Definition Slang Form SLANG

3. Translation of paraphrase This strategy has the same concept with the paraphrase strategy at word level, but the difference lied on the way it translated. At the word level, paraphrase strategy translates a word in to unrelated words, but in this paraphrase at this level, the idiom was translated into related idiom. This strategy is the most common way of translating idiom Baker 1992:75. It possible for the translator find inaccurate paraphrase. Example: SL: “It was the first week after term ended” said Ron English TL: “terjadinya pada minggu pertama liburan kita 4. Translation by omission: ” kata Ron Bahasa Indonesia An idiom may sometimes be omitted altogether in the TT because it has no close match in the TL, its meaning cannot be easily paraphrased, or for stylistic reason.


2.4.1 Definition

There are many definitions of slang offered by many linguists. According to Microsoft Encarta 97 Encyclopedia slang can be described as informal, nonstandard words or phrases which tend to originate in subcultures within a society. Thorne 2007 defines that “slang is language deliberately selected for its striking informality and is consciously used in preference to ‘proper’ speech or, more rarely, writing.” It usually originates in small social groups. slang is expressions that do not belong to Universitas Sumatera Utara Standard English. For example: “what’s up?” is an example of term for asking about people or greeting a person. For some groups, slang is a private code connecting their particular values and behavior and reinforcing their exclusivity. Slang may escape from the original group and become more widely used, and although slang draws much of its effect from its novelty, some terms booze, punk, cool may stay in the language for many years Thorne, 2007. Slang consists of the words and expressions that have different from the cant, jargon and argot and to a lesser extent from dialectal, nonstandard, and taboo speech of specific subgroups of society so that they are known and used by some of the general population, even though the words and expressions often retain some associations with the subgroups that originally used and popularized them. Thus, slang is a middle ground for words and expressions that have become too popular to be any longer considered as part of the more restricted categories, but that are not yet and may never become acceptable or popular enough to be considered informal or standard.

2.4.2 Slang Form

1. Slang Word Slang words beside specific vocabulary are also formed by a variety of processes Matillo, 2003 they are the main ones: • Established words used in extended or special meanings: flash and juice in the previous paragraph, awesome = excellent, hooter = nose. • Words made by abbreviation or shortening: fab from fabulous, pro from professional, snafu = situation normal: all fouled up. Universitas Sumatera Utara • Rhyming slang: Adam and Eve = believe, butchers hook = look. • Loanwords from other languages: gazump, nosh, shemozzle from Yiddish, kaput from German, bimbo from Italian = little child. • Backslang, in which the spelling or sound of other words are reversed: yob from boy, slop from police. 2. Slang Phrase Slang phrases are characterized by some features in sound realization such as intonation, rhythm, stress underlined by purposely lax way of speaking, inaccurate or omitted pronunciation of some sounds or even group of sounds. The words are usually produced in a shortened, easier and more relax way Matillo, 2003. The processes described below: • Words formed by compounding: airhead = stupid person, couch potato = person who lazes around watching television, snail mail = ordinary mail as opposed to email. • Merging of two words: portmanteau words such as ditsy = dotty + dizzy, ginormous = gigantic + enormous. • Reduplications and fanciful formations: heebie-jeebies, okey-doke. Words based on phrases or idioms: bad-mouth = to abuse, feel-good as in feel- good factor, in-your-face = aggressive, drop-dead = extremely beautiful etc., must-have = essential, one-night stand = brief sexual encounter. • Slang phrases also use inaccurate pronoucation; What´m I going t´do now? Ahm over here. Consonant gemination: innit? isn´t it?, wunnit wasn´t it? Universitas Sumatera Utara The Use of Slang Slang is used for many purposes. But there are six main purposes why people used it in their spoken activity Eriksen, 2010, they are: • Establish group relations and identity • Separate one group of people from another • Rebel against standard language through the use of words and expressions that are not defined in standard language • Lead a conversation towards informality • Suggest ‘insider-knowledge’ with the people to whom you are speaking • Show the speaker’s attitude through the use of words and expressions that differ from standard language Universitas Sumatera Utara


3.1 Research Method

In writing the thesis, the research method of doing the analysis is library research by consulting some books and dictionaries to collect the theories. The writer used the method to find out some theories and relevant information that support the ideas stated in this analysis. In this case, books, novels, dictionaries that dealing with translation, equivalence, and slang were used as references. Some information is also found form the website to support or complete the collected theories.

3.2 Sources of Data

The main source of the data was a novel entitled “Akeelah and the Bee” written by James W. Ellison which is published by NewMarket Press in the year 2006 as the source text and its translation in Bahasa Indonesia “Akeelah” translated by Sapardi Djoko Damono which is published by Yayasan Obor Indonesia in Jakarta in the year 2007 as the target text.

3.3 Data collection Procedures

In collecting the data, the writer observed the English novel and its translation into Indonesian and documented them as the data. Along with the English text, the Indonesian translation text was also observed in order to compare it with the source text. There are some steps in collecting the data, those are: 1 Reading the novel in English as the source text ST and its translation into Bahasa Indonesia as the target text TT. Universitas Sumatera Utara