The Data of Experimental Class The Data of Controlled Class

B. Analysis of Data

1. Validity Test

The validity of the test is calculated using “ANATEST” software version 4.0.9 By using the software, the writer found 36 of 50 items are valid and 14 items are not valid. It can be proved by the significance of each item. Besides, the validity or XY correlation of the instrument used in this study was 0.72. it means the test was valid and categorized into high validity see appendix.

2. Reliabity Test

The writer calculated the reliability of the test using ANATEST. The reability score that the writer got is 0.84. it means the test is reliable. Besides, the criterion of the test is categorized into high reliability see appendix.

3. Discriminating Power

The writer used ANATEST to analyze the discriminating power of test item used in this study see appendix. The result of the calculation using ANATEST can be seen as follow: Table 4.3 The Result of Discriminating Power A-Multiple-Choice Number of items DP index Classification of DP 1. 25.00 Satisfactory 2. 37.50 Satisfactory 3. -25.00 Discarded 4. 0.00 Poor 5. -12.50 Discarded 6. 62.50 Good 7. 12.50 Poor 8. 12.50 Poor 9. 87.50 Exellent 10. 12.50 Poor 11. 12.50 Poor 12. 12.50 Poor 13. 25.00 Satisfactory 14. 25.00 Satisfactory 15 12.50 Poor 16. 37.50 Satisfactory 17. 12.50 Poor 18. 50.00 Good 19. 50.00 Good 20. 37.50 Satisfactory 21. 62.50 Good 22. 0.00 Poor 23. 62.50 Good 24. 75.00 Exellent 25. 37.50 Satisfactory 26. 50.00 Good 27. 62.50 Good 28. 12.50 Poor 29. 75.00 Exellent 30. 75.00 Exellent 31. 37.50 Satisfactory 32. 12.50 Poor 33. 25.00 Satisfactory 34. 37.50 Satisfactory 35. 50.00 Good 36. 37.50 Satisfactory 37. 12.00 Poor 38. 12.00 Poor 39. 50.00 Good 40. 25.00 Satisfactory 41. 12.50 Poor 42. 25.00 Satisfactory 43. 12.00 Poor 44. 50.00 Good 45. 25.00 Satisfactory 46. 12.50 Poor 47. 50.00 Good 48. 25.00 Satisfactory 49. 0,00 Poor 50. 0.00 Poor

4. Item Difficulty

From the claculation using ANATEST, the writer categorized the items into five classification index. The writer got 18 items are very easy, 10 items are easy, 19 items are moderate, 3 items are difficult and 1 item is very difficult. The categorization of the items is on the table below: Table 4.4 The Classification of Difficulty Item Number of Items Classification of Difficulty Items 4, 5,7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50 Very Easy 1, 13, 14, 19, 22, 32, 34, 35, 39 Easy 2, 3, 6, 9, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 38, 41, 42, 47, 48 Moderate 8, 18, 40 Difficult 4 Very Difficult

5. Normality Test

a. Pre-test of Experimental Class Hypotheses: H : Data of X normaly distributed H 1 : Data of Y is not normally distributed Table 4.5 Normality of Pre-test of Experimental Class Tests of Normality Kelas Kolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic Df Sig. pretest Experiment ,109 32 ,200 ,962 32 ,311 . This is a lower bound of the true significance. a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

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