Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of
Sarjana Sastra


Reg.No : 209220052



Alhamdulillahirabbil‘alamin.Great thankfulness to Allah SWT for always
giving the writer blessing, endless love, health, strength and mercy, especially in
process of accomplishing this thesis.

This thesis has been written to fulfill the requirements for the degree of
SarjanaSastra (S1) at English and Literature Department of Faculty of Language
and Arts in the State University of Medan.
In accomplishing this thesis, the writer was helped by so many beloved
people and the writer would like to express her gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. IbnuHajarDamanik, as the Rector of State University of
Medan, who had given cooperation.


Dr. IsdaPramuniati, M.Hum. as the Dean of Faculty of Language and Arts
for the management and administrative process.


Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd. as the Head of English and Literature
Department as well as her thesis advisor, for the advice, guidance, comment,
and precious time in supervising the draft of writing during the completion

of this thesis.


Dra. Meisuri, M.A as the Head of Applied Linguistics Program for presence
and availability regarding her academic requirements.


Drs. EliaMasaGintings, M.Hum. as her academic advisor for helping the
writer in choosing the title of this thesis.


Prof. AmrinSaragih, M.A., Ph.D. and Dr. AnniHolilaPulungan, M.Hum. as
herthesis examiners, for the advices, inputs, comments and guidances, and
all her beloved lecturers in English and Literature Department.


Her beloved family, her beloved grandmother, Alm. Syamsinar apologize
for this delay; her beloved grandfather, Kasri; her wonderful mother, Sry
Dewi K.S your love is my power; her father, Abdi Hasibuan; her dearest
sister Wiwik Abdillah Hasibuan and her dearest brother Wahyu Hidayat


Hasibuan, thank you for the understanding and the big support in prayer,
love, motivation and financial while accomplished this thesis.

Her beloved friends; Siska Pratiwi, Suci Retno Utami, Sry Utami and
Arbainah thanks for your love, happiness and friendship. Her special thanks
also go to all friends in Applied Linguistics A and B 2009, all friends in her
company, Nexx SFM that she cannot be mentioned one by one.


Special thanks to her beloved brother, Aditya Syahputra Daulay for his love
and support to the writer all day long to complete this thesis


All other whose name cannot be mentioned one by one for their help and
support. Thanks for everything. May Allah bless us. Amin.
Finally, the writer admits that this thesis still far from being perfect.

Therefore, the writer would like to invite the readers to give suggestion for the
improvement of this thesis later on.

April 2014
The writer

Winda Abdianti Hasibuan
Reg.No: 209220052



Hasibuan, Winda Abdianti. 2014. Code Mixing in ANTV Black in News
Program. A Thesis. Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of
Code mixing is the mixing from a language into the structure of other languages
in same utterance. The study deal with the code mixing in Black in News Program
on ANTV officially by Djarum Black. The objectives of study are to identify the
type of code mixing in Black in News program applied by the presenters. This
research used descriptive qualitative design. The data consist of three editions of
Black in News program on February 2014 which are analyzed in this study. The
findings show that there are 97 insertions (34,52%), 96 alternations (34,16%), and
88 congruent lexicalizations (31,32%). The most dominant types of code mixing
used is insertion because there are so many terminology from the second language
that used and put in the middle of the presenters utterences in delivered
information which their present and inability to find an appropriate word in one
language, so that they combine their speech using bilingualism.



ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEGDEMENT ....................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................ iv
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................... vi
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................ viii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION............................................................... 1
A. The Background of the Study...................................................... 1
B. The Problems of the Study........................................................... 4
C. The Scope of Study...................................................................... 5
D. The Objective of the Study.......................................................... 5
E. The Significance of the Study...................................................... 5
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE........................................... 7
A. Sosiolinguistics............................................................................ 7
B. Multilingualism............................................................................ 8
C. Bilingualism................................................................................. 8
1. Additive Bilingualism............................................................ 9
2. Subtractive Bilingualism........................................................9
D. Code ............................................................................................ 10

1. Code-Switching......................................................................11
2. Code-Mixing......................................................................... 12
a. Types of Code-Mixing...................................................... 13
b. Some Factor People Used Code-Mixing........................... 17
E. Components of Language ........................................................... 19
1. Morphemes............................................................................ 19
2. Phrases................................................................................... 20
3. Clauses................................................................................... 22
4. Sentences................................................................................23
F. Televisison .................................................................................. 24
1. Definition .............................................................................. 24
2. Andalas Televisi (ANTV) ..................................................... 25
a. History .............................................................................. 25
b. ANTV’s Programs ............................................................ 26
c. Black In News .................................................................. 27
d. News Presenter ................................................................. 29
G. Relevant Study ............................................................................ 28
H. Conceptual Framework ................................................................ 30
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD.................................................. 31


Research Design...........................................................................31
The Data and the Source of Data ............................................... 31
The Technique of Collecting Data............................................... 32
The Technique of Analyzing Data............................................... 32

DISCUSSIONS............................................................................................ 34
A. Data Analysis............................................................................... 34
1. Types of Code Mixing are Used in Black in News ............... 36
2. Code Mixing is Dominantly Used in Black in News............. 40
3. Reason of Using Code Mixing Applied by Presenter in
Black in News ....................................................................... 40
B. Research Findings ....................................................................... 41
C. Discussion ................................................................................... 42
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................ 44

A. Conclusion .................................................................................. 44
B. Suggestion ................................................................................... 45
APPENDIX .................................................................................................. 48

Appendix A. Background of the Presenters .................................................


Appendix B. Identification of the Types of Code Mixing in Black in News
Program .................................................................................


Appendix C. Black in News (Transcripts) ..................................................


Figure 2.1. Insertion Structure....................................................................... 14
Figure 2.2. Alternation Structure................................................................... 15
Figure 2.3. Congruent Lexicalization Structure............................................. 16



A. The Background of the Study
Language as an important part in our daily activity by language people can
communicate with other people without misunderstanding and misperception.
Language has many variations which can make it is more beautiful.
Indonesia is a multicultural country, through not know exactly how many
ethnic groups in Indonesia. However, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS)
released the results of the last census in 2010, it is known that Indonesia consist of
1,128 races from 400 ethnics. This causes the variation in the Indonesian
language. Because of the variations in the Indonesian language, almost the entire

populations of Indonesia have a second language in their lives other than the first
language or mother tongue is the language that they learned when first born. The
first language of most of the population of Indonesia is the traditional language,
while the second language is Bahasa Indonesian (BI).
Most of regional languages of Indonesia's population owned, BI is also
used as a language of unity, so that the presence of BI among the many local
languages in Indonesia and Indonesian people can easily make communication
between ethnic groups in Indonesia.
Kridalaksana (1981: 17) says that language is a system of symbols that
from as arbitrary sounds which uses by the members of the community to work
with others, to communicate and to identify themselves. Development of



communication skills in the two languages provides an opportunity for each
individual to express their feelings and thoughts while showing their identity.
The diversity of languages sometimes makes some people use languages
mixing between regions with Indonesian language, for example mixing between
the Indonesian languages with Javanese. Sudaryat (2008:21) says that mixing
languages is called the language mixing. The language mixing is done so that
different people can interact with a fixed rate well against other tribes, besides
that, they can also learn traditional languages other than their own and make them
have a better ability to interact with others. As social beings, language is the most
vital communication tool. The use of language is good and right will make the
other person will respond well to every word and action taken.
According to Saragih (2012:1) language is formed in the society. There is
no language without society and there is no society without language. It is mean
that language and society are closely related. It used to say that at one time the
society determines or depends on language and at another time in its language
Determines or turn depends on the society.
Siburian (1997) explained that language cannot develop in a vacuum and
there is no society without language alive. Language development related with the
development of the social environment. The number of foreign residents live in
the Indonesian language is also a factor of development. Indonesian usage began
under the influence of a foreign language. People who use the language begin to
have the ability to combine multiple elements of words and clauses in a foreign
language. This phenomenon is called code mixing.


In its development, Indonesian people not only do the mixing between the
Indonesian with local language (Bataknese, Javanese, Padangnese, etc) but also
with foreign languages, such as English, Chinese, Arabic, etc.
In this thesis, the writer found examples of code mixing used in Black in
News program applied by the presenters,
Hello viewers, I’m super very happy alias seneng sekali bisa ketemu
lo semua viewers malam hari ini. (Hello viewers, I’m super very
happy because I can see you all tonight).
That is a opening speech from Rizky Qnoze who one of presenters in
Black in News program on ANTV edition 100 on April 18,2013. Based on the
example, it can be seen that the presenters are mixing the two languages (English
and Indonesia) and sometimes he enter Betawi dialect as change the subject
“You” become “Lo”.
From the situation above we can see that bilingual often develops a mix
code (Spolsky, 1998: 51). In Indonesia, There are many foreigners. Sometimes
they influence people to use their languages and people to develop some
knowledge and ability in a second language and so become bilingual.
In this globalization, people around the world should know English since it
has been generally accepted as one the major languages of the word that is, Instant
besides English as International Language. Many of Indonesian people use two
languages in one utterance. Often Language reflects the influence of education,
social and economic factors, such as the need for work. They need English both in


oral and written texts for their job for their success and social well being to make
friends (Holmes, 2001: 55)
The phenomenon of mixing the use of this language will often be seen
especially in some television programs. One of Indonesia's TV programs using
code mixing is Black in News program of ANTV. The use of code mixing is
usually done by the presenter in delivering the news. Black in News is a program
that contains some news about the latest news, today's lifestyle and some
information about the world of entertainment in Indonesia which is packaged in a
modern and young. This case gives interest to the writer to know about those
information’s. The writer interested to find out the types of code mixing and the
type code mixing which become the most dominantly in Black in News program
of ANTV applied by the presenters.

B. The Problems of the Study
The problems to be analyzed in this study are:
1. What types of code mixing are used in Black in News TV program on
ANTV applied by the presenters?
2. What type of code mixing is the most dominantly used in Black in News
TV program on ANTV applied by the presenters?
3. Why is the most dominant type of the code mixing applied by the
presenters in Black in News TV program on ANTV?


C. The Scope of the Study
This research is limited the study focus on the three types of code mixing. It
is researched the mixing code that applied by the presenters of Black in News of
ANTV program on February 2014. It is described the types and the type of code
mixing that is the most dominantly used by the presenters.

D. The Objective of the Study
The aims of the study are:
1. To find out the types of code mixing that used in Black in News of
ANTV program applied by the presenters.
2. To find out the types of code mixing that is the most dominantly used in
Black in News of ANTV program applied by the presenters.
3. To explain why the most dominant type of the code-mixing applied by
the presenters in Black in News program.

E. The Significance of the Study
This lesson is expected to be useful in theoretically for:
1. Provide an explanation of code mixing, the types of code mixing,
intended use and why it is used in communication activities.
2. As a guide for students interested to study the code mixing.


This lesson is also expected to be useful in practically for:
1. Teaching people to use code-mixing in daily communication and make
the code-mixing is not a taboo anymore for use in communicating.
2. Helping the viewers to understand the purpose of the presentation by
the presenters in Black in News program.


A. Conclusion
After analyzing the types of code mixing were used in Black in
News program on ANTV applied by the presenters, the conclusion are as

The three types of code mixing were found in three edition of Black in
News at February 2014. The types of code mixing are insertion,
alternation, and congruent lexicalization.


The most dominant type of code mixing was used in Black in News
program was insertion type. There are 97 numbers from 281 numbers
as insertion type (34,52%). It is meant in a sentence uttered, often
presenters slipped a word or phrase that is derived from other


From the analysis has been done by the researcher, it can be deduced
about the reason for the speaker/presenter used code mixing in their
speech and that is the main reason the program used bilingual
language subsequently affects in social community use bilingual
language. These situations are closer with daily conversation and their
habitual communication as well as making their own style which is
modern and educated. They used code mixing because of prestige.



B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, the researcher would like to
propose some suggestions as follows:

For those who want to conduct code mixing study as the tool of their
research, they must understand and learn more about this study. They
can use the different object of the research such as from
advertisement, movie, print media such as magazines, tabloids or
newspapers, literary work like novels or short stories.


It is suggested that the speakers should be concerned about the use of
code mixing which is used in presenting their utterance so that
although the study used a mixed language, but the purpose is still
understood by the viewers.


The finding of this research can be used as a reference to give better
understanding for the future researcher, provide additional information
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The writers’s name is Winda Abdianti Hasibuan, born on May 19, 1991 in
Medan, North Sumatera. She is the first daugter of Mr. Abdi Hasibuan and Mrs.
Sry Dewi K.S. Her sister is Wiwik Abdillah Hasibuan and her brother is Wahyu
Hidayat Hasibuan
She went to Sekolah Dasar Negeri 064988 Medan (graduated in 2003),
then entered SMP Swasta Eria Medan (graduated in 2006) and SMA Swasta
Harapan Mandiri Medan (graduated in 2009). She started undergraduate study at
State University of Medan in 2009, majoring in Applied Linguistics and is
graduating on May.