Sadness Positive and Negative Emotions in Annie Braddock

that has recorded in tape. Annie shows emotion of anger to do rebellious way, and advised Grayer’s parent Annie: Okay, Mrs. X, now its time for a few simple child-care rules. Slamming the door in your kids face is not okay. She says all of the new rules to raise a child. Firstly, it is not good to close a door in drudge high tension in front of your son or daughter. Spending more time on a benefit for kids youve never met than you do with your own blood is not okay. She says in all of Mrs. X times schedule as a social woman, a wife and a mother, but do not forget to Grayer, her little sweet son that is really seldom to meet. Going to a spa when your son has a fever of 104 and not answering emergency calls, that officially makes you an unfit mother. Annie says that is not a good mother to go out for her delight, like as go to somewhere places to beautify her body and face than prefers to do something else to take care of her son that is really sick.

h. Sadness

Sadness is an emotion associated with a sense of loss. Among other features, the expression of sadness involves arched eyebrows, slanted eyes, a drawn mouth, and a raised lower lip. In some instances, sadness is accompanied by sobbing, moaning, or crying. Feelings of sadness can vary in intensity. Some different states of sadness include grief, dejection, depression, or pensiveness. Feeling sad is associated with loss, failure, loneliness, hurt, disappointment, and illness. Sometimes sadness is a reaction to an external event, especially loss. The loss may be a person, an object, an opportunity, or an ideal. At other times, sadness accompanies specific imagery or memories. Sadness or “feeling down” can also be a result of hormonal changes, certain illness, or a symptom of some drugs. In last case, the feelings of sadness can be increased by emphasizing aspects of the environment that might have a sad meaning. The feelings can be minimized by attributing them to their physiological origins. 11 Picture 24 In this part, the writer sees sadness emotion in Annie. Annie feels sad when she must go out from Mrs. X family and leaves Grayer alone. She is really taking notice about Grayer’s life and his happiness. Annie: Please dont... Please dont do this. Not... not for me, but for Grayer. Not until you and your husband work your problems out. She tries to persuade Mrs. X for not to quit her early, she stills want to take care of Grayer until Mrs. X’s entire 11 Ibid, p. 342-343 family problem has finished. Mrs. X is speaking loudly and rudeness to Annie and she is becoming so angry and hate to Annie, because of her interference about Mrs. X family problem. Mrs. X says to Annie that she is an interferer woman and likes a predictor that really knows all of her life Mrs. X: Dont you dare. You stupid. You stupid girl. As if you know anything about my life. As if you know anything about the real world. Annie expresses sadness emotion with cry, a sense of lost Grayer, and moan. Her face looked sorrow, tears, crying, and helplessness Grayer.

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