanita’. All of people who support my study


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The writer would like to say thanks to all persons who have supported the writer in finishing this final project entitled “The Strategies to Improve the Promotion of Sragen Tourist Attractions”.

The writer is interested in discussing the strategy of Sragen Tourism Office and its problems in improving the tourist attractions because it is a department which gives a big contribution to the government. There are many duties which have to be done make this department work hard.

Through this final project, the writer wants to describe the strategies of Sragen Tourism Office and its problems that are faced. The writer also offers some solutions to the problems. It needs some techniques to make the department work as effectively as possible. The right solutions will make the department be able to maximize its work.

Finally, the writer hopes this report will be beneficial for everyone.


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Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, first I would like to say thank you to Allah SWT for blessing and guiding me from the start. Thanks for giving me confidence, strength and inspiration to finish this final project report, you are the only truth and truly God.

Moreover, it is hard for me to finish this final project report without some hands from either the individuals or institution. Therefore, I want to say my highest appreciation to:

1. Drs. Riyadi,Santosa, M.Ed, PhD, as the dean of Faculty of Letters and fine arts, Sebelas Maret University for approving this report.

2. Yusuf Kurniawan, SS, MA, the head of English Diploma Program, for the highest dedication for the English Diploma Students.

3. Rara Sugiarti, SS., M. Tourism, my final project report supervisor, thanks for the time and guidance during the writing process of this final project.

4. Drs. Sri Marmanto, SS., M.hum, my academic supervisor, thanks for the guidance and motivation.

5. The family of Sragen Tourism Office. Thanks for the time and give me some information.


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6. My beloved parents, thanks for everything given to me, I am proud to be your daughter.

7. My close friends, all classmates, all of people who support my study, thanks. I think I owe you all a big debt of honor.


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Ana Zasyaroh. 2011. The Strategies to Improve The Promotion of Sragen Tourist Attractions, English Diploma program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This report is based on the job training which was conducted at Sragen Tourism Office within a month in February 2011. Sragen Tourism Office is located on Jl. Raya Sukowati 15B-C Sragen. It is a technical government institution which facilitates and manages all of tourism activities.

The report discusses the problems faced by Sragen Tourism Office and also the strategies to improve Sragen ttourist aattractions. There are two kinds of problem that are faced by Sragen Tourism Office coming from outside and inside the department and also several solutions to solve the problems. This final project report also describes the strategies to improve the tourist attractions such as promotion media, holding “Putra Putri Sukowati” contest, morning tea, and improving the quality of the human resources.

The results indicate that there are many problems faced by Sragen Tourism Office consisting of internal and external problems such as financial problems, limited equipments, and limited information for the foreign visitors, and small number of visit of foreign visitors. The ways to solve the problems include cooperating with other institutions, repairing the old equipments, providing more equipments, recruiting new staff, as well as re-educating and trainning staff.


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TITLE ... i



MOTTO ... iv


PREFACE ... vi





B. Objectives ... 3

C. Benefits ... 3


B. Tourism ... 7

C. Sragen Tourism Office ... 11

CHAPTER III: DISCUSSION A. Sragen Tourism potential ... 13


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B. The activities during the job training ... 17 C. The problems of Sragen Tourism Office for Improving

Tourist Attraction ... 17 1. Internal problems ... 18 2. External problems ... 19 D. Strategies of Sragen Tourism Office to Improve

Tourist Attractions ... 21 CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION

A. Conclusion ... 24 B. Suggestion ... 25 BIBLIOGRAPHY



Ana Zasyaroh1

Dra. Rara sugiarti SS., M.Tourism2


2011. English Diploma program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This report is based on the job training which was conducted at Sragen Tourism Office within a month in February 2011. Sragen Tourism Office is located on Jl. Raya Sukowati 15B-C Sragen. It is a technical government institution which facilitates and manages all of tourism activities.

The report discusses the problems faced by Sragen Tourism Office and also the strategies to improve Sragen tourist attractions. There are two kinds of problem that are faced by Sragen Tourism Office coming from outside and inside the department and also several solutions to solve the problems. This final project report also describes the strategies to improve the tourist attractions such as

promotion media, holding “Putra Putri Sukowati” contest, morning

tea, and improving the quality of the human resources.

The results indicate that there are many problems faced by Sragen Tourism Office consisting of internal and external problems such as financial problems, limited equipments, and limited information for the foreign visitors, and small number of visit of foreign visitors. The ways to solve the problems include cooperating with other institutions, repairing the old equipments, providing more equipments, recruiting new staff, as well as re-educating and trainning staff.


Mahasiswa Jurusan D III Bahasa Inggris dengan NIM C9308008



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A. Background

Tourism is one of the main priorities for a country income. It also has become economic commodity for the main priority of the government. Tourism also offers many attractive places that can be enjoyed by society. One interesting aspect of the tourism sector is tourism attractive. Several kinds of tourism attractions are natural tourism attractions, cultural tourism attractions also cultural performances.

Indonesia has various kinds of tourism attractions. Almost every region has the potential in the tourism field. It is related with our natural resources. Almost every year a lot of tourists come to Indonesia because they are interested in Indonesian especially from the hospitality of the people. Tourists do not only give income to the country, but also to all aspects tourism, related to tourism. Some of those aspects are: tour guide, antique dealer, hotel, (becak) driver, the seller of traditional food and some accessories.

Sragen has many interesting places that can be enjoyed by society. One of the tourism attractions offered by Sragen city is Sangiran international museum, this area stores many interesting mysteries to reveal, information saved behind the Sangiran hills which are important for scientists for all over the world. This is because there are many past live remnants found there. The tourists can also visit in Kartika swimming pool, this water tourists destination does not only offer


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swimming as the main activity but also other interesting activities. Beside Sragen, also offers health tourism like Bayanan hot spring. It is one of the special interest tourist destinations that belong to Sragen Regency. Sragen also offers religious tourism like Kemukus Mountain (Gunung Kemukus). It is one of the famous sites in Sragen Regency. Many people believe that by doing a devotional visit to this place will bring a good fortune.

The government of Sragen always wants to provide good services for all tourists. Supporting facilities are always developed and improved for the sake of the tourists fell comfort. A lot of Sragen’s potency is ready to welcome the guests from tourism potency to trading potency, from natural to artificial ones.

In addition, Sragen is a relatively small town. There are only four tourists who know about Sragen. It is therefore a difficult task for Sragen Tourism Office to invite many tourists to go to Sragen.

Based on the phenomena, the writer decided to give a title for this final project “The Strategies to Improve the Promotion of Sragen Tourist Attractions”.

However, the writer only explains the promotion effort in marketing strategies that are done by Disparbudpor Sragen. Disparbudpor Sragen is not commercial company but it is an institution that has the duty for promoting the tourist attractions.


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B. Problem statement

Based on the description, the problem statements are as follows:

1. What are the strategies of Sragen Tourism Office in terms of promotion? 2. What are the problems that are faced by Sragen Tourism Office in improving

the promotion of tourist attractions? C. Objectives

1. To describe the strategies of Sragen Tourism Office in improving the promotion of touristt attractions

2. To present the problems that are faced by Sragen Tourism Office in improving the promotion of the tourist attractions and its solutions.

D. Benefits

1. To the students of English diploma program

The writer hopes that this report will give benefit especially to English Diploma program students; by reading this project the students can get more information and description about tourists attractive in Sragen.

2. To Sragen Tourism Office

It can be used as a reference for Sragen Tourism Office to improve the quality of tourist attractions in Sragen.

3. To public.

The research is expected to give some information about tourist attractions in Sragen.


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This chapter explains the definition of the research “Marketing Strategies to Improve Sragen Tourist Attractions”. This chapter will be divided into 3 chapters namely tourism, promotions and Sragen Tourism Office

A. Tourism 1. The Definition of Tourism

The definition of tourism is very large; every person can be defined it in a few words or even sentence. According to Norma Polovitz Nickerson, tourism is the action and activities of people taking trips to a place or places outside their home community for any purposes, except daily commuting to and from work (Polovitz Nickerson, 1996:9)

Meanwhile, Richard sharply states that tourism is the temporary short movement of people to destinations outside the places where they normally live and work, and their activities during their stay at this destination; it includes movement for all purposes as well as day visits or excursions ( sharply, 1993:2).

Tourism contains many aspects. Several things that support tourism to become successful are:


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There are three kinds of attraction namely natural, cultural, and man made attractions.

B. Transportation

It is the main factor that pushes tourism development. Every tourism object needs it to give services to tourists in surrounding places and enjoying attractions well.

C. Accommodation

Accommodation covers facilities such as hotels and restaurants that are provided to tourists during they are in tourism resort.

D. Interpretation

Interpretation is the process of explaining to people the significance of the place or object they have come to see so that they enjoy their visit more, understand their heritage and environment better and develop a more caring attitude towards conversation. (Society for interpretation of Britain’s Heritage, 1993)


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2. Tourism products

According to Medlik and Middleton in Oka A. Yoeti (1983), the tourism products are divided into attractions, facilities, and accesibility.

A. Attractions

The attraction is the most powerful component in tourism industry. Attraction of a destination provides two commercial functions: to attract people in making decision of a tourist destination and to satisfy the tourists as a compensation for their journey (Gunn, 1997).

According to Marrioti in Oka A. Yoeti (1983), tourism attractions are divided into:

1. Natural attraction, such as, climate, landscape, beaches, plains, waterfall, volcanoes, flora and fauna, natural spring of mineral water, hot spring. 2. Unnatural or man-made attraction, such as, building (historic monument,

temple, museum) folklore, and festival.

3. The way of life, such as, touchable and untouchable attractions. Touchable attractions include building (palace, temple, etc) and untouchable attractions include dance, ceremony, etc. This attraction is one of the most important resources offered to tourists.


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B. Amenity

Amenity is defined as the entire material object within tourism destination purposed to accelerate tourists during their journey. (Witt and Moutinho, 1995:325)

Amenity consisting of twelve facilities, there are: 1. Accomodation

2. Food and Beverage

3. Tourist Information Center 4. Guidance

5. Tour and Travel Agent 6. Transportation

7. Souvenir

8. Shopping Center 9. Communication 10. Bank

11. Health 12. Insurance

C. Accesibility

Accesibility is something which is needed to reach the tourism attractions or something that fascilitates the tourists to get to a destination


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easily. Accesibility has two characters, there are physical (road, bridge, winker) and non-physical (money).

Access deals with the transportation infrastructures, such as, airport, harbour, motorways, and rail. It also deals with the transportation technology purposed to reduce the inefficient of time and cost to reach the tourism destination. (Witt and Moutinho, 1995)

B. Promotion

1. The Definition of Promotion

In introducing the tourist attractions and inviting the tourists to come and enjoy the place, it requires some efforts that are usually called tourism promotion. Promotion is one of the marketing mix components.

Promotion is communicating with public in an attempt to influence them to buy our products or services. Promotion includes all of the ways that are available to make a product or service known to and purchased by customers and clients. The word promotion is also used specifically to refer to a particular activity that is intended to promote the business, product or service.

(in, accessed on March 19th, 2011 at 07.15 pm)

According to Yoeti, promotion is an activity which consists of materials distribution, such as, films, slides, advertisements, brochures, leaflets, folders, or television, radio, magazines, theatre, direct mailing, etc (Yoeti, 1983:82).


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Furthermore, promotion is an effort that is done by someone or institution to introduce something.

So, it can be concluded that promotion is the activity which is done by people, organizations or institutions in informing the public so that they know about our products and in persuading the public to buy our products. Promotion is a pushing factor in influencing the public to consume our products.

2. The Tools of Promotion

There are many ways that are done by tourism institutions in promoting the tourist attractions, one of them is using printed or electronic media. These media can determine the success of promotion efforts.

1. Printed Media

It is a way of promotion by using brochures, booklets, leaflets, magazines, newspapers, and so on.

2. Electronic Media

It is a way of promotion by using internet, radio, television, and so on.

C. Tourism Strategies

Tourism strategies are the efforts in improving the tourist attractions in order that it is loved by the tourists. It includes advertising through printed and electronic media (radios, televisions, magazines, posters, newspapers, brochures, and so on); encouraging internal tourism; preserving the existing attractions and creating new


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ones; improving the accommodation and health services in order to attract the tourists; training the tour guides and hotel workers for easy communication and good service; improving the transportation by purchasing modern tour vehicles and modernist roads to the tourist attractions; organizing tour package and improving the security in order to promote peace hence tourist attractions. (

It can be concluded that strategies of tourism are important for the development of tourism in order that the tourist attractions will be known by the people in national as well as international market.

D. Sragen Tourism Office

Sragen Tourism Office is located on Jl.Raya Sukowati 15B-C Sragen. Disparbudpor Sragen set out in perda NO 14 of 2008 as a regional technical institution; Disparbudpor Sragen has main duty for helping the Regent in facilitating and managing the tourism sectors.

In performing the duties Sragen Tourism Office has the function, vision, mission, and targets.



The vision means that Sragen Regency in tourism development emphasis on community empowerment with an emphasis on community participation and


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increased investment in innovation on premium products to the welfare of society to society.

B. Missions


The Mission is something that should be implemented for purposes of the organization can be implemented and managed properly in accordance with a predetermined VISION.

Targets of Sragen Tourism Office:

1. Making the Enterpreneur Governance Innovation with good public service.


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Organizational Structure in Sragen Tourism Office is as follows:

The duties of division in Sragen Tourism Office as follows:


The head of Disparbudpor Sragen has the duty to lead, coordinate, supervise and control the execution of some tasks of the Regional Government in the field of tourism, cultural, youth and sport.

Tourism Divisions

Infrastructure development


Tourist attractions


Marketing section


Promotion section


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Tourism Division

Tourism Division has the task of carrying out the development of tourism infrastructure, management and arrangement of tourist attractions. Besides that, it also has a task in arranging the matter of tourism marketing that aimed to improve and strengthen the regional tourism image.

Infrastructure Development Section

Infrastructure Development Section has the task to collect, prepare and arrange the matter of tourist service’s bussiness development, arrangement, and control. Besides that, it also collects, prepares, and arranges the matter of tourist attractions, tourist facilities and infrastructure maintenance.

In this section, there is the head of Promotion Section who is responsible in implementing business management development, business plan, and maintenance of tourism infrastructure; implementing the activities in the field of business travel services, tourist facilities, and tourist accommodation; monitoring, supervising, controlling and reporting the activities in tourism services, tourism facilities, and tourist accommodation.

Tourist Attractions Section

Tourist Attractions Section has the tasks to implement the arrangement affair of tourist attractions, recreational park, and public entertainment development plans and to arrange the reports of tourist attraction, tourist area, recreation, and public entertainment control.


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Marketing Section

Marketing Section has the tasks to collect, prepare, and arrange the matter of tourism marketing activity’s development and control that aims to enhance and solidify the image of tourism. Furthermore, it supports promotional activities and tourist information, prepares promotional plans, implements tourism exhibitions; monitors, controls and reports the activities of tourism and promotion.

There are tourist attractions and traditional events that are provided by Sragen: 1. Sangiran Museum 7. Larab Langse

2. Mount Kemukus 8. Cembeng Fair

3. Warm Bathing Bayanan 9. Kirab Budaya

4. Kartika Swimming Pool 10. Larung Agung Gethek Joko Tingkir 5. nDayu Park


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A. Sragen Tourism Potentials

Sragen Regency is small Regency in Central Java, Indonesia that has various tourism potentials. However, it becomes the most outstanding one because of the gained achievements. Sragen is the pioneer in excellent public service. The government of other regions in Indonesia and foreign countries visit Sragen to know and to learn more about its achievements.

Many kinds of interesting and various tourist destinations are ready to welcome all the visitors. They are varied from natural attractions to artificial ones, here are some examples:

1. Sangiran Dome

Sangiran is an inner village, sited in the foot of Lawu Mountain, about 17 km to the north of Solo and is administratively included in Sragen Regency area and Karanganyar Regency.

This area stores many interesting mysteries to reveal. Information saved behind the quiet of Sangiran hills is really important for scientific world. It is because there are many past live remnants found there. They are really interesting to be studied and concerned. The life of 2 millions years ago can be read in entire corners of the village. The more wonderful is that we can get complete information from history of


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ancient people with all around them, such as the habitat, living patterns, animals lived there, and universe creation process in millions years ago.

The interesting place is, based on DR.Harry Widianto’s research, that ancient people found in Sangiran site of about more than 100 individuals were in evolution period of not less than 1 million years. This number represents 65% of the whole fossils of ancient people that found all over the world (Widianto, ET al.1996). It is a special thing that Indonesia has. In addition, stone devices that ever used ancient people are in great quantities, that we can clearly know or uncover the ancient people’s live with their cultures developed in that time.

Sangiran was previously a hill known as “SANGIRAN DOME “. Then there was erosion by the raven on the top of it that makes a depression. On the depression, the natural layers from millions years ago were uncovered. The soil layers give very complete information about the past live by uncovering of the fossils contained, from ancient people fossils and their devices, ancient flora and fauna at that time.

2. Mount kemukus

It is one of the famous sites in Sragen Regency. Many people believe that doing a devotional visit to this place will bring a good fortune. Sragen is truly rich regency. It does not only have many resources but also richness in social and cultural heritage.

3. Bayanan Hot Spa

This hot spa spouts from the inside of the earth. It is two meters above the riverside and located in village called “BAYANAN “.


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Bayanan hot spa is considered to have many advantages in curing many kinds’ of diseases, such as rheumatism, itch, and, so on, many visitors coming to this place have proven that the hot spa in Bayanan is really curable. Besides curing several diseases mentioned above, this hot spa can also decrease cholesterol level in blood, revitalize our body and muscle, relieve the tiredness, and keep us young.

Its natural rural scenery makes this spa really attractive for many people, especially for those who come from the big city. They can do many interesting natural-involved activities, such as tracking through the hill that surrounds the spa and camping in a large rubber forest nearby.

4. Kartika Swimming Pool

Kartika swimming pool is located about 500 meters from Sragen’s town square. This tourist destination is always visited by many people of all ages. In addition to its strategic location, the allure of the place as well as its convenient and shady circumstance is the main factors that never make this place slack.

This water based tourist attraction does not only offer swimming as the main activity but also other interesting activities. Besides swimming center, it also functions as a family park and play ground. Therefore, it is not surprising if there are a lot of parents who take their children to this place. While they are waiting for their children, they can relax and chat away with other parents at gazebo or at shady park nearby. They can also enjoy many kinds of foods offered by the cafes surrounding the pool.


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Kartika Swimming pool is one of the outstanding tourist attractions in Sragen. Therefore, Sragen government always maintains it and provides various facilities for increasing the number of visitors and giving an excellent service for them. Some effort have been done and will be done by the government to improve Kartika Swimming pool, I.e. extending the pool area, developing and improving the play ground and its facilities, organizing the cafes, and building new pool.

Sragen is very rich of cultural and traditional Javanese heritages which still strongly live in society. These heritages can be unique and interesting tourist attractions. Some of them are Larab Langse Ritual, Shadow Puppet Performance, Bedoyo Sukowati, Ritual Tourism, and Kirab Budaya (cultural procession).

a. Larab Langse Ritual. It is the ritual of washing the net clothe of prince Samudro’s grave. People believe that by following this ritual, their wishes will be granted by God. It is held on 1 Suro.

b. Shadow Puppet Performance. This performance is the combination of Javanese traditional music (gamelan), traditional songs, and puppet show (wayang). c. Bedoyo Sukowati Dance. This dance is which is created by the Surakarta


d. Ritual Tourism. There are many rituals in Sragen Regency such as: Joko Tingkir Grave.

e. Kirab Budaya (Cultural Procession). This procession is an annual procession in every 27 may (Sragen Regency Anniversary).


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B. The Activities during the Job Training

In doing the job training, the writer had done some activities that were directly related with the head of the marketing division in Sragen Tourism Office. The writer made a good relationship with the head of marketing division.

The activities done by the writer during the job training just helped the head of marketing division. The writer felt very happy because Miss Bonita (the head of marketing division) was very kindness and always helped me (the writer) if we make some mistakes.

There were some activities done by the writer during the job training, such as Making an accountancy book, collecting the data, and going to tourist attractions with the head of marketing division to maintain the post sign of tourist attractions.

C. The Problems of Sragen Tourism Office for Improving the Promotion of Tourist Attractions

1. Internal Problems

1. Financial problem

Fund is very important for Sragen Tourism Office to support their activities. In all Marketing program Disparbudpor requires extra expenses to finance. Definitely, The local government always considers the tourism field by giving adequate fund through Disparbudpor. However, the fund is very important to support their activities because there are many programs and they need more fund. Obviously,


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the marketing promotion always need more fund but they always find the difficulties because of the rule of the government. Some events are canceled due to the situation.

2. Limited equipment

The institution needs sophisticated equipment, for example computer. In fact, nowadays the equipment has not fulfilled the expectation. Some of the electronic tools are damage it faces some damages and some of the tools are not good.

3. Limited information for the foreign tourists

The visitors do not only come from the local region, but also foreign countries. It is sure that the staffs in the tourist attraction and in Disparbudpor have to be fluent in foreign language especially English. In fact, there are several employees who are not fluent in foreign language. As we know information staff is the main communicator for the visitors in each of the tourist attraction. Hospitality and good communication is needed in giving good service. On the other hand, there are still some weaknesses in the operation staff to have communication with the foreign tourists. The effect is that the purpose of tourism is not successfully given to the visitors. Tourists will feel unsatisfied with the service given by Disparbudpor.


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2. External problem

Small number of visit of foreign tourist.

Although Sragen surrounded by several cities, it can not be denied that only a few number of foreign tourists who know about the existence of the city. In addition, there are only a few Sragen tourism attractions, which are known by the other countries. This is a big problem to Sragen tourism Office because it can influence the regional income.

D. The Solution of the internal and external problems 1. The solution of financial problem

Cooperating with other institution, Disparbudpor should enhance its cooperation with other institution i.e. the same typical institution. From the new cooperation it is expected to Disaparbudpor to get sufficient fund from the cooperation.

2. The solution of limited equipment a. Repairing the old equipment

The tools are not always in a new shape but the most important thing is they can still be used. The tools which have little damage can be repaired. Automatically, after it had been repaired, the marketing process can go on smoothly.


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b. Providing more equipment

The other way to solve the problem is adding the new one. It will be better if the tools are more sophisticated and they are numerous quantities. It can use the institutions budget and should directly manage by tourism instrument section.

3. The solution of limited information for the foreign tourist

The way in solving the problems are making the staff English skill to be better. Disparbudpor Sragen should care of and responsible for the quality of their staff, especially their skill. The company can make several efforts:

a. To recruit of new staff

The new staff has to master some foreign language, especially English. It is because foreign language is not only necessary when the staffs face foreign visitors, but also when they are in programs that involve foreign countries.

b. To re- educate and train staff

It can be done by bringing up English teacher to teach the staff in spare time i.e. Friday or Saturday. The other action is by making an English conversation day to maintain their skill in communication.


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4. The solution of limited knowledge of foreign visitors about Sragen existence The important thing to solve this problem is how to make the outsiders know the existence of Sragen Tourism Attractions. On the other hand, this town has many interesting places which are suitable to be visited. The solution is by adding media both printed and electronic. All media are distributed into tourism exhibition both national and international, tourism seminar, travel agencies, hotels, embassy office in Indonesia, etc.

E. The Strategies of Sragen Tourism Office for Improving the Promotion of Tourism Attractions

1.Using promotion media

Promotion is very important to introduce tourist attractions in Sragen. There are some promotions done by Sragen Tourism Office: electronic media such as television (TA TV), internet (http// and radio ( Buana asri) also employ printed media i.e. brochure, leaflet, magazine (Genta), newspaper, There are of media which are made by Disparbudpor containing the information of tourism attractions and cultural activities in Sragen.

2. Holding” Putra and Putri Sukowati” contest

The aim of the contest is to select two persons, a man and a woman who are suitable to be regional envoy as a tourism symbol. They have to fulfill the


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requirements such as having good personality, good looking, a wide perspective, and good foreign language. This event is held every year to introduce Sragen tourism.

3. Doing Morning Tea

Morning Tea is the activities that done by all of the Tourism Offices in Solo. It is done to discus about the problems and how to improve tourism in Solo, by drink is tea in every Saturday morning in Sahid Jaya Hotel.

4. Improving the quality of the human resource a. Staff of Sragen Tourism Office

The improvement of Sragen Tourism Officer’s quality is intended to improve the service quality and eventually it will affect the quality of Sragen Tourism. The speaking capability of foreign languages is one of the requirements to improve the quality of service to tourists. Therefore, the recruitment of quality officers was conducted focused on the mastery of certain foreign language such as French, Japanese, Chinese, and Spain.

Moreover, Sragen Tourism Office sometimes conducts training in order to improve the skills and knowledge of the officers. The training is focused on the skills improvement in providing the service to tourist and the skills improvement of mastery of information technology used to support the adequate information provide for the tourists.


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b. Local society

Regarding low awareness of local society toward the Sragen tourism, it is important to improve the local society’s awareness by involving them directly in tourism activities. The involvement of local society is also intended to improve their understanding and participation to support the Sragen tourism which is expected to improve their prosperity.

Moreover, the socialization of rules and programs of Sragen tourism are also conducted in order to improve the local people’s awareness, the people’s participation in preserving the culture tourist attractions, and to overcome the vandalism of people toward the natural and man-made tourist attractions in Sragen.


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A. Conclusion

After completing this final project, the writer can give the conclusion as follows:

There are two kinds of problem that are faced by Disparbudpor, namely internal problems and external problems. The internal problem consists of financial problems, limited equipment, and limited information for the foreign tourists. The external problem is limited knowledge of foreign visitors about Sragen existence. The solution of internal problems: cooperating with other, repairing the old equipment, adding the new one, and making the staff English skill to be better. Solution of external problem: by adding media both printed and electronic all media are distributed into tourism exhibition both national and international, tourism seminar, travel agencies, hotel, embassy office in Indonesia, etc.

The Strategies of Sragen Tourism Office for improving tourist attractions include using promotion media (television and internet), printed media (brochure, leaflet, magazine ( genta ), and newspaper), holding putra and putrid Sukowati, handling Morning coffee and improving the quality of the human resource.


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B. Suggestion

The writer wants to give some suggestions are as follows:

1. To Disparbudpor Sragen

a. Disparbudpor should add promotion media especially brochure about Sragen tourism attractions.

b. Disparbudpor Sragen should improve its cooperation with other institutions. c. In order to improve the service, Disparbudpor should add the cultural

activities, especially during holiday seasons or in special occasions. d. It is necessary to staff of Disparbudpor should be able to speech English 2. To English Diploma Program to speech English language.

a. It is necessary for the institutions to have relations with other companies or tourism institutions in order to help the students to do job training.

b. The institution should give the students much longer time to find and to do job training.

c. For the students of English Diploma Program who want to have job training, It is necessary to prepare themselves, before they go to the job training.

3. To the lecture of the English Diploma Program for Tourism Subject

The lectures should not only give the students theories and class practices, but also field practices.


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Hamalik, O. (1995). Marketing for tourism. London: Tourism International Pers Mason, P. (1990). Tourism environment and development perspective.UK: World

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Stanton, W. (1980). Fundamental of marketing. America: Mc Graw Hill Yoeti, Oka A. (1983). Pengantar ilmu pariwisata. Bandung: Angkasa

……… (1996). Pemasaran pariwisata. Bandung: Angkasa


4. The solution of limited knowledge of foreign visitors about Sragen existence The important thing to solve this problem is how to make the outsiders know the existence of Sragen Tourism Attractions. On the other hand, this town has many interesting places which are suitable to be visited. The solution is by adding media both printed and electronic. All media are distributed into tourism exhibition both national and international, tourism seminar, travel agencies, hotels, embassy office in Indonesia, etc.

E. The Strategies of Sragen Tourism Office for Improving the Promotion of Tourism Attractions

1.Using promotion media

Promotion is very important to introduce tourist attractions in Sragen. There are some promotions done by Sragen Tourism Office: electronic media such as television (TA TV), internet (http// and radio ( Buana asri) also employ printed media i.e. brochure, leaflet, magazine (Genta), newspaper, There are of media which are made by Disparbudpor containing the information of tourism attractions and cultural activities in Sragen.

2. Holding” Putra and Putri Sukowati” contest

The aim of the contest is to select two persons, a man and a woman who are suitable to be regional envoy as a tourism symbol. They have to fulfill the


requirements such as having good personality, good looking, a wide perspective, and good foreign language. This event is held every year to introduce Sragen tourism.

3. Doing Morning Tea

Morning Tea is the activities that done by all of the Tourism Offices in Solo. It is done to discus about the problems and how to improve tourism in Solo, by drink is tea in every Saturday morning in Sahid Jaya Hotel.

4. Improving the quality of the human resource a. Staff of Sragen Tourism Office

The improvement of Sragen Tourism Officer’s quality is intended to improve the service quality and eventually it will affect the quality of Sragen Tourism. The speaking capability of foreign languages is one of the requirements to improve the quality of service to tourists. Therefore, the recruitment of quality officers was conducted focused on the mastery of certain foreign language such as French, Japanese, Chinese, and Spain.

Moreover, Sragen Tourism Office sometimes conducts training in order to improve the skills and knowledge of the officers. The training is focused on the skills improvement in providing the service to tourist and the skills improvement of mastery of information technology used to support the adequate information provide for the tourists.


b. Local society

Regarding low awareness of local society toward the Sragen tourism, it is important to improve the local society’s awareness by involving them directly in tourism activities. The involvement of local society is also intended to improve their understanding and participation to support the Sragen tourism which is expected to improve their prosperity.

Moreover, the socialization of rules and programs of Sragen tourism are also conducted in order to improve the local people’s awareness, the people’s participation in preserving the culture tourist attractions, and to overcome the vandalism of people toward the natural and man-made tourist attractions in Sragen.




A. Conclusion

After completing this final project, the writer can give the conclusion as follows:

There are two kinds of problem that are faced by Disparbudpor, namely internal problems and external problems. The internal problem consists of financial problems, limited equipment, and limited information for the foreign tourists. The external problem is limited knowledge of foreign visitors about Sragen existence. The solution of internal problems: cooperating with other, repairing the old equipment, adding the new one, and making the staff English skill to be better. Solution of external problem: by adding media both printed and electronic all media are distributed into tourism exhibition both national and international, tourism seminar, travel agencies, hotel, embassy office in Indonesia, etc.

The Strategies of Sragen Tourism Office for improving tourist attractions include using promotion media (television and internet), printed media (brochure, leaflet, magazine ( genta ), and newspaper), holding putra and putrid Sukowati, handling Morning coffee and improving the quality of the human resource.


B. Suggestion

The writer wants to give some suggestions are as follows:

1. To Disparbudpor Sragen

a. Disparbudpor should add promotion media especially brochure about Sragen tourism attractions.

b. Disparbudpor Sragen should improve its cooperation with other institutions. c. In order to improve the service, Disparbudpor should add the cultural

activities, especially during holiday seasons or in special occasions. d. It is necessary to staff of Disparbudpor should be able to speech English 2. To English Diploma Program to speech English language.

a. It is necessary for the institutions to have relations with other companies or tourism institutions in order to help the students to do job training.

b. The institution should give the students much longer time to find and to do job training.

c. For the students of English Diploma Program who want to have job training, It is necessary to prepare themselves, before they go to the job training.

3. To the lecture of the English Diploma Program for Tourism Subject

The lectures should not only give the students theories and class practices, but also field practices.



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