METHOD USED IN TEACHING SPEAKING TO THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF SMP N 1 KARANGDOWO, Method Used In Teaching Speaking To The Second Year Students Of SMP N 1 Karangdowo, Klaten In Academic Year 2012/2013.





Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting the Bachelor Degree of Education

in English Department








Herewith, I testify that there are no plagiarisms in this research paper from the previous research which has been done by the other researcher. All of statements and analysis in this research paper is my original work. The writer only includes the experts’ opinion and its sources in this research paper. If it is proven that there are untrue statements in this testimony, I will be fully responsible for the clarification.

Surakarta, 14 Desember 2012




Nira Prastiwi (Student) Endang Fauziati (Consultant I)

Nur Hidayat (Consultant II)

(School of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta)


The study investigates the method used in teaching speaking to the second year students of SMP N 1 Karangdowo, Klaten in academic year 2012/2013. The objective of the study is to describe and to know method used in teaching speaking. The type of the study is descriptive qualitative especially ethnography. The subject of the study is English teacher and the second year students. The object of the study focuses on the method used in teaching speaking especially in the first semester. In this research, the data are derived from event, informant, and document. Technique of collecting data, namely: observation, interview, and document analysis. The result of the study shows that the method used by the teacher in teaching speaking divided into: 1) the approaches used by the teacher in teaching speaking are constructivism and humanism theories. 2) the design, show that the activity is effective 3) the procedure, divided namely: pre-activity, main-activity, and post-activity in which the activity includes some techniques, namely: discussion and problem solving techniques. 4) strength and weakness, a) the strengths are role of the teacher in teach their student make effective and meaningful, the approach makes the students create their thinking ability, the material has many picture so help the students to understand the material. b) the weaknesses are the media is not used by the teacher maximally, the target language is used rarely so make the students less understand in English.


6 1. Introduction

Background of the Study: English is very important for people. English is very important to make communication among the country. People can use language for communication to express their ideas, opinions, etc. According to Celce Murcia, Dongei and Thurrel (1995: 5) language is communication that prepares students to communicate with students to know themselves, culture and the other culture. Students can use language for communicating and sharing their idea in society.

English consists of four skills, they are speaking, listening, reading and writing. Each of them has difficulty depend on people who study them, and has relation to each other. According to Lazaraton in Celce Murcia, (2002: 103) speaking is an activity that integrates many subsystem and all of these factors combine to make speaking a second or foreign language a formidable task for language learners. In teaching speaking, teacher may or may not uses textbooks or materials for teaching speaking. Then, reading is the language skill that students need to read texts for study. Reading also has important role for language acquisition. The next is listening. Listening comprehension is now regarded as a prerequisite for oral proficiency as well as an important skill its own right. The last is writing. Writing has always occupied in English language course. It also has important role in language learning and language acquisition.

In the teaching learning process of English in education, there are four skills to be mastered in order to students can know English maximally. One of important language skill is speaking. Speaking is always taught in most English course. Speaking helps the students communicate in the target language. Speaking capacity of students in school had been undervalued. So, English teacher must apply teaching speaking that more communicative in order to students easily to speak. The goal of teaching speaking is communicative skill achievement. Speaking skill is not only speaking, but also is more than talking. Teaching speaking skill is focused on making student


7 active and creative. The students learn to think what they are going to say with other in the front of the class.

According to Richards and Rodgers (1993: 26) in Fauziati (2009: 17) there are three level dimensions to a method at the level of procedures. They are the use of teaching activities, the ways where particular teaching activities, and the procedures and techniques. Method is divided into three elements which form an interdependent system. These elements are approach, design, and procedure. Richards and Rodgers (1978: 146) in Fauziati (2009: 17) define these three elements as follow:

Approach as assumption, beliefs, and theories about the nature of language and the nature of language learning which operate as axiomatic contrasts or reference points and provide the theoretical foundation for what language teachers ultimately do with learners in classroom. Design specifies the relationship between theories of language and theories of learning to both the form and function of instructional materials and activities in instructional setting. Procedure comprises the classroom techniques and practices which are consequences of particular approaches and design.

SMP N 1 Karangdowo obliges its students to learn English. In teaching speaking, the teacher usually find problems with teaching learning speaking for their students, join the meaning of the real word in English to Indonesian because their students usually feel bored at class easily when they are taught English lesson. Based the phenomenon above, the writer tries to investigate the method used in teaching speaking when the teacher teach speaking to reach the goals of teaching-learning. In the addition, the fact is that most of the students usually get difficulties in understanding the speaking.

Based on the reasons above, the writer conducted the research entitle the Method Used in Teaching Speaking to the Second Year Students of SMP N 1 Karangdowo, Klaten in Academic Year 2012/2013.

Problem Statement of the research is as follows “How is the method used in teaching speaking at SMP N 1 Karangdowo?” Specifically, it is to


8 answer the following questions about the approach, the design, the procedure, and the strengths and weaknesses.

Objectives of the Study : To describe and to know the method used in teaching speaking to the second year students of SMP N 1 Karangdowo, Klaten in academic year 2012/2013.

Literature Review: There are several literature reviews dealing with this research. First is by Susi Wantini, a student of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (2008), who writes a paper entitled “Descriptive Study on the Method Used in Teaching Reading to the Sixth Year Student of SD Negeri 1 Tekaran Wonogiri in 2006/2007 Academic Year.” Second is by Dwi Atmoko (2008), also a student of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, who writes a paper entitled “A Descriptive Study on the Teaching English Method at the First Year Student in SMU N 1 Sukoharjo in 2007/2008 Academic Year.” Third is by Winda Dwi Lestari (2012), she is students of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. She writes a paper entitled “A Study on the Method of Teaching English to the First Year Student of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Surakarta 2011/2012 Academic Year.” Different from the previous research, the writer has different object in analyzing the data. The writer will analyze the method in teaching speaking of SMP N 1 Karangdowo.

2. Research Method

Type of the study, the writer uses descriptive qualitative, especially ethnography research to find out the method used in teaching speaking to the second year of SMP N 1 Karangdowo. The subject of the study is English teacher and the second year students of SMP N 1 Karangdowo, Klaten. They are Mr. SG and Mr. SW. Total of the students are 74 students. The object of the study focuses on the method used in teaching speaking especially in the first semester. The content of object are the approach, design, procedure, and strengths and weaknesses. Data and data source, The data of this research are the field note, interview script, syllabus, and textbook. The source of the data in this research includes event, informant, and document. Technique of collecting data, the writer uses observation, interview, and document


9 analysis. Technique for analyzing data is used by the researcher is based on the underlying theory. Miles and Huberman (1980) in Sotopo (2002, 90) defines three component of analyzing data which is contained data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.

3. Research Finding and Discussion Research Finding

The description of method used in teaching learning of speaking to the second year students of SMP N 1 Karangdowo in academic year 2012/2013 a. Approach for Learning Theory

Based on the observation which is done by the writer, the teacher used different learning theory in teaching speaking. The teacher, Mr. SG used constructivism theory in which the students are require to participate and to discuss in class and trained to build creative thinking, problem solving abilities, and self confidence. The teacher asked students to join with their friend to make conversation together. Mr. SW’s class, he used humanism theory. It focuses more on the development of individual’s self -concept and his personal sense of reality. The teacher order the students to read the dialogue or conversation then the teacher asked the students to response to the given utterance.

b. The Design

Richards and Rodgers’ outline (1986), the design includes objectives, linguistic content, activities, learner roles, teacher roles, and the role of instructional materials.

1) Learning Objective

The writer knows that almost learning objectives of speaking are to train the students more speaking and to apply their language skills in oral communication. Learning objective of speaking in Mr. SG’ and Mr. SW’s class is such as:

“Basically, the objective of teaching speaking in Junior High School is to train the students in order to speak or do short dialogue transactional/interpersonal with other for


10 interacting with around of nature.” (September.

1st 2012)

From the teacher’s said, the writer can concluded the learning objectives of speaking are to make the student speak well and to make the student write short dialog.

2) Syllabus Model

Both of Mr. SG and Mr. SW used the same syllabus in teaching speaking. They are asked to create based on their each ability. Based on the observation which is done the writer, they use text based syllabus because in teaching learning speaking, the teacher learnt based on the material, namely: descriptive and recount texts. Text-based syllabus can be used in teaching or learning the communicative purposes.

3) Teacher’s Role

The teacher has the biggest role in the classroom.

(a) Teacher as a Manager. The teacher as a manager should be able to manage the class in order that make the teaching learning speaking effective and meaningful. For example:

The teacher asked the students to prepare the material before begin the lesson.

The teacher reminds the students whom make noisy in the class.

(b) Teacher as facilitator. The teacher facilitates the students in order that understand the material well. For example:

The teacher delivers the material clearly.

The teacher gives chance to ask for the students every time when the students don’t understand about the material. And then the teacher will explain again.

(c) Teacher as motivator. The teacher always gives motivation to the students. For example:

The teacher said to the students to make their own to active practice the conversation in front


11 of class. And to the students who not active the

teacher gives spirit in order to brave perform and speak confidently. ”please students show your performance in front of class. I will give you point if you want to perform.”

4) Student’s Role

In this case, the students have the role as doer of learning. They practice the short dialogue to be conducted in front of class with their partner. Beside that, they asked to retell the stories about some topics on front of class too. They must be active in the class. So, they are not only as object in which just got the material from the teacher.

5) Evaluation

Based on the observation that is done by the writer, the Mr. SG and Mr. SW almost have same technique for evaluating the students’ competence and to know how far the students understand the material. The evaluation is done by mid-test and final-test. Beside that, the evaluation was usually held by the teachers was called periodical test. 6) Instructional Material and Media

The material in writing is based on syllabus, but sometimes the teacher takes the material from internet, book, or other resources. The material that is used by Mr. SG and Mr. SW in teaching speaking is taken from handout, the handout is taken from book “Intan Pariwara”. Based on the writer’s observation, the teachers always use whiteboard to write new vocabularies and also it is used by the students to write their idea in the classroom.

c. Classroom Procedure

The classroom is divided into pre-activity, main-activity, and post-activity.

1) Pre-activity

In this activity includes the apperception and motivation. Before did teaching learning process, the teacher open the meeting by greeting.


12 a) Apperception

Based on the observation done by the writer, the teacher did review to the students by using answering question about the characteristics and example of descriptive text.

For example:

T : Based on the explanation that I give yesterday, please show me the characteristics about the descriptive text.

S : Describe the place, people, and thing.

T : Any other? b) Motivation

The teacher explained the activities which will be done by the students and give motivation the students in order to the students are more active in classroom activity.

T : Now, we will learn about the monolog descriptive that the topic is place. In here, you must be active to speak English in front of the class. And the students want do monolog or practice in front of class, I will give appreciation.

2) Main-activity

In this main activity, the activity includes the exploration, elaboration, and the confirmation. In this activity the students are hoped more active to speak.

a) Exploration

In this activity the teacher engage the students actively in the lesson, it’s like practice the monolog which is available in the book. The teacher asked the students to open their book then explain what the students will be learnt.

b) Elaboration

The activities are done in this session are as follow: the teacher accustoms the students are brave to do conversation in


13 front of the class or the public. It’s means to convoy descriptive text orally.

T : In this material we should practice and practice again to deepen your experience about something.

The teacher facilitates the students through giving assignment, discussion and another. The students answer the questions about descriptive text which had been practiced.

c) Confirmation

In the confirmation part, the teacher asked to the students about the thing that the students are not understand. Beside that the teacher gives positive feedback based on the students’ performance.

T : You perform the conversation in front of class is good, especially to the active students. To the students have decrease active, I hope more active again in the next meeting. But totally, you are good.

3) Post-activity

In the last activity is post-activity. It is consist of giving evaluation, explain the next material, and giving chance to ask for question, giving homework, and closing.

a) Giving evaluation, explain the next material, and giving chance to ask for question.

The teacher gives chance the students to ask for question about the material which is not understood. Then, teacher asked the students to study the next material will be learn next meeting.


T : Any question about the material today?

Ss : No, Sir.

T : Ok. The next meeting, we will learn about the monolog descriptive. So, I hope you learn in the home before.


14 b) Giving homework.

The teacher gives homework to the students about the material that learnt today. It’s meant in order to the students can deep the material and the students study in the home.

c) Closing

In this activity, the teacher closed the meeting. T : Because nothing the questions, lets close

our meeting by saying Hamdalah together.

Ss : Alhamdulillah hirobbil ’alamin…

T : Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. See you next time.

Ss : Walaikumusalam Wr. Wb. d. Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths and weaknesses are: 1) Strengths

a) The teacher had complete role. One of the example of the role is he can motivate the students to be active in teaching speaking.

b) The students as a subject, so the students more active and creative in teaching speaking.

c) The material which is used “Intan Pariwara”. This handbook is completed by picture so the students easily to understand.

2) The Weaknesses

a) The teacher didn’t use the media maximally.

b) Target language is used rarely, it makes the students less understand in English.


Here, the writer compares the result of the finding with the previous research and theory. Approach is the theory which underlain the teaching learning process. The teacher used constructivism and humanism approaches. In constructivism, the students asked to join with their friend to make conversation together. In humanism, the teacher orders the students to read the


15 dialogue or conversation then the teacher asked the students to response to the given utterance. This activity can be applied in the theory of Fauziati (2005).

The design includes objectives, linguistic content, activities, learner roles, teacher roles, and the role of instructional materials. From the data which is gotten by the writer, learning objective of speaking is basically to make students speaking well and increase the ability of students speaking in order to they can communicative efficiently with the correct pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and fluency. The writer tried to compare the objective of Harris theory. The type of syllabus of speaking in second year students of SMP N 1 Karangdowo is text based syllabus. Teachers hold an important role in teaching speaking, and they have same roles. As facilitator, the teacher provides the material to the students. As classroom manager, the teacher manages the class by reminding the students who make noises in the classroom. As instructor, teacher gives direction and instruction to the students in the teaching learning process. Littlewood (1981: 92) stated the roles of the teacher in teaching learning are as facilitator, as classroom manager, as instructor, as consultant, and as evaluator. The writer concludes that the teacher’s role in teaching speaking is suitable with Littlewood’s theory. The students as the subject not object, the teacher give them opportunity to express their ideas, the teacher motivates the students to be active. Johnson and Paulson (1976) in Richard (1986) stated that learner’s role to plain their own learning program and this ultimately assume responsibility for what they do in the classroom. The material used by the teacher is book that title “Intan Pariwara” Yusak (2004) defines the material of speaking such as: spoof, report, recount, narrative, procedure, description, explanation, and discussion. Here the most of material of speaking used in teaching speaking is genre texts. The writer concludes that the material of speaking has suitability with Yusak’s theory. And the media used by the teacher is whiteboard and LCD.

The procedure is divided into three activities, namely; pre activity, main activity, and post activity. Carolina Terry said in her article “How to Teach Speaking in an EFL Class” that teaching speaking has three stages or


16 procedures, namely: pre-communicative stage, practice stage, and communicative interaction or production stage. So, the writer concludes that the process of students’ speaking is suitable with the theory of Carolina Terry in her article. Classroom technique used by the teacher is discussion and problem solving, but the teacher is more dominant with using discussion than problem solving. Fauziati (2010: 18-28) stated the techniques that can include in classroom activity are role playing, games, problem solving, discussion, and song. The writer concludes that the classroom technique of speaking has suitability with Fauziati’s theory.

Based on the writer’s observation, teaching learning process of speaking has strength and weakness which has difference and similarity with the previous finding.Strengths are the teacher had complete role. One of the example of the role is he can motivate the students to be active in teaching speaking, the students as a subject, so the students more active and creative in teaching speaking, the material which is used “Intan Pariwara”. This handbook is completed by picture so the students easily to understand. The Weaknesses are the teacher didn’t use the media maximally, target language is used rarely, it makes the students less understand in English.

4. Conclusion

The writer comes to the conclusion of the research after analyzing the primary data in the previous chapter. The conclusion of the research on the observation, method used in teaching speaking as follow:

The teacher uses constructivism approach and humanistic approach. The design includes the Learning objectives of speaking in SMP N 1 Karangdowo are: to make the students speak well, to make the students create short dialog, to increase the ability of students’ speaking, to enlarge the students’ vocabulary. Syllabus which is used in SMP N 1 Karangdowo is text-based syllabus. The roles of teacher in SMP N 1 Karangdowo were as manager, facilitator, instructor, motivator, and evaluator. The students’ role in teaching speaking that the students are as the subject of teaching learning process. The evaluation is done by periodic-test, mid-test, and final-test. The


17 teachers take the materials from the same book, that is “Intan Pariwara”. But sometimes the material is taken from other book, internet, or other resources. The media used by the teacher is whiteboard and LCD.

The classroom techniques which is often used the teacher are discussion and problem solving. The teacher always made group in their activities in order to the students can improve their fluency and confidence.

Strengths are the teacher had complete role. One of the example of the role is he can motivate the students to be active in teaching speaking, the students as a subject, so the students more active and creative in teaching speaking, the material which is used “Intan Pariwara”. This handbook is completed by picture so the students easily to understand. The Weaknesses are the teacher didn’t use the media maximally, target language is used rarely, it makes the students less understand in English.

From the statement above, the writer concludes that the method used in teaching learning speaking in the second year students of SMP N 1 Karangdowo is effective. The students can increase their ability in speaking because the teacher always the evaluation, namely: periodic test, mid test, and final test. The weakness of the teaching speaking is less than the strength.




Burn. 2000. Methodology for Education Research. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Celce-Murcia, M., Dornyei, Z, and Thurrell, S. 1995. Communicative Competence: A Pedagogically Motivated Model with Content Specifications.

Chancy, A.L, and T.L. 1998. Teaching Oral Communication in Grade k-8. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Fauziati, Endang. 2009. Introduction to Methods and Approaches in Second or Foreign Language Teaching. Surakarta: Era Pustaka Utama.

Fauziati, Endang. 2010. Teaching English as A Foreign Language (TEFL). Surakarta: Era Pustaka Utama.

Harmer, Jeremy. 1999. The Practice of English Language Teaching. New York: Longman.

Johnson and Paulton. 1976. English for Specific Purposes. Cambridge: CUP.

Littlewood. 1981. Course Design: Developing Programs and Materials for Language Learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.





13 front of the class or the public. It’s means to convoy descriptive text orally.

T : In this material we should practice and practice again to deepen your experience about something.

The teacher facilitates the students through giving assignment, discussion and another. The students answer the questions about descriptive text which had been practiced.

c) Confirmation

In the confirmation part, the teacher asked to the students about the thing that the students are not understand. Beside that the teacher gives positive feedback based on the students’ performance.

T : You perform the conversation in front of class is good, especially to the active students. To the students have decrease active, I hope more active again in the next meeting. But totally, you are good.

3) Post-activity

In the last activity is post-activity. It is consist of giving evaluation, explain the next material, and giving chance to ask for question, giving homework, and closing.

a) Giving evaluation, explain the next material, and giving chance to ask for question.

The teacher gives chance the students to ask for question about the material which is not understood. Then, teacher asked the students to study the next material will be learn next meeting.


T : Any question about the material today?

Ss : No, Sir.

T : Ok. The next meeting, we will learn about the monolog descriptive. So, I hope you learn in the home before.


14 b) Giving homework.

The teacher gives homework to the students about the material that learnt today. It’s meant in order to the students can deep the material and the students study in the home.

c) Closing

In this activity, the teacher closed the meeting. T : Because nothing the questions, lets close

our meeting by saying Hamdalah together.

Ss : Alhamdulillah hirobbil ’alamin…

T : Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. See you next time.

Ss : Walaikumusalam Wr. Wb. d. Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths and weaknesses are: 1) Strengths

a) The teacher had complete role. One of the example of the role is he can motivate the students to be active in teaching speaking.

b) The students as a subject, so the students more active and creative in teaching speaking.

c) The material which is used “Intan Pariwara”. This handbook is completed by picture so the students easily to understand.

2) The Weaknesses

a) The teacher didn’t use the media maximally.

b) Target language is used rarely, it makes the students less understand in English.


Here, the writer compares the result of the finding with the previous research and theory. Approach is the theory which underlain the teaching learning process. The teacher used constructivism and humanism approaches. In constructivism, the students asked to join with their friend to make conversation together. In humanism, the teacher orders the students to read the


15 dialogue or conversation then the teacher asked the students to response to the given utterance. This activity can be applied in the theory of Fauziati (2005).

The design includes objectives, linguistic content, activities, learner roles, teacher roles, and the role of instructional materials. From the data which is gotten by the writer, learning objective of speaking is basically to make students speaking well and increase the ability of students speaking in order to they can communicative efficiently with the correct pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and fluency. The writer tried to compare the objective of Harris theory. The type of syllabus of speaking in second year students of SMP N 1 Karangdowo is text based syllabus. Teachers hold an important role in teaching speaking, and they have same roles. As facilitator, the teacher provides the material to the students. As classroom manager, the teacher manages the class by reminding the students who make noises in the classroom. As instructor, teacher gives direction and instruction to the students in the teaching learning process. Littlewood (1981: 92) stated the roles of the teacher in teaching learning are as facilitator, as classroom manager, as instructor, as consultant, and as evaluator. The writer concludes that the teacher’s role in teaching speaking is suitable with Littlewood’s theory. The students as the subject not object, the teacher give them opportunity to express their ideas, the teacher motivates the students to be active. Johnson and Paulson (1976) in Richard (1986) stated that learner’s role to plain their own learning program and this ultimately assume responsibility for what they do in the classroom. The material used by the teacher is book that title “Intan Pariwara” Yusak (2004) defines the material of speaking such as: spoof, report, recount, narrative, procedure, description, explanation, and discussion. Here the most of material of speaking used in teaching speaking is genre texts. The writer concludes that the material of speaking has suitability with Yusak’s theory. And the media used by the teacher is whiteboard and LCD.

The procedure is divided into three activities, namely; pre activity, main activity, and post activity. Carolina Terry said in her article “How to Teach Speaking in an EFL Class” that teaching speaking has three stages or


16 procedures, namely: pre-communicative stage, practice stage, and communicative interaction or production stage. So, the writer concludes that the process of students’ speaking is suitable with the theory of Carolina Terry in her article. Classroom technique used by the teacher is discussion and problem solving, but the teacher is more dominant with using discussion than problem solving. Fauziati (2010: 18-28) stated the techniques that can include in classroom activity are role playing, games, problem solving, discussion, and song. The writer concludes that the classroom technique of speaking has suitability with Fauziati’s theory.

Based on the writer’s observation, teaching learning process of speaking has strength and weakness which has difference and similarity with the previous finding.Strengths are the teacher had complete role. One of the example of the role is he can motivate the students to be active in teaching speaking, the students as a subject, so the students more active and creative in teaching speaking, the material which is used “Intan Pariwara”. This handbook is completed by picture so the students easily to understand. The Weaknesses are the teacher didn’t use the media maximally, target language is used rarely, it makes the students less understand in English.

4. Conclusion

The writer comes to the conclusion of the research after analyzing the primary data in the previous chapter. The conclusion of the research on the observation, method used in teaching speaking as follow:

The teacher uses constructivism approach and humanistic approach. The design includes the Learning objectives of speaking in SMP N 1 Karangdowo are: to make the students speak well, to make the students create short dialog, to increase the ability of students’ speaking, to enlarge the students’ vocabulary. Syllabus which is used in SMP N 1 Karangdowo is text-based syllabus. The roles of teacher in SMP N 1 Karangdowo were as manager, facilitator, instructor, motivator, and evaluator. The students’ role in teaching speaking that the students are as the subject of teaching learning process. The evaluation is done by periodic-test, mid-test, and final-test. The


17 teachers take the materials from the same book, that is “Intan Pariwara”. But sometimes the material is taken from other book, internet, or other resources. The media used by the teacher is whiteboard and LCD.

The classroom techniques which is often used the teacher are discussion and problem solving. The teacher always made group in their activities in order to the students can improve their fluency and confidence.

Strengths are the teacher had complete role. One of the example of the role is he can motivate the students to be active in teaching speaking, the students as a subject, so the students more active and creative in teaching speaking, the material which is used “Intan Pariwara”. This handbook is completed by picture so the students easily to understand. The Weaknesses are the teacher didn’t use the media maximally, target language is used rarely, it makes the students less understand in English.

From the statement above, the writer concludes that the method used in teaching learning speaking in the second year students of SMP N 1 Karangdowo is effective. The students can increase their ability in speaking because the teacher always the evaluation, namely: periodic test, mid test, and final test. The weakness of the teaching speaking is less than the strength.




Burn. 2000. Methodology for Education Research. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Celce-Murcia, M., Dornyei, Z, and Thurrell, S. 1995. Communicative Competence: A Pedagogically Motivated Model with Content Specifications.

Chancy, A.L, and T.L. 1998. Teaching Oral Communication in Grade k-8. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Fauziati, Endang. 2009. Introduction to Methods and Approaches in Second or Foreign Language Teaching. Surakarta: Era Pustaka Utama.

Fauziati, Endang. 2010. Teaching English as A Foreign Language (TEFL). Surakarta: Era Pustaka Utama.

Harmer, Jeremy. 1999. The Practice of English Language Teaching. New York: Longman.

Johnson and Paulton. 1976. English for Specific Purposes. Cambridge: CUP.

Littlewood. 1981. Course Design: Developing Programs and Materials for Language Learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.




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