The World Universities Debating Champion

The World Universities Debating Championship 2015 was held in Malaysia 
this year, and it was a good one. No big problems like we had in the past, and 
a lot of great debates. Check out the motions from the WUDC 2015 and tell us
what you think about them in the comments.
Round 1: This House regrets the decline of tightly integrated families.
Round 2: Infoslide: Climate engineering is a deliberate and large­scale 
intervention in earth’s climatic system in an effort to combat Global Warming. 
Climate engineering may take many forms; Examples include, but are not 
limited to, planting large forests where none previously existed, fertilizing the 
ocean with iron to dramatically increase the population of algae, and 
increasing cloud coverage so less sunlight reaches earth’s 
suface. Motion: This house believes that environmental movements should 
support climate engineering that fundamentally alters the environment, in an 
attempt to combat Global Warming.
Round 3: This House believes that in areas of socio­economic deprivation, 
schools should train students in vocational skills to the exclusion of the Liberal
Round 4: This House would prohibit the media from reporting on the mental 
illness of those accused of crimes.
Round 5: This House belives that the international community should cut off 
internet access in Syria.

Round 6: This House belives that developing countries should adopt 
economic development policies that heavily disincentivise urbanisation.
Round 7: Infoslide: Over the last decade, scientists have identified a range of 
chemicals that exist naturally in the brain and shape individuals’ moral 
behaviour. Significant amounts of research is now being carried out to create 
“moral enhancement drugs”, which would alter the levels of such chemicals. 
Such drugs have been shown to increase individuals’ tendencies to display 
empathy and care for others, to behave in altruistic way, and to resist 
pressures to act in ways that violate their personal ethical 
beliefs. Motion: This House would ban the research and production of moral 
enhancement drugs.

Round 8: This House believes that the United States and the European Union
should seek to promote peace by heavily subsidising Israeli businesses who 
invest in the Palestinian territories.
Round 9: This House, as a medical professional employed by the United 
States military or security services, would, and would encourage others, to 
refuse orders to provide medical treatment to individuals undergoing 
“Enhanced Interrogation Techniques”.
Open partial double octofinals: This house would allow corporations to use 

hackers to retaliate against cyberattacks where the state seems unwilling or 
unable to do so.
Open Octofinals: This house believes that disadvantaged groups should 
emphasise their conformity with, rather than distictiveness from dominant 
culture; as a strategy for improving their social position.
Open Quarterfinals: This house regrets the decline of secular pan­Arab 
Open Semifinals: This house believes that all states should create special 
economic zones in cities, where all economic activities (except the purchase 
of goods and services) are carried out by women.
Open Finals: This house believes that humanitarian organisations should and
should be allowed to give funding, resources or services ti illegal armed 
groups when this is made a condition for access to vulnerable civilians.
ESL Finals: This house believes that liberal democracies that overthrow the 
governments of other states should impose power sharing even when this 
overrides or delays democratic representation.
ESL Semifinals: This house would severely limit companies ability to replace 
workers with technology
ESL Quarterfilans: The broken windows theory describes the concept that 
substantial amounts of petty crime create that increase major crime. Many 

jurisdictions, including most famously New York State, have introduced 
policing policies in response; and respond to areas of high crime with 
substantial increase in police presence, arrest and prosecution rates for petty 
crime and harsher punishments. Motion: This house believes that the African­
American community should oppose "broken windows policies"
EFL Semifinals: This house would ban its citizens from visiting iliberal states 
whose economies depend on tourism.

This house would abolosh student Grants
This house would take that and party
This house believes that America's right is wrong
This house believes that the olympic ideal is dead
This house would reimpose Section 31 of the Broadcasting Act
This house would support the armed struggle
Thie house believes that Gerry Adam should still serve 3000 Life sentences
This house believes that Michael Collins is judged by his words and DeValera by the his deeds

This house would reject semesterisation
This house would give the Affricannas a homeland

This house favours compulsary aids testing
This house favours Genetic Engineering
This house would give Russia back to the Communists
This house believes that hetrosexuals make better parents
This house believes that the U.N. Should shape up or ship out.
This house believes that Nationalism is a hangover from History
This house believes that Famine is a human creation
This house would pay for a college education
This house believes that a womans intellegence is proportional to the length of her skirt
This house would remain outside the pale
This house would reintroduce prohibition
This house believes that God is a woman
This house believes that science has made God redundant
This house believes that Marraige is for life
This house would ban blood sports
This house believes that extremism in the defence of liberty is no vice.
This House would wait and see
This house believes that an Ethical Forigen policy is no forigen policy
This house would rock the Cradle
This house would march against tuition fees

This house would put women in the front line
This house believes that the problem with political jokes is that them mostly get elected
This house believes that Parliamentary debate no longer has any relevence for the citizen
This house condones anti-drug vigilantes
This house believes there's nothing quite like a McDonalds
This house would put it's finger in the dyke
This house Mourns the passing of Enoch Powell
This house believes spin doctors should carry a Government Health Warning
This house would celebrate the Millenium
This house believes its good to talk
This house believes that Government is on a slippery slope
This house believes in the special relationship
This house would censor the surfers
This house wants its Dolly
This house favours P.R. Over first past the post

This house favours zero tolerence
This house would join a European Defence alliance
This house believes that Northern Nationalists have nothing to fear from a United Kingdom
This house regrets the breakup of the USSR

This house would permit Gay couples to adopt
This house would positively disctiminate
This house believes that decommissioning should be a precondition to all party talks
This house believes that the Unites Nations is a spent force
This house believes that the private lives ofpublic figures should remain private
This house believes that the OJ Simpson verdict was good for justice
This house believes that freedom is wasted on the Russians
This house believes that the Death Penalty is a necessity
This house would give votes to emigrants
This house believes that libel law is a remedy for the rich
This house would Ban "Michael Collins"
This house would censor the internet
This house would ban Paul Gascoine
This house would increase the pay of TDs
This house would take a virginity pledge
This house would vote yes to bail reform
This house welcomes Clinton's victory
This house believes that the collapse of the IRA ceasefire was a failure for the Irish Government
This house would police the media with a privacy law
This house would genetically engineer farm animals

This house would sink Brittannia
This house believes that Nationalism is the last refuge of the Scoundrel
This house believes that democracy has failed the third world
This house would switch off Granny
This house believes that the source of crime is social Deprevation
This house believes that Irish Unionism has no place in the U.K.
Modern Technlolgy- A Blessing or a curse
This House would Ban Boxing
This house believes that OJ Simpson was Guilty
This house would support the public funding of political parties
This House would not Negotiate before IRA decomminishing
This house would re-introduce corporal punishment
This house would legalise soft drugs
This house has lost confidence in the Catholic Church
This house believes that the Irish Farmer is outstanding in his field
This house believes in love at first NIGHT
This house retains confidence in the peace process
This house believes nurses are good for you
This house would abolish the Senate
This house believes that the values of western civilisation cannot meet the challenges of the modern age

This house believes that a return to religion is the only solution to our present discontent
This house believes in the right to march
This house believes that Northerners do it better

This house would pop a pill and party
This house would look to the east for inspiration
This house believes that peer pressure is Tobacco's best salesman
This house demande a right to privacy
This house would party its way into the millenium
This house believes sthdents have never had it so good
This house would mind the gap
This house would leave the final frontier to fiction
This house would choose life
This house would be proud of pride
This house would adopt a green agenda
This house has no confidence in her majesty's government
This house believes that education is a matter of faith
This house believes that DeV was a visionary
This house would Commemerate and be damned
This house would build a Bridge to reality

This house would watch more Television
This house believes that right wing politics are the way forward
This house would rejoin the commonwealth
This house believes that religion and politics don't mix
This house would publish and be admned
This house regrets the loss of cultural identity
That we are becoming museum cultures
That we should repatriate sll illegal immigrants
That Echotourism has failed
That microsoft has monopoly over creativity
That freedom of expression should extend to flag burning
That we should restrict vehicle access to the city
That wimboldon should offer equal prize money for men's and women's championship
That no sportsman is worth 32 billion dollar a season
That the war on drugs is worth the fight
That sex isnot an art
That we should subsidize traditional industries
That we should legitimise alternative medicine
That we should privatise education
That conditions designed to prevent child labour should be attached to trade agreements

That we would take the sex industry off the street
That the negative should buy a ticket to the farm
That Paula and Monica should change to a new brand of dental floss
That we should support the fishbal conspiracy
That the statue of liberty should face the other way
That we should protect the private life of the preident
That we would re-unite the church and the state
That democracy has failed India
That the only human right is the right to good governance
That Asian democracies are the meals in the 'conceptual cafe'. There is a plate with nothing on it but we
pretend to eat it anyway.

That the governments should leave cults alone.

That religious harmony is a myth.

That activism in politics by religious groups should be banned.

That the separation of the church and the state has gone too far.

That religious sects should be free from government interference.

That if God did not exist it would be necessary to invent him.

That religion is the crutch of the weak.

That religion is the opiate of the masses.

That religion has no place in man’s advancement.

That capitalism would collapse without religion.

That democracy is the new religion of today.

That Islamic revivalism is a reality of tomorrow.

That Islam received unfair media treatment.

That we should fear Islam.

That Islam has had a bad press.

That the Pope should get married

That genetic engineering triggers more harm than good.

That thou shalt not clone.

That sperm bank is just like any other banks.

That science should hang its head in shame.

That we have lost our faith in science.

That morals and science do not mix.

That science is the alchemy of our age.

That science has outlived its usefulness.

That we should not play god with genes.

That engineering genes should be left to levi.

That modern technology is more foe than friend.

That man cannot be totally human until the machines are destroyed.

That space should be left to itself.

That we place too much faith in the medical profession.

That patenting of medical findings is justified.

That democracy is tied to mediocrity.

That democracy is an illusion.

That democracy is overvalued.

This house will practice direct democracy.

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