T1 852010018 Daftar Pustaka


1. Sumber Tercetak
Bartlet, M. Elizabeth C., “Combo” dalam The Grove Dictionary of Music and
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Hargreaves, David J. dan North, Adrian C. The Social Psychology of Music. New
York: Oxford University, 1997
Listya, Agastya Rama. A-Z Direksi Paduan Suara. Jakarta: Yamuger, 2007.
Mack, Dieter. Apresiasi Musik Musik Populer. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Pustaka
Nusatama. 1995
Santrock, John W. Life-Span Development. Jakarta : Erlangga, 1996
Soeharto. Kamus Musik. Jakarta: Gramedia. 1992
Barresi, A. The adolescent male singer: Understanding the change. Chorister's
Guild Letter . New York. University of New York. 1996

2. Sumber Internet