MALDI TOF protein modification

  Mass Spectrometry for Protein Quantification and Identification of Posttranslational Modifications

  Joseph A. Loo Joseph A. Loo Department of Biological Chemistry Department of Biological Chemistry David Geffen School of Medicine David Geffen School of Medicine Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

  University of California University of California Los Angeles, CA USA Los Angeles, CA USA


Proteomics and posttranslational modifications

Patterson and protein-ligand protein-ligand interactions interactions protein-ligand protein-ligand interactions interactions protein protein complexes complexes

  (machines) (machines) protein protein complexes complexes

  (machines) (machines) Eukaryotic cell.

  Examples of protein properties are shown, including the interaction of proteins and protein modifications. Proteomic Analysis of Post-translational Modifications 

  Post-translational modifications (PTMs) 

  Covalent processing events that change the properties of a protein proteolytic cleavage addition of a modifying group to one or more amino acids


Determine its activity state, localization, turnover,

interactions with other proteins

   Mass spectrometry and other biophysical methods can

be used to determine and localize potential PTMs

  However, PTMs are still challenging aspects of

  Complexity of the Proteome Complexity of the Proteome


Protein processing and modification comprise an important third

  dimension of information, beyond those of DNA sequence and protein sequence.


  Complexity of the human proteome is far beyond the more than 30,000 human genes.


  The thousands of component proteins of a cell and their post-

  translational modifications may change with the cell cycle, environmental conditions, developmental stage, and metabolic state.

   Proteomic approaches that advance beyond identifying proteins to

  Proteomic approaches that advance beyond identifying proteins to elucidating their post-translational modifications are needed. elucidating their post-translational modifications are needed.

   Use MS to determine PTM of isolated protein

   Enzymatic or chemical degradation

of modified protein

   HPLC separation of peptides


MALDI and/or ESI

used to identify PTM

   MS/MS used to determine location of PTM(s) Proteomic analysis of PTMs Mann and

  Glycoprotein Gel Stain Glycoprotein Gel Stain


Detection of glycoproteins and total protein on an SDS-polyacrylamide gel

using the Pro-Q Fuchsia Glycoprotein Gel Stain Kit.

  CandyCane glycoprotein molecular weight standards containing alternating glycosylated and nonglycosylated proteins were electrophoresed through a 13% polyacrylamide gel. After separation, the gel was stained with SYPRO Ruby protein gel stain to detect all eight marker proteins (left). Subsequently, the gel was stained by the standard periodic acid–Schiff base (PAS) method in the Pro-Q Fuchsia 2 - Glycoprotein Gel Stain Kit to detect the glycoproteins alpha macroglobulin, glucose oxidase, alpha -glycoprotein and 1 avidin.

  Pro-Q™ Glycoprotein Stain (DDAO phosphate) Molecular Formula: C H Cl N O P (MW 422.20) 15 18 2 3 5


Nitro-Tyrosine Modification

  Oxidative modification of amino acid side chains include methionine oxidation to the corresponding sulfone, S-nitrosation or S- nitrosoglutationylation of cysteine residues, and tyrosine modification to yield o,o’-dityrosine, 3-nitrotyrosine and 3-chlorotyrosine.

   Nitric oxide (NO) synthases provide the biological precursor for

nitrating agents that perform this modification in vivo. NO can form

nitrating agents in a number of ways including reacting with

superoxide to make peroxynitrite (HOONO) and through enzymatic

oxidation of nitrite to generate NO

  ·2 

  Tyrosine nitration is a well-established protein modification that occurs in disease states associated with oxidative stress and increased nitric oxide synthase activity.

   The combination of 2D-PAGE, western blotting, and mass

  Nitro-Tyrosine Modification “Proteomic method identifies proteins nitrated in vivo during inflammatory challenge,” K. S. Aulak, M. Miyagi, L. Yan, K. A. West, D. Massillon, J. W.

Crabb, and D. J. Stuehr, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2001; 98: 12056-12061.

  Anti-nitrotyrosine immunopositive proteins in lung of rats induced with LPS.


Diesel Exhaust Particle-Induced Nitro-Tyrosine Modifications

Diesel Exhaust Particle-Induced Nitro-Tyrosine Modifications

  RAW 264.7 macrophage exposed to DEP (Xiao, Loo, and Nel - UCLA)


Sypro Ruby








  9.5 3.5 4.5 5.1





  9.5 116 kDa HSP70 98 HSP70

  Naf-1 55 Naf-1 enolase enolase casein kinase II 37 casein kinase II



30 MnSOD


  Phosphorylation 


Analysis of the entire complement of phosphorylated proteins in cells:

“phosphoproteome” 

  Qualitative and quantitative information regarding protein phosphorylation important 

  Important in many cellular processes  signal transduction, gene regulation, cell cycle, apoptosis

   Most common sites of phosphorylation: Ser, Thr, Tyr

   MS can be used to detect and map locations for phosphorylation

   MW increase from addition of phosphate group

   treatment with phosphatase allows determination of number of phosphate groups

  MS/MS and Phosphorylation 

  Detection of phosphopeptides in complex mixtures can be facilitated by neutral loss and precurson ion scanning using tandem mass spectrometers


  Allow selective visualization of peptides containing phosphorylated residues


  Most commonly performed with triple quadrupole mass spectrometers


MS/MS and Phosphorylation

  Precursor ion scan


  Q1 is set to allow all the components of the mixture to enter the collision cell and undergo CAD


  Q3 is fixed at a specific mass value, so that only analytes which fragment to give a fragment ion of this specific mass will be detected


  Phospho-peptide fragments by CAD to give an ion at m/z 79 (PO ) 3


  Set Q3 to m/z 79: only species which fragment to give a fragment ion of 79 reach the detector and hence indicating phosphorylation



MS/MS and Phosphorylation

  Neutral loss scan 

  Q1 and Q3 are scanned synchronously but with a specific m/z offset


  The entire mixture is allowed to enter the collision cell, but only those species which fragment to yield a fragment with the same mass as the offset will be observed at the detector


  pSer and pThr peptides readily lose phosphoric acid during CAD (98 Da)


  For 2+ ion set offset at 49

  Any species which loses 49 from a doubly charged ion Enrichment strategies to analyze phosphoproteins/peptides 

  Phosphospecific antibodies Phosphospecific antibodies

   Anti-pY quite successful

   (M.

  Anti-pS and anti-pT not as successful, but may be used Grønborg, T. Z. Kristiansen, A. Stensballe, J. S. Andersen, O. Ohara, M.


Mann, O. N. Jensen, and A. Pandey, “Approach for Identification of

Serine/Threonine-phosphorylated Proteins by Enrichment with Phospho- specific Antibodies.” Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2002, 1:517–527.

   Immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC)

  Immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) 

  Negatively charged phosphate groups bind to postively charged 3+ 3+ metal ions (e.g., Fe , Ga ) immobilized to a chromatographic support

   Limitation: non-specific binding to acidic side chains (D, E)

  Derivatize all peptides by methyl esterification to reduce non- specific binding by carboxylate groups.


Direct MS of phosphopeptides

bound to IMAC beads  Raska et al., Anal.

  Chem. 2002, 74, 3429 

  IMAC beads placed directly on MALDI target 

  Matrix solution spotted onto target 

  MALDI-MS of peptides bound to IMAC bead 

  MALDI-MS/MS (*) to identify phosphorylation site(s)


MALDI-MS spectrum

obtained from peptide

bound to IMAC beads

applied directly to MALDI target

   MALDI-MS/MS (Q-TOF) to locate phosphorylation site

   Sample enrichment with minimal sample handling contains phosphorylated Enrichment strategies to analyze phosphoproteins/peptides 

  Chemical derivatization Chemical derivatization


Introduce affinity tag to enrich for

phosphorylated molecules

   e.g., biotin binding to immobilized avidin/ streptavidin Enrichment strategies to analyze phosphoproteins/peptides

   Oda et al., Nature Biotech. 2001, 19, 379 for analysis of pS and pT

   Remove Cys-reactivity by oxidation with performic acid

   Base hydrolysis induce ß-elimination of phosphate from pS/pT

   Addition of ethanedithiol allows coupling to biotin

   Avidin affinity chromatography to purify phosphoproteins

  Enrichment strategies to analyze phosphoproteins/peptides


  Zhou et al., Nature Biotech. 2001, 19, 375


  Reduce and alkylate Cys-residues to eliminate their reactivity


  Protect amino groups with t-butyl-dicarbonate (tBoc)


  Phosphoramidate adducts at phosphorylated residues are formed by carbodiimide condensation with cystamine


  Free sulfhydryls are covalently captured onto glass beads coupled to iodoacetic acid


  Elute with trifluoroacetic acid


Chemical derivatization to

Chemical derivatization to

enrich for phosphoproteins

enrich for phosphoproteins

   Developed because other methods based on affinity/adsorption (e.g.,

  IMAC) displayed some non-specific binding 

  Chemical derivatization methods may be overly complex to be used routinely


Sensitivity may not be

sufficient for some


Phosphoprotein Stain

Phosphoprotein Stain


  PeppermintStick phosphoprotein molecular weight standards separated on a 13% SDS polyacrylamide gel. The markers contain (from largest to smallest) beta-galactosidase, bovine serum albumin (BSA), ovalbumin, beta- casein, avidin and lysozyme. Ovalbumin and beta-casein are phosphorylated. The gel was stained with Pro-Q Diamond phosphoprotein gel stain (blue) followed by SYPRO Ruby protein gel stain (red). The Phosphoprotein Stain Phosphoprotein Stain

  Visualization of total protein and phosphoproteins in a 2-D gel Proteins from a Jurkat T-cell lymphoma line cell lysate were separated by 2-D gel electrophoresis and stained with Pro-Q Diamond

  blue )

  phosphoprotein gel stain (blue followed by SYPRO Ruby protein gel

  red ). After each dye staining,

  stain (red the gel was imaged and the resulting composite image was digitally pseudocolored and overlaid. RAW 264.7 exposed to DEP

  Global Analysis of Protein Phosphorylation Global Analysis of Protein Phosphorylation

  Pro-Q Diamond Pro-Q Diamond

  Sypro Ruby Sypro Ruby

  IEF 9.5 3.54.5 5.1 5.5 6.0 7.0 8.4

  5 3


  1 2 6 7

  20 30 37 98 55 9.5 3.54.5 5.1 5.5 6.0 7.0 8.4

  30 37 98 55

  20 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 TNF TNF   convertase convertase

  MAGUK p55 MAGUK p55

  PDI PDI Protein phosphatase 2A Protein phosphatase 2A

  JNK-1 JNK-1 p38 MAPK alpha p38 MAPK alpha ERK-1

  ERK-1 ERK-2

  ERK-2 ErbB-2 ErbB-2 TNF TNF

  HSP 27 HSP 27 A



  m/z R e l.

  A b un d.

  Q Q H E

  E Mass spectrometry is inherently not a quantitative technique.

  The intensity of a peptide ion signal does not accurately reflect the amount of peptide in the sample. equimolar mixture equimolar mixture of 2 peptides of 2 peptides

  (M+2H) 2+ : [ 12 C]-ion [Val 5 ]-Angiotensin II Lys-des-Arg 9 -Bradykinin



  = 0.036 = 0.036 equimolar mixture equimolar mixture of 2 peptides of 2 peptides


Mass Spectrometry and Quantitative


  Mass Spectrometry and Quantitative Measurements equimolar mixture equimolar mixture


  E H



  of 2 peptides of 2 peptides 13 13 13 2 2 C C C





  E H


  Q d.

  A n A B bu A l. e R m/z

  Two peptides of identical chemical structure that differ in mass because they differ in isotopic composition are expected to generate identical specific signals in a mass spectrometer.

  ICAT: Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag  Alkylating group covalently attaches the reagent to reduces Cys-residues. 

  A polyether mass-encoded linker contains 8 hydrogens (d0) or 8 deuteriums (d8) that represents the isotope dilution.


ICAT: Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag

MS/MS identifies the protein

   The Cys-residues in sample 1 is labeled with d0-ICAT and sample 2 is labeled with d8-ICAT. 


The combined samples are digested, and the biotinylated ICAT-labeled peptides are enriched by avidin

affinity chromatography and analyzed by LC-MS/MS.


Each Cys-peptide appears as a pair of signals differing by the mass differential encoded in the tag. The

  15 Stable Isotope Amino Acid or N- in vivo Labeling


  Metabolic stable isotope coding of proteomes


  An equivalent number of cells from 2 distinct cultures are grown on media supplemented with 14 either normal amino acids or N- minimal media, or stable isotope 2 13 15 15 amino acids ( D/ C/ N) or N- enriched media.


  These mass tags are incorporated into proteins during Enzymatic Stable Isotope Coding of Proteomes

  18 

  Enzymatic digestion in the presence of O- 18 water incorporates O at the carboxy-terminus of peptides

   Proteins from 2 different samples are enzymatically digested in normal water or H 218 O.

  (Arg, Lys) (Arg, Lys) R R R R R R R R 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

  ...NH-CH-CO-NH-CH-CO-NH-CH-CO-NH-CH-COOH ...NH-CH-CO-NH-CH-CO-NH-CH-CO-NH-CH-COOH 18 18 Trypsin /H Trypsin /H O O 2 2

  Identification of Low Abundance Proteins 


The identification of low abundance

proteins in the presence of high

abundance proteins is problematic

(e.g., “needle in a haystack”)


Pre-fractionation of complex protein

mixtures can alleviate some difficulties


  gel electrophoresis, chromatography, etc


Removal of known high abundance proteins allows less abundant species Identification of Low Abundance Proteins


Additional Readings


R. Aebersold and M. Mann, Mass spectrometry-based proteomics,

Nature (2003), 422, 198-207.

   M. B. Goshe and R. D. Smith, “Stable isotope-coded proteomic mass spectrometry.” Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 2003; 14: 101-109.

   W. A. Tao and R. Aebersold, “Advances in quantitative proteomics via stable isotope tagging and mass spectrometry.” Curr. Opin. Biotechnol.

  2003; 14: 110-118.


S. D. Patterson and R. Aebersold, “Proteomics: the first decade and

beyond.” Nature Genetics 2003; 33 (suppl.): 311-323.


M. Mann and O. N. Jensen, “Proteomic analysis of post-translational

modification.” Nature Biotech. 2003; 21: 255-261.


  Proteomics in Practice: A Laboratory Manual of Proteome Analysis Reiner Westermeier, Tom Naven Wiley-VCH, 2002

  PART II: COURSE MANUAL Step 1: Sample Preparation Step 2: Isoelectric Focusing Step 3: SDS Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis PART I: PROTEOMICS Step 4: Staining of the Gels TECHNOLOGY Step 5: Scanning of Gels and Image Analysis Introduction

Step 6: 2D DIGE Expression Proteomics Step 7: Spot Excision Two-dimensional Electrophoresis Step 8: Sample Destaining Spot Handling Step 9: In-gel Digestion Mass Spectrometry Step 10: Microscale Purification Protein Identification by Database Step 11: Chemical Derivatisation of the Peptide Digest Searching Step 12: MS Analysis Methods of Proteomics Proteins and Proteomics: A Laboratory Manual Richard J. Simpson Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (2002)

  Chapter 1. Introduction to Proteomics Chapter 2. One–dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Chapter 3. Preparing Cellular and Subcellular Extracts Chapter 4. Preparative Two–dimensional Gel Electrophoresis with Immobilized pH Gradients Chapter 5. Reversed–phase High–performance Liquid Chromatography Chapter 6. Amino– and Carboxy– terminal Sequence Analysis Chapter 7. Peptide Mapping and Sequence Analysis of Gel–resolved Proteins Chapter 8. The Use of Mass Spectrometry in Proteomics