An Analysis Code Switching and Code Mixing in My Stupid Boss by Chaos@work







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I, Delifah Rita Indah Hutabarat, declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. Except where reference is made in the text of this thesis, this thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of the thesis. This thesis has not been submitted in any tertiary education.

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Name : Delifah Rita Indah Hutabarat

Title of this thesis : An Analysis Code Switching and Code Mixing in My Stupid Boss by Chaos@work

Qualification : S-1 / Sarjana Sastra Department : English

I am willing that my thesis should be available for reproduction at the discretion on the librarian of the English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic Indonesia.

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Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah SWT, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, for giving the writer guidance, power, patience, and ability to finish this thesis.

First of all, I would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara, Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA, the Head of English Department Drs. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS, and the Secretary Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M. Hum for giving all facilities and opportunities during my academic years and in completing this thesis.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude and great appreciation to my supervisor, Drs. H. Muhizar Muchtar , MS and my co-supervisor, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti,M.A for their support and beneficial suggestion, and their willingness to share time in correcting this thesis throughout the preparation of this thesis and the period of doing this thesis.

My best and deep appreciation and love are dedicated to my father, Ramlan Hutabarat, my mom Dahlia Nasution, my brothers Ridwansyah and Rahmat Wisnu Hutabarat and my sister Delila Rindah and my little sister Siti khodijah Hutabarat. And for giving support, never ending pray, advices, and happiness during my academic years.


Finally, my special thanks are to my secret lover for a never ending pray, support, and love. You always give me spirit to finish this thesis. And to my haters as well as people who always underestimate me, may God forgive you all. I would also like to thank Bang Amran for so much help in finishing all my academic problems and also to my friends Suci, Rasyid, Gusvika, Ade, Tina and Hadi, thanks for our friendship and your jokes. And the most unforgotten thanks to my new close friends 3 F; Bania, Nanda, and Vina for our friendship and your freak jokes and habits (beli jeruk di kp.lalang merajuk Pulang!!) as well as for giving me spirit, supports and facilities to finish this thesis until midnight.

May the grace and love of the Almighty Allah SWT are with us all forever. Amin.

Medan, 2011

Delifah Rita Indah No. Reg 070705052



Dalam skripsi yang berjudul An Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing in My Stupid Boss ini, penulis menganalisis dua tipe alih kode dan dua tipe campur kode berdasarkan teori Thelander dan Suwito. Keempat tipe ini dapat ditentukan berdasarkan digunakannya lebih dari satu bahasa dalam satu ujaran. Data yang dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan dan dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Kemudian hasil analisis akan ditampilkan san dianalisis dalam bentuk persentase berdasarkan formula Bungin. Penulis menggunakan 44 data dari ujaran yang ada dalam novel yang dirasa cukup untuk mewakili setiap kode. Analisis difokuskan pada dua tipe alih kode yaitu alih kode ke luar dan alih kode ke dalam, dan dua tipe campur kode yaitu campur kode ke luar dan campur kode ke dalam. Hasil dari analisis mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat 44 ujaran yang merupakan alih kode dan campur kode. Hasil persentasi yang didapat adalah alih kode ke luar 18.18%, alih kode ke dala 2.27%, campur kodeke luar 65.90% dan campur kode ke dalam 13.63%. Campur kode ke luar merupakan tipe yang paling dominan muncul dalam ujaran-ujaran antar tokoh dalam My Stupid Boss.









1.1 Background of the Study...1

1.2 Scope of the Study...5

1.3 Problem of the Study...5

1.4 Objective of the Study...6

1.5 Significance of the Study...6


2.1 Sociolinguistics...7

2.2 Bilingual...8

2.3 Code...9

2.3.1 Code Switching...10 Types of Code Switching...11 Factors of Code Switching...12

2.3.2 Code Mixing...13 Types of Code Mixing...13 Factors of Code Mixing...14 2.4 Similarity and Difference Between Code Switching and


Code Mixing...15

2.5 Reasons For Bilinguals to Switch or to Mix Languages...17


3.1 Research Design...18

3.2 Data Collecting Method ...18

3.3 Data Analysis Method...19

3.4 Model of Presenting the Result of the Analysis...20


4.1 Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing...24

4.2 Analysis of Code Switching...24

4.2.1 Extern Code Switching...22

4.2.2 Intern Code Switching...26

4.3 Analysis of Code Mixing...27

4.3.1 Outer Code Mixing...27

4.3.2 Inner Code Mixing...51

4.4 The Frequency of Code Switching and Code Mixing...56


5.1 Conclusion...58

5.2 Suggestion...58




Dalam skripsi yang berjudul An Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing in My Stupid Boss ini, penulis menganalisis dua tipe alih kode dan dua tipe campur kode berdasarkan teori Thelander dan Suwito. Keempat tipe ini dapat ditentukan berdasarkan digunakannya lebih dari satu bahasa dalam satu ujaran. Data yang dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan dan dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Kemudian hasil analisis akan ditampilkan san dianalisis dalam bentuk persentase berdasarkan formula Bungin. Penulis menggunakan 44 data dari ujaran yang ada dalam novel yang dirasa cukup untuk mewakili setiap kode. Analisis difokuskan pada dua tipe alih kode yaitu alih kode ke luar dan alih kode ke dalam, dan dua tipe campur kode yaitu campur kode ke luar dan campur kode ke dalam. Hasil dari analisis mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat 44 ujaran yang merupakan alih kode dan campur kode. Hasil persentasi yang didapat adalah alih kode ke luar 18.18%, alih kode ke dala 2.27%, campur kodeke luar 65.90% dan campur kode ke dalam 13.63%. Campur kode ke luar merupakan tipe yang paling dominan muncul dalam ujaran-ujaran antar tokoh dalam My Stupid Boss.



1.1 Background of Study

Sociolinguistics is generally regarded as an interdisciplinary science which is derived from two basic elements, socio and linguistics. Socio basically similar to social, which is related to people in the society. Linguistics can be described as the scientific study of language, especially its basic elements (such as phonemes, morphemes, words, sentences, and meaning) and the interrelationship between the elements (structures) including the nature and formation of afore-mentioned elements.

So, sociolinguistics is a study of language that deals with the speaker as the member of society. In other words, sociolinguistics studies about aspects of language society, especially the variation which consists in the language that related with the factors of society. As addition, Hudson (1980:4) says, “sociolinguisticts as the study of language in relation to society.” And he also says about sociology of language, “sociology of language is the study of society in relation to language.” While, in sociolinguistics we study society in order to find out as much as we can about what kind of thing language is and in the sociology of language we reverse the direction of our interest.

People are usually selecting a particular code whenever they choose to speak, and they may also decide to switch one code to create a new code. There are two kinds of code. They are code switching and code mixing.

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) says “ bila di dalam suatu peristiwa tutur terjadi peralihan dari satu klausa suatu bahasa ke klausa bahasa lain, maka


peristiwa yang terjadi adalah alih kode.” (when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other language in a conversation so it called code switching).

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) says that “apabila di dalam suatu peristiwa tutur, klausa-klausa maupun frase-frase yang digunakan terdiri dari klausa dan frase campuran (hybrid clauses,hybrid phrases) dan masing-masing klausa atau frase itu tidak lagi mendukung fungsi sendiri-sendiri, maka peristiwa yang terjadi adalah campur kode.” (if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing).

In doing this thesis, the writer uses two theories based on Thelander and Suwito’s theory. Suwito’s theory in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) devides code switching into types, they are:

1. Extern code switching.

Extern Code Switching occurs when one language is switched into another language in different group of language, for example bahasa indonesia is switched into English or in versa.

Example : “I refuse to count unless you buy me a scale. Ini mur waktu kita beli juga si suplier itung pake scale. Mana ada orang ngitung mur sebiji-sebiji?”

In this example, the conversant switches English into Indonesia or the conversant uses two languages. Based on Suwito, in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this utterance is include into extern code switching.


Intern Code Switching occurs when one language is switched into another language in the same group of language. The language is switched into another variant of the same group. For example, in Javanese language, Jawa Ngoko language is switched into Jawa Krama language. But if there is switching from Bataknese into Javanese, it is also called intern code switching. It is because the switching occurs in one group of language that is Bahasa Indonesia.

Example : “Loh? Aduh..iki kepriye, toh? Kenapa nih? Eh, kamu kenapa? Kok kamu ngomong melulu gak mau diem sih? Diem dong!”

In this example, conversant switches Javanese into Indonesian or the conversant uses two languages. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this utterance is included into intern code switching.

And he also devides code mixing in two types, they are: 1. Inner code mixing.

“Campur kode ke dalam (inner Code Mixing) adalah campur kode yang bersumber dari bahasa asli dengan segala variasinya.” Inner Code Mixing occurs, if the speaker inserts the elements of their own language into national language, the elements of dialect into their own language, or elements of varieties and style into their dialect.

Example : “Nah ini dia yang saya demen.”

This example uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert a word, demen. Demen in this example means like. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this example is included into inner code mixing, because the elements of their own language into national language, the


elements of dialect into their own language, or elements of varieties and style into their dialect.

2. Outer code mixing.

“Campur kode keluar (outer code mixing) adalah campur kode yang bersumber dari bahasa asing.” Outer Code Mixing occurs if the speaker insert the element of their own language into foreign language.

Example : “Gaji dia orang di Factory yang lama lebih banyak dari disini!” This example uses indonesian language , but the conversant insert words, factory, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this example is include into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

In this thesis, Iam interested in analyzing the code switching and code mixing found in comedy book. In this book comedy, the writter used many code switching and code mixing to beautify their books. it makes the book very interesting to read.

So, in this thesis I will discuss and explain about code switching and code mixing that found in this book and try to classify and describe them by using Thelander and Suwito’s theory.

The book’s comedy that I analyze is Chaos@work’s book. I chose this book because there are so many code switching and code mixing that can be found in the book. Besides, she is a mysterious author because she is a TKI who did not want his identity known and this book based on her personal experience (true story).


In order to get exact and good results, this thesis only focuses on the type of code switching and code mixing found in My Stupid Boss. The scope of the analysis will help the writer to be more specific and thoroughly.

1.3 Problem of Study

In writing this thesis, the writer will analyze some cases that happen in My Stupid Boss. There are some questions to be raised as the problem of this analysis:

1. What type of code switching and code mixing found in My Stupid Boss?

2. What type of code switching and code mixing are the most dominant in the all chapters of My Stupid Boss?

1.4 Objectives of Study

By doing this thesis analysis, the writer wants to achieve some objectives that can answer the problem of the analysis. The objectives are stated as follow:

1. To find out type of code switching and code mixing found in My Stupid Boss. 2. To find out type of code switching and code mixing are the most dominant in

the all chapters of My Stupid Boss.

1.5 Significances of Study

The writer hopes that this thesis enriches the study of sociolinguistics that can be used for further reference, especially dealing with code switching and code mixing. Besides, the writer also expects that she could give some significances for the readers: a. Through this thesis, the writer and the readers of this thesis can realize that we


b. This analysis can be advantageous and useful to the readers, especially to the students of English Department or those who are interested in sociolinguistics.



2.1 Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is one of study about language in related by society condition. Hudson (1980:4) says that sociolinguistics is study of language in relation to society, while Wardaugh (1998:12) states that sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and how languages function in communication. While Gumperz in Wardaugh (1998:11) states that sociolinguistics is an attempt to find correlations between social structure and linguistic structure and to observe any changes that occurs.

There are several possible relationships between language and society. One is that social structure may either influence or determine linguistic structure and behavior. Certain evidence may be adduced to support this view : the agegrading phenomenon whereby young children speak differently from older children and in turn children speak differently from mature adults ; studies which show that the varieties of language that speakers use reflect such matter as their regional, social, or etnic origin and posssibly even their sex (or gender) and other studies which show that particular ways of speaking, choices of words and even rules for conversing are in fact highly


determind by certain social requirements. The second possible relationship is directly opposed to the first: linguistic structure and behavior may either influence or determine social structure. The third possible relationship is that the influence is bi-directional: language and society may influence each other. One variant of this approach is that this influence is dialectical in nature. The fourth possibility is to assume that there is no relationship at all between linguistic structure and social structure and that each is independent of the other. A variant of this possibility would be to say that, although there might be some such relationship, present attempts to characterize it are essentially premature, given what we know about both language and society. Actually, this variant views an asocial linguistic as a preliminary to any other kind of linguistic, such as asocial approach being in his view, logically prior.

2.2 Bilingual

Bilingualism can be regarded as the ability to cummunicate in two languages, but with greater skills in one language. While the people which interrelated in, it called billingual. A bilingual person is, in its broadest definition, anyone with cummunicative skills in two languages, be it active or passive. The term bilingual is often reserved for those speakers with native or native like proficiency in two languages. A bilingual people can be narrowly defined like able to express itself perfectly in two languages.

Bloomfield (1993:56) definite the bilingualism as “ability of a speaker in using two languages, in case the using of the first language as good as the second language.” According to bloomfield, someone called bilingual if she/he can use the first language as well as the second language. Many people asked about Bloomfield’s concept about bilingualism, it is because, first, how to measure the ability of the speaker in


mastering two languages that they use, second, is there any speaker that using the second language as well as the first language. If there is, it is rarely to find someone who can master two languages as well. And in the fact, it is more common for bilingual people even those who been bilingual since birth to be somewhat “dominant” in one language. Whereas, someone who learn second language, the ability in mastering second language is always below the ability of first language.

2.3 Code

According to Marjohan (1998:48) says, “code is a term which refers to a variety.” Thus a code may be an idiolect, a dialect,a socielect, a register or a language. A speaker has a linguistic repertoire which consists of various codes. Thus he usually has a set of codes, each code having certain function or maybe some of them have similar fucntion. In a monolingual situation, the use of different codes depends on the variability of the language. In a multilingual situation the use of different codes depends on the variability of the languages and specification of their uses as agreed upon by the people. When the speakers have two codes with each having specific functions, the speakers have a stable diglosia.

Holmes (2001:23) draws “three important social factors in code choice – participant, setting and topic.” Holmes also states that three are other factors that contributed to the appropriate choice of code. They are social distance, status, formality and function or goal of the interaction. The social distance dimension is relevant. How well does the speaker know each other, i.e., what is the social distance between the speakers? Are they strangers, friends, brothers? The status relationship between people may be relevant in selecting the appropriate code. Social role may also be important and is often a factor contributing to status differences between


people. For example, teacher-pupil, doctor-patient, soldier-civilian, priest-parishioner, official-citizen. Features of the setting and the dimention of formality may also be important in selecting an appropriate variety or code. In church, at aformal ceremony, the appropriate variety will be different from that used afterwards in the church porch. The variety used for a formal radio lecture will differ from that used for adverts. Another relevant factor is the function or goal of the interaction. What is the language being used for? Is the speaker asking a favor or giving orders to someone?

People are usually required to select a particular code when ever they choose to speak and they may also decide to switch from one code to another or to mix codes even within sometimes very short utterances and thereby create a new code. The phenomenon in switch or mix the code called code switching and code mixing.

2.3.1 Code Switching

Code swithcing can be generally defined as the phenomenon wherein a bior multilingual speaker shifts from one language to another in the course of a conversation. According to Gal in Wardaugh (1998:100) says that code switching is a conversational strategy used to establish, cross or destroy boundaries; to create, evoke or change interpersonal relations with their rights and obligations. Code switching is also known as a term in linguistics referring to using more than one language or variety in conversation. Bilinguals, who can speak at least two language, have ability to use elements of both languages when conversing with another bilingual. In another manner, Gardner-Chloros in Coupland and Jaworski (1997:361) states that code switching can be defined as the use of two or more languages in the same conversation or utterance. Thelander (2004:115) says “ bila di dalam suatu peristiwa tutur terjadi peralihan dari satu klausa suatu bahasa ke klausa bahasa lain, maka


peristiwa yang terjadi adalah alih kode.” (when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other language occur in a conversation so it called code switching). Types of Code Switching

Suwito in Chaer and Agustina, (2004:114) divides code switching into two types, they are:

1. Extern Code Switching

Extern Code Switching occurs when one language is switched into another language in different group of language, for example bahasa indonesia is switched into English or in versa.

2. Intern Code Switching

Intern Code Switching occurs when one language is switched into another language in the same group of language. The language is switched into another variant. For example, in Javanese language, Jawa Ngoko language is switched into Jawa Krama language. But if there is switching from Bataknese into Javanese, it is also called intern code switching. It is because the switching occurs in one group of language that is Bahasa Indonesia. Factors of Code Switching 1. Conversant

A conversant sometimes switches the code with another conversant because of certain purpose. For example, to change formal situation to informalsituation and in versa.


If the first conversant and the second conversant have a similar background of language, they will switch the code in variant switching form but if the first conversant and the second conversant have a different background of language, they will switch the code in language switching form.

3. The appearance of the third conversant

If the third conversant has the different background of language with the first and the second conversant, they usually do code switching to neutralize the situation and to respect the appearance the third conversant. 4. Topic

Topic is the dominant factor in determining code switching. The formal topic is usually served in neutral and serious style of language and informal topic is usually served in relax of language.

2.3.2 Code Mixing

Code mixing refers to the mixture of two or more languages or language varieties in speech. Wardaugh (1998:103) says, ”code mixing occurs when conversant use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of single utterance.” It meants that the conversant just change some of the elements in their utterance. Code mixing takes place without change of topic and can involve levels of language. And as Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) says that “apabila di dalam suatu peristiwa tutur, klausa-klausa maupun frase-frase yang digunakan terdiri dari klausa dan frase campuran (hybrid clauses,hybrid phrases) dan masing-masing klausa atau frase itu tidak lagi mendukung fungsi sendiri-sendiri, maka peristiwa yang terjadi adalah campur kode.”


(if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing). Types of code mixing

Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) is devided code mixing in two types, they are :

1. Inner Code Mixing

“Campur kode ke dalam (inner Code Mixing) adalah campur kode yang bersumber dari bahasa asli dengan segala variasinya.” Inner Code Mixing occurs, if the speaker inserts the elements of their own language into national language, the elements of dialect into their own language, or elements of varieties and style into their dialect.

2. Outer Code Mixing

“Campur kode keluar (outer code mixing) adalah campur kode yang bersumber dari bahasa asing.” Outer Code Mixing occurs if the speaker insert the element of their own language into foreign language. Code Mixing

1. The using of elements from one certain language in sentece or foreign discourse.

2. The complusion of technology might be mentioned as a need feeling motive.

3. Actually happen on situation of informal conversation and pushed by prestige filling motive.


4. The language is dynamic, this parallel with the globalization of development.

5. The limited Indonesian, there are many foreign terminology. If it put in Indonesian, the meaning will be hazy/vague and sometimes it wouldn’t practice.

6. There’s image, if using the foreign terminology, it seems intellect and good. The case in village society in Indonesia, if the society using Indonesia it seems like people is an intellect person. In many cities the foreign. Language becomes the icon of the intellectuality.

2.4 similarity and difference between Code Switching and Code Mixing

It is not easy to determine one situation whether it is code switching and code mixing. It is because there is no exact standardization to determine them. But for simple understanding, it is better to understand the similarity and different between code switching and code mixing. As Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) states the similarity between code switching and code mixing “ kesamaan yang ada antara alih kode dan campur code adalah digunakannya dua bahasa atau lebih atau dua varian dari sebuah bahasa dalam satu masyarakat tutur”. (Similarity between cede switching and code mixing is both of the phenomenons occur in multilingual society which is using two languages or more). But there is a real different between these phenomenons which is code switching still have its autonomy, doing in conscious because of certain causes while code mixing is a major code or basic code which is used having a function. More specific, Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115)


states that perbedaan alih kode dan campur kode adalah bila di dalam suatu peristiwa tutur terjadi peralihan dari satu klausa suatu bahasa ke klausa bahasa lain, maka peristiwa yang terjadi adalah alih kode. Tetapi apabila di dalam suatu peristiwa tutur, klausa-klausa maupun frase-frase yang digunakan terdiri dari klausa dan frase campuran (hybrid clauses,hybrid phrases) dan masing-masing klausa atau frase itu tidak lagi mendukung fungsi sendiri-sendiri, maka peristiwa yang terjadi adalah campur kode. (The difference between code switching and code mixing is when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other language occur in a conversation, so it called code switching. But when in a conversation, the clauses or phrases which are used consist of hybrid clauses and hybrid phrases and each of clause or phrase not support the autonomy function, it called code mixing).

2.5 Reason for bilinguals to Switch or to Mix Language

Except the factors of code switching and code mixing, there are some reasons for bilinguals to switch or mix their languages, they are:

1. Talking about a particular topic

People sometimes prefer to talk about particular topic in one language rathen than in another. Sometimes a speaker feels free and more comfortable to express their emotional feelings in a language that is not their everyday language.

2. Quoting somebody else

People sometimes like to qoute a famous expression or saying of some well-known figures. In Indonesian, those well-known figures are mostly from some English-speaking countries. Then, because many of Indonesian people nowadays are good


in English, those famous expressions or saying can be qouted intact intheir original language.

3. Being emphatic about something

Usually, when someone who is talking using a language that is not his native tongue suddenly wants to be emphatic about something, he/she, either intentionally or unintentionally, will switch from his second language to his first language. Or , on the other hand, there are some cases where people feel more convenient to be emphatic in their second language rather than in their first language.

4. Interjection (inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors)

Language switching and language mixing among bilingual or multilingual people can sometimes mark an interjection or sentence connector. It may happen unintentionally or intentionally.

5. Repetition used for clarification

When a bilingual wants to clarify his/her speech so that it will be understood more by the listener, he/she can sometimes use both of the languages that he masters saying the same utterance (the utterance is said repeatedly).

6. Intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor

When bilingual talks to another bilingual, there will be lots of code switching and code mixing occur. It means to make the content of his/her speech runs smoothly and can be understood by hearer.

7. Expressing group identity.

Cede switching and code mixing can be also used to express group identity. As it has been mentioned previously, the way of communication of academic people in their disciplinary groupings are obviously different from other group. In other


words, the way of communication of one community is different from people who are out of community.


3.1 Research Method

This thesis uses library research in which a number of books about linguistics, sociolinguistics and code choice are consulted. As Nawawi (1993:30) says “penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan menghimpun data dari berbagai literature, baik diperpustakaan maupun tempat lain.”(Library research is carried out by accumulating all the data from various literatures either in library or in other places).

The information accumulated are about code switching and code mixing, its definitions, types and factors as well as sociolinguistics as its foundation.

3.2 Data Collecting Method

Documentation method is used to collect the data. Documentation method is applied in this thesis because source of the analysis is written material that is a novel of Chaos@work’s My Stupid Boss. Chaos@work’s My Stupid Boss consists of 71 chapters. The writer will analyze all chapters to get all the data of code switching and code mixing. The writer analyzes all chapters because the chapters do not consist of many pages.


3.3 Data Analysis Method

In analyzing the data, descriptive method is applied in this thesis in which all the facts that are related to the object of the analysis in this thesis will be described. As Nawawi (1993:27) says “metode deskriptif adalah prosedur atau cara memecahkan masalah penelitian dengan memaparkan keadaan objek yang sedang diselidiki sebagaimana adanya berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang aktual pada saat sekarang.” (Descriptive method is a procedure or manner in solving the problems of an analysis by explaining the object which is being investigated toward the factual facts).

To count the percentage of the data, this thesis uses Bungin’s formula (Bungin, 2005:171-172), that is :

N = fx / n x 100%

n : percentage of code switching and code mixing type

Fx : individual frequency of code switching and code mixing type N : total number of all type

The systematic procedure in conducting the analysis are as follows: 1. Reading the all chapters in My Stupid Boss repeatedly.

2. Identyfying the words or sentences which belong to code switching and code mixing.

3. Classifying the code switching and code mixing into the more specific types, i,e. extern code switching, intern code switching, inner code mixing and outer code mixing.

4. Analyzing the code switching and code mixing based on Suwito’s theory. 5. Calculating each type of code switching and code mixing and determining the

most dominant type.

6. Drawing some conclusions based on the result of analysis.

3.4 Model of Presenting the Result of the Analysis


No. UTTERANCES ANALYSIS 1. “Ini punya Centra Industry!

Can’t you read? Here, here, read this Central! Bukan punya kamu!”.

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other language occur in a conversation so it called code switching.

Based on Suwito, in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this utterance is included into extern code switching because the conversant switches Indonesia into English or the conversant uses two languages.

2. “Ini urgent soalnya, ini urusan kantor kalo urusan kantor pasti penting, mesin-mesin yang mau service belum sampai!”.

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that the pieces of English, urgent and service, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant


insert words, urgent and service, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant inserts the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.


ANALYSIS AND FINDING 4.1 Analysis of Code Switching and Code Mixing

The data which are analyzed in this thesis are taken from My Stupid Boss by Chaos@work. It is a book that consists of 200 pages. The analysis below is only to


determine the utterance in the correct division based on the type of code switching and code mixing. The utterance is taken from the conversation between the characters in the novel.

4.2 Analysis of Code Switching 4.2.1 Extern Code Switching


1. “I refuse to count unless you buy me a scale. Ini mur waktu kita beli juga si suplier itung pake scale. Mana ada orang ngitung mur sebiji-sebiji?” (p.47/ch.XVI)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other language occurs in a conversation so it called code switching.

In this utterance, the conversant switches English into Indonesia or the conversant uses two languages. Based on Suwito, in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this utterance is included into extern code switching.

2. “Bul, kamu harus ubah rencana pulang. Jangan 4 bulan, karena kita banyak service machine pump petrol.” (p.75/ch.XXVI)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other language occurs in a conversation so it called code switching.


In this utterance, the conversant switches Indonesia into English or the conversant uses two languages. Based on Suwito, in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this utterance is included into extern code switching.

3. “Ini punya Central Industy! Can’t you read?here, here, read Central! Bukan punya kamu!” (p.84/ch.XXX)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other language occurs in a conversation so it called code switching.

In this utterance, the conversant switches Indonesia into English or the conversant uses two languages. Based on Suwito, in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this utterance is included into extern code switching.

4. "I have prepared your cheque. Cheque ini sudah lama saya siapkan !”(p.126/cg.XLVII)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other language occurs in a conversation so it called code switching.


In this utterance, the conversant switches English into Indonesia or the conversant uses two languages. Based on Suwito, in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this utterance is included into extern code switching.

5. “Dia ingat saya ini siapa? Saya manager lah! Heii, I don’t know this guy lah. What kind of character he has by the way, ini tol ticket dan petrol claim saya for today.” (p.165/ch.LXIV)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other language occurs in a conversation so it called code switching.

In this utterance, the conversant switches Indonesia into English or the conversant uses two languages. Based on Suwito, in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this utterance is included into extern code switching.

6. “You know him lah, he told me to tell you that he went overseas! Nanti you berisik dia pergi lama!” (p.166/ch.LXIV)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other language occurs in a conversation so it called code switching.


In this utterance, the conversant switches English into Indonesia or the conversant uses two languages. Based on Suwito, in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this utterance is included into extern code switching.

7. “Yes I know you’re the Boss. You boleh umumkan di CNN bila you mau! Tapi bukan mudah masuk ke sana.” (p.171/ch.LXV)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other language occurs in a conversation so it called code switching.

In this utterance, the conversant switches English into Indonesia or the conversant uses two languages. Based on Suwito, in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this utterance is included into extern code switching.

8. “We must send our personal detail. Dia orang akan cek kita punya background, saya saja yang warga negara tunggu 2 bulan untuk boleh masuk! Now suddenly I go there and bring

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other language occurs in a conversation so it called code switching.


you along with me! You are a foreigner lah.” (p.171/ch.LXV)

In this utterance, the conversant switches English into indonesis or the conversant uses two languages. Based on Suwito, in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this utterance is included into extern code switching.

4.2.2 Intern Code Switching


1. “Loh? Aduh..iki kepriye, toh? Kenapa nih? Eh, kamu kenapa? Kok kamu ngomong melulu gak mau diem sih? Diem dong!” (p.124/ch.XLVI)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of other language occurs in a conversation so it called code switching.

In this utterances, conversant switches Javanese into Indonesian or the conversant uses two languages. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114) this utterance is included into intern code switching.

4.3 Analysis of Code Switching 4.3.1 Outer of Code Mixing


No. UTTERANCES ANALYSIS 1. “Jadi gue dan si Boss sama-sama

stuck.” (p.11/ch.I)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, stuck, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, stuck, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

2. “Ya diaturlah, masak gitu aja gak bisa di-handle.” (p.14/ch.II)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid


phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, handle, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, handle, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

3. “Ok!!good!! semua sudah kasih pendapat.” (p.16/ch.II)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, good, do not change the


structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, good, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is include into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

4. “Gaji dia orang di Factory yang lama lebih banyak dari disini!” (p.22/ch.III)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, factory, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, factory, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina


(2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

5. “ya, Boss saya paham. Tak payah explain ke saya lagi.” (

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, explain, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, explain, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.


6. “Bapak tulis tanggal cek buat supplier salah tanggal, jadinya ceknya stale.” (p.25/ch.IV)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, stale, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, stale, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

7. “ya, paak!! Udah kelewat deh! Mana jalannya oneway!!” (p.36/ch.XI)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of


clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, oneway, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, oneway, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

8. “Ini urgent soalnya. Ini urusan kantor, kalo urusan kantor pasti penting. Mesin-mesin yang mau di service belum sampai.” (p.41/ch.XII)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, urgent, service, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian


language, but the conversant insert words, urgent, service, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

9. “Ok, kalau sampai shift malam gak bisa jalan, Bapak tanggung jawab ya!” (p.42/ch.XIII)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, shift, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, shift, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code


mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

10. “Mana saya ingat ke mana perginya copper shaft 300 biji. Datanya ada besok saya kasih.” (p.45/ch.XIV)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, copper, shaft do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, copper, shaft, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

11. “Gak saya buang pak, don’t worry..cuman dimakn doang.”

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single


(p.48/ch.XVI) utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, don’t, worry, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, don’t, worry, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

12. “Katanya pernah kerja di corporate, masak ngatur gini aja gak bisa?!” (p.50/ch.XVII)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code


mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, corporate, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, corporate, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

13. “Dul, pokoknya kalo hasil cat si Dano jelek, reject aja! Balikin! Suruh dia cat ulang.” (p.52/ch.XVIII)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, reject, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words,


reject, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

14. “Mir, liatin hasil kerja si Dano. Kalo jelek dikit gak apa-apa, ok-in aja. Kirim barangnya ke Bedul untukdi-assembly.”


Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, assembly, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, assembly, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the


conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

15. “Kamu buat list utang-utang si Ah cay, kamu tagih ke dia yang belum jatuh tempo pun tagih.” (p.53/ch.XVIII)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, list, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, list, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

16. “Saya barusan ketemu si Ah Cay, katanya dia gak happy sama kamu. Kamu judes banget sih.”

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases


(p.53/ch.XVIII) used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, happy, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, happy, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

17. “Belum tentu!! Chaque aja bisa bounch kok!” (p.73/ch.XXV)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces


of English, chaque, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, chaque, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

18. “Ada problem, dia minta dimasukin kegudangnya dari atap yang bisa dibuka-tutup gitu karena pintunya kekecilan, gak muat jadinya mesti pake crane, tapi dia gak mau bayar crane.” (p.77/ch.XXVII)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, problem, crane, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, problem, crane, which


contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

19. “Makanya, keep stock dong, ini jadi susah kalo begini.” (p.81/ch.XXIX)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, keep, stock, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, keep, stock, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their


own language into pieces of foreign language.

20. “Kastam belum terima dokumen sampai closing time.”


Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, closing, time, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, closing, time, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

21. “Ok, kita mulai ya kamu catat ya, untuk minutes meeting nanti.” (p.99/ch.XXXVI)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases


used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, minutes, meeting, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, minutes, meeting, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

22. “Gak bisa, saya lagi makan ini lunch time.” (p.130/ch.XLIX)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces


of English, lunch, time, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, lunch, time, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

23. “Nanti dulu, keluarganya lagi berduka didalam, ada private ceremony jangan ganggu dulu.” (p.140/ch.LIII)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, private, ceremony, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, private, ceremony, which


contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

24. “Steven chin bilang dia cancel service mesinnya di kita, dia mau ambil mesinnya sore ini.”


Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, cancel, service, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, cancel, service, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the


elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

25. “Ya, Boss pun tak pernah panggil Faisal datang office untuk bincang pasal office, kan?”


Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, office, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, office, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

26. “Jam 7.30 kamu udah harus stand by dipabrik ya, liat apa mereka mulai start kerja jam segitu, si

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases


Faisal nih sama pemalasnya jadi kamu awasin mereka sampai selesai.” (p.156/ch.LVIII)

used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, stand by, start, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, stand by, start, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

27. “Boss, ini ada suplier oli baru. Barangya udah dites sama dia dan lebih bagus dari supplier kita sekarang. Harganya juga lebih murah, ini quotation-nya.” (p.159/ch.LIX)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces


of English, supplier, quotation, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, suplier, qoutation, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

28. “Gak mungkin, pak! Impossible bisa masuk! Selama ini pekerja Mr.Kow pun masuk jalan kaki atau naik sepeda!”


Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, impossible, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words,


impossible, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

29. “Ya, tapi ini udah mau take off! Bapak mau keguling apa?” (p.182/ch.LXVI)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that pieces of English, take off, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert words, take off, which contitute as the vocabulary of English. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into outer code mixing because the conversant insert


the elements of their own language into pieces of foreign language.

4.3.2 Inner Code Mixing


1. “Nah ini dia yang gw demen.” (p.15/ch.I)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that the pieces of Betawinese, demen, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert a word, demen. Demen in this utterance means like. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into inner code mixing, due to the insertion of the ethnic elements into


national language.

2. “Gimana Bapak bisa liat? Wong Bapak gak disini!” (p.24/ch.IV)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that the pieces of Javanese, wong, do not change the structure of the language. Wong is a particle in Javanese. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert a word, wong. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into inner code mixing, due to the insertion of the ethnic elements into national language. 3. “Mata gw sepet banget.”


Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase


does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that the pieces of Betawinese, sepet, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert a word, sepet. Sepet in this utterance means dry. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into inner code mixing, due to the insertion of the ethnic elements into national language.

4. “Hei alam kamu toh? Saya pikir gorilla, pakai baju!”(p.62/ch.XXI)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that the pieces of Javanese, toh, do not change the structure of the language. toh is a particle in Javanese. This


utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert a word, toh. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into inner code mixing, due to the insertion of the ethnic elements into national language. 5. “naah, kalo yang ini gw gak

begitu mudeng, tapi kira-kira istrinya mau datang ke malaysia bawa anaknya, tapi uang gak ada.” (p.63/ch.XXI)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that the pieces of javanese, mudeng, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert a word, mudeng. mudeng in this utterance means not understand . Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into inner code mixing, due to the insertion of the ethnic


elements into national language. 6. “kenapa? ya, iyalaah wong sehari

setelah dia pergi, semua orang didunia ini tau dia ke luar negeri.” (p.128/ch.XLVIII)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that the pieces of Javanese, wong, do not change the structure of the language. Wong is a particle in Javanese. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert a word, wong. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into inner code mixing, due to the insertion of the ethnic elements into national language.

4.4 The Frequency of Code Switching and Code Mixing

There are 34 code switching and code mixing in my stupid boss by Chaos@work. Below are the number and the percentage of each type of code switching and code mixing in my stupid boss by Chaos@work.


No. Types of Code Switching and Code Mixing

Number of Cases Percentage

1. Extern Code Switching 8 18.18%

2. Intern Code Switching 1 2.27%

3. Outer Code Mixing 29 65.90%

4. Inner Code Mixing 6 13.63%

Total 44 99.98%



5.1 Conclusion

The book is not only used as reading material, but also gives a lot of information. The authors express their feelings or ideas through books. Sometimes, we also find code switching and code mixing used in the books. Code switching and code mixing make the book more interesting and attractive. The book of Chaos@work contains a number of code switching and code mixing. It is not easy to classify them into types, to understand it we have to know the author context.

After analyzing all the data in Chaos@work’s comedy book, the writer made some conclusions, as in the following:


1. There are 44 cases of code switching and code mixing. 8 cases of extern code switching, 1 case of intern code switching, 29 cases of outer code mixing, and 6 cases of inner code mixing.

2. Outer code mixing represents 65.90% of whole cases, followed by extern code switching 18.18%, inner code mixing 13.63%, and intern code switching 2.27%. 3. In a novel entitled My Stupid Boss by Chaos@work, code switching and code

mixing are used to show the style of daily converstion between a boss and his office workers.

5.2 Suggestion

Code switching and code mixing are interesting objects to study and to analyze. It is because the development of thought and technology forces us to understand more about it. It also happens in my stupid boss by Chaos@work. From this book, we know that Chaos@work wants to express her thought in a smart way. She uses a lot of terms in English. Inderectly, she has been adding more vocabularies to the readers. From this case, it is suggested to the students English literature to analyze code switching and code mixing happening in Indonesia. It is because code switching and code mixing that happen in Indonesia are varieties and shown in many aspects, and there are many languages in Indonesia which have their own phenomenons. So, by analyzing code switching and code mixing in different objects, hopefully the vocabularies of the readers can be added. In addition to that, code switching and code mixing are hoped to make the readers influenced in using other national and foreign languages in their coversations, and finally they will be able to speak more fluently by using mixing languages and apply it in their daily conversations.



Bloomfield, Leonard. 1993. Language. Chicago : Holt, Rinahart and Winston, Inc. Bungin, B.2005. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta

Chaer, A. and Leonie Agustina. 2004. Sociolinguistik Suatu Pengantar Edisi Revisi. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta

Chaos@work. 2009. My Stupid Boss. Yogyakarta : Gradien Mediatama

Holmes, Janet. 2001. An Introduction to sociolinguistics Third Edition. New York : Longman

Hudson, R. A. 1980. Sociolinguistics. Sidney : Cambridge University Press

Naibaho, Riris ramayana. 2007. An Analysis on Code Mixing in Radio Broadcasting Discourse. (Unpublished Thesis). Pematangsiantar : Fakultas Sastra UHN

Nawawi, Hadari. 1993. Metode Penelitian Bidang Sosial. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press

Tarigan, Eka Boy Pranata. 2005. Video Jockeys Code Switching and Code Mixing on Indonesian’s Music Television : A Sociolinguistic Study. (Unpublished Thesis). Medan : Faculty of Letters USU


Wardaugh, Ronald. 1998. An Introduction to sociolinguistic Third Edition. Massachusetts : Blackwell Publisher Inc


utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert a word, toh. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into inner code mixing, due to the insertion of the ethnic elements into national language. 5. “naah, kalo yang ini gw gak

begitu mudeng, tapi kira-kira istrinya mau datang ke malaysia bawa anaknya, tapi uang gak ada.” (p.63/ch.XXI)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that the pieces of javanese, mudeng, do not change the structure of the language. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert a word, mudeng. mudeng in this utterance means not understand . Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into inner code mixing, due to the insertion of the ethnic


elements into national language. 6. “kenapa? ya, iyalaah wong sehari

setelah dia pergi, semua orang didunia ini tau dia ke luar negeri.” (p.128/ch.XLVIII)

Thelander in Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) states that if in the single utterance the clauses and the phrases used are hybrid clause or hybrid phrases and each clause or phrase does not support the function of clause and phrase, it is called code mixing. And it can be seen that the pieces of Javanese, wong, do not change the structure of the language. Wong is a particle in Javanese. This utterance uses Indonesian language, but the conversant insert a word, wong. Based on Suwito in Chaer and Agustina (2004:114), this utterance is included into inner code mixing, due to the insertion of the ethnic elements into national language.

4.4 The Frequency of Code Switching and Code Mixing

There are 34 code switching and code mixing in my stupid boss by Chaos@work. Below are the number and the percentage of each type of code switching and code mixing in my stupid boss by Chaos@work.


No. Types of Code Switching and Code Mixing

Number of Cases Percentage

1. Extern Code Switching 8 18.18%

2. Intern Code Switching 1 2.27%

3. Outer Code Mixing 29 65.90%

4. Inner Code Mixing 6 13.63%

Total 44 99.98%



5.1 Conclusion

The book is not only used as reading material, but also gives a lot of information. The authors express their feelings or ideas through books. Sometimes, we also find code switching and code mixing used in the books. Code switching and code mixing make the book more interesting and attractive. The book of Chaos@work contains a number of code switching and code mixing. It is not easy to classify them into types, to understand it we have to know the author context.

After analyzing all the data in Chaos@work’s comedy book, the writer made some conclusions, as in the following:


1. There are 44 cases of code switching and code mixing. 8 cases of extern code switching, 1 case of intern code switching, 29 cases of outer code mixing, and 6 cases of inner code mixing.

2. Outer code mixing represents 65.90% of whole cases, followed by extern code switching 18.18%, inner code mixing 13.63%, and intern code switching 2.27%. 3. In a novel entitled My Stupid Boss by Chaos@work, code switching and code

mixing are used to show the style of daily converstion between a boss and his office workers.

5.2 Suggestion

Code switching and code mixing are interesting objects to study and to analyze. It is because the development of thought and technology forces us to understand more about it. It also happens in my stupid boss by Chaos@work. From this book, we know that Chaos@work wants to express her thought in a smart way. She uses a lot of terms in English. Inderectly, she has been adding more vocabularies to the readers. From this case, it is suggested to the students English literature to analyze code switching and code mixing happening in Indonesia. It is because code switching and code mixing that happen in Indonesia are varieties and shown in many aspects, and there are many languages in Indonesia which have their own phenomenons. So, by analyzing code switching and code mixing in different objects, hopefully the vocabularies of the readers can be added. In addition to that, code switching and code mixing are hoped to make the readers influenced in using other national and foreign languages in their coversations, and finally they will be able to speak more fluently by using mixing languages and apply it in their daily conversations.



Bloomfield, Leonard. 1993. Language. Chicago : Holt, Rinahart and Winston, Inc. Bungin, B.2005. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta

Chaer, A. and Leonie Agustina. 2004. Sociolinguistik Suatu Pengantar Edisi Revisi. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta

Chaos@work. 2009. My Stupid Boss. Yogyakarta : Gradien Mediatama

Holmes, Janet. 2001. An Introduction to sociolinguistics Third Edition. New York : Longman

Hudson, R. A. 1980. Sociolinguistics. Sidney : Cambridge University Press

Naibaho, Riris ramayana. 2007. An Analysis on Code Mixing in Radio Broadcasting Discourse. (Unpublished Thesis). Pematangsiantar : Fakultas Sastra UHN

Nawawi, Hadari. 1993. Metode Penelitian Bidang Sosial. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press

Tarigan, Eka Boy Pranata. 2005. Video Jockeys Code Switching and Code Mixing on Indonesian’s Music Television : A Sociolinguistic Study. (Unpublished Thesis). Medan : Faculty of Letters USU


Wardaugh, Ronald. 1998. An Introduction to sociolinguistic Third Edition. Massachusetts : Blackwell Publisher Inc