The Background of the Study

comprehend narrative text. It needs teacher innovation in applying teaching methods; in order to make the students can be easier to learn and understand it. As an English teacher, the teachers have to be able to teach English skill especially reading skill. Teachers have to use good strategies in teaching English lesson that compatible for the students. Many students still less motivation to learn english. Many students have difficulty in reading a text, especially to understand the content of a text. Main problem is the lack of English vocabulary. Lacks of vocabulary make students feel lazy to learn English language, because students do not know the meaning of the text. So that students do not have the motivation and enthusiasm in learning English. Besides, many teacher s’ still use traditional methods to explain the subject. Teachers just explain the material and students just listen to what the teacher explained and as a result, students feel bored with the existing learning and students feel uncomfortable in learning English. Eventually, students achievement will be not good. KTSP is imperially suggested for the teacher to use innovative technique. Technique is the whole of procedure which is implemented by the teacher. Innovative means something new and full of creativity. Innovation can be building new knowledge in the mind concept students through experience. Students will be getting new concept and experience from an innovation. Teacher tries to make new method or ways to teach a subject. The jigsaw design facilitates students’ interaction in the class enabling the students to value each other as contributors. The students have already had the capability to get the knowledge and ready to share and contribute the knowledge based on constructivism views. Students can get knowledge from working together with their friends as a team work. The students can share knowledge with others. Moreover, there are various methods and techniques can be use in teaching and learning activities. Teacher must choose effective teaching methods to achieve the goal of teaching. Choosing suitable method for language teaching is very difficult, because each method has strengths and weaknesses. To teach narrative text, Jigsaw technique seems to be effective. To prove it, therefore the writer is interested in doing research under the title: “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING JIGSAW TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING NARRATIVE TEXT ”.

B. The Identification of Problem

From explanation above, the writer can identify some conditions that promote the problem of this sudy to occur as follows: 1. Students have problems in understanding the content of a text, because students do not know the meaning of the text. 2. Students do not have the motivation in learning narrative text. 3. Teachers tend to use traditional method in teaching, make students feel bored.

C. The Limitation of the Study

To avoid misunderstanding and to clarify the problems, it is important to set some limitation of the problem. The writer limits the problem in teaching narrative text by using jigsaw technique in the second grade students of “MTs Pembangunan Nurul Islam ”.

D. The Formulation of the Study

Based on the limitation of the problems above, the writer formulates the problems as follow: “ is teaching narrative text by using jigsaw technique effective for students?”

E. The Objective of the Study

The purposes of the study as follow: “ To know how extent the effectiveness of teaching narrative text using jigsaw technique ”.

F. The Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to make improvement in teaching English, especially in students’ cooperative learning and having great a communication skill. The students can build their knowledge themselves and finally they can interact or corporate well in solving the assignment. This paper hopefully can give contribution to the two groups of people, they are: for English teacher and for students. They are described as follow: a. It is useful to the teacher; this study is expected to give the alternative solution in teaching reading skill. b. It is also useful for the students; it is expected to be useful input for the students to improve their reading skill.


This chapter covers some theories related to the study. The discussion focuses on the reading, narrative text, jigsaw technique, and expository technique

A. Reading

1. The General Concept of Reading

In a great many classrooms, the reading lesson is used as an opportunity to teach pronunciation, practice fluent and expressive speaking, and so on. According to Gerald Prince,”Reading as an activity presupposing a text a set of visually presented linguistic symbols from which meaning can be extracted ”. 3 Reading is one of English skills that need relatively mechanical skills. Elizabeth B. Bernhardt assumed ”reading is viewed as not merely taking written information on the printed matter but also attributing a meaning – extracting process as the essence of the act of reading ”. 4 It means reading is not only to get information from the text passively but also to process it on mind to understand the meaning. That assumption is in line with a linguistic expert, Dorothy Rubin stated that “reading as the conveying of meaning to and the processing the printed word symbols to decode the words and to know the meaning of the selections ”. 5 From the explanation above, it can be seen that learning to read is a complex process because reading requires thinking. When readers read to get the meaning of the printed written selection, it is obviously needed a great number of mechanical skills and comprehension skills as thinking process. Therefore, it can be said that reading includes many aspects of skills. Davis in J. Charles Alderson state that “reading skills involves recalling, drawing, finding, weaving, recognizing, identifying, and following which are considered towards the readers 3 Gerald Prince, Narratology: The form and functioning of narrative,Berlin:Mouton Publisher, 1982,p.103 4 Elizabeth B. Bernhardt, Reading Development in a second language: Theoritical, empirical, and Classroom Perspective,New Jersey: Ablex Publishing, 1991,p.5 5 Dorothy Rubin, A Practical Approach to Teaching Reading,New York: CBS, 1982,p.8