A Thesis

Submitted to the Board of Examiners

As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for S.Pd. Degree

Compiled by:


Aulia Rahma Eka K.D






  MOTTO “Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves ” (Q.S. Ar Ra’ad:11) “Sebaik- baik manusia adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi orang lain” (H. R. Ahmad, Thabrani, Daruqutni. Dishahihkan Al Albani dalam As- Silsilah As-Shahihah) “ I have no special talent. I just always curious” (Albert Eintein ) “Study is not just a matter of intelligence of your brain, but more important is its commitment ”.

  DEDICATION This thesis is dedicate to

  My one and only Almighty Alloh S.W. T, who had guided and bless me during the process of doing this thesis. My father Mastolkhah S.H. and My mother Mundiyah S.Pd., M.Pd for the countless prayer, love and support. My friend, Arkaan, who is able be a place for me to share my difficulties and happiness and endless supporting me. Thank for coming into my life. My closest friends Cici Wahyuni S.Pd, Maghfirotun Nurkhamah , Dena

  Tri Febrianti, Esca Yulianti, Gerli Amalia Azizah, Oktifa Dewi Salasatun, Kurnia, and Rosyida Azizah S.Pd, M.Pd. who always supported me. I learnt about effort, appreciation, business, togetherness and love. Thank you for giving me memories which I could not find at another place. My new family “English Department in academic year 2014 ” Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  For everyone who had gave single small help and support during my study and thesis, including office staffs and office boys.



  Assalamu‟ alaikum Wr., Wb., Alhamdulillahirobbil „alamin. The prayer and salam always offered for the Prophet Muhammad, the noblest creature ever. All praise to be Allah S.W.T who always gives his blessing upon the writer in her life and enabled her to accomplish this thesis entitled “Students‟ Difficulty in Translating Authentic Text”. This thesis is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements to get S.Pd Degree in English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. The writer would like to express her great appreciation to:

  1. Drs. Pudiyono, M. Hum, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty and also my advisor who has given me the permission and assistance to the completion of this bachelor thesis.

  2. Aulia Nisa Khusnia, S.S., M.A., the Head of English Department who has given opportunity and agreement to conduct this research.

  3. All lectures of English Education Department for inspiring me with their guidance and patience during my study.

  4. All fourth semester at English Department, especially my subject. Thank you for the participation.

  The writer thinks that the thesis is far from perfection, so that the writer would appreciate and welcome for constructive criticism and suggestion.

Wassalamu‟alaikum Wr., Wb.

  Purwokerto, 16 Agustus 2018 The Writer Aulia Rahma E. K. D.



TITLE................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL....................................................................................................... ii LEGALIZATION ............................................................................................. iii DECLARATION ............................................................................................... iv MOTTO ............................................................................................................. v DEDICATION ................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ vii TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................viii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ xi LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................... xii ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION

  1.1.Background of the Research ...................................................................... 1

  1.2. Previous Research ...................................................................................... 5

  1.3.Reason for Choosing the topic ................................................................... 5

  1.4.Statement of the Problem ........................................................................... 6

  1.5.Aim of the Research .................................................................................... 6

  1.6.Clarification of the Key Term .................................................................... 6

  1.7.Contribution of the Research ..................................................................... 9


  2.1.Theory of Translation ................................................................................. 10

  2.1.1.Definition ................................................................................................... 10

  2.1.2. Process of Translation ............................................................................... 12

  2.2.Kinds of Translation ................................................................................... 15

  2.2.1.Form Based Translation ............................................................................. 15

  2.2.2. Meaning Based Translation....................................................................... 16

  2.3.The aspects of the Difficulty of Translation .............................................. 17

  2.3.1 Lexical Problem ......................................................................................... 18 2.3.1.a. Lexical Equivalent .................................................................................. 19 2.3.1.b. Lexical Adjustment ................................................................................ 20

  2.3.2. Grammatical Problem ............................................................................... 24 2.3.2.a. Grammatical Equivalent ......................................................................... 24 2.3.2.b. Grammatical Adjustment ....................................................................... 26

  2.4.Authentic Text ............................................................................................. 30

  2.5.Basic Assumption ........................................................................................ 31


  3.1.Method of the Research .............................................................................. 33

  3.2.Place and time of the Research .................................................................. 34

  3.3.Subject of the Research .............................................................................. 34

  3.4.Technique of Data Collection ..................................................................... 36

  3.5.Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................................ 37


  4.1. Main Data ................................................................................................... 40

  4.2. Classifying the Respondents’ Mistakes on Each Sub Variable Based on the Category of Difficulty Level ....................................................................... 42

  4.3. Discussion .................................................................................................... 46


  5.1. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 48

  5.1.1. Lexical Conclusion.................................................................................... 48

  5.1.2. Grammatical Conclusion ........................................................................... 48

  5.1.3. Frequency Conclusion ............................................................................... 49

  5.2. Suggestion ................................................................................................... 50

  5.2.1. Suggestion To The English Teacher ......................................................... 50

  5.2.2. Suggestion To The students ...................................................................... 50

  5.2.3. Suggestion To The Other Researcher ....................................................... 51



List of Tables

Table 2.1. English Attributive (Modifier )Table 2.2. Indonesian Attributive (Modifier ) Table 4.1.

The Students‟ Difficulties on Each Component of Lexical and


Table 4.2. The Classification of the Diffilculty Level of Each RespondentTable 4.3. The Category of Difficulties LevelTable 4.4. The Frequency of The DifficultiesTable 5.1. The Comparation of The Both Formulas


List of Appendices

  Appendix 1 Research Matrix Appendix 2 Translation Test Appendix 3 Answer Key Appendix 4 Classification of Difficulties Appendix 5

Students‟ Difficulties from The Whole Subjects

  Appendix 6 Total Frequency of The Difficulties Appendix 7 Data of The Subject Appendix 8 Subject 1 Appendix 9 Subject 2 Appendix 10 Subject 3


Students’ Difficulty

in Translating Authentic Text

Aulia Rahma Eka Kusuma Dewi

  Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto



  Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto


  ABSTRACT Reading is one of many ways to get information that people can find from internet or book. Most internet and book use English so that people must read to understand the language. For people who cannot understand English at all they need translation. Translation is the replacements message of the source language to the target one. T his research entitled “Students‟ Difficulty in Translating Authentic

  Text”. The objective of this research was to find out what difficulties students had in translating authentic text, focusing in translating Jakarta Post‟ news article. This research applied survey using a purposive sampling method.

  The subject of this research was twenty seven students at the fourth semester of English Education Department. In collecting the data, the writer asked the students to translate Jakarta Post news article from English into Indonesian. To check the students‟ difficulty in translating the news article, four indicators were used. Those were lexical equivalent, lexical adjustment, grammatical equivalent, and grammatical adjustment (Larson, 1998: 59). Thus, the writer used a test as the main instrument in collecting data. The data analysis method was percentage formula. The result of this research showed that the stude nts‟ difficulty was considered enough in lexical adjustment and grammatical adjustment, with the percentage 38% and 35%. Then it is considered low in grammatical equivalent with the percentage 28%. And it was considered very low in lexical equivalent, with the percentage 20%.

  From the view of students‟ frequency, the result showed that the frequency of the students‟ difficulty on lexical adjustment was 36%, the students‟ difficulty on grammatical adjustment 31%, the students‟ difficulty on grammatical equivalence 26%, and the students‟ difficulty on lexical equivalence

  6%. For this reason, students did not understand well grammatical adjustment and lexical adjustment. While, they were good in lexical equivalent and grammatical equivalent. Finally, it was suggested that the translation teacher to have the students translate Jakarta Post by practicing lots of lexical adjustment and drilling grammatical adjustment and do more activities in making translations.

  Keywords: translation, students‟ difficulty, lexical problems, grammatical problems, authentic text.