The Original Taxonomy Of Cognitive Domain 24 conducted in Australia 16 . His research discusses about the place and role of online language teaching tools in CALL and present a category list of the tools. Then, according to the main function and the features, he classified the internet resources into twelve categories, such as learning content management, communication, live and virtual words, social networking and bookmarking, blogs and wikis, presentations, resources sharing, website creation, web exercise creation, web search engine, dictionaries and concordances, and utilities. However, this study is different with that study, because it is more specific in classifying of Agarwal’s study about the internet language learning resources which is able to facilitate the students’ cognitive development based on bloom’s taxonomy and the four language skills. The classification is only focus on web resources that classified by Agarwal in his study for EFL teaching that has related with bloom’s taxonomy and language skill writing, speaking, listening, and reading where the teacher can easily to find out the appropriate internet language learning resources in online educational websites for EFL teaching in every stages of students’ cognitive development. Another research has been conducted by Yu-Li Chen in Taiwan with her research entitled A mixed-method study of EFL teache rs’ Internet use in language instruction 17 . The researcher was intended to answers about the factors that in fluence the teachers in integrating the Internet into their instruction. Then, the result shows that teacher training is the most prominent determinant factors of Internet use, but before getting the result of the study, the researcher tries to classify many kinds of internet tools and resources. She wants to know about kinds of internet tools and resources that are very often used by the teachers in that place. However, this study only classify of a website as the internet language learning resources that comes from Agarwal’s study, and it will be included into the table of Bloom’s Taxonomy and the four language skills. 16 Jeong- Bae Son. “Online Tools for Language Teaching”. Vol.15, No.1, University of Southern Queensland, Australia. June, 2011 17 Yu- li Chen Ã, “A mixed-method study of EFL teachers ’ Internet use in language instruction”, Vol.24, Taiwan: 2008, 1015–1028 25 Another research about this concern was conducted by J.J. Sylvia entitled Using Blooms Taxonomy to Assess Social Media 18 . This study is conducted for assessing social media using bloom’s taxonomy, because in this modern era, when students are often use social media in socializing, it does not guarantee that they know how to use social media for education field. Then, the researcher classifying the social media for teaching- learning process based on bloom’s taxonomy. Although J.J Sylivia’s study uses bloom’s taxonomy also, but it is still different with study, because J.J Sylivia classifies the social media. It is not internet language learning resources for EFL teaching. 18 J. Sylvia IV, “Using Bloom’s Taxonomy To Assess Social Media Assignments”, VOL. 3, No.1, North Carolina State University: 2014 26


This part of study deals with research methodology which is designed as technique to collect and analyze the data. A. Research Design Dealing with this research, qualitative descriptive method applies in this research to find out the research question. Then, according to Newman and Benz statement, they said that qualitative approach as naturalistic approach which observe and interpret reality with the purpose of developing a theory that will explain what was experienced 1 . In this case, the researcher used qualitative method for reclassifying a study about classification of internet language learning resources that has conducted by Agarwal. In Agarwal’s study, it was showed many kinds of internet language resources materials for all level of learner’s ability on some tables with different categories, such as my favourites, my test, video lessons, grammar, listening, reading, and some more which explained on an international journal entitled Internet-Based Language Learning And Teaching on February 2010 2 . The classification between Agarwal and this study is different in the categories. The categories of this study is classifications of internet language learning resources that facilitate students’ cognitive development based on bloom’s taxonomy and the four language skills.

B. Research Presence

The presence of the researcher in this study is as non- participant observer, which means that the researcher do not reach 1 Isadore Newman and Carolyn R. Benz, Qualitative-quantitative Research Methodology: Exploring the Interactive Continuum the United States of America: Southern Illinois University Press, 1998, 3. 2 M. Kumar Agarwal, “Internet-Based Language Learning And Teaching”, Vol.1, No.8, February 2010 27 the full involvement in participants’ activity 3 . The researcher visited the websites for observing the content and then analyzed it based on the instrument. The researcher gave checklist on the instrument based on the content of the websites. If the websites appropriate with the instrument, the websites will be classified, but when the websites does not appropriate with the instrument, it can be reduced. Thus, the researcher got the primary for this study.

C. Research Location

This study taken place on this websites http:www.englishtest, as the main resources which provided many kinds of internet language learning resources which came from Agarwal’s study as the writer of an educational journal entitled Internet-Based Language Learning and Teaching which is published on 1 st February 2010. The researcher visited this websites http:www.englishtest, and analyzed it based on the instrument of cognitive development based on bloom’s taxonomy revised in 2001 and the four language skills.

D. Data and Source of Data

1. Data

The data that will be used in this study is Agarwal’s study entitled Internet-Based Language Learning and Teaching which provides many kinds of internet language learning resources where the result of this study is showed on a table that can be found on this website . Therefore, the focus of this study is only internet language learning resources on his website which has seven categories, such as my favourites, my test, video lessons, grammar, listening, reading, and some more. See Figure 2.1

2. Source of Data

Dealing with the data, the sources of data came from the observation of the internet language learning 3 J. Amos Hatch. Doing Qualitative Research in Education Settings. Albany: State University of New York, 2002, 72-77 28 resources based on Agarwal’s study that is showed on the table on this website . The researcher and the observation checklist were as the instruments for classifying the internet language learning reso urces that can facilitate the students’ cognitive development based on bloom’s taxonomy and the four language skills, such as is for listening skill, http:learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.orgskillsreading-skills- practice is for reading skill, is for writing skill, and is for speaking skill. It means, the classification is based on the cognitive development based on blooms taxonomy theory which is revised by Lorin Anderson, and team on 2001 and the four language skills.

E. Research Instrument

In this case, the instrument is totally needed in collecting data of the research. Therefore, the researcher designed the instruments for finding the answer of research question in a technique included observation checklist the web resources that can facilitate the students’ cognitive development based on bloom’s taxonomy and the four language skills.

1. Observation Checklist

The researcher observed at the Agarwal’s table as the result of his study on his website by giving checklist. The checklist will be the verb table of cognitive development based on Bloom’s Taxonomy and the four language skills. Then, the website which is given by the checklist will be classified into the table of classification the internet language learning resources that facilitate student’s cognitive development based on bloom’s taxonomy and the four language skills. Then, the observation checklist for identifying the websites was designed using this symbol √ in every keywords of bloom’s taxonomy which has six levels of cognitive development, such us remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing,