The Existence of Lexical Relations


4.6 The Existence of Lexical Relations

Lexical relations are divided into hyponyms, meronyms, homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms. They are:

4.6.1 The Existence of Hyponyms

There are five hyponyms that are found in the seven articles February 8 th – February 14 th of The Jakarta Post newspaper. They are: 1. “…some ASEAN members – for instance, in Indonesia, the Philippines and tension between Malaysia and Thailand over the issue…” Feb. 9 th , par. 5 2. “For example, the US helped Ford, Chrysler and GM, but not Toyota and BMW, although the latter…” Feb. 10 th , par. 13 The explanations: 1. In sentence 1, the specific term Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand are called hyponyms and the general term ASEAN is called super-ordinate. A super-ordinate can have many hyponyms. And Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand are hyponyms of ASEAN because they are some of ASEAN members, as shown in the tree diagram: Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. In sentence 2, the specific term Ford, Chrysler, GM, Toyota and BMW are called hyponyms and the general term car is called super-ordinate. A super-ordinate can have many hyponyms. And Ford, Chrysler, GM, Toyota and BMW are hyponyms of car because they are the brands of car, as shown in the tree diagram:

4.6.2 The Existence of Meronyms

The results of meronyms are not found in the seven articles of seven editions February 8 th – February 14 th of The Jakarta Post newspaper. Thailand Hyponym Malaysia Hyponym Philippines Hyponym Indonesia Hyponym ASEAN Super-ordinate BMW Hyponym Toyota Hyponym GM Hyponym Chrysler Hyponym Ford Hyponym Car Super-ordinate Universitas Sumatera Utara 4.6.3 The Existence of Homonyms The results of homonyms are not found in the seven articles of seven editions February 8 th – February 14 th of The Jakarta Post newspaper. 4.6.4 The Existence of Synonyms There are eight synonyms that are found in the fourteen February 8 th – February 14 th of The Jakarta Post newspaper. They are: 1. “…almost the entire male population were killed” Feb. 8 th , par. 1 “…some 6,000 people were murdered…” Feb. 8 th , par. 11 2. “…almost the entire male population were killed” Feb. 8 th , par. 1 “…an estimated 40,000 people were killed and whole islands were depopulated” Feb. 8 th , par. 11 3. “Did the ambassador offer apologies, or did he just express regret?” Feb. 8 th , par. 3 “He offered the Dutch government’s “excuses” for the violence in the 1945-1949 period” Feb. 8 th , par. 3 4. “Protectionism is something all leaders warn against after the lessons of the 1930s” Feb. 10 th , par. 5 “But talking about the need to resist protectionism and actually stopping it …” Feb. 10 th , par. 6 5. “…in which he vowed to seek a “new way forward” with the Muslim…” Feb. 11 th , par. 2 “If the US is looking for mutual interest…” Feb. 11 th , par. 22 Universitas Sumatera Utara 6. “This is perhaps something Clinton is anxious to hear from the government in Jakarta” Feb. 11 th , par. 11 “…but with dialog and listening to each other’s grievances” Feb. 11 th , par. 24 7. “There are more obstacles” Feb. 12 th , par. 11 “Cultural barriers challenges access to Western clients” Feb. 12 th , par. 11 8. “…their stimulatory impact was replaced by property prices…” Feb. 14 th , par. 8 “…about 50 years ago reveals the effect of asset prices…” Feb. 14 th , par. 9 The explanations: 1. In sentence 1, the words killed and murdered are synonyms because they have similar meaning. The word killed means to cause death or cause somebody or something to die. The word murdered means to kill somebody illegally and deliberately. 2. In sentence 2, the words entire and whole are synonyms because they have similar meaning. The word entire means with no part left out; whole; complete. The word whole means full; complete. 3. In sentence 3, the words apologies and excuses are synonyms because they have similar meaning. The word apologies means a word or statement to say one is sorry for having done something wrong or for upsetting somebody. The word excuses means to forgive a fault of wrongdoing. Universitas Sumatera Utara 4. In sentence 4, the words against and resist are synonyms because they have similar meaning. The word against means in opposition to somebody or something; contrary to somebody or something. The word resist means to oppose a plan, idea, etc. 5. In sentence 5, the words seek and looking for are synonyms because they have similar meaning. The word seek means to look for something; to try to find or get something. The word looking for means to hope for something; to expect something. 6. In sentence 6, the words hear and listening to are synonyms because they have similar meaning. The word hear means to listen or pay attention to somebody or something. The word listening to means to allow oneself to be persuaded by somebody making a suggestion, giving advice, etc. 7. In sentence 7, the words obstacles and barriers are synonyms because they have similar meaning. The word obstacles means a thing that blocks one’s way or makes movement, progress, etc. The word barriers means a thing prevents something or makes something impossible. 8. In sentence 8, the words impact and effect are synonyms because they have similar meaning. The word impact means a strong impression or effect on something or somebody. The word effect means a change produced by an action or a cause; a result or an outcome. Universitas Sumatera Utara 4.1.5 The Existence of Antonyms There are eight antonyms three complementary pairs, two gradable pairs, and three relational opposites that are found in the seven articles February 8 th – February 14 th of The Jakarta Post newspaper. They are: a. Complementary Pairs There are three antonyms of complementary pairs, they are: 1. “…and make their exports more expensive?” Feb. 10 th , par. 25 “…the blow to workers hurt by rapid import penetration…” Feb. 10 th , par. 34 2. “…and firms in urban agglomerations more than in the rural areas” Feb. 12 th , par. 14 3. “In Islam, a fatwa is a legal opinion issued by an individual or group of ulema…” Feb. 13 th , par. 4

b. Gradable Pairs

There are two antonyms of gradable pairs, they are: 4. “…offering the a recipe for other countries to do the same to American companies” Feb. 10 th , par. 14 “…and actually stopping it are two different things” Feb. 10 th , par. 6 5. “…and make their exports more expensive?” Feb. 10 th , par. 25 “…the world than a cheap currency” Feb. 10 th , par. 26 Universitas Sumatera Utara

c. Relational Opposites