Handling The Children Between 4-7 Years of Age Who Lack Motivation At Kumon Setra Duta.

Dalam penulisan tugas akhir ini, saya membahas tentang anak-anak kelas
7A-2A ( usia 4-7 tahun ) yang kurang motivasi ketika belajar bahasa
Inggris di KUMON Setra Duta. Kurang motivasi pada anak-anak tersebut
mengakibatkan mereka menjadi sulit untuk naik ke tingkat pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris yang lebih tinggi. Beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan
anak-anak kurang motivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris disebabkan oleh
kurang menariknya bahan pembelajaran, paksaan dari orang tua dan
kebosanan anak dalam belajar, mereka masih ingin banyak bermain.
Solusi yang saya pilih untuk permasalahan ini ialah guru harus
mengetahui multiple intelligences setiap anak serta menciptakan metode
pembelajaran yang kreatif dan menarik termasuk permainan. Kedua solusi
ini diharapkan dapat memnbantu menjawab analisa permasalahan yang
saya bahas.


Maranatha Christian University


ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………..…….. i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY………………....……………….…... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………….... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………… iv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION…………………………………………… 1-6

Background of the Study
Identification of the Problem
Objectives and Benefits of the Study
Description of the Institution
Method of the Study
Limitation of the Study
Organization of the Term Paper

CHAPTER II PROBLEM ANALYSIS…………………………..……….. 7-10
CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION ..............................................…........... 15-16


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Cause 1: The children study English
at KUMON Setra Duta because they
are forced by their parents
Cause 2: The lessons are not given
in an interesting way by the teacher
Cause 3: The children want to play

Lack motivation of
children between 4-7
years of age at KUMON
Setra Duta

Potential positive effects:
1. The children see the
enthusiasm of their parents for
them to study at KUMON Setra
2. The children see that English
language is important from the
communication of their parents
Potential Positive effects:
1. The children will be more active
2. The children have fun learning

3. The children will have activities
that are suitable with their
temperament and multiple

Potential Positive effects
1. The children will be more
focused in their study
2. The children will enjoy the
interesting lessons
3. It will be quicker for the children

Potential solution I
Parents give motivation to their
children to learn English at
KUMON Setra Duta by
encouraging them in a gentle way

Potential solution II
Teacher must know each

child’s multiple intelligences

Potential solution III
Teacher should design
lesson plans that are
creative and interesting,
including the use of games

Chosen Solution:
Teacher must know each child’s
multiple intelligences and design
lesson plans that are more creative,
and interesting, including games.


Effect 1: The children are lazy to
come to class
Effect 2: The children are bored with

routine lessons
Effect 3: The children cannot follow
the material which is fixed by the

Potential Negative effects
1. The children feel forced to
learn English

Potential Negative effects
1. The teacher will find it difficult to
know each individual child so well
2. The children will be bored with
some activities that are not
suitable with their temperament
and multi intelligences 

Potential Negative effects
1. The children depend too much
on the teacher instead of

developing their own enthusiasm to
learn English
2. The children cannot enjoy the
lessons if they are not interesting or
if there are no games


A. Background of the Study
In this Globalization Era, study including science and technology, keeps
progressing quickly, therefore people need to follow the developments, So
that they can live their daily lives with the benefits of many of those
developments. Because of this, people need to have motivation in
studying. There are two kinds of motivation. The first is “Internal
Motivation”, which means that the motivation to accomplish one’s goal
comes from within the person. It is determined by the person’s own values
and goals. The second is “External Motivation”, which means that the
motivation to attain one’s goal comes from a source outside of the person
(Weinstein par.1).

In this term-paper, I will analyze the lack motivation of 20 children at
KUMON Setra Duta (henceforth called KSD). I choose this topic because I
found this problem when I did my apprenticeship at KSD. Therefore, I am
interested to find out how to help children who lack motivation in their
study. During my apprenticeship on December 10th 2008 until March 30th


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2009 in KUMON Setra Duta, I noticed several problems concerning lack
motivation of less than 10 children between 4-7 years of age. Their lack of
motivation blocked the progress of these children to the next level.
Children need internal and external motivation to understand the lessons
and progress well.
Lack of motivation is due to several causes, such as illness, a weak ability
to understand what is caught by the senses, wanting to play, not having
self motivation to study, not having interesting lessons, a low confidence
level, and parents not motivating their children when they study (Setiawan
par. 1). One example showing the children’s weakness motivation in study

at KUMON Setra Duta is their difficulty to achieve 100 (one hundred)
marks on the worksheets. It is necessary to achieve full marks (one
hundred) to progress to the next level. To be able to continue to the next
level, the children must sit for an examination. The examination is based
on ten worksheets that the children have already been completed with full
marks. This problem occurs because they miss some words or they write a
word or sentence incorrectly. Thus they must correct the faults on the
worksheet and get full marks of one hundred, and then they must redo the
worksheet for their homework. That is the routine activities the children
must do when the children study English at KUMON Setra Duta.


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B. Identification of the Problem
Based on the background that I have explained above, the problem
that will be analyzed is about lack motivation of the children at KUMON
Setra Duta:
1. What causes the children between the ages of four until seven to

lack motivation when they study English at KUMON Setra Duta?
2. How is it possible to increase the motivation of the children in their
English studies at KUMON Setra Duta?
3. What is the best suggestion to encourage the children to be more
enthusiastic and have more motivation in their study at KUMON
Setra Duta?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
By the end of the term-paper writing, I would like to find out the
importance of having motivation when studying and how to improve the
motivation of the children.
Benefit of the Study:
1. For KUMON at Setra Duta, they will be able to know what factors
influence lack of motivation in studying and know how to develop
children’s motivation during study.
2. For the term-paper readers, this term-paper will help them to know
the importance of motivation when studying and how to improve
their motivation to study.


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3. For me, as the writer, this term-paper helps me to improve my
knowledge about the importance of motivation in study and how to
develop my own motivation more.

D. Description of the Institution
KUMON at Setra Duta is part of the KUMON Institute of Education in
Osaka, Japan. In 1956 the first Mathematic class was opened in Japan
using the method of KUMON. The Organization called KUMON Institute of
Education was established in 1958. In 1980 KUMON New York was the
first KUMON to open outside of Japan, giving lessons in English. KUMON
Mathematic Indonesia was established in 1993, and then the English
program started in 1998. The first main office of KUMON in Indonesia was
opened in Bandung on July 1st 2002 in the BRI building in Jalan Asia
Afrika; KUMON opened five branches in Bandung for giving lessons in
Mathematic and English on that same date: KUMON Sarikaso, KUMON
Nakula, KUMON Pulau Laut, KUMON Sudirman, and KUMON Kopo Mas.
Now KUMON Sarikaso has changed its name to KUMON Setra Duta
because KUMON Sarikaso has moved to Setra Duta; KUMON Sarikaso
operated from July 1st 2002 until April 2007. KUMON Setra Duta has
functioned since May 2007 until now.
KUMON is an institute of education that is different from general
systems of education which give lessons for children in the classroom


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style. KUMON gives individual study programs based on the individual
academic ability of every child. In KUMON, children learn independently.
Children read the guidance notes provided in the worksheet, listen to
compact discs, read aloud based on the worksheet, and then do their
worksheet. Children study at the level of their ability, not based on their
age or level at school.

E. Method of the Study
In writing this term paper, I will analyze the lack motivation of children
at KUMON Setra Duta. The data for supporting the analysis is from the
Internet, books and the journal that I wrote when I did my apprenticeship
program at KUMON Setra Duta. My journal entries recorded my comments
based on my observation at KUMON Setra Duta.

F. Limitation of the Study
In writing this term-paper, this research is only valid about KUMON at
Setra Duta. Less than 10 children who became the subjects of research
were learning English as a foreign language (EFL). They were at KUMON
Setra Duta between 4-7years of age at KUMON Setra Duta. They were in
levels 7A-2A.


Maranatha Christian University

G. Organization of the Term Paper
Abstract is the first part of my term paper, which contains the summary
of the whole paper. Declaration of Originality is my statement of the
authenticity of the term paper. Table of Contents consists of the list of
chapter titles and the number of pages. Introduction provides the
Background of the Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives and
Benefits of the Study, Description of the Institution, Method of the Study,
Limitation of the Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. Chapter Two
contains the analysis of the problem and some theories that will be used to
support the analysis. Based on the analysis of the problem discussed in
Chapter Two, I will analyze some possible solutions, including some
positive and negative effects of each solution in Chapter Three. After that,
in Chapter Four, I choose the best potential solution. Finally in the last
part, I present the bibliography.


Maranatha Christian University


After analyzing the situation, I find that there are problems that occur in
the lack of motivation of 4-7 years old children at KSD. First, the problem
is related to their parents who force their children to study at KSD. Second,
the lessons are not given in an interesting way. Third, the children want to
play. I also suggest three potential solutions including the potential positive
and negative effects. The First potential solution is the parents give
motivation to their children by encouraging them in a gentle way. Second,
the teacher must know each child’s multiple intelligences. Third, the
teacher should design lesson plans that are creative and interesting,
including the use of games.
The solution I choose for this problem is the teacher must know each
child’s multiple intelligences and the teacher should design lesson plans
that are creative and interesting lesson, including games. The teacher can
give games that are related to the children’s multiple intelligences, like
jigsaw puzzles, playing with animal toys, playing scrabble, matching
colors. It could help them to handle the children who lack motivation and
make it easier for them to understand the lesson. The children have


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different multiple intelligences. Therefore, the teacher can find activities
according to different multiple intelligences, so that the children can
understand the lesson.
On the other hand, the children will be bored to study when the lesson is
not interesting or the teacher teaches in an uninteresting way. To make
the lessons interesting the teacher must create interesting activities,
including games. The interesting activities can be chosen by the teacher
according to the children’s multiple intelligences. For example, when the
teacher gives a dictation to the children who have musical intelligence, the
teacher can use rhythm or melody to make the children interested and
remember the lesson. This will make the children more active to study
according to their multiple intelligences. During my apprenticeship, I found
that the children who have bodily-kinesthetic intelligence did not remember
the lessons when the teacher asked questions to the children, and the
children could not answer the question. Then the teacher told the children
to be active and do something that was related to the question, this helped
the child to remember what the teacher meant.
By knowing the multiple intelligences of each child and using interesting
activities, including games, it makes it easier for the teacher to help the
children who lack motivation when they study at KUMON Setra Duta.


Maranatha Christian University

Printed Sources
Armstrong, Thomas. Setiap Anak Cerdas! Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka
Utama, 2002.
Goode, Caron B. Optimizing Your Child’s Talent. Jakarta: Bhuana Ilmu
Populer, 2005.
Harmer, Jeremy. How to Teach English Addison Wesley Longman,
Pearson Education, 1998.

Electronic Sources
“Helping Your Child Adjust to Preschool.” The Nermours Foundation.
2008. Nemours Foundation. 31 October 2008.
Martono, Christina. “Strategi Belajar Moving Class.” Margie-News. Margie
School. 26 September 2008. 31 May 2009.
“Motivasi Anak.” Bayi kita.net 14 September 2008. 8 Maret 2009

Maranatha Christian University

Setiawan, Mary Go. “Menerobos Dunia Anak” Sabda. Bandung, 1993.
8 Maret 2009 .
Sirait, Arist Mederka, and Aqida Swamurti. “Jangan Paksa Anak-anak
Belajar Bahasa Asing.” TEMPO Jakarta 15 Juni 2008. 8 Maret 2009
Supriadi, Dedi. “Pembelajaran Melalui Bermain.” Republika. Centre for the
Betterment of Education. 11 July 2007:98.15 Maret 2009
Weinstein, Claire Ellen, Ph.D., “Becoming a strategic learner”. LASSI
Instructional Modules. University of TEXAS. Austin. 23 June 2009.
Whandi, Sudono. “Sumber Belajar dan Alat Permainan.” Grasindo. 2008.
Jakarta. 12 Maret 2009.

Maranatha Christian University