Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran


Penanggung Jawab

: Rektor Universitas Islam Lamongan

Ketua Penyunting

: Madekhan, S.Pd., M.Si.

Wakil Ketua Penyunting

: Moh. Nurman, M.Pd.

Penyunting Pelaksana

: Dian Luthfiyati, M.Pd.

Husen, S.Ag., M.Pd. Drs. Syarif Hidayatullah Diah Astuty, M.Pd. Ryrin Fatmawati, M.Pd. Tiara Retno Haryani. M.Pd. Abdullah Farih, M.Pd.

Penyunting Ahli

: Drs. H. M. Tsalits Fahami, MM.

R. Chusnu Yuli Setyo, M.Pd. Fathurrahman, S.Pd., MM. Hariyanto, S.Pd., M.IP. Mohammad Faizal Mubarok, M.Pd.


Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Lamongan

Gedung A Universitas Islam Lamongan Jl. Veteran No. 53 A Telp. (0322) 324706,

Email: fkipunisla@gmail.com

Mengutip ringkasan dan pernyataan atau mencetak ulang gambar atau tabel dari jurnal

ini harus mendapatkan ijin langsung dari penulis. Jurnal ini diedarkan sebagai tukaran untuk perguruan tinggi, lembaga penelitian dan perpustakaan di dalam negeri.

ISSN : 2502 - 35856 Volume 02, No. 01, Mei 2016



Jurnal Pendidikan & pembelajaran

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Mei 2016 ISSN : 2502 - 35856

Volume 2

Moh. Nurman

1 Analisis Afiks dalam Bahasa Arab, Bahasa Indonesia, dan Bahasa Inggris

Dian Luthfiyati

A Discourse Analysis on Politeness used by Mr. Bond in “Koran Pendidikan” Newspaper

Tiara Retno Haryani

10 Developing Contextual Lesson Planning to Engage Students’ Understanding in The Role Of Gender in Language Used in Daily Life

Riryn Fatmawaty

14 The Effect Of Using Flashcards On Student’ Vocabulary Mastery

Diah Astuty

A Psychoanalysis on Helena de Narbon’s Motives as Seen in William Shakespeare’s All’s Well That Ends Well

Addin Ro’sy Aulia

27 Reading Habits and The Students’ Writing Ability Among EFL learners

Eni Dwi Lestari

33 An Ethnography Study On Language Shift Of Migrant Families

M. Syaifurrizal Fahmi

A Critical Discourse Analysis, Street Vendor Arrested for Insulting Jokowi and Megawati, A Textual Analysis based on Norman Fairclough Method.


58 Tiga Model Peran Strategis Pesantren di Indonesia

Abdullah Farih

65 Developing Reading Comprehension Abilities


Moh. Nurman

Abstract :

Penelitian ini mencoba mendeskripsikan jenis afiks secara komprehensif melalui analisis afiks dalam tiga bahasa, yaitu: bahasa Arab, bahasa Inggris, dan bahasa Indonesia. Data jenis afiks diambil dari beberapa buku linguistik umum dan morfologi. Data ini kemudian dilengkapi dengan analisis kata berafiks yang ada dalam kamus setiap bahasa tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pembagian jenis afiks yang lebih lengkap, yaitu delapan jenis afiks. Kedelapan jenis afiks ini adalah: prefiks, sufiks, infiks, konfiks, interfiks, simulfiks, superfiks, dan transfiks. Dari delapan jenis afiks ini, bahasa Indonesia memiliki jumlah afiks terbanyak, yaitu lima jenis afiks. Sedangkan bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Arab masing-masing memiliki empat jenis afiks.

Keywords: Morfologi, Afiks, Prefiks, Sufiks, Infiks, Konfiks, Interfiks, Simulfiks, Superfiks, Dan Transfiks


lebih lengkap mengenai fenomena infiks Afiks adalah morfem terikat yang


dilekatkan pada morfem dasar atau akar Dalam menganalisis jenis afiks dari (Fromkin

ketiga bahasa ini, penulis menggunakan Pembahasan mengenai afiks dapat ditemukan

metode kualitatif. Dalam hal ini, penulis dalam setiap buku linguistik umum dan

mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis afiks yang ada morfologi. Namun demikian, pembahasan

dalam ketiga bahasa yang diteliti. Dalam pada buku-buku tersebut masih bersifat kurang

mengumpulkan data, pertama-tama penulis menyeluruh dan berbeda-beda. Hal ini dapat

mencatat jenis-jenis afiks dan definisinya dari disebabkan oleh terbatasnya jenis afiks dari

buku linguistik umum dan morfologi. bahasa yang dianalisis atau belum adanya

Selanjutnya penulis mencari contoh-contoh analisis yang lebih mendalam mengenai afiks.

kata yang berafiks di setiap kamus besar dari Analisis afiks dalam artikel ini akan

ketiga bahasa ini. Penulis juga berusaha dibatasi pada tiga bahasa, yaitu: bahasa Arab,

mencari kata yang nampaknya berafiks tetapi bahasa Indonesia, dan bahasa Inggris. Penulis

jenis afiksnya belum pernah diidentifikasi. memilih bahasa Arab karena bahasa ini memiliki afiks yang unik yang disebut

Tinjauan Kepustakaan

transfiks (Bauer 1988: 24). Bahasa Indonesia Para ahli linguistik membagi afiks dalam dipilih karena jumlah afiksnya yang cukup

jenis yang berbeda-beda. Matthews (1997:11) banyak. Sedangkan bahasa Inggris dipilih

menyebutkan lima jenis afiks, yaitu: prefiks, karena jumlah afiksnya yang dianggap hanya

sufiks, infiks, sirkumfiks, dan superfiks. dua (prefiks dan sufiks) serta adanya

Katamba (1993:44) kerancuan klasifikasi infiks (Katamba, 1994:



menyebutkan tiga jenis afiks, yaitu: prefiks, 44-45). Dalam hal ini, penulis berusaha

sufiks, dan infiks. Khusus untuk bahasa mencari jenis afiks yang lain dan menjelaskan

Inggris, Katamba (1993:89) mengelompokkan


Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran Analisis AFIKS

Dalam Bahasa Arab, Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris - M. Nurman

afiks berdasarkan perilaku fonologisnya, yaitu setiap afiks dari ketiga bahasa ini adalah afiks non-netral dan afiks netral. Fromkin dan

sebagai berikut:

Rodman (1998:71-73) menyebutkan empat

1. Prefiks

jenis afiks, yaitu: prefiks, sufiks, infiks, dan Prefiks disebut juga awalan. Prefiks sirkumfiks. Alwi dll (1988:31) menyebutkan

adalah afiks yang ditempatkan di bagian muka ada empat jenis afiks dalam bahasa Indonesia,

suatu kata dasar (Alwi dll, 1998: 31). Istilah yaitu: prefiks, sufiks, infiks, dan konfiks.

ini berasal dari bahasa Latin praefixus yang Pengelompokan afiks yang cukup

berarti melekat (fixus, figere) sebelum sesuatu menyeluruh disebutkan oleh Kridalaksana dll

(prae). Ketiga bahasa yang dianalisis di sini (1985) dan Bauer (1988). Kridalaksana dll

semuanya memiliki prefiks. (1985:19-21) menyebutkan enam jenis afiks,


yaitu: prefiks, infiks, sufiks, simulfiks, Bahasa Arab: s-g-l ‗sibuk‘ + a-  asyghal konfiks, dan superfiks. Bauer (1988: 19-29)


membedakan tujuh jenis afiks yang terdiri atas Bahasa Inggris: tangible ‗kasat mata‘ + in-  enam afiks segmental, yaitu: sufiks, prefiks,

intangible ‗tidak kasat mata‘ sirkumfiks, infiks, interfiks, dan transfiks; dan

Bahasa Indonesia: ajar + meng-  mengajar satu afiks suprasegmental, yang diistilahkan


superfiks atau simulfiks.

Sufiks atau akhiran adalah afiks yang Penulis mengumpulkan contoh-contoh

digunakan di bagian belakang kata (Alwi dll, kata berafiks dari dua kelompok sumber.

1998:31). Istilah ini juga berasal dari bahasa Pertama dari buku-buku morfologi dan

Latin suffixus yang berarti melekat (fixus, linguistik umum. Kedua dari kamus umum figere) di bawah (sub) 1 . Ketiga bahasa yang

setiap bahasa tersebut. Untuk bahasa Arab dianalisis di sini semuanya memiliki sufiks.

penulis menggunakan kamus Al- ‗Ashri (Ali


dan Muhdar, 1996), untuk bahasa Indonesia

digunakan Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia ‗manuasia‘ + -i  basyari

Bahasa Arab: b-sy-r

‗manusiawi‘ Bahasa Inggris: amaze

Edisi ketiga (Alwi ed, 2001), dan untuk bahasa

Inggris digunakan kamus ‗kagum‘ + -ment 

Webster‟s New

amazement ‗kekaguman‘

World College Dictionary Fourth Edition Bahasa Indonesia: beli + -kan  belikan

(Agnes ed, 2001). Ketiga kamus ini dipilih

karena isinya yang memuat jumlah lema yang

3. Infiks

cukup banyak dan penggunaannya yang Infiks atau sisipan adalah afiks yang dianggap cukup meluas. Khusus kamus bahasa

diselipkan di tengah kata dasar (Alwi dll, Inggris di atas, penulis memilihnya karena

1998:32). Dalam bahasa Latinnya adalah dalam kamus tersebut ada informasi proses

infixus yang berarti melekat (fixus, figere) di pembentukan kata dari lema tertentu.

dalam (in). Bahasa Arab tidak memiliki infiks. Bahasa Indonesia memiliki beberapa infiks,

Analisis Data

salah satunya adalah infiks –em- dalam kata Dari tiga bahasa yang dianalisis di sini,

penulis menemukan sembilan jenis afiks,

1 Dalam bahasa Latin, sub- menjadi suc- sebelum c; suf-

yaitu: prefiks, infiks, sufiks, sirkumfiks

sebelum f; sug- sebelum g; sum- sebelum m; sup-

(konfiks), trifiks,



sebelum p; sur- sebelum r; dan sering juga, sus- sebelum

superfiks, dan transfiks. Penjelasan dan contoh

c, p, atau t. Dalam konteks di atas, sub menjadi suf karena pengaruh bunyi f.


Analisis AFIKS Dalam Bahasa Arab, Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris - M. Nurman Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran

gemetar (dari kata getar). Dalam bahasa dalam bahasa Inggris ada kata acceptable. Inggris, beberapa ahli bahasa menyebutkan

Konfiks dapat ditemukan dalam bahasa adanya infiks dalam situasi tertentu. Yule

Indonesia, contohnya kata kelaparan (dari kata (1994) menyebutkan infiks bloody untuk

lapar). Konfiks ke- …-an diimbuhkan secara ungkapan

serentak (tidak ada kata kelapar atau laparan). Hallebloodyluyah! (dari kata Halleluyah).



Kridalaksana dll (1985:20) menyebutkan ada Katamba (1994: 44-45) menyebutkan bahwa

empat konfiks dalam bahasa Indonesia, yaitu: infiks hanya ada dalam bahasa Inggris

ke- …-an, pen-…-an, per-…-an, dan ber-…-an. kontemporer yang mungkin tidak digunakan


dalam kondisi yang sopan, contoh: in-fuckin-

stantiate. Menurut pendapat penulis, satu kata Bauer(1988: 23-24) menyebut interfiks sebagai afiks yang muncul di antara dua

(yang mungkin memiliki lebih dari satu

elemen yang membentuk kata majemuk. Kata morfem) tidak seharusnya dimasukkan dalam interfiks berasal dari bahasa Latin inter yang kategori afiks, karena afiks adalah morfem

berarti berada di antara, dan fixus yang berarti terikat. Oleh sebab itu, menurut penulis,

melekat. Dengan demikian, dapat dibedakan bahasa Inggris tidak memiliki infiks.

dengan infiks yang berarti melekat di dalam.

4. Konfiks

Contoh interfiks dapat dilihat dalam bahasa Konfiks disebut juga ambifiks atau

Arab. Interfiks -ul- muncul di antara kata birr sirkumfix. Secara etimologis dari bahasa Latin,

dan walad, sehingga menjadi birr-ul-walad ketiga istilah ini memiliki kesamaan arti. Kon-

‗bakti anak‘. Penulis tidak menemukan berasal dari kata confero yang berarti secara

interfiks dalam bahasa Indonesia. Untuk bersamaan (bring together), ambi- berasal dari

bahasa Inggris, penulis berpendapat bahwa kata ambo yang berarti kedua-duanya (both),

bahasa Inggris dapat dianggap memiliki dan sirkum- berasal dari kata circumdo yang

interfiks karena pengaruh bahasa Latin. berarti ditaruh di sekeliling (put around)

Contohnya interfiks -o- dalam kata (Gummere dan Horn, 1955). Menurut Alwi dll

morphology. Morph dan logy memiliki lema (1198:32) konfiks adalah gabungan prefiks

tersendiri dalam kamus Webster‟s New World. dan sufiks yang membentuk suatu kesatuan

Gabungan kedua kata ini memerlukan interfiks dan secara serentak diimbuhkan. Bahasa Arab

-o- sehingga gabungannya bukan morphlogy dan bahasa Inggris memiliki kata yang 3 melainkan morphology . Istilah morfologi

dibentuk dengan prefiks dan sufiks. dalam bahasa Indonesia tidak dapat dianggap Contoh:

memiliki interfiks -o- karena hanya kata morf Bahasa Arab: dh-r-b ‗memukul‘+ ma- dan -un

yang ada dalam lema KBBI, tidak ada lema  madharabun ‗tempat memukul‘


Bahasa Inggris: accept

‗menerima‘ + un- dan

-able  unacceptable 6. ‗tidak berterima‘ Simulfiks

Definisi simulfiks dapat dilihat dari asal Akan tetapi, contoh tersebut hanya katanya dalam bahasa Latin simulatus merupakan kombinasi afiks, bukan konfiks

‗bersamaan, membentuk‘ dan fixus ‗melekat‘. karena tidak secara serentak diimbuhkan.

Menurut Kridalaksana dll (1985: 20), Dalam bahasa Arab, ada kata madharab dan

Kata bloody terdiri atas dua morfem: blood dan 3 –y. Bedakan dengan kata archeology yang dibentuk dari Kata funkin‘ juga memiliki dua morfem: fuck dan -ing.

kata archeo dan logy, sehingga tidak ada interfiks -o-.


Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran Analisis AFIKS

Dalam Bahasa Arab, Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris - M. Nurman

simulfiks adalah afiks yang dimanifestasikan


dengan ciri-ciri segmental yang dileburkan Dari pembahasan jenis afiks di atas, pada bentuk dasar. Dalam bahasa Indonesia,

penulis menyimpulkan bahwa dalam bahasa simulfiks dimanifestasikan dengan nasalisasi

Inggris, ada empat afiks, yaitu: prefiks, sufiks, dari fonem pertama suatu bentuk dasar.

interfiks, dan superfiks; dalam bahasa Simulfiks masih dianggap hanya terdapat

Indonesia ada lima afiks, yaitu: prefiks, sufiks, dalam bahasa Indonesia tidak baku, contoh:

infiks, konfiks, dan simulfiks; dan dalam kopi  ngopi. Bahasa Arab dan bahasa

bahasa Arab ada empat afiks, yaitu: prefiks, Inggris tidak memiliki simulfiks.

sufiks, interfiks dan transfiks.

7. Superfiks

Pustaka Acuan

Superfiks atau suprafiks adalah afiks Agnes, Michael (Ed). 2001 (1999). Webster‟s New yang dimanifestasikan dengan ciri-ciri

World College Dictionary (Edisi ke-4). Cleveland: suprasegmental atau afiks yang berhubungan

IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.

dengan morfem suprasegmental (Kridalaksana Ali, Attabik dan Ahmad Zuhdi Muhdar. 1996. dll, 1985: 21). Bauer (1988:29) menyamakan

Kamus Al- „Ashri. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Ali istilah superfiks dengan simulfiks. Dari asal


kata bahasa Latin, supra berarti di atas (above) Alwi, Hasan dll. 1998. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa atau di luar (beyond), sedangkan simulatus

Indonesia (Edisi ke-3). Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. berarti bersamaan. Dari contoh suprafiks

Alwi, Hasan (Ed). 2001. Kamus Besar Bahasa dalam bahasa Inggris, ‗discount (n)  Indonesia (Edisi ke-3). Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. dis‟count (v), dapat kita lihat bahwa suprafiks Bauer, Laurie. 1988. Introducing Linguistic

Morphology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University berada pada tataran suprasegmental sehingga


istilah suprafiks lebih tepat dari pada Fromkin, Victoria dan Robert Rodman. 1998. An simulfiks. Bahasa Arab dan bahasa Indonesia

Introduction to Language (Edisi ke-6). Orlando: tidak memiliki suprafiks.

Harcourt Brace College Publishers. Gummere, John Flagg dan Annabel Horn. 1955.

8. Transfiks

Using Latin. Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Transfiks adalah afiks yang muncul di


keseluruhan dasar (throughout the base). Katamba, Francis. 1994 (1993). Modern Dalam bahasa Latin trans berarti disepanjang

Linguistics: Morphology. London: The Macmillan (across) atau di atas (over). Bahasa Indonesia

Press Ltd.

dan bahasa Inggris tidak memiliki transfiks. Kridalaksana, Harimurti dll. 1985. Tata Bahasa Afiks yang termasuk transfiks dapat

Deskriptif Bahasa Indonesia: Sintaksis. Jakarta: ditemukan dalam bahasa Arab. Contohnya

Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. transfiks a-a-a:

Matthews, Peter. 1997. The Concise Oxford f-r-h Dictionary of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford ‗senang‘ + a-a-a  farraha ‗menyenangkan‘ University Press.

Yule, George. 1994. The Study of Language. m-d-d ‗memanjangkan‘ + a-a-a  maddada Cambridge University ‗memanjang-manjangkan‘ Press

k-f-r ‗mengkafiri‘ + a-a-a  kaffara ‗menisbatkan kekafiran‘


dian.luthfiyati@gmail.com Universitas Islam Lamongan


In communication, people express their thought with or without words. We may understand what they want by listening to their words carefully, but it cannot be denied that it would be better for us if we also could read their thought by their gestures. Politeness i s the expression of the speaker‟s intention to mitigate face threats carried by certain face threatening acts toward another (Mills, 2003). Being polite therefore consist of attempting to safe for another. Politeness theory states that some speech acts th reaten other‟s face needs. The purpose of this paper is to give new source by applying a well known Brown and Levinson‟s model (1978 and revised in 1987). This study using descriptive qualitative research since this study describe the kinds of politeness that used by Mr. Bonds. The results of this study are Mr. Bond using negative and positive politeness in his speech based on the situation and condition. The politeness that more appear in his speech is negative politeness. Because he often in uncomfortable situation and feel angry.

Keywords: Politeness, Koran Pendidikan


In communication, people express their Politeness is the expression of the

thought with or without words. We may speaker‘s intention to mitigate face threats

understand what they want by listening to their carried by certain face treathening acts toward

words carefully, but it cannot be denied that it another (Mills, 2003, p.6). beign polite

would be better for us if we also could read therefore consist of attempting to safe for

their thought by their gestures. Language is another. Politeness theory states that some

social phenomenon (Chaika, 1982 ; 03) specch acts threaten other‘s face needs. First

It means that the language is the formulated in 1987 by Penelope Brown and

communication which brings them to the Stephen Levinson, politeness theory has since

relationship with their environment. Language, expanded academia‘s perception of politeness

therefore socially learned behavior, a skill that (Mills, 2003). This text has influenced almost

acquired as we grow up in the society. In using of the theoretical and analytical work in this

language, we normally try to understand not field (Mills,2003, p.57).

only the words mean but also what speaker or Politeness can be also said to be

writer of those words intended to convey. universal only in the sense that every society

People use a language to perform ordinary has some sort of norms for the appropriate

verbal actions in daily life, such as asking behaviour, although this norms are vary. The

favors, making purpose of this paper is to give new source by



comments, reporting news, giving direction, applying a well known Brown and Levinson‘s

offering something etc. even the conversation model (1978 and revised in 1987).

is an everyday speech event, people usually


Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran A Discourse Analysis on Politeness

used by Mr. Bond in “Koran Pendidikan” Newspaper – Dian Lutfiyanti

think of speech as a way of stating proposition requesting, offering, complaining and and conveying the information.

suggesting). Generally, speaking politeness In using language people must concern

involves feelings of others. A polite person not only in social characteristic of the speaker

will absolutely make others comfortable. such as ethic, sex and age but also they have to

(Brown and Levinson 1993:324) concern with the social aspect or context.

The researcher chooses ―Koran Chaika (1982;10) state that the context can

Pendidikan‖ as the object of the research based determinate meaning include among the other

on many reasons. First, Koran Pendidikan has thing, such as social status, of speaker, the

a good aim that is developing the education in social events and social convention governing

our country especially in Malang city. Koran it, the social cultural and physical

Pendidikan has a good motto ―bernalar dan environment, previous discourse between the

berhati nurani‖. Second, the researcher choose speaker known them and the intent of the

the column of Mr Bond not other column speaker. He argues that the meaning has social

because it‘s reflect our daily life as the people base, word does not just mean. He means in

in society. Almost the particular topic in this the social interaction in particular society.

column is to critize the systematic government Brown and Levinson have developed

and the behavior of legislative candidate the politeness phenomena. They claim that

through their joke and their background of there are two aspect of face, which are positive

knowledge. Third, the language they used is and negative. Positive face is a person‘s wish

truly Javanese way, sometimes they used to be well thought of. Its manifestations may

―krama inggil‖ to respect older people or the include the desire to have what we admire

person who has power.

admired by others, the desire to be understood

segmentation of “Koran by others, and the desire to be treated as a


Pendidikan” is very clear. It is around the friend and a confidant. Thus a complain about

students in Elementary School, Junior High the quality of someone‘s work threatens their

School, Senior High School, the teacher, the positive face. Negative face is our wish not to

lecturer and the large society.

be imposed on by others and to be allowed to Based on the concept of politeness go about our business unimpeded with our

mentioned by some experts of linguistic and rights to free and self-determined action intact.

its reasons stated above, the researcher is Thus telling someone they cannot see the

interested in knowing deeply about politeness doctor at the time they expected to is a threat

strategies used on Koran Pendidikan in Mond to their negative face. In dealing with each


other, our utterances may be oriented to the positive or to the negative face of those we

Research Method

interact with. This research is a descriptive In the case of communication, the

qualitative research in which the objective is to speaker should use the strategies to have a

describe the actual user of language for polite conversation. The use of politeness is in

communication. The data collected is in the order to get their conversation runs well and

form of words rather than numbers. The object goes smoothly. Brown and Levinson two

of the research in this study is the utterances of person who have developed the concept of

Mr. Bond in Koran Pendidikan. In analyzing politeness strategies, state that one recognizes

the subject matters, the writer firstly read the what people are doing in verbal exchange (e.g

Koran, and then divides the word based on the


A Discourse Analysis on Politeness

used by Mr. Bond in “Koran Pendidikan” Newspaper – Dian Lutfiyanti Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran

kinds of politeness; explain the politeness in has potentially to threat Mr Bond‘s face. And the word, and the last draws conclusion from

the word “rek” is to show the equality in their that analysis.

social status and to make the power of the word stronger. And we can classify the

Result and Discussion

comment above become a positive politeness.

“Sakjane yo gak ekstrime. Cumak, mergo

Data 1, Koran Pendidikan, 14-20 April 2009

“(Mr. Bond) Setelah Mencontreng” durung onok sing nglakoni koyok aku,

In this case the researcher will not sampeyan ngarani ekstrime,” jelas Mr Bond


analyze the whole conversation from the It seems that Mr Bond feels threaten.

beginning until the end, but only the utterances He shows disagreement by seeing that his way

which is rich with an imply message or is not extreme. It is just because there is no

showing the politeness. Thus conversation one wants to do the same thing like him. He

happened to Mr Bond, Pak Becak, Pak tries to provide reason that his way is not

Bengkel and Pak Hansip. All of them are


friend and have an equal social status in

society (there is no super ordinate and

Data 2, Koran Pendidikan, 21-27 April 2009

subordinate). Before analyzing the data, the researcher will introduce the case in order the

“(Mr. Bond) Benteng-bentengan”

In this case I will not investigate the reader understand the topic they talk about. At

whole conversation but only several utterances that time there is a general election. Many

which are very interested to be analyzed. In people try to influence other people to choose

order the reader easily to understand about the their party. Due to the fact that it is happened

topic which happened in this conversation, the in the village of Mr Bond, so he tries to choose

researcher will give an introduction. This the legislative candidate by his own way. He conversation is about “benteng-bentengan”. It doesn‘t want to follow other people in

is kind of traditional game in Java. This game determining the leader of our country. The

is very interesting because if we want to be a way he used is by taking notes on the phone

winner we must have such kind of strategies. number of legislative candidate. His aim is to

remain the legislative candidate if they make a “Arek-arek iku laopo ae se kok gak ndang

main benteng- bentengan?” tanya Mrs Bond ke mistake. Mr Bond feels that it‘s his right to suaminya meski matany atertuju kekerumunan remind the legislative candidate. He assumes


government because of him. “arek-arek” is Javanese way

that the legislative candidate can sit in the

The word

“Wuik...., cik ekstrime rek!” komentar Pak to say about the chidren or the person who has Becak setelah tahu pikiran Mr Bond yang baru equal status. In this case Mrs Bond asking pulang dari desa. question to Mr bond. The utterance “laopo ae

The utterance se” make our question is stronger.

“wuik” above is

indicating Javanese way when they feel “Jarno ae, cik dimarikno arek-arek dewe,”

surprised. And the utterance ―ekstrime‖ is not jawab Mr Bond. The utterance above shows the

ordinary from Javanese, it is belongs to cooperativeness that given by Mr Bond to his

English language. The reason of why Pak

Becak used it is to emphasize that the way “cik” indicate that Mr.

wife. The utterance

Bond ask Mrs. Bond to let the children play which taken by Mr Bond is too hard. It is also

the game by themselves.


Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran A Discourse Analysis on Politeness

used by Mr. Bond in “Koran Pendidikan” Newspaper – Dian Lutfiyanti

“Selak sore, Pak. Sa‟aken arek-arek iku “Sampeyan iki pancen kebanteren mikire. dorong adus barang. Isok-isok malah onok

Benteng-bentengan yo bentengan, gak onok sing durung salat Ashar,” naluri keibuan Mrs

hubungane karo koalisi.”

Bond, muncul. The utterance above is including as The word “selak sore” shows

negative politeness. It has made Mr bond felt disagreement of statement that given by Mr

threatened. Due to the fact that Mrs Bond say Bond. The utterance “pak” is to emphasize it.

―kebanteren‖ it means not appropriate The diction of the language used by Mrs Bond

comment to say that benteng-bentengan is a is not “kromo inggil” because they are equal.


“Yo di delok ae. Nek kiro-kiro seperempat jam maneh durung main, yo dikongkon mulih ae,”

Data 3, Koran Pendidikan, 5-11 Mei 2009

jawab Mr Bond sekenanya.

“(Mr. Bond) Kesandung Kodew”

The utterance “yo” is showing an In this case, the title of Mr Bond is agreement. He agrees that the children should

“kesandung kodew”. Kodew here is the slang go home than doing nothing there.

language from Malang. It means “wedok”. It “Sampeyan iki koyok gak nduwe anak ae,”

is very common to the people in Malang to use gerutu Mrs Bond.

“walikan language”. It happened also to Mr The utterance “koyok” has an imply

Bond. At that time Mrs. Bond find the message. Mrs Bond tries to make Mr bond

student‘s photo. Mrs Bond thinks that Mr. realize that the children need time to play

Bond has a personal relation with her. She is game with their friend. It can be categorized

very angry but finally Mr Bond can convince negative politeness.

Mrs/ Bond that he does not recognize that girl. “Siktalah, Mom. Aku sik nikmati arek-arek

It makes Mrs Bond feel calm than before. belajar politik iki lho....”

“Onok pejabat tinggi sing sifate tuueges, The utterance above shows positive

penuh wibawa, anti korupsi, jelas-jelas nduwe politeness. He tries to provide more reason

potongan wong apik. Gak nduwe blas what makes him interested in seeing the

potongan wong jahat, wong nakal, wong chidren.

seneng wedok-an. Tapi malah dadi tersangka “Belajar politik opo ae? Wong jelas-jelas arek

paten-patenan perkoro wedok-an. Opo gak dulinan benteng-bentengan kok diarani

ngisin- ngisini?” Mrs Bond nyerocos lagi, tapi belajar politik.”

kali ini umpatan kemarahannya bukan The statement above definitely can be

ditujukan pada suaminya, melainkan pada categorized as disagreement. It seems from the

pejabat tingggi yang dimaksudkan itu. utterance of “wong”. It is Javanese way to talk

Many utterances above show that Mrs about different opinion.

Bond‘s face is being threatened then she tries “Sampeyan delok a,” kata Mr Bond sambil

to provide more examples to emphasize her menunjuk ke kerumunan anak-anak tersebut.

reason. She knows that Mr Bond is not false “Arek-arek iku sik kate mbentuk koalisi

then she tries to tell something which has supoyo nduwe tim sing kuat”

similar problem. The reason which given by The utterance sampeyan is a positive

Mrs Bond is string because the example she politeness. It used to show our respect to older

takes is real. She is not lie. The utterance people. Ant the word “a” is truly Javanese

“tuueges” is Javanese way to make our word way. It is the characteristic of Malang people.


It used to ask an agreement or asking question.


A Discourse Analysis on Politeness

used by Mr. Bond in “Koran Pendidikan” Newspaper – Dian Lutfiyanti Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran

“Wis wis, aku wis ngerti sing mbok maksud.” example, when Mr. Bond felt threatened he sela Mr Bond. Menyadari bahwa pembicaraan

will use negative politeness. For positive istrinya sudah masuk wilayah yang agak

politeness, he use when he respect to older sensitif, ia langsung mengingatkan, “Awake

people, to provide more reason what makes dewe yo gak oleh menghakimi wong sing

him interested in seeing the children, etc. during mesti bersalah. Yo koyok aku mau lho,

shortly, the positive politeness used in positive mbok kiro bersalah tapi kan asline gak salah.

condition and the speakers feel interested. Mangkane, dienteni ae yok opo kelanjutan

negative politeness used in kasuse.”


uncomfortable condition and when the The utterance “wis” shows that Mr

speakers feel angry.

Bond use on record. The possibility to lose face is higher because Mr Bond spontaneously


stopped Mrs Bond speaking. He tend to use it Austin, J. L. 1962. How to Do Things with because he knows that Mrs Bond talk in a

Words. Oxford: Clarendon Press. sensitive area. The word “mbok kiro” also

Coulthard, Macom. 1985. An Introduction to represent on record because Mr. bond directly

Discourse Analisis. Longman: London and saying that Mrs bond is wrong. And the

utterance “mangkane” is such kind of negative politeness in saying an advice instead more

New York.

Halliday, M. A. K. & Hasan, R. (1985). than it. He wants Mrs Bond will not repeat her

Language, Context and Text: Aspects of mistake twice.

Language in a Social-Semiotic Perspective. “Tapi aku pegelen, soale aku wis kadung

Oxford University Press.

ngidolakno Pak Pejabat mau. Opo meneh Langacker, Ronald W. 1972. Fundamentals of brengose tuueges tenan. E….kok ngglethek,

Linguistic Analysis. New York: Harcourt kesandung kodew,” kata Mrs Bond.

Brace Jovanovich.

The utterance “tapi” above is one way Searle, John. 1969. Speech Acts: An Essay in to safe her face from embrassing. And she tries the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge, to provide more example once more. “Sssst…..wis-wis, gak usah diterus-terusno, England: Cambridge University.

mending lhang totalen bon-e arek-arek sekolah mau,” tutup Mr Bond.

It seems that Mr bond does not want to talk about that topic anymore. Because he asks Mr Bond to stopped from discussion that topic. He uses negative politeness by saying “wis” and “mending”.


From research findings in the previous chapter, the researcher can draw some conclusions as stated below: The politeness that used by Mr. Bond are negative and positive politeness. That politeness appears based on the situation. For


tiara.03march@gmail.com Universitas Islam Lamongan


Language is not only simply a means of communicating information, but also means of establishing and maintaining relationship with other people (Trudgil, 2000). In social life, the first thing that you will notice is the gender of the person we met. It is a fundamental and obvious thing before we can have an interaction or communication with somebody else. The objective of the activity is to direct the students in understanding the role of gender in language for daily life more deeply. The students are expected to be able analyze the language phenomena in their daily life. The activity is started by explaining the materials to the students about gender role, gender bias, and gender dialect used. The second step is that grouping the students and asks them to discuss about the phenomena of gender in language used in their society so that they know how the characteristic of each gender in their society. The last step is discussing the results together in class. This activity is probably appropriate for the advanced learners, such as university students. It can gain the students‟ knowledge and raising the students‟ confident in stating their opinion in discussion.

Keywords: contextual, lesson planning, role of gender


conversation. If we misrecognize the gender of In our social life, we live and

people we met and give wrong title or communicate with others by using appropriate

salutation her/him, it may put you in difficult language. Language is not only simply a

situation, or event a terrible problem. The means of communicating information, but also

language used by particular gender is means of establishing and maintaining

dissimilar. The differentiation of sex or gender relationship with other people (Trudgil, 2000).

exists and obvious in society all over the In social life, the first thing that is very

world. It may be used to determine the status, important to be noticed is the gender of the

degree, hierarchy, or even to determine the person we met. We may meet people from

language that must be used for the types of different area which

have different


characteristic, accent, dialect, and even The relationship between language and language. However, the first thing that you

gender has become an interesting topic within will notice is the gender of the person we met.

related discipline. It is a fundamental and obvious thing before



According to Sunderland and Swann (2012), we can have an interaction or communication

gender has been a social variable in with somebody else. Sometimes, people may

quantitative studies of language variation

be irritated if we call them wrong in a carried out since 1960, a frequent finding

Developing Contextual Lesson Planning


to Engage Students‟ Understanding in The Role of Gender in Language Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran Used in Daily Life - Tiara Retno Haryani

being that, amongst speakers from similar Sunderland, gender characteristics are thus not social class background, women tend to use

just given, but rather socially constructed. That more standard or ―prestige‖ language features

is why gender bias can influence the students‘ and men more vernacular language features. It

behaviour, point of view, and their language. shows that women and men have different

In education field, the practice of communication styles that distinct them in

gender bias can be explicitly and implicitly society.

occurred. For instance, it may be in the form The teaching of language and gender is

of materials or pictures provided in the course widespread, at least acros s the ―western‖

book used at school, different methods in country, whether in the form of coherent

classroom activities and management related modules on the topic, or as sessions in

to gender, different assessment given for modules, or within non-language programs.

different gender of students, etc as it usually Though it is a very crucial issue, there is no a

related to gender role and gender settled curriculum provided, particularly in

discrimination. For instance, have you once Indonesia. It makes many gender bias

notice that people tend to point boys to be the phenomena occurred in society, especially in

leader or captain, and girls are usually be a education field. Sometimes, sexist language

secretary or treasurer in class? Well, you have can also be elicited because there is no settled

witnessed the practice of gender stereotype or subject discussed about it. Sexist language is

gender role in a small unit of education field. language that expresses bias in favour of one

Some people say that boys can do more than sex and thus treats the other sex in a

girls in leading particular things. Yet, some discriminatory manner (Lei, 2006). Sexist

people argue that girls also have the ability as language is one of the gender bias occurred in

well as boys do. Thus, we may find many the society. In avoiding this phenomenon,

females become leaders or have high position teacher should, at least, implicitly explain it to

in western or other advance country, but not the students so that they can be more aware of

that often in developing countries. it.

According to Aoyagi, Suda, and Hence, the aim of this paper is to

Shinada (2011), gender roles are those introduce the phenomena of gender role,

behaviours, tasks and responsibilities that a gender bias, and the dialect that usually

society considers appropriate for men, women, applied of each gender. The students are

boys and girls. Then, gender discrimination is expected to be more aware of the phenomena

any exclusion or restriction made on the basis so that they can have gender equality in their

of gender roles and relations that prevents a daily life, especially in their education

person from enjoying full human rights. The environment.

existence of these phenomena in school context can have a great influence toward the

The Topic

students in their daily life.

In the past, women are supposed to The objective of this teaching and stay at home, remaining powerless and

learning activities is to direct the students in generally subordinate to man, whereas men are

understanding the role of gender in language considered as the centre both in the family and

for daily life more deeply. The students are society. Hence, women be came the ―weaker

expected to be able analyze any gender gender‖ at that time since gender is both

language phenomena in their daily life, so that cultural and individual concept. According to

they are able to avoid the practice of gender

RE F O R M A Developing Contextual Lesson Planning

Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran to Engage Students‟ Understanding in The Role of Gender in Language

Used in Daily Life - Tiara Retno Haryani

bias, gender discrimination, and gender role in

 Whilst-Teaching

society, especially in education field.

1. The students are divided into groups of Moreover, the students may enlarge their

five students.

knowledge about the gender problem

2. Each group of students is given a list of phenomena, which is not very popular in

words and they are asked to categorize Indonesia.

it according to gender (Task 1).

3. The teacher/lecturer starts discussing

Sample of The Teaching Procedures In The

the answer of the task.

Lesson Plan

4. The teacher/lecturer explains the Since the objective of this paper is to

materials of gender dialect and gender introduce the students about gender in

bias to the students. language used in their daily life by using

5. The students assigned to discuss the contextual lesson plan, there is a necessity to

gender dialect used that they know and apply

explain the characteristic of each term implementing the lesson plan. In order to

an appropriate

understand the material deeply about the

6. The students are assigned to discuss gender and language, the students are needed

about the phenomena occurred in their to be given Contextual Teaching and Learning

daily life related to gender bias and (CTL). This approach emphasizes teacher‘s

sexist language and give the example effort to relate teaching contents to students‘

of each term (Task 3). environment, and to relate students‘

7. The teacher/lecturer collects the knowledge to its implication in real life

students‘ works.

(Fachrurrazy, 2010:46). Therefore, the lesson

teacher/lecturer leads the plan applied is more focused on the students‘

8. The

discussion of the groups based on the works and activities based on their contextual

answers they have submitted. daily life.

 Post-Teaching

1. The teacher/lecturer asks to conclude yet it can influence the students ‘ point of view

The teaching procedure is quite simple,

the materials orally

teacher/lecturer gives the life. The teaching procedure covers the pre-

toward the phenomena occurred in their daily

2. The

opportunity for the students to ask their teaching activities, whilst teaching, and post

difficulty in the lesson (if any). teaching activities.  Pre-Teaching


1. The teacher greets the students. In short, we can say that the study of

2. The teacher asks the students about the gender is actually important for the students previous meeting materials

since they need to avoid the implementation of

3. The teacher answers the students‘ gender bias, gender role, and gender questions about the previous materials

discrimination. Even though gender has not (if any)

been in a settled curriculum, especially in

4. The teacher asks the students‘ elementary, junior high, and senior high background knowledge about gender

school, they should at least know the problems phenomena.

phenomena happened in their daily life. By using CTL approach, the students are expected to be able to understand the material and can

Developing Contextual Lesson Planning


to Engage Students‟ Understanding in The Role of Gender in Language Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran Used in Daily Life - Tiara Retno Haryani

analyze it in contextual situation in their daily

 Slim life. After the students understand the material,

 Chatty

 Neat they should be more aware of the phenomena

 Handsome

 Hysterical discussed since education field can also give a

 Well-built

big influence toward the students‘ point view,

Task 2

behavior, and other aspects of their life. Discuss the gender dialect used that you know and infer the characteristic of each gender.


a. Woman

Aoyagi, Midori, Eiko Suda, and Tomomi .................................................................... Shinada. 2011. Gender Inclusion in Climate

.................................................................... Change Adaptation. ADBI Working Paper

b. Man

Series, (103): 1-19 .................................................................... Fachrurrazy. 2010. Teaching English as

.................................................................... Foreign Language for teachers in Indonesia. Malang.

Task 3 Discuss the phenomena occurred in your daily

Lei, Xiaolan. 2006. Sexism in Language. life related to gender bias and sexist language Journal of Language and Linguistic, 5 (1): 1- and give the example of each term.

Surnderland, Jane and Joan Swann. Teaching ......................................................................... Language

......................................................................... ( www.llas.ac.uk/resources/gpg/2827 ), accessed November 24 th , 2012.

Trudgil, Peter. 2000. Sociolinguistics: An

introduction to Language and Society.

London: Penguin Books.


Task 1

Read though the term below and sort them into

two lists, according to whether you think the

terms are more commonly used for women or


 Dominant

 Emotional

 Independent

 Elegant

 Competitive

 Strong

 Beautiful

 Fragile

 Physique

 Ambitious

 Athletic

 Aggressive

 Pretty

 Emphatic

 Nurturing

 Muscular

 Graceful

 Tearful


fatmawatyriryn@ymail.com Universitas Islam Lamongan


As we know that vocabulary is as a major component of language learning. Without having adequate vocabulary we will get difficulty to learn English. So that way it has to be mastered by learners. It should be the first priority in English language teaching and learning because as a central of language teaching and learning. It means that by mastering vocabulary, of course with grammar, the learners will produce so many sentences easily either in spoken or written one. Actually, there are many methods that used by teacher in English‟s teaching in order to reach the goal in teaching and learning English, such as using cartoon movies, pictures, jigsaws, games, song and etc. Another way is learning through vocabulary card or flashcard. As we listen and read, we often meet new words by flashcard. A flashcard is a set of cards bearing information, as words or numbers, on either or both sides, used in classroom drills or in pr ivate study”. The problem of the study is the students vocabulary mastery of MI. Babul Ulum Dorogede Gedangan Sukodadi Lamongan is very low, so researcher does a research in that school in a month, there are two meetings for doing pre test and post test, while four time for teaching and learning activities for each class by using flashcard. In doing research, the experimental class were given several treatments, while the control group get the lesson as usual. The topics lessons, teacher, pre-test and post test were same, but the method of teaching was different. Based on the result of statistic test, it is known that the result scores of experiment class is higher than control class and it is described as follows; based on the normality test, that the result from experiment class is (-2,7756 < 11,3449), and from control class is (-19,6799 < 11,3449). That means H0 received, both samples is from population distributes normal. Based on the homogeneity test is (2,25 < 3,69), that H0 us received. So that, both samples is from variant homogeneity. Based on the differences between mean with the t-test, that is (2,12 < 6,69), means that H0 is refused. So, the final score of students who taught by using flashcard is better than the students who do not use.

Keywords: Flashcard, Vocabulary mastery

Background of The Study

They also difficult to pronoun and write it, Actually, there is big problem in

whereas, in general the students must have students‘ vocabulary mastery in the school MI.