Adverb of Time + Subject + Predicate Adverb of Time + Subject + Predicate + Adverb of Time + Adverb of Place

4.7 The Existence of Meaning Properties

Meaning properties can be divided into meaningfulness, ambiguity, redundancy, anomaly, and contradictory. They are:

4.7.1 The Existence of Meaningfulness

There are three hundred and nineteen meaningfulness that are found in the seven articles February 8 th – February 14 th of The Jakarta Post newspaper. They are: Simple Sentences: there are one hundred and thirty three simple sentences that are found in the seven articles February 8 th – February 14 th of The Jakarta Post newspaper. They are: 1. Adverb of Time + Subject + Predicate During the bloodbath, Possibly 431 villagers, almost the entire male population Adv. of Time S were killed P Feb. 8 th , par. 1 The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language in other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object it also can include adverb and conjunction. It is a simple sentence because it contains one full subject possibly 431 villagers, almost the entire male population, predicate were killed and can be include adverb of time during the bloodbath. Universitas Sumatera Utara These war crimes were committed in the 17 th century S P Adv. of Time Feb. 8 th , par. 12 The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language in other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object it also can include adverb and conjunction. It is a simple sentence because it contains one full subject these war crimes, predicate were committed and can be include adverb of time in the 17 th century. The premium now is on limiting it as much as possible S Adv. of Time P Feb. 10 th , par. 34 The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language in other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object it also can include adverb and conjunction. It is a simple sentence because it contains one full subject the premium, predicate is on limiting it as much as possible and can be include adverb of time now. 2. Adverb of Time + Subject + Predicate + Adverb of Time + Adverb of Place In December Dutch Ambassador Nikolaos van Dam Adv. of Time S was present at the commemoration of the massacre P Adv. of Time Universitas Sumatera Utara In Rawagede now called Balongsari in West Java Adv. of Place Feb. 8 th , par. 2 The sentence above is meaningfulness because the meaning of the sentence is easily recognized, it does not reflect another meaning, provided it is neither anomalous nor contradictory, obey the semantic rule of the language in other words, it follows the word order rule namely subject + predicate + object it also can include adverb and conjunction. It is a simple sentence because it contains one full subject Dutch Ambassador Nikolaos van Dam, predicate was present and can be include adverb of time In December and at the commemoration of the massacre and adverb of place in Rawagede now called Balongsari in West Java. 3. Subject + Predicate + Object + Adverb of Time