Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Stereotyping in Gung Ho Movie: an appraisal analysis

Winda Adelia

Many people do communication without comprehending the meaning contained
in the sentences. The need to understand the meaning of the sentences of
stereotyping threat by Appraisal analysis could make people become more aware
with their sentences. Appraisal analysis, an approach by Thompson (2004) is a
method to analyze stereotyping threat sentences. The sentences are divided into
Appraisal sub-categories: Affect, Judgement and Appreciation. This study was
conducted to find out the stereotyping in Gung Ho movie. This movie is considered
as one that is rich with stereotyping according to the audience. With the help of
functional grammar perspective, the analysis could be more reliable. Using
Appraisal Analysis, there were 15 sentences found to have stereotyping. From
those 15 sentences, there were 7 sentences of Affect and 8 sentences of
Judgement. There was no sentence of Appreciation. The data indicated that the
most of stereotyping threat sentences were Judgement.
Key Words: Appraisal analysis, stereotyping threat, effective communication, Gung
Ho Movie, Interpersonal analysis