Komunikasi Pemasaran Dalam Proses Jual Beli Online Melalui Fitur BlackBerry Messenger.


Novita Mardhatillah, 210111100061, 2013, “Komunikasi Pemasaran
Dalam Proses Jual Beli Online Melalui Fitur BlackBerry Messenger ”.
Pembimbing utama Dr. Hj. Purwanti Hadisiwi, M.Exed dan pembimbing
pendamping Drs. Teddy K. Wirakusuma, M.I.Kom, manajemen Komunikasi,
fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas padjadjaran.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengapa pembeli
berbelanja online melalui fitur BlackBerry Messenger , mengapa para penjual
memilih berjualan melalui fitur BlackBerry Messenger , dan bagaimana proses jual
beli antara pembeli dan penjual berlangsung melalui fitur BlackBerry Messenger .
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif
dengan desain studi kasus. Instrumen utama penelitian ini adalah penelitian
sendiri yang didapat dari wawancara langsung, tanya jawab melalui media
komunikasi BlackBerry sendiri serta melalui email bagi narasumber yang
berdomisili jauh. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui observasi,
wawancara, studi kepustakaan dan data dari internet.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ada beberapa manfaat bagi pembeli
sehingga pembeli berbelanja melalui fitur BlackBerry Messenger walaupun
dibalik itu pernah ada keluhan atau resiko yang didapat, penjual juga
mengutarakan manfaat dan keuntungan yang didapat dari berjualan melalui fitur

BlackBerry Messenger , dengan sedikit kerugian. Dan proses jual beli bersifat

singkat, walau kebanyakan barang tidak langsung ada di tangan tetapi menghemat
waktu dan tenaga serta harga lebih murah.



Novita Mardhatillah, 210111100061, 2013, “Marketing Communication

in the process of buying and selling online via BlackBerry Messenger Freatures”
with main chancellor Dr. Hj. Purwanti Hadisiwi, M.Exed and vice chancellor
Drs. Teddy K. Wirakusuma, M.I.Kom., Science of Communication Faculty,
Padjajaran University.
The purpose of this research is to find out why buyers shop online via BlackBerry
Messenger features, why the sellers choose to sell through BlackBerry Messenger
feature, and how the process of buying and selling between buyers and sellers
ongoing via BlackBerry Messenger features.
The method used in this research is qualitative research method with case

study design. The main instrument for the research is the observer herselves. The
data in this research is conducted through directed interview, interview with
BlackBerry and via e-mail for respondent who lived far away. The tecnique of
data collecting was conducted through observation, depth interviews with related
persons, literature study and data from internet.
The results of this research show that there are some benefits to the buyer
so that the buyer to shop via BlackBerry Messenger features although it once
existed behind the complaints or risk being obtained, the seller also declares
benefits and advantages gained from selling through BlackBerry Messenger
feature, with minimal losses. And the process of buying and selling is short,
although most of the goods are not directly have on hand but save you time and
effort as well as cheaper prices.
