The Description Of Plot Found In Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Novel Obsidian


A. Biography of Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout was born on June 11th, 1980 in Martinsburg, West
Virginia, United States. When she is not hard at work writing, she spends her time,
reading, working out, watching zombie movies, pretending to write and hanging out
with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. She shares her home with her husband,
his K-9 partner named Diesel and her hyper Jack Russell Loki. Her dreams of
becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent her time writing short
stories. Therefore explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes Young Adult
Contemporary, Urban Fantasy/Paranormal and Romance. She writes New Adult and
Adult romance under the pen name J.Lynn. She is the author of the Covenant Series

(Spencer Hill Press) the Lux Series (Entangled Teen) and the upcoming YA Don't
Look Back (2014) and untitled YA (Fall 2014) from Disney/Hyperion. She is also
published with Harlequin Teen and HarperCollin She also writes Adult and New
Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is
published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.
She started writing seriously in 2007 with her first book, a young adult

paranormal romance, and she got a contract on that in 2010 through a small press,
Spencer Hill Press. They published it in October 2011. She started out like most
authors do looking for an agent but she could not get one. Once her book came out.
She was able to get one. Since 2011, she has had 13 books come out. All the books
that have come out are with Entangled Publishing and Spencer Hill. My Harlequin
Teen book doesn’t come out until the end of this year and my Disney Hyperion books
are scheduled to come out in 2014.
She decided to self-publish in the first place is came up with the idea in the
shower and wrote the book in 20 days in January. She can write pretty fast. She sent a
partial to her agent and they loved it. They targeted about four-to-five publishers and
it was really well-received and all the editors loved it but it got turned down at every
publisher because the new adult market is very risky. It is hard to get it into
bookstores. And the market is getting flooded. So, they had this book they thought
would sell it but couldn’t.
When they found out they could not sell it Kevan and I had a serious
conversation – neither of them had done anything with self-publishing before but she

knew some authors who had done it and had some help getting copy editors and
cover designers and other people to help. They formed a marketing plan that we

thought would work. She has a platform but they wanted to reach beyond her
readership so that is when they decided to do the three-day $0.99 deal and it worked.
It has all happened so quickly. She wrote the book in January, they published it in
February. It is been an insane couple of months.
Jennifer Armentrout has two nominations in this year’s Goodreads Choice
Awards 2013 – the best books of 2013. The categories are: Adult Fantasy and
Science Fiction But really, we only care about ROMANCE AND YOUNG ADULT
FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION – the two categories featuring Jennifer
Armentrout books!
The 2013 Goodreads Choice Awards have three rounds of voting open to all
registered Goodreads members. Winners will be announced December 03, 2013.
Opening Round: November 04 – 09. Voting open to 15 official nominees, and writein votes can be placed for any eligible book (see eligibility below). Semifinal Round:
November 11 – 16. The top five write-in votes become official nominees, bringing
the total to 20 nominees in each category. Additional write-ins no longer accepted.
Final Round: November 18 – 25. The field narrows to the top 10 books in each
category, and members have one last chance to vote! 2013 Eligibility Books
published for the first time in the United States in English between November 26,
2012, and November 16, 2013, are eligible for the 2013 Goodreads Choice Awards.


Books published between November 17, 2013, and December 31, 2013, will be
eligible for the 2014 awards.

B. Summary of Obsidian Novel
Katy and her mom move to a small town in West Virginia from Florida. Her
mother name is Kellie Swartz. Katy and her mother moved to West Virginia because
they want to leave all the sadness that is in Florida. Ever since Dad died, her Mom
had started working more and more. She used to want to be home. Then it seemed
like she wanted to be as far away as possible. She had d finally given up on that
option and decided they needed to drive far away. At least since they had gotten in
West Virginia, even though she was still working like a demon, she was determined
to be more in Katy’s life.
She doesn’t like her new house because it looked like something straight out
of a horror movie. But she has beautiful neighbor but arrogant. His name Daemon
Black. They met when Katy came to his house and asking about the quickest way to
the grocery and a place that sold plants. But that question make her tears of anger and
embarassement burnt her eyes because Daemon is so arrogant and start to mock her.
Daemon has sister, she name Dee. She is different from Daemon. She is a good
person and she wants to makes friends with Katy. Although Dee's brother Daemon is

a complete jerk to Katy. While Katy tries to adjust to living in the small town, she
grows closer to Dee and more curious about Daemon.


Dee took Daemon’s car keys and until he play nice with Katy, he does not get
them back. It’s too damn annoying for him to get replacements. Dee hid his keys. She
is good at hiding stuff, too. He has already torn the house apart, and he cannot find
them unfortunately she has left town and will not be back until Sunday. He is
supposed to take Katy swimming tomorrow. If he does that, then Dee will tell him
where his keys are hidden—and he has to be nice. Those plans involve him getting
his car keys back. And it also plans to daemon apologize to Katy but in the beginning,











When Katy and Daemon went to hiking in the Rocks, on the way, they get in an
argument; she walks in front of a truck since she is so angry she is not paying
attention. Daemon turns into a beam of light and rescues her from in front of the
truck. Katy finds out Daemon and Dee are aliens called Luxen, and there is another
alien race called Arum which is the Luxen's enemies. The governments know about
the Luxen being on Earth, but allow them to stay as long as national security is not

breached. Daemon tells Katy the reason he has been mean to her even though he is
attracted to her is that his brother Dawson became involved with a human girl called
Bethany and they were both killed.
Arum is the only enemies of Luxen. They want to destroy Luxen and steal
their power. When the Luxen use their abilities around people, they will absorb
Luxen’s light. And they are lit up like the fireworks.and Arum will use Katy to get
to the Luxen. But the glow will fade if the more energy they use,the brighter the trace.
When Daemon save Katy from stopping the truck can be tracked and bear attack, the

trace on Katy, make the Arum to find Katy and almost killed Katy. The Arum use
Katy to get to the Luxen. They can find Daemon and his kind with the trace on Katy
and knew there had to be one of Luxen nearby.
After in the dance party night, half way home, suddenly Daemon out the
words that make Katy surprised and he immediately slamming on the brake. When
Katy tries to see what caused such Daemon. And it turns out he realized that there
was a man who was standing in front of their car. He knew the man. They are Arum.
As if it was planned, Daemon reached down and yanked up his pants leg. He held
something long, dark and shiny. It is a kind of dagger sharp. It is Obsidian.
Obdisidian is the only thing that can kill Arum. Daemon gave it to katy to protect

herself from Arum. And after the incident of Arum attack in the Fields, Katy is lit up
like a freaking disco ball. The Luxen are worry about the return of Barruck. Because
the trace on Katy makes Arum can find her back easily use her to get to Daemon.
And Arum can contact DOD to inform them that Katy knows about identity of
Luxen. DOD will interverne and do something is undesirable to Katy. Or she will be
disappearing. Daemon and his kind try to how to deal with the last Arum. The boys of
Luxen spotted Baruck. He is heading this way Luxen are in danger of the trace on
Katy and she is a weakness of Daemon. Because of that, Katy have a plan to lure
Barruck to get away from Daemon and his kinds and let the guys meet her in the field
and take him down together. If Barruck managed to find Katy, he will use her to
destroy Luxen. Katy carry out her plan to go to the fields near the school for lure
Barruck there and then the Luxen come and take him down together.

After the incident that Katy was lure Barruck in the field, Daemon and his
kind searching the whole country to make sure that there are no Arum. And they have
not seen a single one. After that, Daemon gave Katy something reached into the front
pocket of his jacket. And it was a piece of Obsidian about three inches long, polished
and shaped into a pendant. The glass was shiny black. It seemed to hum against her
skin, cool to the touch. The silver chain it hung from was delicate, spiraling over the

top of the pendent. The other edge was sharpened into a fine point.