The Understandings of Whole Class Teaching

work with each group. This activity purposed to make students aware of teacher’s attention and make them more interest in learning. c. Ending If you have limit, then this will help you draw the activity to a close at a certain. In principle, try to finish the activity while the students are still enjoying it and interested or only just beginning to flag. If the students have getting done their job the teacher should finish the activity of small group interaction and the teacher prepared for giving a feedback. d. Feedback A feedback session usually takes place in the context of full-class interaction after the end of the group work. Feed back on the task may take many forms: giving the right solution, if there is one; listening to and evaluating suggestion; pooling ideas on the board; displaying materials the groups have produce; and so on. Your main objective here is to express appreciation of the effort that has been invested and its results. Feed back on language may be integrated into this discussion of the task, or provide the focus of a separate class session later. The statements above explained that the application has many steps are: presentation, process, ending and feedback.

B. Whole Class Teaching

1. The Understandings of Whole Class Teaching

Whole class teaching occurs when teaching and learning frequently conjure up a picture of students sitting in rows listening to a teacher who stands in front of them. Whole class teaching is a teacher centered because when the teacher presented and explained the material the students just listen to the teacher explanation. For many, this is what teaching means, and it is still most common teacher-student interaction in many cultures. Thought it has many limitations, whole-class grouping like this has both practical advantages and disadvantages a. The advantages of whole class-grouping a It reinforces a sense of belonging among the group members, something which we as teachers need to foster. This activity to give the chance for the students to share their emotion in whole-class setting. b It is suitable for activities where the teacher is acting as a controller c It allows teachers to ‘gauge the mood’ of the class in general rather than on an individual basis; it is good way for teacher to get a general understanding of student progress. Based on the statements above, the whole-class grouping is emphasize on sense of belonging between each group members because the large numbers of group member is often more enjoyable and create much more engaging atmosphere than just the person sitting next to you. b. The disadvantages of whole-class grouping a It favors the group rather than the individual. Everyone is forced to do the same thing at the same time ad at the same pace. b Individual students do not have much of a chance to say anything on their own. c It may not encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning d It is not the best way to organize communicative language teaching Beside the advantages, the whole-class teaching also has many disadvantages that decrease student’s motivation in learning. Whole –class activities forced the students to do the same activities in everything, the students also do not have much chance to say anything because the large numbers of group member make students difficult to communicate than it is in groups four or five. It is caused the students lack of interest in learning English especially reading comprehension. In small group it easier to share material, speak quietly and less formally, and make good eye contact. All of these contribute to successful task orientation and increase student’s motivation in learning English especially in reading comprehension. 8

C. Reading Comprehension